Commit Diff

commit - c0b8f4b31fb5ed7d9f2a334740a0e30fb2a93cf7
commit + 5bf77aa5ee6df807ad985250bd8c4d942a56dc44
blob - f88ba8e00a7aeb78135829142aa43bd05bcb75a0
blob + d15855fd97d9d9303a0a03c3a1b6dfff8e49a999
--- wiki.d/.pageindex
+++ wiki.d/.pageindex
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Unbound.RecentChanges:1643294993:  : recentchanges configure unbound naglfar january pages 2022 add url man at 09 19 pm 14 to by
+Hostnameif.RecentChanges:1643294993:  : recentchanges hostnameif grammar mistake january static forero minor 2022 fix 26 01 09 by
+Gpg.RecentChanges:1643294993:  : recentchanges description naglfar january verify 2022 gpg add 08 at 09 48 pm by
 Acme-client.Configure:1643202311: Openhttpd.Configure Dns.Overview Host.Usage Netcat.Http Nsd.Troubleshoot Telnet.Http Crontab.Edit Openssl.Http : uwhzmqhx6nepcv25levodmaeymb1gutfvtyktvzkjgs 03f7fd846802cb0689c2bbd7b6f5e89eb66b troubleshooting configurations misconfigured certificates letsencrypt configuring accordingly alternative functioning authorities 11133258838 environment directories permissions simpletable blacklisted information requesting 8112730231 forgetting commenting connection management automation recognized appearance encryption dochngreq challenge otherwise encounter authority important 113861127 currently recommend directive directory generated following beginning something listening vegetable openhttpd transport addresses automatic replacing incorrect provider official properly products browsers template rejected requests response nxdomain finished possible automate mistakes computer obtained security includes complain clicking provides username overview training provided solution hostname location deleting reliable visiting monopoly although remember accessed examples sortable finalize tutorial practice purposes wherever buypass privkey forward replace private contact openssl renewed account testing staging crontab domains cronjob working defines openbsd default process unknown missing records command exactly created several coconut changed success similar running subject another already content putting nothing warning keeping failure invalid special message defined meaning zerossl measure trusted article sockets enables analyze padlock website started safely ircnow rather limits client chance errors should inside having higher before number secure please server telnet blocks mailto common cannot unable either public status folder output delete netcat remove exists likely causes reason strict modern daemon double result expire issues reload border censor bottom signed length random https match certs again width layer might class using these first token names below which title tells drwxr fruit guide authz avoid there fails wheel email chain check rcctl under after while added close needs usage would wants hours above speak every index short found test4 wrong versa point this acme doas file edit will time last your copy once each note with _ui3 then have also must does else type line vice that ipv6 such only what ipv4 most from html icon date 2021 text than more free well says stop jrmu been path 3272 root 4797 both 1946 real 2606 2800 1893 25c8 days back full make case goes next look skip fake many same docs less www dns crt are fix var nsd won url has 220 248 184 ips 216 see too one two but don set few 486 api v02 180 tls 512 oct pem try 100 tue feb gmt bar 443 aka was san 172 bak vps 07 90 34 v3 up mv by cp 65 01 14
 Crontab.Edit:1643182831:  : environmental undefined whatever variable crontab default program replace visual editor export actual stored change type want both your will with the are use by if
 Crontab.RecentChanges:1643182831:  : recentchanges crontab january edit 2022 mkf 23 at 05 46 pm by
@@ -522,7 +525,6 @@ Almanack.Rewrite:1635719449: Almanack.Almanack CodeFor
 Debian.Debian:1635683674: Debian.Debian Debian.Nginx Debian.Nginxphpfpm : distributions documentation constitution organization introduction foundational financially development distributed established continually sponsorship coordinated nginxphpfpm ˈdɛbiən guidelines principles supporting volunteers nonprofit sponsored operating according documents developed september computers wikipedia candidate community supported released software internet personal founding contract november composed continue interest popular edition project servers install notably systems further updated version murdock because leader debian kernel source formed guided social public action freely freeze openly ubuntu stable oldest branch august first ended since based which short linux setup known after three other basis june many 1994 over 1996 this 1993 also most when 1995 from been time next feed team rss gnu was one its has new by to 01 16 17 15 8
 Openbsd.Adduser:1635589778:  : encryption questions passwords partition username warnings fullname dotfiles mistakes blowfish creating message default nologin welcome disable unbound adduser uration another goodbye openbsd reading prompt invite authpf daemon couldn pbuild method chance groups config logins shells option xenodm master passwd silent input later enter check there rrect about staff added class worry guest 1001 jrmu will home skel from bgpd copy into want send your path auto find doas znc ksh for bin 999 etc don uid csh new any all see let gid ok if be
