commit c8b41270c8f3db71bcf00ce6d628ed62c1c50bef from: jrmu date: Sat Dec 07 08:00:56 2024 UTC Daily backup commit - 08b1b68cc66b7484ced302c5101763e4c66e0e55 commit + c8b41270c8f3db71bcf00ce6d628ed62c1c50bef blob - f1496740cdb731ffb41d89350a54c372303f0cce blob + 7c50338417c7f9a51769152f9a464c3184858ef2 --- wiki.d/.pageindex +++ wiki.d/.pageindex @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +Main.RecentChanges:1733519896: : recentchanges wikisandbox december homepage february august ircnow terms shell 06t00 2020 july main jrmu 2024 2022 54z mkf 31 by at 21 07 38 am 12 36 pm 03 11 05 01 13 35 +Usermod.RecentChanges:1733497976: : recentchanges usermod usage 06t06 2024 jrmu 39z 12 52 by Usermod.Usage:1733467959: : inadvertently recommended processes existing problems continue groupdel unfreeze accounts moreover cronjobs running warning execute usermod careful deluser deleted access causes watch might files could still after usage leave with them will that need same this gid and you new old all but two uid for get may out to if be Adminforces.Training:1733467808: Openbsd.Intro Doas.Configure Syspatch.Syspatch FwUpdate.Usage Openbsd.Pkg Ircnow.Howtoask Lists.Ircnow Freedom.Fork Chroot.Intro Openhttpd.Configure Telnet.Http Netcat.Http Tls.Intro Tls.San Acme-client.Configure Openhttpd.Tls Openssl.Http Openhttpd.Website Openhttpd.Perl Dns.Overview Unwind.Configure Unbound.Configure Unbound.Dnssec- Dig.Usage Host.Usage Hostname.Usage Hosts.Configure Freedom.Selfadmin Netcat.Irc Netcat.Usage Netcat.Daemon Openbsd.Rcctl Openbsd.Ed Tar.Usage Ksh.Editor Ksh.History Crontab.Edit Openbsd.Adduser Group.Usage Usermod.Usage Openbsd.Localtime Dd.Iso Ln.Intro Openbsd.Fstab Dmesg.Usage Openbsd.Hier Top.Usage Ps.Usage Renice.Usage Fstat.Usage Fuser.Usage Kill.Usage Openbsd.Panic Openbsd.Loginconf Openbsd.Sysctl Swapctl.Usage Openbsd.Outofmemory Atactl.Usage Acct.Accton Openbsd.Vipw Freedom.Firstamendment Ircnow.Dogfood Freedom.Software Relayd.Acceleration Relayd.TLSMulti Openhttpd.Hosting Openbsd.Httpopenproxy Freedom.Religion Tcpip.Overview IPv4.Overview IPv6.Overview Tcpip.Sockets Ip.Netmask Tcpip.Ports IP.Myaddress Tcpbench.Usage Openbsd.Ping Traceroute.Usage Openbsd.Dig Adminforces.Ifconfig Ifconfig.Change Hostnameif.Static Hostnameif.Autoconf Ifstated.Configure Arp.Usage Ndp.Usage Arp.Spoofing Ip.Spoofing Resolv.Conf Resolvd.Usage Route.Usage Route.Hostnameif Netstat.Usage Route.Sourceaddr Ifconfig.Hostap Hostapd.Configure Freedom.Openforeveryone Pf.Configure Pf.Guide Pf.Nat Pf.Whitelisting Pf.Debugging Pf.Rdr-to Pf.TrafficShaping Pf.Pflog Pf.Authpf Pf.Testing Pf.Nat64 Pf.Ftp-proxy Pf.Dmz Openbsd.Ddos Openbsd.Tcpdump Openbsd.SSDP Openbsd.ACKFlood Openbsd.RSTFlood Openbsd.UDPFlood Openbsd.Amplification Openbsd.PFStable Openbsd.PFTesting Openbsd.Pf Pfctl.Usage Ifconfig.Wifi Ifconfig.Wifitoethernet Ifconfig.Bridge Ifconfig.Vlan Ifconfig.Veb Ifconfig.Vether Ifconfig.Carp Ifconfig.Gre Ifconfig.Mgre Ifconfig.Egre Ifconfig.Eoip Ifconfig.Etherip Ifconfig.Vxlan Ifconfig.Mpe Ifconfig.Mpip Ifconfig.Mpw Ifconfig.Bpe Ifconfig.Pppoe Ifconfig.Sppp Ifconfig.Tpmr Ifconfig.Trunk Ifconfig.Aggr Ifconfig.Urndis Ifconfig.Pflow Ifconfig.Pfsync Gre.6in4vmm Gre.6in4 Gre.4in6 Ifconfig.Wg Ifconfig.Tap Ifconfig.Tun Netizen.Become Netizen.Rights Dns.Records Dns.Registrars Dns.FQDN Nsd.Configure Dns.Zonefile Nsd.Zone Nsd.Masterslave Nsd.Troubleshoot DNS.RDNS DNS.Ipv4rDNS DNS.Ipv6rDNS Freedom.Unix Dns.Vhost Identd.Configure Freedom.Federation Opensmtpd.Maildir DNS.Mail DNS.SPF DNS.DKIM DNS.DMARC Netcat.SMTP Opensmtpd.Test Opensmtpd.Inbox Opensmtpd.Openrelay Smtp.Usage Spamd.Configure Opensmtpd.Aliases Snmpd.Configure Snmp.Configure Sensorsd.Configure Ldapd.Configure Servers.Rights Minutemin.Code Minutemin.Duty Cvsweb.Restore Got.Usage Got.Repo Got.Server Got.Mirror Gotweb.Install