Commit Diff

commit - 26e0c4c7a5ded46e53eac93e039626ba2f5fd0ec
commit + 9c8351c8d4153520084323df5115247edc4bb9cc
blob - e6d08ca3d588200cf5c32f112f6b69929241a5f8
blob + 2e9a1d97b9343bda8989c82b9222b44b3914d4d4
--- wiki.d/.pageindex
+++ wiki.d/.pageindex
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+Vmm.Configure:1717533208: Ifconfig.Tap Ifconfig.Bridge Ifconfig.Veb Ifconfig.Vport Vmctl.Usage Pf.Intro Tcpdump.Usage : troubleshooting virtualization automatically configuring performance forwarding interfaces networking explicitly sufficient install75 preparing broadcast confirmed therefore configure signature fw_update processor similarly addresses ifconfig replaced hostname spoofing username requires verified vmdusers inspired machines provides together download increase hardware prevents firmware groupadd although supports switch0 routing warning devices openbsd traffic combine correct connect tcpdump console summary packets default gateway command signify nologin useradd makedev proceed because actual handle define format lladdr socket subnet memory bridge intend vport0 locked better create permit verify maxlen sysctl number appear issues belong sha256 random delete enable access serial ircnow action vpsnow reveal filter https vmctl start chown image using intro usage which block owner rcctl first octet cdrom qcow2 files amd64 2048m owned named macro title inet6 offer guide faq16 intel could check below egrep dmesg home will doas your need only four easy base from have stop does want with next echo 1024 many such same this ipv4 arpq pick must tap0 veb0 used then sbin html done ipv6 once 2001 obsd mask root flag each slat that disk path come note they ftp vmm iso can org www odd cdn may ept var new vmx rvi pub jot git svm run etc set cat 168 vms 255 2gb ip6 192 put db8 we pf aa bb by f3 xx f1 ok mv 50
+Ifconfig.Veb:1717487056:  : independent interfaces individual themselves configured addresses operation ethernet multiple supports function creation features ifconfig devices openbsd network between warning bridge unlike single longer pseudo cannot stack added inet6 other layer title takes https used then they says that page with over host man veb and org are as to of 4 3 2
+Ifconfig.Vether:1717485953: Vmm.Configure : configuring interfaces connected configure generated ifconfig hostname ethernet creating gateway example default bridge0 replace vether0 openbsd address helpful virtual intend create actual subnet inside device serve title might times https with that find this must used mask next inet etc 255 for 192 org can now man tap vmm are may you 168 we be to by ip 4
+Adminforces.Training:1717485685: Openbsd.Intro Doas.Configure Syspatch.Syspatch FwUpdate.Usage Openbsd.Pkg Minutemin.Questions Lists.Ircnow Freedom.Selfadmin Openbsd.Loginconf Netcat.Irc Netcat.Usage Openbsd.Rcctl Freedom.Fork Chroot.Intro Openhttpd.Configure Openhttpd.Website Netcat.Http Telnet.Http Acme-client.Configure Openhttpd.Tls Openssl.Http Openssl.Cert Openhttpd.Hosting Openbsd.Httpopenproxy Openbsd.Chroot Openhttpd.Perl Slowcgi.Usage Tls.Intro Tls.Overview Tls.CA Freedom.Firstamendment Ircnow.Dogfood Freedom.Software Relayd.Acceleration Relayd.TLSMulti Freedom.Religion Tcpip.Overview IPv4.Overview IPv6.Overview Tcpip.Sockets Ip.Netmask Tcpip.Ports IP.Myaddress Tcpbench.Usage Openbsd.Ping Traceroute.Usage Openbsd.Dig Adminforces.Ifconfig Ifconfig.Change Hostnameif.Static Hostnameif.Autoconf Ifstated.Configure Arp.Usage Ndp.Usage Resolv.Conf- Resolvd.Usage Route.Usage Route.Hostnameif Netstat.Usage Route.Sourceaddr Hostapd.Configure Freedom.Openforeveryone Pf.Guide Openbsd.Ddos Openbsd.Tcpdump Openbsd.SSDP Openbsd.ACKFlood Openbsd.RSTFlood Openbsd.UDPFlood Openbsd.Amplification Openbsd.PFStable Openbsd.PFTesting Openbsd.Pf Pfctl.Usage Ifconfig.Bridge Ifconfig.Vlan Ifconfig.Switch Ifconfig.Veb Ifconfig.Vether Ifconfig.Carp Ifconfig.Gre Ifconfig.Wg Ifconfig.Tap Ifconfig.Tun Dns.Overview Unwind.Configure Unbound.Configure Unbound.Dnssec- Dig.Usage Host.Usage Hostname.Usage Hosts.Configure Netizen.Become Netizen.Rights Dns.Records Dns.Registrars Dns.FQDN Nsd.Configure Dns.Zonefile Nsd.Zone Nsd.Masterslave Nsd.Troubleshoot DNS.RDNS DNS.Ipv4rDNS DNS.Ipv6rDNS Freedom.Unix Dns.Vhost Identd.Configure Freedom.Federation Opensmtpd.Configure DNS.Mail DNS.SPF DNS.DKIM DNS.DMARC Netcat.SMTP Opensmtpd.Test Opensmtpd.Inbox Opensmtpd.Openrelay Smtp.Usage Spamd.Configure Opensmtpd.Aliases Snmpd.Configure Snmp.Configure Servers.Rights Minutemin.Code Minutemin.Duty Got.Usage Got.Repo Got.Server Got.Mirror Gotweb.Install Minutemin.Server Openbsd.Dump Openrsync.Usage Openbsd.Fdisk Openbsd.Disklabel Disklabel.Partitioning Newfs.Usage Mount.Usage Openbsd.Newdisk Ffs.Intro Fsck.Usage Openbsd.Quota Openbsd.Growfs Softraid.Install Softraid.Rebuild Exports.Configure Nfsd.Configure MountNfs.Usage Mountd.Configure Ftpd.Configure Tftpd.Configure Sed.Usage Awk.Usage Roff.Usage Ksh.Intro Perl101.Perl101 Vmm.Intro Vmctl.Usage Cu.Usage Vmctl.Newdisk Vmctl.Reinstall Vmm.Install Openbsd.Install Openbsd.Upgrade Openbsd.Sysupgrade Vmm.Sysupgrade Sysmerge.Usage Hosting.Providers Openbsd.Bsdrd Openbsd.Singleuser OpenBSD.ResetPassword Dhcpd.Configure Rad.Configure Slaacd.Configure Openbsd.Diskless Openbsd.Ed Tar.Usage Crontab.Edit Openbsd.Adduser Group.Usage Openbsd.Localtime Dd.Iso Ln.Intro Openbsd.Fstab Dmesg.Usage Openbsd.Hier Ps.Usage Renice.Usage Fstat.Usage Fuser.Usage Kill.Usage Openbsd.Panic Openbsd.Sysctl Swapctl.Usage Openbsd.Outofmemory Atactl.Usage Openbsd.Vipw Syslogd.Configure Syslogd.Remote Newsyslog.Configure Sendbug.Usage Openbsd.Mail Freedom.Independence Ircnow.Constitution Freedom.Union Freedom.Privacy Freedom.Homestead Freedom.Madeonirc Freedom.Startupdream Freedom.Dueprocess Freedom.Checks Freedom.Rulebylaw Openbsd.Sftp Openbsd.Ports Pkgadd.CheckUpdates- Ntpd.Configure Abuse.Intro Team.Security Password.Management Openssl.Encryptfile Signify.Verify Shell.Limits Openbsd.FilePermissions Pledge.Intro Unveil.Intro Openbsd.Setuid Security.Usage Ripd.Configure Ospfd.Configure Bgpd.Configure Dvmrpd.Configure Mrouted.Configure Dhclient.Configure Iked.Configure Vpn.Vpn Vpn.Myipaddress Iked.Sitetosite Sshd.Configure Ssh.Fingerprints Ssh.Agent OpenSSH.Connect OpenSSH.Keygen Openbsd.Sshkeys Openbsd.Sshbackdoor Sftp.Chroot Openbsd.Books Unix.Reading Team.Welcome Team.Testing Team.Announce : responsibilities filepermissions openforeveryone troubleshooting advertisements firstamendment administration resetpassword automatically httpopenproxy amplification investigation announcements miscellaneous applications fingerprints partitioning independence constitution startupdream checkupdates acceleration introduction configuring description certificate authorities masterslave environment declaration recommended outofmemory filesystems consistency sshbackdoor adminforces myipaddress encryptfile simpletable information federation resolution operations processing traceroute dogfooding registrars hostnameif networking sysupgrade sourceaddr sitetosite validating partitions dueprocess installing restricted hypervisor nameserver understand techniques singleuser rebuilding throughput roadwarrio management blacklists openhttpd minutemin providers reinstall configure questions mount_nfs rulebylaw discovery loginconf selfadmin interface opensmtpd benchmark openrelay disklabel scripting myaddress pftesting openrsync wireguard madeonirc addresses newsyslog homestead religious processes multicast criminals construct hierarchy fw_update localtime jumpstart passwords webserver procedure rotation rstflood ifconfig ackflood firewall pfstable downtime softraid balances software zonefile udpflood wireless overview security chrooted syspatch insecure resource terminal emulator binaries ethernet generate phishing tlsmulti fwupdate stopping securely religion tcpbench operator protocol ipv6rdns ipv4rdns database resolver autoconf dhclient ifstated training archives services multiple sortable sysmerge diskless packages firmware netmasks webpages mountnfs symbolic commands changing addusers neighbor syslogd openbsd freedom further records openssl reverse reading pkg_add swapctl request netizen sshkeys updated signals channel proxies servers slowcgi closing domains control ramdisk dealing welcome account hosting exports crontab mailing editing mrouted aliases monitor message display signify backups setting version openssh routing connect execute newdisk privacy sendbug website acquire sending classes inboxed clients prevent getting chroots hostapd tcpdump sockets netstat machine virtual perl101 resolvd logging storage unbound packets defense against attacks caching traffic bouncer liberty groups reward extend create slaacd access rights mountd civics atactl serial remote repair choose lesson router checks verify ircnow limits sysctl panics renice kernel inside pkgadd united quotas growfs daemon editor report buffer status unwind bootup vether switch dnssec bridge filter routes netcat basics gotweb mirror become identd change static tunnel pseudo device lookup defend sample relayd border pledge unveil keygen dvmrpd setuid speech telnet recite custom vhosts letter behind folder origin fuser usage links books dmesg using shell ospfd newfs abuse topic parts agent dhcpd audit union learn guide pfctl avoid tcpip write rcctl dmarc vmctl space ipsec bsdrd leaks tftpd spamd snmpd fdisk error image title ethic types setup paths about apply point email honor block width after press clone team with week sshd fqdn unix your doas dkim ddos vpns sftp iked kill acme save roff vipw good bgpd fork ripd ntpd nfsd carp vlan ssdp fsck code what duty show hard fast from mode into bill text keep tree tape vmm veb vps awk 100 nsd ndp sed usb dig ksh gre run oom ffs git fix wg
 MountNfs.RecentChanges:1717408434:  : recentchanges mountnfs usage 03t09 2024 35z mkf 06 52 by