 Gnus.RecentChanges:1635588647:  : recentchanges hydragyrum connect october gnus 2021 30 at 01 32 am by
-Gpg.RecentChanges:1635588647:  : recentchanges october verify 2021 jrmu gpg 30 at 46 am by
 Donations.Donations:1635586766: Freedom.Freedom Freedom.Software Ircnow.Victorycores : hosted_button_id bananaircnoworg bn63pn32y3ffj xjbh9xmxgnskg documentation victorycores oddprotocol simpletable cryptocoin thunderirc developing ircforever donations teammates nastycode standards providing liberapay lecturify essential community released software produced training services internet improved sortable building grateful hardware freedom working content protect welcome towards support patreon serving control paypal donate modify border freely online anyone https learn title users grape would class share staff width teams copy very with will like also that help they link open unix can our 100 you new all www by is go
 Ircnow.Victorycpus:1635581866:  : victorycpus attach ircnow
 Ircnow.Team:1635560736: Ircnow.Goals Ircnow.Pioneer Ircnow.Opsofliberty Ircnow.Minutemin Ircnow.Codeforce Ircnow.Sheriff Ircnow.Ally Ircnow.Settler Ircnow.Explorer Ircnow.Ranger Ircnow.Roadmap Ircnow.Finances : administration opsofliberty simpletable innovation volunteer minutemin codeforce positions marketing criminals different sortable finances software progress explorer document sysadmin unclesam security cutting settler pioneer roadmap sheriff network improve ircnow report ranger border attach rfloat track goals title users width apply class 500px about 200px write need your want ally host help more self team edge have join not and png own but the see to we my 1
@@ -775,7 +777,6 @@ Linux.RecentChanges:1632736037:  : recentchanges linux
 Bsd.RecentChanges:1632736037:  : recentchanges march labor jrmu 2021 hope bsd am by 12 06 at 14 11 05 pm 15
 Vhost.Freedns:1632736037:  : likegrapefruit configuration chickenkiller personalised destination lovelyred subdomain verifying completed bgcolor support through clicked example address section contact captcha freedns account ircnow chance marked change create attach yellow center please server inform define afraid public picked bellow hosted system online cannot vhost image which after admin found valid black steps visit https email there names doing side will grab need with your fill plum ipv6 2001 easy page link just send open list that them take user save huge find ivp6 3402 type note mind tons rest want this site aaaa keep have and 130 all get org are png got has one its 550 any bnc but put few of my 8 7
 Ifconfig.RecentChanges:1632736037:  : recentchanges ifconfig march 2021 jrmu at 11 15 am by
-Unbound.RecentChanges:1632736037:  : recentchanges configure september unbound 2021 jrmu 24 at 01 31 pm by
 IPv4.RecentChanges:1632736037:  : recentchanges overview ipv4 june 2021 jrmu 10 at 13 am by
 Jrmu.Rmsboycott:1632736037:  : representatives reconciliation libertyordeath organizations disagreement archenemies foundation occupation implements submission monopolies signatures rmsboycott dissenters opposition marketing corporate community threatens liberties francisco tolerance licenses preserve attacked blockade software boycotts question stallman almighty features clanking dissents painful digital prepare silicon slavery tyrants nothing methods against freedom hostile retreat richard chains source forged course infamy resort rights attach gained forbid intend valley starve letter always enough resist stands repeat rfloat appeal cancel others github truth meant claim whole price worst sweet these money their there which heard title mercy marks https strip width march 400px they show must this dear live take look code user them will mobs same tech wish 2021 that have been give what uses open eyes less long into know jrmu than love from left work shut any was may but san god day see you say jpg ban big 23 by if
 Jrmu.Libertyordeath:1632736037:  : representatives libertyordeath reconciliation organizations disagreement archenemies dissenters monopolies submission signatures implements occupation opposition foundation community marketing threatens francisco liberties tolerance corporate blockade attacked boycotts preserve software question dissents licenses stallman clanking almighty features painful nothing silicon tyrants digital prepare methods freedom slavery against hostile retreat richard chains source forged course infamy resort rights attach gained forbid intend valley starve letter always enough resist stands repeat rfloat appeal cancel others github truth meant claim whole price worst sweet these money their there which heard title mercy marks https strip width march 400px they show must this dear live take look code user them will mobs same tech wish 2021 that have been give what uses open eyes less long into know jrmu than love from left work shut any was rms may but san god day see you say jpg ban big 23 by if