Minutemin.Server Openbsd.Dump Openrsync.Usage Openbsd.Fdisk Openbsd.Disklabel Disklabel.Partitioning Newfs.Usage Mount.Usage Openbsd.Newdisk Mfs.Usage Ffs.Intro Fsck.Usage Openbsd.Quota Openbsd.Growfs ScanFfs.Usage Softraid.Install Softraid.Rebuild Exports.Configure Nfsd.Configure MountNfs.Usage Mountd.Configure Ftpd.Configure Tftpd.Configure Sed.Usage Awk.Usage Roff.Usage Ksh.Intro Perl101.Perl101 Vmm.Intro Vmctl.Usage Cu.Usage Vmctl.Newdisk Vmctl.Reinstall Vmm.Install Openbsd.Install Openbsd.Upgrade Openbsd.Sysupgrade Vmm.Sysupgrade Sysmerge.Usage Openbsd.Bsdrd Openbsd.Singleuser OpenBSD.ResetPassword Openbsd.Autoinstall Vmm.Configure Hosting.Providers Dhcpd.Configure Rad.Configure Slaacd.Configure Openbsd.Diskless Rc.Conf Syslogd.Configure Syslogd.Remote Newsyslog.Configure Sendbug.Usage Openbsd.Mail Freedom.Independence Ircnow.Constitution Freedom.Union Freedom.Privacy Freedom.Homestead Freedom.Madeonirc Freedom.Startupdream Freedom.Dueprocess Freedom.Checks Freedom.Rulebylaw Openbsd.Ports Pkgadd.CheckUpdates- Ntpd.Configure Abuse.Intro Team.Security Password.Management Openssl.Encryptfile Signify.Verify Shell.Limits Openbsd.FilePermissions Pledge.Intro Unveil.Intro Openbsd.Setuid Security.Usage Vlan.Configure Pair.Configure Veb.Configure Bridge.Configure Nat.Configure Route.Static Ripd.Configure Route6d.Configure Ospfd.Configure Bgpd.Configure Dvmrpd.Configure Mrouted.Configure Npppd.Configure Dhcpleased.Configure Iked.Sitetosite Iked.Sitetositevmm Iked.Roadwarrior Iked.Roadwarriorvmm Vpn.Vpn Vpn.Myipaddress Iked.Binat Sshd.Configure Ssh.Fingerprints Ssh.Agent OpenSSH.Connect OpenSSH.Keygen Openbsd.Sshkeys Openbsd.Sshbackdoor Sftp.Chroot Sshd.Chroot Openrsync.Chroot Openbsd.Books Unix.Reading Team.Welcome Team.Testing Team.Announce : responsibilities filepermissions troubleshooting openforeveryone wifitoethernet roadwarriorvmm firstamendment administration advertisements trafficshaping amplification resetpassword miscellaneous automatically configuration httpopenproxy sitetositevmm announcements investigation fingerprints partitioning introduction independence constitution startupdream checkupdates applications whitelisting acceleration packetfilter myipaddress alternative masterslave description autoinstall adminforces sshbackdoor encryptfile outofmemory synchronize declaration simpletable filesystems configuring recommended consistency information unattended networking registrars management installing federation nameserver operations validating restricted singleuser sysupgrade resolution blacklists sourceaddr dhcpleased hostnameif traceroute dueprocess throughput techniques dogfooding understand processing rebuilding partitions hypervisor wireguard configure openhttpd selfadmin processes discovery opensmtpd loginconf interface newsyslog openrsync reinstall debugging myaddress localtime criminals modifying providers webserver disklabel hierarchy passwords openrelay questions construct minutemin religious multicast rulebylaw jumpstart madeonirc addresses homestead procedure benchmark scripting fw_update pftesting mount_nfs security firewall ifconfig tcpbench rulesets netmasks phishing sensorsd pfstable sysmerge rstflood software softraid multiple terminal ackflood religion overview udpflood stopping protocol emulator zonefile spoofing balances wireless neighbor scan_ffs binaries ipv4rdns resource changing rotation diskless ifstated insecure ipv6rdns autoconf training database fwupdate addusers syspatch services howtoask downtime symbolic tlsmulti webpages sortable accounts mountnfs commands archives securely resolver firmware packages generate servers freedom records openbsd hosting unbound restore 6in4vmm aliases netizen caching maildir mailing control tcpdump sendbug logging privacy netstat default hostapd etherip syslogd acquire