commit - 88da003bb57c4fe23764101ecb9d776106a5c32b
commit + 7b334ef113973160fc72ab52809a495b42ae3816
blob - 3206ccebed6c8fdfac26de40021b1bb7e45a7225
blob + 303b7c6a83de68f58b2afb8405acb8104d405a6a
--- bin/
+++ bin/
my $shellname = shift || 'bnsnet';
my $username = shift || 'izzyb';
+my $domain = '';
my %config=(
shellname => $shellname,
username => $username,
+ gitAuthor => $shellname,
+ gitEmail => $shellname . "@" . $domain,
configNow => './configNow',
ipv4 => '',
ipv6 => '2602:fccf:1:1191::',
- domain => '',
+ domain => $domain,
my $shellConfig = new IRCNOW::ConfigNow( %config );
-my $r = Git::Repository->new(work_tree => $config{configNow});
+# Initialize the config repo if it hasn't been created yet.
+if (not -d $config{configNow}."/.git") {
+ Git::Repository->run(init => $config{configNow});
-my $cmd = Git::Repository::Command->new($r, [qw(status)]);
+# Check status of untracked files.
+my $update=0; # Flag for changes to commit
+my $r = Git::Repository->new(
+ work_tree => $config{configNow},
+ {
+ env => {
+ GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL => $config{gitEmail},
+ GIT_COMMITTER_NAME => $config{gitAuthor},
+ }
+ }
+my @output = $r->run(qw(status -su));
+for my $file (@output) {
+ # XXX need to verify the file is managed
+ # XXX what should happen with unmanaged files
+ if ($file =~ /^\?\?\s+(.*)/) {
+ $r->run('add', $1);
+ print $config{configNow}."/$1\n";
+ $update = 1;
+ } elsif ($file =~ /^\s+M\s+/) {
+ $update = 1;
+ }
-print $cmd->exit();
+if ($update) {
+ $r->run('commit', '-a', '-m', 'configNow Auto Commit');