@@ -1176,7 +1177,6 @@ Openbsd.Openrsync:1626616918:  : filesystem everything
 Paster.Install:1626446750:  : instructions malikania alternate mercurial makefile releases include install pkg_add paster local clone doas http unxz kcgi tar the xvf ftp usr cd hg fr 0 2 1
 Openbsd.Znc:1626432193: Openbsd.Syspatch Oidentd.Znc Openbsd.Relayd Openbsd.Nsd Openbsd.Buyvm : mysuperadminpassqwerty protectwebsessions passwordsgenerator authonlyviamodule configwritedelay troubleshooting libboost_thread libboost_system libboost_chrono libboost_locale daemon_pidfile ssldhparamfile serverthrottle misconfigured maxbuffersize deliberately dependencies controlpanel project_name service_name service_user service_stop connectdelay installation instructions acceleration alphanumeric disconnected hideversion anoniplimit checker_znc immediately certificate request_uri sslcertfile service_pid descriptors directories integration loadmodule libicudata sslkeyfile absolutely mistakenly libpthread setnetwork connection libicui18n nameserver delnetwork frequently completely individual chronology afterwards addnetwork saveconfig characters listener2 addresses necessary unlimited plaintext reconnect threading different uriprefix identfile pkgconfig listener3 listener4 listener5 lockedmem supported libraries libcrypto something following available fullchain obsoleted responses verifying listeners operating openfiles rc_reload addserver processes listener1 challenge automatic listener0 http_host otherwise chansaver stacksize syspatch location buildmod s_client libicuuc nickserv bindhost webpanel username separate confused requests redirect instance flexible nxdomain certauth webadmin adminlog lastseen warnings hostname upgraded encoding allowirc settings creating checking makeconf releases allowweb symbolic software standard networks coredump generate 12345678 fullname cap_mkdb prevents yourself properly whatever identify 33554432 entities deleting infinity mismatch formerly solution channels filtered continue internet provider services already maxproc changes openbsd configs bouncer missing deluser logging getting urandom library perform example records include addchan libexec command exactly privmsg earlier enabled writing modules oidentd adduser _identd usermod running pkg_add options suppose compile restart nologin specify default private openssl patched account generic seconds working certain keeping minutes crontab console replace changed belongs happens assumes scripts nofiles without disable letters numbers between derived symbols contain global create locate unable update method better ircnow reboot export chroot rc_cmd return single unique botnow likely allows causes suffix socket resolv libssl online saving rehash status logged folder relayd ignore custom please errors vhosts delete adding either reason glines tested setups lookup should ensure easier cannot before shared inside groups 985092 blocks subnet kbytes 329478 memory ulimit spaces stable needed touch chmod proto fails quick where blame which cheap chown these ports shell using party added still users crash mkdir rcctl quote below mknod https first types click steps 65534 32768 31337 their pgrep icu4c httpd false there later cmake 10000 hints state apply known strip pfctl ahead again fruit every amd64 wrong uname while could begin wheel wants parse class right leave offer buyvm debug gmake looks vasya each xvzf doas that ipv4 ipv6 have man1 into will 1001 rdns aaaa from then home sbin 6400 such curl must this zone true when fall back been same link 1338 note site edit ddos find free kill case done esac most 2020 vipw subr 399c feel 6184 good faa1 32a2 6401 2703 6697 dae2 loss time 1310 help 4096 6667 2605 acme well bans ircd typo more just none null tabs disk 8182 once inet copy libz 3000 libm rule fact both 1025 2048 made bugs mode 2001 zero etc cxx usr abi nsd org var 644 was pem but gdb any did may due way 3rd bnc bit src tcp 127 tls yes 168 db8 192 few bob uid env ksh rpe 0p0 put new cpu gid 48m 302 pc rx gz mt 46 11 80 _g 07 21 mv
 Freedom.Bearcode:1626255760:  : emancipation proclaimed domination marketing oppressed remember endeavor standard ethernet bearcode freedom replace forever gateway peoples without hackers hurrah beacon symbol banner attach rfloat mighty unplug width 300px clear their snake cable pings right tread opers shell typed share dream when beep motd they that fray both hope new let day our who all don may its now jpg own lan to by of as
-Hostnameif.RecentChanges:1626113421:  : recentchanges hostnameif static july 2021 jrmu 12 05 51 pm by