clients virtual scanffs openssl signify route6d newdisk backups reverse deleted recover chroots inboxed sshkeys getting reading welcome sending openssh version mrouted execute connect history ramdisk domains request subject exports website storage machine perl101 classes setting dealing resolvd signals routing swapctl crontab usermod message monitor emulate bouncer sockets proxies closing liberty further channel updated pkg_add editing against defense attacks packets prevent display access gotweb mirror reward unveil slaacd accton cvsweb lesson become civics extend verify rights limits pledge editor dvmrpd setuid bridge static router identd behind keygen sysctl united renice checks recite atactl authpf netcat choose ircnow pkgadd dnssec serial mountd daemon relayd growfs telnet inside report bootup unwind create urndis pfsync remote quotas vether change repair speech vhosts defend basics custom lookup sample border groups tunnel origin pseudo device buffer status kernel panics letter folder points detect routes usage offer topic using dmesg paths pflow ospfd dhcpd fuser audit about rcctl after bsdrd guide parts pppoe abuse ipsec shell learn binat avoid union agent tcpip nat64 pflog title npppd trunk books vxlan error space pfctl leaks press setup newfs ethic fdisk vmctl tftpd spamd dmarc email snmpd based ldapd block width clone honor links types write image fork your 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improving following different excellent services profiles security networks phreedom multiple hardware sortable location hostname governor combined splinter download bootcamp monsieur bouncers messages provides internet homepage whenever examples soda_man hosting cloud9p account covered support openbsd offline thelion agroena freedom freeirc servers reading working receive baytuch hotspot reasons storage parties ensures tomglok request channel naglfar bridges forero attach sylv1a ircnow border moocow yiming access tcache export guides topics create useful source al1r4d client cloaks others relays https class vpses about goals izzyb 16667 texas width yonle 16697 while helps pages since hides sites email users total third rsync later learn bible title rpblc barth ports vegas roost maxxe allen miami pyr3x also chat such bots your logo this wifi with will save york once lets from news imap more join ircs that here team each jrmu main give smtp want sftp sell data siva type wiki list full 6660 6670 72px add scp usa gry and org pop tls get ops png bio not can 1gb svg git who its one mkf 100 cvs how aim any gif pra vpn by we @@ -506,7 +508,6 @@ Netcat.SMTP:1726703033: Netcat.Usage : destination dis Opensmtpd.Configure:1726636271: Dns.Overview Nsd.Configure DNS.Mail Acme-client.Configure Opensmtpd.Openrelay Dovecot.Install DNS.DKIM Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot : h5itbhzs73t4jshaj9yx6tf63yrataqugbxocx67wyekhch4zqiod6lkh configuration_manual userdb_quota_rule a8d16cd2144222fa 83bd6b3b1669649f misconfiguration troubleshooting authentication authenticated automatically inconsistent check_fcrdns alphanumeric mtaproxy511 information credentials temporarily permissions configuring optionally check_rdns connection encryption characters abnormally california interfaces translated postmaster submission reputation addresses including available configure separated opensmtpd authcheck important whitelist receiving _dkimsign usernames explained temporary connected following mtaproxy1 sunnyvale mtaproxy2 disabling assurance firewalls specifies passwords confirmed ownership otherwise forwarded recipient listeners openrelay exploited fullchain plaintext supported identical yahoodns protocol messages contains matching possible filtered outbound sections s_client starttls virtuals properly response enabling outgoing