 MountNfs.Usage:1717408355:  : mount_point something mount_nfs directory different somewhere supports exported hostname mountnfs systems mounted version exports usually openbsd domain server names offer other usage paths with like file doas also each most unix and are you can set but has may is be ip 2 3
 FwUpdate.RecentChanges:1717402701:  : recentchanges fwupdate usage 03t08 2024 01z mkf 06 17 by
 FwUpdate.Usage:1717402621:  : installation reliability simpletable description networking fw_update important firmwares microcode depending radeongpu arguments hardware fwupdate sortable required concerns graphics inteldrm wireless properly security openbsd include devices several updates webcams cameras however usually managed loading control drivers issues uvideo serval amdgpu border called itself simply delete width often class other patch while usage these check there image legal after ships gpus will wifi find your with such need some doas over and for due iwn iwx qwx etc bnx fxp may run use cpu ran has not usb vmm 100 to os be by
-Vmm.Configure:1717366582:  : virtualization networking interfaces forwarding sufficient configure fw_update install75 broadcast processor signature depending username increase machines ethernet optional vmdusers settings firmware hostname creating groupadd download requires verified supports inspired openbsd example proceed helpful console address replace tcpdump packets vether0 default useradd warning switch0 routing bridge0 nologin signify gateway because command makedev devices verify number enable lladdr random sysctl create sha256 appear locked issues maxlen socket intend subnet actual serial access memory permit https where above check there owner which qcow2 egrep octet first dmesg might cdrom guide intel title rcctl start image using chown vmctl inet6 below amd64 faq16 wrong root with they each will disk edit need some want flag show 512m sbin home that html doas from next base such slat this pick does your done arpq 1024 echo only used must four ipv4 ipv6 same many have find mask etc ip6 may pub iso ftp org www cdn jot run can 20g ips tap vmm var not new 168 192 255 vmx ept if0 rvi svm odd xx to we f3 of by aa bb 50 f1 ok mv 01
 Openhttpd.Hosting:1717289101: Openhttpd.Configure Chroot.Intro Acme-client.Configure Relayd.Acceleration Telnet.Http Pf.Intro : troubleshooting configuration compatibility automatically acceleration certificates directories alternative afterwards encryption components requesting additional connection openhttpd challenge directory backwards listening therefore documents processes configure directive prepended subdomain providing requested hostname actually multiple remember modified firewall computer creating blocking username location response symbolic requests browsers provided advanced redirect searches slightly examples supports hosting servers putting besides virtual another working restart replace testing assumes openbsd running packets default finally fetched respond chroots similar content however client htdocs relayd unlike create folder points blocks delete notice begins should rather inside custom telnet adding length active errors enable change wishes shared daemon check debug known intro https using index lines again mkdir tells below rcctl guide break files users chown pkill first strip alive would title alias match extra basic setup might names them will want with this doas html home that each link next does have says were when mode need more your read must goal acme time keep well stop type 2021 last date text else note path runs look than used some from www gmt web sat feb url var org sun off any get 200 two man and tls ssl see new can may dvv ips 443 has 80 pf by 22 27 10 55 07 28 34
 Hostnameif.Autoconf:1717285170: Hostnameif.Static Dhcpd.Configure Rad.Configure Openbsd.Install Dhclient.Configure Slaacd.Configure : autoconfiguration autoconfiguring autoconfigure unpredictable installation networking preferable interfaces configured improperly installing hostnameif addresses available instructs dhclient serious openbsd replace problem specify servers easiest running lladdr change manner switch slaacd actual relies static vlan0 dhcpd inet6 after https cause title asked about none ipv6 your ipv4 vio0 this both sure make edit with when note done want if0 and for way the are rad org cat etc may
-Adminforces.Training:1717273637: Openbsd.Intro Doas.Configure Syspatch.Syspatch FwUpdate.Usage Openbsd.Pkg Minutemin.Questions Lists.Ircnow Freedom.Selfadmin Openbsd.Loginconf Netcat.Irc Netcat.Usage Openbsd.Rcctl Freedom.Fork Chroot.Intro Openhttpd.Configure Openhttpd.Website Netcat.Http Telnet.Http Acme-client.Configure Openhttpd.Tls Openssl.Http Openssl.Cert Openhttpd.Hosting Openbsd.Httpopenproxy Openbsd.Chroot Openhttpd.Perl Slowcgi.Usage Tls.Intro Tls.Overview Tls.CA Freedom.Firstamendment Ircnow.Dogfood Freedom.Software Relayd.Acceleration Relayd.TLSMulti Freedom.Religion Tcpip.Overview IPv4.Overview IPv6.Overview Tcpip.Sockets Ip.Netmask Tcpip.Ports IP.Myaddress Tcpbench.Usage Openbsd.Ping Traceroute.Usage Openbsd.Dig Adminforces.Ifconfig Ifconfig.Change Hostnameif.Static Hostnameif.Autoconf Ifstated.Configure Arp.Usage Ndp.Usage Resolv.Conf- Resolvd.Usage Route.Usage Route.Hostnameif Netstat.Usage Route.Sourceaddr Hostapd.Configure Freedom.Openforeveryone Pf.Guide Openbsd.Ddos Openbsd.Tcpdump Openbsd.SSDP Openbsd.ACKFlood Openbsd.RSTFlood Openbsd.UDPFlood Openbsd.Amplification Openbsd.PFStable Openbsd.PFTesting Openbsd.Pf Pfctl.Usage Ifconfig.Bridge Ifconfig.Vlan Ifconfig.Switch Ifconfig.Veb Ifconfig.Carp Ifconfig.Gre Ifconfig.Wg Ifconfig.Tap Ifconfig.Tun Dns.Overview Unwind.Configure Unbound.Configure Unbound.Dnssec- Dig.Usage Host.Usage Hostname.Usage Hosts.Configure Netizen.Become Netizen.Rights Dns.Records Dns.Registrars Dns.FQDN Nsd.Configure Dns.Zonefile Nsd.Zone Nsd.Masterslave Nsd.Troubleshoot DNS.RDNS DNS.Ipv4rDNS DNS.Ipv6rDNS Freedom.Unix Dns.Vhost Identd.Configure Freedom.Federation Opensmtpd.Configure DNS.Mail DNS.SPF DNS.DKIM DNS.DMARC Netcat.SMTP Opensmtpd.Test Opensmtpd.Inbox Opensmtpd.Openrelay Smtp.Usage Spamd.Configure Opensmtpd.Aliases Snmpd.Configure Snmp.Configure Servers.Rights Minutemin.Code Minutemin.Duty Got.Usage Got.Repo Got.Server Got.Mirror Gotweb.Install Minutemin.Server Openbsd.Dump Openrsync.Usage Openbsd.Fdisk Openbsd.Disklabel Disklabel.Partitioning Newfs.Usage Mount.Usage Openbsd.Newdisk Ffs.Intro Fsck.Usage Openbsd.Quota Openbsd.Growfs Softraid.Install Softraid.Rebuild Exports.Configure Nfsd.Configure MountNfs.Usage Mountd.Configure Ftpd.Configure Tftpd.Configure Sed.Usage Awk.Usage Roff.Usage Ksh.Intro Perl101.Perl101 Vmm.Intro Vmctl.Usage Cu.Usage Vmctl.Newdisk Vmctl.Reinstall Vmm.Install Openbsd.Install Openbsd.Upgrade Openbsd.Sysupgrade Vmm.Sysupgrade Sysmerge.Usage Hosting.Providers Openbsd.Bsdrd Openbsd.Singleuser OpenBSD.ResetPassword Dhcpd.Configure Rad.Configure Slaacd.Configure Openbsd.Diskless Openbsd.Ed Tar.Usage Crontab.Edit Openbsd.Adduser Group.Usage Openbsd.Localtime Dd.Iso Ln.Intro Openbsd.Fstab Dmesg.Usage Openbsd.Hier Ps.Usage Renice.Usage Fstat.Usage Fuser.Usage Kill.Usage Openbsd.Panic Openbsd.Sysctl Swapctl.Usage Openbsd.Outofmemory Atactl.Usage Openbsd.Vipw Syslogd.Configure Syslogd.Remote Newsyslog.Configure Sendbug.Usage Openbsd.Mail Freedom.Independence Ircnow.Constitution Freedom.Union Freedom.Privacy Freedom.Homestead Freedom.Madeonirc Freedom.Startupdream Freedom.Dueprocess Freedom.Checks Freedom.Rulebylaw Openbsd.Sftp Openbsd.Ports Pkgadd.CheckUpdates- Ntpd.Configure Abuse.Intro Team.Security Password.Management Openssl.Encryptfile Signify.Verify Shell.Limits Openbsd.FilePermissions Pledge.Intro Unveil.Intro Openbsd.Setuid Security.Usage Ripd.Configure Ospfd.Configure Bgpd.Configure Dvmrpd.Configure Mrouted.Configure Dhclient.Configure Iked.Configure Vpn.Vpn Vpn.Myipaddress Iked.Sitetosite Sshd.Configure Ssh.Fingerprints Ssh.Agent OpenSSH.Connect OpenSSH.Keygen Openbsd.Sshkeys Openbsd.Sshbackdoor Sftp.Chroot Openbsd.Books Unix.Reading Team.Welcome Team.Testing Team.Announce : responsibilities troubleshooting filepermissions openforeveryone firstamendment advertisements administration resetpassword amplification miscellaneous automatically httpopenproxy investigation announcements checkupdates acceleration fingerprints independence constitution startupdream partitioning applications introduction filesystems outofmemory description authorities certificate myipaddress recommended encryptfile masterslave environment configuring sshbackdoor adminforces consistency declaration simpletable information management resolution hypervisor sysupgrade networking hostnameif rebuilding understand federation traceroute registrars partitions nameserver blacklists processing sitetosite sourceaddr validating restricted operations dueprocess installing singleuser roadwarrio dogfooding throughput techniques interface configure processes scripting passwords pftesting minutemin homestead religious opensmtpd reinstall benchmark newsyslog openrelay addresses openrsync disklabel discovery myaddress construct criminals providers multicast openhttpd madeonirc mount_nfs rulebylaw loginconf procedure questions selfadmin wireguard jumpstart webserver localtime hierarchy fw_update ipv6rdns security software firewall rstflood udpflood ackflood overview pfstable terminal emulator ifconfig phishing rotation generate stopping securely wireless softraid symbolic tcpbench ethernet sysmerge archives balances addusers webpages firmware resolver database dhclient tlsmulti operator religion multiple syspatch zonefile ifstated commands ipv4rdns autoconf fwupdate diskless chrooted downtime protocol neighbor netmasks binaries training services sortable resource insecure mountnfs packages changing exports openbsd inboxed records newdisk version getting control freedom sendbug openssl mrouted signify request routing classes servers netizen chroots website editing mailing crontab dealing privacy backups clients setting hosting aliases syslogd connect channel signals updated pkg_add reverse further reading proxies openssh sending sshkeys welcome swapctl domains ramdisk account prevent storage message slowcgi logging resolvd hostapd display unbound netstat acquire sockets bouncer liberty traffic monitor perl101 closing execute caching against attacks machine tcpdump packets virtual defense ircnow civics reward extend limits pkgadd remote verify access atactl lesson mountd kernel checks border quotas rights pledge dvmrpd keygen unveil setuid report inside serial growfs create choose united gotweb filter lookup router bridge static change switch defend relayd slaacd sample renice dnssec status telnet netcat become tunnel pseudo device unwind speech basics editor buffer mirror daemon identd bootup routes groups panics behind letter sysctl repair recite folder origin vhosts custom dmesg fuser usage links space using error fdisk newfs tftpd snmpd guide pfctl spamd dmarc vmctl union abuse shell ospfd agent books bsdrd dhcpd leaks topic parts audit rcctl write tcpip learn ipsec avoid image title press email paths about block ethic honor apply types width clone after setup point bgpd ripd code duty with vpns team iked what unix fqdn ssdp doas week ddos vlan carp show acme fork dkim your sshd sftp kill save mode good text into bill nfsd vipw ntpd roff hard tape fsck keep from tree fast gre 100 vps veb dig ndp vmm ffs sed awk ksh nsd fix git oom usb run wg