 Openbsd.Staticnet:1626112120: Openbsd.Ping Openbsd.Netcat Openbsd.Traceroute : unpredictable automatically abbreviation disconnected connections abbreviated configuring immediately definitely networking hostnameif unfiltered traceroute attempting installing something preferred addresses interface important configure following staticnet rebooting netstart ifconfig manually actually assigned specific mistakes practice separate prepared requires provided replaced followed properly redirect reliable computer default gateway letters without because however aliased running creates warning figures another restart openbsd packets forward worried similar example account bouncer specify virtio manner device subnet second normal server should change inside dozens unique making delete before netcat please number router mygate first allow title inet6 makes lines exact those where masks sense reset flush using doesn share shell below being users steps about stops chose 0db8 will 2001 ipv6 0000 vio0 9b1d need 3511 have this just 387e time each 143a file sets ddos your ipv4 same them both done look that doas when deal dhcp note they ping sure test most real from also down case more 921d 28ad 4729 8d93 89d1 were 2b1a 66ff 1465 fed1 8daf 5b99 11b4 4a36 2941 d6bd ad2c and if0 255 isp 168 get 192 vnc new can its ssh fly see any of 48 by
 Openbsd.Mlmmj:1625737372:  : identification modifications documentation periodically accomplished installation suggestions information directories maintenance themselves individual newaliases explicitly following different installed suggested localhost recipient delimiter subscribe modifying directory required handling commands probably seperate normally instance separate requests properly software opensmtp tweaking specific redirect external official slightly manually although smoothly forward default mailing meaning headers someone running initial bangcat located process virtual openbsd however working crontab restart needing without receive present program handled special already covered package pkg_add nothing readme orange should locals action _smtpd covers maintd _smptd emails server mostly enough having simply update ircnow mailto stated actual better things people create needed adding syntax system still other there mlmmj owner spool above entry refer needs which added setup looks lists cases users https files table shows weird found error tools hosts shell order under chown doas that test used will send ways from done this core only very docs make your task when like then keep well edit back fine tune sign have page name must home conf mbox line each logs into wiki more want once says sure what etc few org 127 var can get but bin usr by 0
 Openbsd.Eggdrop:1625196047: Openbsd.Tcltls : 79644eb27a5568934422fa194ce3ec21cfb9a71f02069d39813e85d99cdebf9e e01c240484de7dbe190fe141e7667de1d1a39aff allrecentchanges “ownernick” troubleshooting protecthalfops protectfriends dynamicinvites dynamicexempts configuration passwordifany demonstrated shareunlinks checkmodule enforcebans channelname dynamicbans servernames userinvites dontkickops cmd_resolve stopnethack sanitycheck userexempts loadmodule altbotnick keyservers revengebot protectops autohalfop additional compressed mentioned listening autovoice signature statuslog uncomment directory nodesynch preferred lecturify lowercase serverror configure servlimit scripits comments chanmode settings libtcl86 logfiles paranoid autosave userfile channels blowfish inactive shooter_ realname chanfile alltools userbans obsolete redirect enabling commands transfer birthday timezone newusers undernet messages hostname filename optimize advanced eggheads telnets stealth require modules timeout replace network another pidfile example openbsd default logsize release connect compile console mkcobxs putserv scripts prevent updates sigterm disable dupwait chanrec addhost trigger eggdrop chanset capital strings letters altnick install botname prefix double suffix format number bounce verify length remote remove simple autoop mcobxs hourly should ignore botnet uptime strict banner expire wisely unbind tcllib enable reject answer notify stoned switch output fields sighup owners create select mixing dloads compat source action adding resash folder tcltls ircnet latest dalnet hybrid ircnow others sha256 offset secret onjoin static shared desire simul flood below these allow ident muste delay order bitch using flags whois cycle shell greet lines admin boots quick after learn modes party stack queue https split debug leave notes blank block vhost quiet kicks state never local efnet above life this need your core seen from ctcp made info xfer init wiki brss type idle site then with edit recv port 1337 help quit wish give okay keep make nano copy 1024 xvzf deop cmds pool also motd path 0600 perm sure text just temp sort here 3333 only 6697 7000 6667 ipv4 what any1 irc6 tar jkp max 100 fun msg 200 buf raw 180 org 300 ssl can gmt pub ftp due dcc tmp aop env fwd sum run 120 die thr sks dns usr gpg abc hp 50 gz my tz 15 36 16 dk
blob - ba339935933c1258329dfbb5833539a58f90c917
blob + 5e921ed102e59f66566a2c447c9503d62589e90d
--- wiki.d/SiteAdmin.Blocklist-MoinMaster
+++ wiki.d/SiteAdmin.Blocklist-MoinMaster
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 text=%0a  [@%0a## blocklist-note:   NOTE: This page is automatically generated by blocklist.php%0a## blocklist-note:   NOTE: Any edits to this page may be lost!%0a## blocklist-url: blocklist-when:   2020-07-30T09:38:19%0a#  blocklist-format: regex%0a#### Unable to download blocklist (allow_url_fopen=)%0a  @]%0a