provider directly transfer variable replaced hostname multiple mailname 00000003 requires receives programs received security complete checking required indicate gigabyte increase loopback selector generate fallback _dovecot prompted starting hundreds ifconfig digicert packages overview delivery poolporg tempfail senders example smtpctl warning domains include storage defines signing because readmes specify logging private special openbsd happens running spammer express labeled records openssl allowed default request reverse already without aliases earlier defined account blocked install related managed entries filters finally dropped instead sending network version nologin pkg_add folders maildir passing useradd maillog relayed working trusted limited nothing servers further suppose written packets similar actions returns showing timeout offline symptom mistake dealing before adding second passwd except create headed decide socket actual checks should please handed handle author forced marked emails github tables blocks source macros single victim result entire letter egress length ircnow issues unable trying errors script exited signed finish having strict inside _smtpd delete listed public verify choose extras intend answer header linked reason gssapi using local setup being route files depth state delay 16h2s reply times queue spool hosts first point third guide rcctl https chmod colon vmail users admin field tells lines these esmtp smtps often daily which known store might rules child group mtree least those evpid phase about fruit enter chown 39035 avoid offer basic shows whose entry pairs value ports apply share valid pages begin 2001 test imap them this ipv6 used mta5 pop3 good ipv4 goes into junk that will flag anti mask your note free also real want high each root must else sent hang lmtp sbin many pony proc make next sha2 need have keys sure from exec plus part oath much more last sets data they here safe only disk doas find path stop keep same mta6 does both when mta7 type ctrl quit like easy case hash lost some book base been vio0 rcpt done unix acme what bind says s843 mean can 204 195 192 too jan 168 see fix bf1 vip due but 650 451 may get nsd pki www doc src am0 250 usr 587 etc crt 15s way 465 104 395 228 106 gq1 220 db8 ne1 lo0 vps pem new rwx 770 440 via 29 2b mx 1g 33 55 47 17 Nsd.Configure:1726635635: Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd Openbsd.Tcpip IPv4.Overview IPv6.Overview Openbsd.Dns Dns.Records Openbsd.Dnszones Openbsd.Sockets IP.Myaddress Openbsd.Ifconfig Openbsd.Hostnameif0 Openbsd.Buyvm Openbsd.Vmminstall Nsd.Masterslave Openbsd.Domains Openbsd.Host Openbsd.Dig Openbsd.FQDN : troubleshooting understanding delphinusdnsd configuration authoritative disadvantages introduction installation configuring explanation hostnameif0 masterslave yyyymmddnn registered vmminstall nameserver addressing networking configured foreground 2021020301 substitute checkconf checkzone confirmed encounter authority verbosity elsewhere uncomment transfers subdomain necessary interface myaddress specified standards interpret difficult correctly addresses sections provided database username zonefile resource warnings normally dnszones delegate specific internet requires sysadmin ifconfig overview compared whenever openbsd defined records example control getting servers binding sockets specify results helpful refresh minimum service assumes aliases simpler audited invalid outside further version domains disable refuses quickly perhaps through message deleted logfile suppose origin enable should notify expire serial guides please remote system syntax always return finish output points proper before 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formerly verifier 66f4c965 36700160 8bitmime delivery multirbl sendmail example charset openbsd version charlie content foxtrot subject pleased message checkmx toolbox address ircnow server inside tester itself port25 inline enter ascii hello alpha bravo esmtp delta https plain tools works dnswl valli size quit meet data rcpt ehlo with from help auth echo that text type 221 www com 250 bye org 354 220 you ok tv -Main.RecentChanges:1726172114: : recentchanges ancientwisdom wikisandbox december homepage february august ircnow terms 10t15 shell 2020 jrmu main july 2024 2022 mkf 30z 21 by 31 07 at 38 am 09 36 pm 13 12 03 11 05 01 35 SiteAdmin.RecentChanges:1726172114: : recentchanges siteadmin authuser 08t16 2024 jrmu 32z 09 39 by Donations.RecentChanges:1726172114: : recentchanges donations 28t16 2024 jrmu 16z 05 38 by Ngircd.Ssl:1726172114: Acme-client.Configure Crontab.Edit Pf.Guide : troubleshooting uncommented connections certificate automation encouraged additional configure reloading necessary establish providing following otherwise openhttpd encrypted dhparams examples optional blocking automate hostname certfile rulesets properly firewall incoming downtime request putting _ngircd restart cronjob because renewed keyfile openssl seconds private replace copying expires process crontab renewal server client longer actual random expect before listen enable signed dhfile unable bottom daemon reread signal allows result simply highly ensure check pkill needs order certs chown 16697 would using which sleep visit after users title 16667 quick guide lines files above ports proto pfctl exist first begin pass make this into note doas with will that your 6660 9999 6669 edit acme must have once then 7000 days 6997 send were 2048 wait does want each see crt etc can log var may hup 300 tcp tls two are pem out let its by 90 of blob - /dev/null blob + 229fc0682fd8e1a9c444978a0748ed2859c64f05 (mode 644) --- /dev/null +++ wiki.d/Usermod.RecentChanges @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 +agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20230121 +charset=UTF-8 +ctime=1733467959 +host= +name=Usermod.RecentChanges +rev=1 +text=* [[Usermod/Usage]] . . . @2024-12-06T06:52:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a +time=1733467959 blob - /dev/null blob + 7dcdac4fd5ecad76191f856a2ef1c0969e220428 (mode 644) --- /dev/null +++ wiki.d/Usermod.Usage @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 +agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20230121 +author=jrmu +charset=UTF-8 +csum= +ctime=1733467959 +host= +name=Usermod.Usage +rev=1 +targets= +text='''WARNING''': Be careful with deluser / groupdel! If you use deluser / groupdel, it will delete the user account but leave all existing processes and files running with the same UID and GID.%0a%0aThis causes two problems:%0a%0a# Existing user processes continue to run%0a# A new user could inadvertently get access to all the old user's files and processes%0a%0aMoreover, you may need to watch out for user cronjobs that might still execute after an account is deleted.%0a%0aIt's recommended to use usermod -Z to freeze accounts, and -U to unfreeze them.%0a +time=1733467959 +author:1733467959=jrmu +diff:1733467959:1733467959:=1,10d0%0a%3c '''WARNING''': Be careful with deluser / groupdel! If you use deluser / groupdel, it will delete the user account but leave all existing processes and files running with the same UID and GID.%0a%3c %0a%3c This causes two problems:%0a%3c %0a%3c # Existing user processes continue to run%0a%3c # A new user could inadvertently get access to all the old user's files and processes%0a%3c %0a%3c Moreover, you may need to watch out for user cronjobs that might still execute after an account is deleted.%0a%3c %0a%3c It's recommended to use usermod -Z to freeze accounts, and -U to unfreeze them.%0a +host:1733467959=