 Rad.Configure:1717273573: Hostnameif.Autoconf Slaacd.Configure : imsg_open_icmp6sock troubleshooting advertisements iface_timeout configuration solicitation dynamically information configured nameserver hostnameif networking foreground inspecting increased instances verbosity following interface multicast operation connected generated addresses discovers autoconf linkaddr manually messages prefixes machines possible specify clients openbsd startup running declare disable finally provide suppose default instead correct joining values router enable adding daemon slaacd static having option ensure handle source during should normal rcctl pkill first limit debug https check group title reply sends block their 1234 will also 5678 2001 want ipv6 with rest then that they stop term when 7a02 help fe7b 27ff ea8b fe80 from this tell new got if0 use rad db8 255 hop 422 org own can you but dns may etc cat of we 64 by be
 Rad.RecentChanges:1717271015:  : recentchanges configure 01t19 2024 jrmu rad 02z 06 42 by
 Znc.Patch:1717260330: Gpg.Verify Tar.Usage Ftp.Usage Znc.Chroot : d5823cacb477191cac0075555ae420cc0209989e pthread_attr_init pthread_attr_t multicore threading following recommend segfaults signature download provides sdatadir properly upstream releases software version cstring patched sconfig servers applied openbsd patches extract pkg_add chroots options warning verify attach latest stable custom source choose module easier script ircnow erbose causes stand usage gnupg build https added unzip files avoid first schat apply used 2024 from also main that xvzf diff argc next make must argv doas have code recv char bug fix znc int org 292 may mon cpp src new feb wed ftp gpg txt get you but for the tar can web old key due gz 0a be 27 sh 21 18 17 12 36 48 cd
blob - 235f032073725c3c6cf88ef5e173252a48b6ec97
blob + b08f640ca32ace6ea2dda8c21ebbfcff581c9269
--- wiki.d/Adminforces.RecentChanges
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@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ charset=UTF-8
-text=* [[Adminforces/Training]]  . . . @2024-06-01T20:27:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a
+text=* [[Adminforces/Training]]  . . . @2024-06-04T07:21:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a
blob - c9069139b4c0d1a127e416a60747375e64c056fe
blob + 209c9b2f909f0968e0af9abfcb37cdf1ea8caeb4
--- wiki.d/Adminforces.Training
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-text=(:title Admin Forces Training:)%0a%0a|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a||! OpenBSD Jumpstart ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[openbsd/intro|OpenBSD Intro]] || BSD || Introduction to OpenBSD || ||%0a|| [[doas/configure|Configure doas]] || BSD || Execute commands as root || ||%0a|| [[syspatch/syspatch|Patch your system]] || BSD || Patch your system || ||%0a|| [[fw_update/usage|Update firmware]] || BSD || Update firmware || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/pkg|Installing Packages]] || BSD || Install new software || ||%0a|| [[Minutemin/Questions|Good Questions]] || Civics || How to Ask Good Questions || ||%0a|| [[Lists/Ircnow|IRCNow Mailing Lists]] || Civics || Sign up to IRCNow Mailing lists || Extend VPS for 1 week ||%0a%0a|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/selfadmin|Self-Admin]] || Civics || Admin your network || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/loginconf|Login classes]] || BSD || Configure login classes || ||%0a|| [[netcat/irc|netcat IRC]] || Network || Troubleshoot IRC with netcat || ||%0a|| [[netcat/usage|netcat]] || Network || Troubleshoot applications with netcat || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/rcctl|rcctl]] || BSD || Start services automatically || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Web Server ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/fork|Freedom to Fork]] || Civics || Freedom to Fork || ||%0a|| [[chroot/intro|Intro to Chroot]] || BSD || Learn about Chroots || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Configure|Simple OpenHTTPd]] || Web || Host your own web server || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Website|OpenHTTPd Website]] || Web || Set up your website || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[netcat/http|netcat HTTP]] || Network || Troubleshoot webserver with netcat || ||%0a|| [[telnet/http|Telnet HTTP]] || Network || Troubleshoot webserver with telnet || ||%0a|| [[acme-client/configure|acme-client]] || Security || Request an SSL cert || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Tls|OpenHTTPd TLS]] || Web || Provide TLS for webpages || ||%0a|| [[openssl/http|OpenSSL HTTP]] || Network || Test TLS for webpages with OpenSSL || ||%0a|| [[openssl/cert|Save OpenSSL cert]] || Network || Save OpenSSL cert || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Hosting|Multi-user OpenHTTPd]] || Web || Configure webserver for multiple domains || ||%0a|| [[Openbsd/Httpopenproxy|Open Proxies]] || Web || Avoid blacklists by closing open proxies || ||%0a|| [[Openbsd/Chroot|OpenHTTPd Chroot]] || Web || OpenHTTPd chroot environment || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Perl|OpenHTTPd Perl]] || Web || Install Perl inside OpenHTTPd chroot || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[slowcgi/usage|slowcgi]] || Web || Configure slowcgi || ||%0a%0a||! TLS ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[tls/intro|TLS overview]] || Network || TLS introduction || ||%0a|| [[tls/overview|TLS overview]] || Network || TLS overview || ||%0a|| [[tls/CA|Certificate Authorities]] || Network || TLS Certificate Authorities || ||%0a%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/firstamendment|Free Press]] || Civics || Freedom of Speech and of the Press || ||%0a|| [[Ircnow/Dogfood|Dogfooding]] || Civics || Eat your own dogfood || ||%0a%0a||! IRC Bouncer ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/software|Software Freedom]] || Civics || Software Freedom || ||%0a|| [[relayd/acceleration|TLS Acceleration]] || Security || Provide TLS for multiple services || ||%0a|| [[relayd/TLSMulti|TLS Acceleration (multiple)]] || Security || Encrypt traffic with TLS for multiple services || ||%0a%0a||! TCP/IP Networking ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/religion|Religious Liberty]] || Civics || Freedom of Religion || ||%0a|| [[tcpip/overview|TCP/IP Networking]] || Network || Learn Basics of TCP/IP || ||%0a|| [[IPv4/overview|IPv4 Networking]] || Network || Learn IPv4 Networking || ||%0a|| [[IPv6/overview|IPv6 Networking]] || Network || Learn IPv6 Networking || ||%0a|| [[tcpip/sockets|TCP/IP sockets]] || Network || Learn Basics of TCP/IP sockets || ||%0a|| [[ip/netmask|IP netmasks]] || Network || Learn Basics of IP netmasks || ||%0a|| [[tcpip/ports|TCP/UDP ports]] || Network || Learn Basics of TCP/UDP ports || ||%0a|| [[IP/Myaddress|My IP Address]] || Network || What's my IP Address? || ||%0a|| [[tcpbench/usage|tcpbench]] || Network || Benchmark TCP/IP throughput || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ping|ping]] || Network || Troubleshoot networking with ping || ||%0a|| [[traceroute/usage|traceroute]] || Network || Trace packet route || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/dig|dig]] || Network || Troubleshoot DNS servers and records || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[ifconfig|ifconfig]] || Network || ifconfig guide || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/change|Changing addresses]] || Network || Changing network addresses || ||%0a|| [[Hostnameif/Static|Static Networking]] || Network || ||%0a|| [[Hostnameif/autoconf|Autoconf Networking]] || Network || ||%0a|| [[ifstated/configure|Configure ifstated]] || Network || Configure ifstated || ||%0a|| [[arp/usage|arp]] || Network || Address resolution protocol || ||%0a|| [[ndp/usage|ndp]] || Network || Neighbor discovery protocol || ||%0a|| [[resolv/conf-|resolv.conf]] || Network || Configuring resolv.conf || ||%0a|| [[resolvd/usage|resolvd]] || Network || Using resolvd || ||%0a|| [[route/usage|Route]] || Network || Configure route paths || ||%0a|| [[route/hostnameif|hostname.if route]] || Network || Add routes to hostname.if at bootup || ||%0a|| [[netstat/usage|netstat]] || Network || Show network status || ||%0a|| [[route/sourceaddr|Route source address]] || Network || Configure routing source address || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Wireless ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[hostapd/configure|hostapd]] || Network || Set up Host Access Point || ||%0a%0a||! Packet Filter ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/openforeveryone|Open For Everyone]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[pf/guide|Packet Filter]] || Network || Setup firewall with Packet Filter || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ddos|DDoS Defense]] || Network || Defend against DDoS Attacks || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/tcpdump|tcpdump]] || Network || Read network packets || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/SSDP|SSDP attack]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ACKFlood|TCP ack flood]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/RSTFlood|TCP reset flood]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/UDPFlood|UDP Flood]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/amplification|amplification attack]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/PFStable|PF Stable]] || Network || Sample PF Firewall for Stable || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/PFTesting|PF Testing]] || Network || Sample PF Firewall for Testing || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/pf|Packet Filter]] || Network || PF Guide || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[pfctl/usage|pfctl]] || Network || PF Guide || Control packet filter ||%0a%0a||! Domain Name Lookup ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/bridge|bridge]] || Network || Bridge interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/vlan|vlan]] || Network || vlan interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/switch|switch]] || Network || switch interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/veb|veb]] || Network || veb interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/carp|carp]] || Network || CARP interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/gre|gre]] || Network || GRE interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/wg|wg]] || Network || WireGuard interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/tap|tap]] || Network || Ethernet tunnel pseudo-device interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/tun|tun]] || Network || Network tunnel pseudo-device interface || ||%0a%0a||! Domain Name Lookup ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[dns/overview|DNS Overview]] || DNS || Learn the Domain Name System || ||%0a|| [[unwind/configure|unwind]] || Network || Validating DNS resolver || ||%0a|| [[unbound/configure|unbound]] || DNS || Configure a local caching nameserver || ||%0a|| [[unbound/dnssec-|DNSSec for Unbound]] || DNS || Add DNSSec for unbound || ||%0a|| [[dig/usage|dig]] || DNS || Troubleshoot DNS records with dig || ||%0a|| [[host/usage|host]] || DNS || Troubleshoot DNS records with host || ||%0a|| [[hostname/usage|hostname]] || DNS || Set hostname || ||%0a|| [[hosts/configure|Configure /etc/hosts]] || BSD || Host and network name database || Apply for IRC operator ||%0a%0a||! Name Server ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[netizen/become|Become a Netizen]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[netizen/rights|Netizen Rights]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[dns/records|DNS Records]] || DNS || Understand DNS record types || ||%0a|| [[dns/registrars|Name Registrars]] || DNS || Choose a name registrar || ||%0a|| [[dns/FQDN|FQDN]] || DNS || Understand FQDN and $ORIGIN || ||%0a|| [[nsd/configure|Configure NSD]] || DNS || Configure name server for custom domains || ||%0a|| [[dns/zonefile|Zone File]] || DNS || || ||%0a|| [[nsd/zone|NSD Zone]] || DNS || || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[nsd/masterslave|nsd master slave]] || DNS || || ||%0a|| [[nsd/troubleshoot|Troubleshooting NSD]] || DNS || || ||%0a|| [[DNS/rDNS|rDNS]] || DNS || Configure reverse DNS for vhosts and email || ||%0a|| [[DNS/Ipv4rDNS|IPv4 rDNS]] || DNS || Configure IPv4 reverse DNS || ||%0a|| [[DNS/Ipv6rDNS|IPv6 rDNS]] || DNS || Configure IPv6 reverse DNS || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/unix|Unix Work Ethic]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[dns/vhost|vhost]] || DNS || Create custom vhost || ||%0a|| [[identd/configure|identd]] || Security || Provide ident to stop abuse || ||%0a%0a||! Mail Server ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/federation|Federation]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[opensmtpd/configure|OpenSMTPd]] || Mail || Configure your mail server || ||%0a|| [[DNS/Mail|DNS for Mail]] || Mail || Create DNS records for email || ||%0a|| [[DNS/SPF]] || Mail || Configure SPF records to avoid the spam folder || ||%0a|| [[DNS/DKIM]] || Mail || Configure DKIM records to avoid the SPAM folder || ||%0a|| [[DNS/DMARC]] || Mail || Configure DMARC records to block phishing and spam || ||%0a|| [[netcat/SMTP|netcat SMTP]] || Network || Troubleshoot SMTP with netcat || ||%0a|| [[Opensmtpd/Test|SMTP Testing]] || Mail || Send a test letter || ||%0a|| [[Opensmtpd/Inbox|Getting inboxed]] || Mail || Getting inboxed || ||%0a|| [[Opensmtpd/Openrelay|Open Mail Relay]] || Mail || Block open mail relay to avoid sending spam || ||%0a|| [[smtp/usage|smtp]] || Mail || SMTP client || ||%0a|| [[spamd/configure|spamd]] || Mail || Configure spam filter || ||%0a|| [[opensmtpd/aliases|aliases]] || Mail || Configure aliases for mail || ||%0a%0a||! Simple Network Management Protocol ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[snmpd/configure|snmpd]] || SNMP || Configure SNMPd || ||%0a|| [[snmp/configure|snmp]] || SNMP || Configure SNMP || ||%0a%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Servers/Rights|Servers' Rights]] || Civics || Servers' Rights || ||%0a|| [[Minutemin/Code|Minutemin's Code]] || Civics || Recite the Code of Honor || ||%0a%0a||! Version Control ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Minutemin/Duty|Call of Duty]] || Civics || The Call of Duty || ||%0a|| [[got/usage|got]] || Code || Set up got version control (clone of git) || ||%0a|| [[got/repo|got repo]] || Code || Set up got repo || ||%0a|| [[got/server|got server]] || Code || Set up got server || ||%0a|| [[got/mirror|got mirror]] || Code || Set up got mirror || ||%0a|| [[gotweb/install|gotweb]] || Code || Set up got web access || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Disk Setup and Backups ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Minutemin/Server|Minutemin's Server]] || Civics || The Minutemin's Server || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/dump|dump]] || BSD || Backup a partition || ||%0a|| [[openrsync/usage|openrsync]] || BSD || Backup and sync files || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/fdisk|fdisk]] || BSD || Partition Hard Disk || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/disklabel|disklabel]] || BSD || Edit Partitions || ||%0a|| [[disklabel/partitioning|disklabel partitioning]] || BSD || Partition New Hard Disk || ||%0a|| [[newfs/usage|newfs]] || BSD || Construct a new filesystem || ||%0a|| [[mount/usage|mount]] || BSD || Mount partitions || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/newdisk|newdisk]] || BSD || Add a New Hard Disk || ||%0a|| [[ffs/intro|FFS]] || BSD || Learn about the Fast Filesystem || ||%0a|| [[fsck/usage|fsck]] || BSD || Filesystem check consistency check || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/quota]] || BSD || Edit disk quotas || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/growfs|growfs]] || BSD || Grow a Disk Partition || Get shell account on server ||%0a%0a||! RAID ||||||||%0a|| [[softraid/install|softraid]] || BSD || Configuring software RAID || ||%0a|| [[softraid/rebuild|Rebuild softraid]] || BSD || Rebuilding software RAID || ||%0a%0a||! File servers ||||||||%0a|| [[exports/configure|nfsd]] || BSD || Configure NFS || ||%0a|| [[nfsd/configure|nfsd]] || BSD || Serve files over NFS || ||%0a|| [[mount_nfs/usage|mount_nfs]] || BSD || Mount NFS filesystems || ||%0a|| [[mountd/configure|nfsd]] || BSD || Automatically mount NFS filesystems || ||%0a|| [[ftpd/configure|ftpd]] || BSD || Serve files over FTP || ||%0a|| [[tftpd/configure|tftpd]] || BSD || Serve files over TFTP || ||%0a%0a||! Text Processing ||||||||%0a|| [[sed/usage|sed]] || BSD || sed scripting || ||%0a|| [[awk/usage|awk]] || BSD || awk scripting || ||%0a|| [[roff/usage|roff]] || BSD || roff || ||%0a%0a||! Shell Scripting ||||||||%0a|| [[ksh/intro|ksh intro]] || BSD || shell scripting || ||%0a|| [[perl101/perl101|perl intro]] || BSD || perl scripting || ||%0a%0a||! Virtual Machine ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[vmm/intro|VMM Intro]] || BSD || Intro to the VMM Hypervisor || ||%0a|| [[vmctl/usage|VMM User Guide]] || BSD || Control your VPS || ||%0a|| [[cu/usage|cu]] || BSD || Serial terminal emulator || ||%0a|| [[vmctl/newdisk|VMM User Guide]] || BSD || Add new storage disk to VPS || ||%0a|| [[vmctl/reinstall|VMM User Guide]] || BSD || Reinstall OpenBSD inside VMM || ||%0a|| [[vmm/install|VMM Install]] || BSD || Install OpenBSD inside VMM || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/install|Install OpenBSD]] || BSD || Install OpenBSD || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/upgrade|Upgrade OpenBSD]] || BSD || Upgrade to OpenBSD || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sysupgrade|OpenBSD Sysupgrade]] || BSD || Sysupgrade to OpenBSD || ||%0a|| [[vmm/sysupgrade|Vmm Sysupgrade]] || BSD || Sysupgrade OpenBSD VMM Host || ||%0a|| [[sysmerge/usage|sysmerge]] || BSD || Merge conf files after upgrade || ||%0a|| [[hosting/providers|Hosting Providers]] || Network || Choose a Hosting Provider || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/bsdrd|bsd.rd]] || BSD || Install/Upgrade/Repair with Ramdisk || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/singleuser|Single User Mode]] || BSD || Boot OpenBSD into single user mode || ||%0a|| [[OpenBSD.ResetPassword|Reset root password]] || BSD || Reset root password || ||%0a|| [[dhcpd/configure|Configure DHCP server]] || Network || Configure DHCP server || ||%0a|| [[rad/configure|Configure rad server]] || Network || Set up Router Advertisements for IPv6 || ||%0a|| [[slaacd/configure|Configure slaacd daemon]] || Network || Configure slaacd daemon || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/diskless|diskless]] || BSD || Run OpenBSD on diskless systems || Acquire admin access ||%0a%0a||! System Administration ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ed|ed]] || BSD || ed text editor || ||%0a|| [[tar/usage|tar]] || BSD || Tape archives || ||%0a|| [[crontab/edit|Editing crontab]] || BSD || Editing crontab || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/adduser|adduser]] || BSD || Addusers || ||%0a|| [[group/usage|group]] || BSD || Manage groups || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/localtime|localtime]] || BSD || Set time zone || ||%0a|| [[dd/iso|Write image to usb]] || BSD || Write image to USB || ||%0a|| [[ln/intro|symbolic links]] || BSD || Create symbolic links || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/fstab|fstab]] || BSD || Edit filesystem table || ||%0a|| [[dmesg/usage|dmesg]] || BSD || Display system message buffer || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/hier|hier]] || BSD || OpenBSD filesystem hierarchy || ||%0a|| [[ps/usage|ps]] || BSD || Monitor Processes || ||%0a|| [[renice/usage|renice]] || BSD || Renice processes || ||%0a|| [[fstat/usage|fstat]] || Network || Show file status || ||%0a|| [[fuser/usage|fuser]] || Network || Show process using a file || ||%0a|| [[kill/usage|kill]] || BSD || Send signals to processes || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/panic|kernel panics]] || BSD || Dealing with kernel panics || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sysctl|sysctl]] || BSD || Getting and setting kernel state || ||%0a|| [[swapctl/usage|swapctl]] || BSD || Manage system swap space || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/outofmemory|OOM error]] || BSD || Out of memory error || ||%0a|| [[atactl/usage|atactl]] || BSD || Get disk information || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/vipw|vipw]] || BSD || Edit the password file || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! System Logging ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[syslogd/configure|syslogd]] || BSD || Configure system logging || ||%0a|| [[syslogd/remote|Remote syslogd]] || BSD || Configure remote system logging || ||%0a|| [[newsyslog/configure|newsyslog]] || BSD || Log rotation || ||%0a%0a||! System Logging ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[sendbug/usage|send]] || BSD || sendbug || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/mail|OpenBSD mailing list]] || BSD || OpenBSD mailing list || ||%0a%0a||! Civics ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Freedom/Independence|Independence]] || Civics || Declaration of Network Independence || ||%0a|| [[ircnow/constitution|Constitution]] || Civics || Read the Constitution and Bill of Rights || ||%0a|| [[freedom/union|United We Serve]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/privacy|Privacy]] || Civics || Right to Privacy || ||%0a|| [[freedom/homestead|Homestead VPS]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/madeonirc|Made on IRC]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/startupdream|The Startup Dream]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/dueprocess|Due Process]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/checks|Checks and Balances]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/rulebylaw|Rule by Law]] || Civics || || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Miscellaneous ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]] || Network || Chroot sftp server for secure file hosting || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ports|ports]] || BSD || Install software from ports tree || ||%0a|| [[Pkgadd.CheckUpdates-|pkg_add updates]] || BSD || Keep software updated || ||%0a|| [[ntpd/configure|ntpd]] || Network || Update date and time from network automatically || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Stopping Abuse ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[abuse/intro|Abuse Guide]] || Security || Investigation techniques to report criminals || ||%0a|| [[team/security|Team Security]] || Security || Prevent security leaks || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Security ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Password/Management|Manage Passwords]] || Shell || Create secure passwords || ||%0a|| [[Openssl/Encryptfile|Encrypt Files]] || Shell || Encrypt files with OpenSSL || ||%0a|| [[signify/verify|signify]] || Security || Verify OpenBSD software || ||%0a|| [[shell/limits]] || Security || Setting resource limits || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/FilePermissions|File Permissions]] || Security || Fix insecure file permissions || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[pledge/intro|pledge]] || Security || Restrict system operations || ||%0a|| [[unveil/intro|unveil]] || Security || Unveil parts of restricted filesystems || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/setuid]] || Security || Audit setuid root binaries || ||%0a|| [[security/usage|security]] || Security || Security checks || ||%0a|| [[team/security]] || Security || Team security || ||%0a%0a||! Routing ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[ripd/configure|RIPd]] || Network || Configure RIPd || ||%0a|| [[ospfd/configure|OSPFd]] || Network || Configure OSPFd || ||%0a|| [[bgpd/configure|BGPd]] || Network || Configure BGPd || ||%0a|| [[dhcpd/configure|Configure DHCP server]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[dvmrpd/configure|DVMRPd]] || Network || Configure DVMRPd || ||%0a|| [[mrouted/configure|mrouted]] || Network || Configure Multicast Routing || ||%0a|| [[dhclient/configure|Configure DHCP client]] || Network || || ||%0a%0a||! VPNs and Proxies ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[iked/configure|iked]] || Network || Provide Roadwarrio IPSec VPNs || ||%0a|| [[vpn/vpn|VPN clients]] || Security || Configure IPSec VPN client || ||%0a|| [[vpn/myipaddress|Test VPN]] || Security || Test IP address behind VPN || ||%0a|| [[iked/sitetosite|site-to-site iked]] || Security || Provide site-to-site IPSec || ||%0a%0a||! Secure Shell ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[sshd/configure|sshd]] || Security || Configure and start sshd || ||%0a|| [[ssh/fingerprints|ssh fingerprints]] || Security || Verify SSH fingerprints|| ||%0a|| [[ssh/agent|ssh agent]] || Security || Configure ssh agent || ||%0a|| [[OpenSSH/connect|OpenSSH]] || Security || Configure ssh and connect securely || ||%0a|| [[OpenSSH/Keygen|Generate SSH Keys]] || Security || Generate SSH keys || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sshkeys|SSH keys]] || Security || Verify ssh keys || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sshbackdoor|SSH backdoor]] || Security || Configure ssh side channel to avoid DDoS || ||%0a|| [[sftp/chroot|Chroot SFTP]] || Security || Configure sftp inside a chroot || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Further Reading ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[openbsd/books|OpenBSD Books]] || BSD || OpenBSD recommended reading || ||%0a|| [[unix/reading|Unix Books]] || BSD || Unix recommended reading || ||%0a%0a||! Minutemin ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Team/Welcome|Welcome to the Team]] || Civics || Learn Team Responsibilities || ||%0a|| [[Team/Testing|Testing Servers]] || Civics || Learn Team Procedure for Testing || ||%0a|| [[Team/Announce|Announcements]] || Civics || Announce downtime and updates for users || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a
+text=(:title Admin Forces Training:)%0a%0a|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a||! OpenBSD Jumpstart ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[openbsd/intro|OpenBSD Intro]] || BSD || Introduction to OpenBSD || ||%0a|| [[doas/configure|Configure doas]] || BSD || Execute commands as root || ||%0a|| [[syspatch/syspatch|Patch your system]] || BSD || Patch your system || ||%0a|| [[fw_update/usage|Update firmware]] || BSD || Update firmware || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/pkg|Installing Packages]] || BSD || Install new software || ||%0a|| [[Minutemin/Questions|Good Questions]] || Civics || How to Ask Good Questions || ||%0a|| [[Lists/Ircnow|IRCNow Mailing Lists]] || Civics || Sign up to IRCNow Mailing lists || Extend VPS for 1 week ||%0a%0a|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/selfadmin|Self-Admin]] || Civics || Admin your network || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/loginconf|Login classes]] || BSD || Configure login classes || ||%0a|| [[netcat/irc|netcat IRC]] || Network || Troubleshoot IRC with netcat || ||%0a|| [[netcat/usage|netcat]] || Network || Troubleshoot applications with netcat || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/rcctl|rcctl]] || BSD || Start services automatically || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Web Server ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/fork|Freedom to Fork]] || Civics || Freedom to Fork || ||%0a|| [[chroot/intro|Intro to Chroot]] || BSD || Learn about Chroots || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Configure|Simple OpenHTTPd]] || Web || Host your own web server || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Website|OpenHTTPd Website]] || Web || Set up your website || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[netcat/http|netcat HTTP]] || Network || Troubleshoot webserver with netcat || ||%0a|| [[telnet/http|Telnet HTTP]] || Network || Troubleshoot webserver with telnet || ||%0a|| [[acme-client/configure|acme-client]] || Security || Request an SSL cert || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Tls|OpenHTTPd TLS]] || Web || Provide TLS for webpages || ||%0a|| [[openssl/http|OpenSSL HTTP]] || Network || Test TLS for webpages with OpenSSL || ||%0a|| [[openssl/cert|Save OpenSSL cert]] || Network || Save OpenSSL cert || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Hosting|Multi-user OpenHTTPd]] || Web || Configure webserver for multiple domains || ||%0a|| [[Openbsd/Httpopenproxy|Open Proxies]] || Web || Avoid blacklists by closing open proxies || ||%0a|| [[Openbsd/Chroot|OpenHTTPd Chroot]] || Web || OpenHTTPd chroot environment || ||%0a|| [[Openhttpd/Perl|OpenHTTPd Perl]] || Web || Install Perl inside OpenHTTPd chroot || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[slowcgi/usage|slowcgi]] || Web || Configure slowcgi || ||%0a%0a||! TLS ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[tls/intro|TLS overview]] || Network || TLS introduction || ||%0a|| [[tls/overview|TLS overview]] || Network || TLS overview || ||%0a|| [[tls/CA|Certificate Authorities]] || Network || TLS Certificate Authorities || ||%0a%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/firstamendment|Free Press]] || Civics || Freedom of Speech and of the Press || ||%0a|| [[Ircnow/Dogfood|Dogfooding]] || Civics || Eat your own dogfood || ||%0a%0a||! IRC Bouncer ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/software|Software Freedom]] || Civics || Software Freedom || ||%0a|| [[relayd/acceleration|TLS Acceleration]] || Security || Provide TLS for multiple services || ||%0a|| [[relayd/TLSMulti|TLS Acceleration (multiple)]] || Security || Encrypt traffic with TLS for multiple services || ||%0a%0a||! TCP/IP Networking ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/religion|Religious Liberty]] || Civics || Freedom of Religion || ||%0a|| [[tcpip/overview|TCP/IP Networking]] || Network || Learn Basics of TCP/IP || ||%0a|| [[IPv4/overview|IPv4 Networking]] || Network || Learn IPv4 Networking || ||%0a|| [[IPv6/overview|IPv6 Networking]] || Network || Learn IPv6 Networking || ||%0a|| [[tcpip/sockets|TCP/IP sockets]] || Network || Learn Basics of TCP/IP sockets || ||%0a|| [[ip/netmask|IP netmasks]] || Network || Learn Basics of IP netmasks || ||%0a|| [[tcpip/ports|TCP/UDP ports]] || Network || Learn Basics of TCP/UDP ports || ||%0a|| [[IP/Myaddress|My IP Address]] || Network || What's my IP Address? || ||%0a|| [[tcpbench/usage|tcpbench]] || Network || Benchmark TCP/IP throughput || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ping|ping]] || Network || Troubleshoot networking with ping || ||%0a|| [[traceroute/usage|traceroute]] || Network || Trace packet route || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/dig|dig]] || Network || Troubleshoot DNS servers and records || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[ifconfig|ifconfig]] || Network || ifconfig guide || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/change|Changing addresses]] || Network || Changing network addresses || ||%0a|| [[Hostnameif/Static|Static Networking]] || Network || ||%0a|| [[Hostnameif/autoconf|Autoconf Networking]] || Network || ||%0a|| [[ifstated/configure|Configure ifstated]] || Network || Configure ifstated || ||%0a|| [[arp/usage|arp]] || Network || Address resolution protocol || ||%0a|| [[ndp/usage|ndp]] || Network || Neighbor discovery protocol || ||%0a|| [[resolv/conf-|resolv.conf]] || Network || Configuring resolv.conf || ||%0a|| [[resolvd/usage|resolvd]] || Network || Using resolvd || ||%0a|| [[route/usage|Route]] || Network || Configure route paths || ||%0a|| [[route/hostnameif|hostname.if route]] || Network || Add routes to hostname.if at bootup || ||%0a|| [[netstat/usage|netstat]] || Network || Show network status || ||%0a|| [[route/sourceaddr|Route source address]] || Network || Configure routing source address || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Wireless ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[hostapd/configure|hostapd]] || Network || Set up Host Access Point || ||%0a%0a||! Packet Filter ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/openforeveryone|Open For Everyone]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[pf/guide|Packet Filter]] || Network || Setup firewall with Packet Filter || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ddos|DDoS Defense]] || Network || Defend against DDoS Attacks || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/tcpdump|tcpdump]] || Network || Read network packets || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/SSDP|SSDP attack]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ACKFlood|TCP ack flood]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/RSTFlood|TCP reset flood]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/UDPFlood|UDP Flood]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/amplification|amplification attack]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/PFStable|PF Stable]] || Network || Sample PF Firewall for Stable || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/PFTesting|PF Testing]] || Network || Sample PF Firewall for Testing || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/pf|Packet Filter]] || Network || PF Guide || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[pfctl/usage|pfctl]] || Network || PF Guide || Control packet filter ||%0a%0a||! Domain Name Lookup ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/bridge|bridge]] || Network || Bridge interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/vlan|vlan]] || Network || vlan interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/switch|switch]] || Network || switch interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/veb|veb]] || Network || veb interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/vether|veb]] || Network || Virtual Ethernet interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/carp|carp]] || Network || CARP interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/gre|gre]] || Network || GRE interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/wg|wg]] || Network || WireGuard interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/tap|tap]] || Network || Ethernet tunnel pseudo-device interface || ||%0a|| [[ifconfig/tun|tun]] || Network || Network tunnel pseudo-device interface || ||%0a%0a||! Domain Name Lookup ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[dns/overview|DNS Overview]] || DNS || Learn the Domain Name System || ||%0a|| [[unwind/configure|unwind]] || Network || Validating DNS resolver || ||%0a|| [[unbound/configure|unbound]] || DNS || Configure a local caching nameserver || ||%0a|| [[unbound/dnssec-|DNSSec for Unbound]] || DNS || Add DNSSec for unbound || ||%0a|| [[dig/usage|dig]] || DNS || Troubleshoot DNS records with dig || ||%0a|| [[host/usage|host]] || DNS || Troubleshoot DNS records with host || ||%0a|| [[hostname/usage|hostname]] || DNS || Set hostname || ||%0a|| [[hosts/configure|Configure /etc/hosts]] || BSD || Host and network name database || Apply for IRC operator ||%0a%0a||! Name Server ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[netizen/become|Become a Netizen]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[netizen/rights|Netizen Rights]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[dns/records|DNS Records]] || DNS || Understand DNS record types || ||%0a|| [[dns/registrars|Name Registrars]] || DNS || Choose a name registrar || ||%0a|| [[dns/FQDN|FQDN]] || DNS || Understand FQDN and $ORIGIN || ||%0a|| [[nsd/configure|Configure NSD]] || DNS || Configure name server for custom domains || ||%0a|| [[dns/zonefile|Zone File]] || DNS || || ||%0a|| [[nsd/zone|NSD Zone]] || DNS || || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[nsd/masterslave|nsd master slave]] || DNS || || ||%0a|| [[nsd/troubleshoot|Troubleshooting NSD]] || DNS || || ||%0a|| [[DNS/rDNS|rDNS]] || DNS || Configure reverse DNS for vhosts and email || ||%0a|| [[DNS/Ipv4rDNS|IPv4 rDNS]] || DNS || Configure IPv4 reverse DNS || ||%0a|| [[DNS/Ipv6rDNS|IPv6 rDNS]] || DNS || Configure IPv6 reverse DNS || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/unix|Unix Work Ethic]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[dns/vhost|vhost]] || DNS || Create custom vhost || ||%0a|| [[identd/configure|identd]] || Security || Provide ident to stop abuse || ||%0a%0a||! Mail Server ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[freedom/federation|Federation]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[opensmtpd/configure|OpenSMTPd]] || Mail || Configure your mail server || ||%0a|| [[DNS/Mail|DNS for Mail]] || Mail || Create DNS records for email || ||%0a|| [[DNS/SPF]] || Mail || Configure SPF records to avoid the spam folder || ||%0a|| [[DNS/DKIM]] || Mail || Configure DKIM records to avoid the SPAM folder || ||%0a|| [[DNS/DMARC]] || Mail || Configure DMARC records to block phishing and spam || ||%0a|| [[netcat/SMTP|netcat SMTP]] || Network || Troubleshoot SMTP with netcat || ||%0a|| [[Opensmtpd/Test|SMTP Testing]] || Mail || Send a test letter || ||%0a|| [[Opensmtpd/Inbox|Getting inboxed]] || Mail || Getting inboxed || ||%0a|| [[Opensmtpd/Openrelay|Open Mail Relay]] || Mail || Block open mail relay to avoid sending spam || ||%0a|| [[smtp/usage|smtp]] || Mail || SMTP client || ||%0a|| [[spamd/configure|spamd]] || Mail || Configure spam filter || ||%0a|| [[opensmtpd/aliases|aliases]] || Mail || Configure aliases for mail || ||%0a%0a||! Simple Network Management Protocol ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[snmpd/configure|snmpd]] || SNMP || Configure SNMPd || ||%0a|| [[snmp/configure|snmp]] || SNMP || Configure SNMP || ||%0a%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Servers/Rights|Servers' Rights]] || Civics || Servers' Rights || ||%0a|| [[Minutemin/Code|Minutemin's Code]] || Civics || Recite the Code of Honor || ||%0a%0a||! Version Control ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Minutemin/Duty|Call of Duty]] || Civics || The Call of Duty || ||%0a|| [[got/usage|got]] || Code || Set up got version control (clone of git) || ||%0a|| [[got/repo|got repo]] || Code || Set up got repo || ||%0a|| [[got/server|got server]] || Code || Set up got server || ||%0a|| [[got/mirror|got mirror]] || Code || Set up got mirror || ||%0a|| [[gotweb/install|gotweb]] || Code || Set up got web access || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Disk Setup and Backups ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Minutemin/Server|Minutemin's Server]] || Civics || The Minutemin's Server || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/dump|dump]] || BSD || Backup a partition || ||%0a|| [[openrsync/usage|openrsync]] || BSD || Backup and sync files || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/fdisk|fdisk]] || BSD || Partition Hard Disk || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/disklabel|disklabel]] || BSD || Edit Partitions || ||%0a|| [[disklabel/partitioning|disklabel partitioning]] || BSD || Partition New Hard Disk || ||%0a|| [[newfs/usage|newfs]] || BSD || Construct a new filesystem || ||%0a|| [[mount/usage|mount]] || BSD || Mount partitions || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/newdisk|newdisk]] || BSD || Add a New Hard Disk || ||%0a|| [[ffs/intro|FFS]] || BSD || Learn about the Fast Filesystem || ||%0a|| [[fsck/usage|fsck]] || BSD || Filesystem check consistency check || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/quota]] || BSD || Edit disk quotas || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/growfs|growfs]] || BSD || Grow a Disk Partition || Get shell account on server ||%0a%0a||! RAID ||||||||%0a|| [[softraid/install|softraid]] || BSD || Configuring software RAID || ||%0a|| [[softraid/rebuild|Rebuild softraid]] || BSD || Rebuilding software RAID || ||%0a%0a||! File servers ||||||||%0a|| [[exports/configure|nfsd]] || BSD || Configure NFS || ||%0a|| [[nfsd/configure|nfsd]] || BSD || Serve files over NFS || ||%0a|| [[mount_nfs/usage|mount_nfs]] || BSD || Mount NFS filesystems || ||%0a|| [[mountd/configure|nfsd]] || BSD || Automatically mount NFS filesystems || ||%0a|| [[ftpd/configure|ftpd]] || BSD || Serve files over FTP || ||%0a|| [[tftpd/configure|tftpd]] || BSD || Serve files over TFTP || ||%0a%0a||! Text Processing ||||||||%0a|| [[sed/usage|sed]] || BSD || sed scripting || ||%0a|| [[awk/usage|awk]] || BSD || awk scripting || ||%0a|| [[roff/usage|roff]] || BSD || roff || ||%0a%0a||! Shell Scripting ||||||||%0a|| [[ksh/intro|ksh intro]] || BSD || shell scripting || ||%0a|| [[perl101/perl101|perl intro]] || BSD || perl scripting || ||%0a%0a||! Virtual Machine ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[vmm/intro|VMM Intro]] || BSD || Intro to the VMM Hypervisor || ||%0a|| [[vmctl/usage|VMM User Guide]] || BSD || Control your VPS || ||%0a|| [[cu/usage|cu]] || BSD || Serial terminal emulator || ||%0a|| [[vmctl/newdisk|VMM User Guide]] || BSD || Add new storage disk to VPS || ||%0a|| [[vmctl/reinstall|VMM User Guide]] || BSD || Reinstall OpenBSD inside VMM || ||%0a|| [[vmm/install|VMM Install]] || BSD || Install OpenBSD inside VMM || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/install|Install OpenBSD]] || BSD || Install OpenBSD || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/upgrade|Upgrade OpenBSD]] || BSD || Upgrade to OpenBSD || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sysupgrade|OpenBSD Sysupgrade]] || BSD || Sysupgrade to OpenBSD || ||%0a|| [[vmm/sysupgrade|Vmm Sysupgrade]] || BSD || Sysupgrade OpenBSD VMM Host || ||%0a|| [[sysmerge/usage|sysmerge]] || BSD || Merge conf files after upgrade || ||%0a|| [[hosting/providers|Hosting Providers]] || Network || Choose a Hosting Provider || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/bsdrd|bsd.rd]] || BSD || Install/Upgrade/Repair with Ramdisk || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/singleuser|Single User Mode]] || BSD || Boot OpenBSD into single user mode || ||%0a|| [[OpenBSD.ResetPassword|Reset root password]] || BSD || Reset root password || ||%0a|| [[dhcpd/configure|Configure DHCP server]] || Network || Configure DHCP server || ||%0a|| [[rad/configure|Configure rad server]] || Network || Set up Router Advertisements for IPv6 || ||%0a|| [[slaacd/configure|Configure slaacd daemon]] || Network || Configure slaacd daemon || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/diskless|diskless]] || BSD || Run OpenBSD on diskless systems || Acquire admin access ||%0a%0a||! System Administration ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ed|ed]] || BSD || ed text editor || ||%0a|| [[tar/usage|tar]] || BSD || Tape archives || ||%0a|| [[crontab/edit|Editing crontab]] || BSD || Editing crontab || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/adduser|adduser]] || BSD || Addusers || ||%0a|| [[group/usage|group]] || BSD || Manage groups || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/localtime|localtime]] || BSD || Set time zone || ||%0a|| [[dd/iso|Write image to usb]] || BSD || Write image to USB || ||%0a|| [[ln/intro|symbolic links]] || BSD || Create symbolic links || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/fstab|fstab]] || BSD || Edit filesystem table || ||%0a|| [[dmesg/usage|dmesg]] || BSD || Display system message buffer || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/hier|hier]] || BSD || OpenBSD filesystem hierarchy || ||%0a|| [[ps/usage|ps]] || BSD || Monitor Processes || ||%0a|| [[renice/usage|renice]] || BSD || Renice processes || ||%0a|| [[fstat/usage|fstat]] || Network || Show file status || ||%0a|| [[fuser/usage|fuser]] || Network || Show process using a file || ||%0a|| [[kill/usage|kill]] || BSD || Send signals to processes || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/panic|kernel panics]] || BSD || Dealing with kernel panics || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sysctl|sysctl]] || BSD || Getting and setting kernel state || ||%0a|| [[swapctl/usage|swapctl]] || BSD || Manage system swap space || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/outofmemory|OOM error]] || BSD || Out of memory error || ||%0a|| [[atactl/usage|atactl]] || BSD || Get disk information || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/vipw|vipw]] || BSD || Edit the password file || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! System Logging ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[syslogd/configure|syslogd]] || BSD || Configure system logging || ||%0a|| [[syslogd/remote|Remote syslogd]] || BSD || Configure remote system logging || ||%0a|| [[newsyslog/configure|newsyslog]] || BSD || Log rotation || ||%0a%0a||! System Logging ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[sendbug/usage|send]] || BSD || sendbug || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/mail|OpenBSD mailing list]] || BSD || OpenBSD mailing list || ||%0a%0a||! Civics ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Freedom/Independence|Independence]] || Civics || Declaration of Network Independence || ||%0a|| [[ircnow/constitution|Constitution]] || Civics || Read the Constitution and Bill of Rights || ||%0a|| [[freedom/union|United We Serve]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/privacy|Privacy]] || Civics || Right to Privacy || ||%0a|| [[freedom/homestead|Homestead VPS]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/madeonirc|Made on IRC]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/startupdream|The Startup Dream]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/dueprocess|Due Process]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/checks|Checks and Balances]] || Civics || || ||%0a|| [[freedom/rulebylaw|Rule by Law]] || Civics || || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Miscellaneous ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]] || Network || Chroot sftp server for secure file hosting || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/ports|ports]] || BSD || Install software from ports tree || ||%0a|| [[Pkgadd.CheckUpdates-|pkg_add updates]] || BSD || Keep software updated || ||%0a|| [[ntpd/configure|ntpd]] || Network || Update date and time from network automatically || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Stopping Abuse ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[abuse/intro|Abuse Guide]] || Security || Investigation techniques to report criminals || ||%0a|| [[team/security|Team Security]] || Security || Prevent security leaks || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Security ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Password/Management|Manage Passwords]] || Shell || Create secure passwords || ||%0a|| [[Openssl/Encryptfile|Encrypt Files]] || Shell || Encrypt files with OpenSSL || ||%0a|| [[signify/verify|signify]] || Security || Verify OpenBSD software || ||%0a|| [[shell/limits]] || Security || Setting resource limits || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/FilePermissions|File Permissions]] || Security || Fix insecure file permissions || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[pledge/intro|pledge]] || Security || Restrict system operations || ||%0a|| [[unveil/intro|unveil]] || Security || Unveil parts of restricted filesystems || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/setuid]] || Security || Audit setuid root binaries || ||%0a|| [[security/usage|security]] || Security || Security checks || ||%0a|| [[team/security]] || Security || Team security || ||%0a%0a||! Routing ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[ripd/configure|RIPd]] || Network || Configure RIPd || ||%0a|| [[ospfd/configure|OSPFd]] || Network || Configure OSPFd || ||%0a|| [[bgpd/configure|BGPd]] || Network || Configure BGPd || ||%0a|| [[dhcpd/configure|Configure DHCP server]] || Network || || ||%0a|| [[dvmrpd/configure|DVMRPd]] || Network || Configure DVMRPd || ||%0a|| [[mrouted/configure|mrouted]] || Network || Configure Multicast Routing || ||%0a|| [[dhclient/configure|Configure DHCP client]] || Network || || ||%0a%0a||! VPNs and Proxies ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[iked/configure|iked]] || Network || Provide Roadwarrio IPSec VPNs || ||%0a|| [[vpn/vpn|VPN clients]] || Security || Configure IPSec VPN client || ||%0a|| [[vpn/myipaddress|Test VPN]] || Security || Test IP address behind VPN || ||%0a|| [[iked/sitetosite|site-to-site iked]] || Security || Provide site-to-site IPSec || ||%0a%0a||! Secure Shell ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[sshd/configure|sshd]] || Security || Configure and start sshd || ||%0a|| [[ssh/fingerprints|ssh fingerprints]] || Security || Verify SSH fingerprints|| ||%0a|| [[ssh/agent|ssh agent]] || Security || Configure ssh agent || ||%0a|| [[OpenSSH/connect|OpenSSH]] || Security || Configure ssh and connect securely || ||%0a|| [[OpenSSH/Keygen|Generate SSH Keys]] || Security || Generate SSH keys || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sshkeys|SSH keys]] || Security || Verify ssh keys || ||%0a|| [[openbsd/sshbackdoor|SSH backdoor]] || Security || Configure ssh side channel to avoid DDoS || ||%0a|| [[sftp/chroot|Chroot SFTP]] || Security || Configure sftp inside a chroot || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a%0a||! Further Reading ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[openbsd/books|OpenBSD Books]] || BSD || OpenBSD recommended reading || ||%0a|| [[unix/reading|Unix Books]] || BSD || Unix recommended reading || ||%0a%0a||! Minutemin ||||||||%0a||! Lesson ||! Topic ||! Description ||! Reward ||%0a|| [[Team/Welcome|Welcome to the Team]] || Civics || Learn Team Responsibilities || ||%0a|| [[Team/Testing|Testing Servers]] || Civics || Learn Team Procedure for Testing || ||%0a|| [[Team/Announce|Announcements]] || Civics || Announce downtime and updates for users || Extend VPS 1 week ||%0a
 title=Admin Forces Training
+diff:1717485685:1717273637:=110d109%0a%3c || [[ifconfig/vether|veb]] || Network || Virtual Ethernet interface || ||%0a
 diff:1717273637:1717259241:=73d72%0a%3c || [[Hostnameif/autoconf|Autoconf Networking]] || Network || ||%0a238d236%0a%3c || [[slaacd/configure|Configure slaacd daemon]] || Network || Configure slaacd daemon || ||%0a
blob - /dev/null
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+++ wiki.d/FwUpdate.RecentChanges
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+text=* [[FwUpdate/Usage]]  . . . @2024-06-03T08:17:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a
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+text=Devices often may need some code to work properly, these are called firmwares.%0a%0aWhile device drivers run on the CPU and managed by OS, device firmwares ran on the device itself and OS has no control over it (after loading the firmware).%0aOpenBSD ships with serval firmware for some devices (such as @@run@@, @@fxp@@ or @@bnx@@) in @@/etc/firmwares@@.%0aHowever, due to legal concerns, OpenBSD may not include all firmwares in the installation image.%0a%0aAfter installation, @@fw_update@@ will be ran to install firmwares in @@/etc/firmwares@@.%0a%0a!!Important firmwares%0athere are usually several important firmwares, depending on your hardware:%0a|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a|| Device || Description || Firmware(s) ||%0a|| CPU || CPU microcode updates, to patch security and reliability issues || @@intel@@, @@amd@@ %0a|| VMM || Required for VMM to work || @@vmm@@ ||%0a|| USB video || webcams and other cameras || @@uvideo@@ || %0a|| GPU || graphics for GPUs || @@inteldrm@@, @@amdgpu@@, @@radeongpu@@ ||%0a|| Wifi || Wireless networking || @@iwn@@, @@iwx@@, @@qwx@@, etc ||%0a%0a!!Usage%0aWith no arguments, @@fw_update@@ simply will check and find all firmwares your device may need:%0a[@%0a$ doas fw_update%0a@]%0a%0ato delete a firmware, you may use @@-d@@:%0a[@%0a$ doas fw_update -d uvideo%0a@]%0a
+diff:1717402621:1717402564:=1,4c1,2%0a%3c Devices often may need some code to work properly, these are called firmwares.%0a%3c %0a%3c While device drivers run on the CPU and managed by OS, device firmwares ran on the device itself and OS has no control over it (after loading the firmware).%0a%3c OpenBSD ships with serval firmware for some devices (such as @@run@@, @@fxp@@ or @@bnx@@) in @@/etc/firmwares@@.%0a---%0a> Devices often may need some code to work properly, this is called firmwares.%0a> While device drivers run on the CPU and managed by OS, device firmwares ran on the device itself and OS has no control over it (beyond loading the firmware). OpenBSD ships with serval firmware for some devices (such as @@run@@, @@fxp@@ or @@bnx@@) in @@/etc/firmwares@@.%0a5a4%0a> OpenBSD however, can redistribute them in the form of packages.%0a
+diff:1717402564:1717402564:=1,27d0%0a%3c Devices often may need some code to work properly, this is called firmwares.%0a%3c While device drivers run on the CPU and managed by OS, device firmwares ran on the device itself and OS has no control over it (beyond loading the firmware). OpenBSD ships with serval firmware for some devices (such as @@run@@, @@fxp@@ or @@bnx@@) in @@/etc/firmwares@@.%0a%3c However, due to legal concerns, OpenBSD may not include all firmwares in the installation image.%0a%3c OpenBSD however, can redistribute them in the form of packages.%0a%3c %0a%3c After installation, @@fw_update@@ will be ran to install firmwares in @@/etc/firmwares@@.%0a%3c %0a%3c !!Important firmwares%0a%3c there are usually several important firmwares, depending on your hardware:%0a%3c || border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a%3c || Device || Description || Firmware(s) ||%0a%3c || CPU || CPU microcode updates, to patch security and reliability issues || @@intel@@, @@amd@@ %0a%3c || VMM || Required for VMM to work || @@vmm@@ ||%0a%3c || USB video || webcams and other cameras || @@uvideo@@ || %0a%3c || GPU || graphics for GPUs || @@inteldrm@@, @@amdgpu@@, @@radeongpu@@ ||%0a%3c || Wifi || Wireless networking || @@iwn@@, @@iwx@@, @@qwx@@, etc ||%0a%3c %0a%3c !!Usage%0a%3c With no arguments, @@fw_update@@ simply will check and find all firmwares your device may need:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas fw_update%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c to delete a firmware, you may use @@-d@@:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas fw_update -d uvideo%0a%3c @]%0a
blob - 2751ce63d6c0dc4a0e22cd4a39feca3dc517a954
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--- wiki.d/Ifconfig.RecentChanges
+++ wiki.d/Ifconfig.RecentChanges
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ charset=UTF-8
-text=* [[Ifconfig/Usage]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:30:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=thanks to mkf on August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM=]%0a* [[Ifconfig/Ifconfig]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:29:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig/Change]]  . . . @2024-03-01T18:04:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a
+text=* [[Ifconfig/Veb]]  . . . @2024-06-04T07:44:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig/Vether]]  . . . @2024-06-04T07:25:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig/Usage]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:30:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=thanks to mkf on August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM=]%0a* [[Ifconfig/Ifconfig]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:29:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig/Change]]  . . . @2024-03-01T18:04:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a
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+text=NFS, like most other file systems can be mounted. OpenBSD supports NFS version 2 and 3.%0a%0aeach nfs server has a set of paths it exports, on UNIX system paths are usually like:%0a[@%0a/something/somewhere%0a@]%0a%0abut other systems may also offer paths with different names.%0a%0ato mount a NFS path:%0a[@%0a$ doas mount_nfs host:path /mount_point%0a@]%0a%0awhere, ''host'' is the IP, domain or hostname of the server, ''path'' is the exported directory and ''mount_point'' is where you'd like to mount it.%0a
+diff:1717408355:1717408355:=1,15d0%0a%3c NFS, like most other file systems can be mounted. OpenBSD supports NFS version 2 and 3.%0a%3c %0a%3c each nfs server has a set of paths it exports, on UNIX system paths are usually like:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c /something/somewhere%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c but other systems may also offer paths with different names.%0a%3c %0a%3c to mount a NFS path:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas mount_nfs host:path /mount_point%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c where, ''host'' is the IP, domain or hostname of the server, ''path'' is the exported directory and ''mount_point'' is where you'd like to mount it.%0a
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-text=* [[MountNfs.Usage]]  . . . @2024-06-03T09:52:35Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[FwUpdate.Usage]]  . . . @2024-06-03T08:17:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Configure]]  . . . @2024-06-02T22:16:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Hosting]]  . . . @2024-06-02T00:45:01Z by [[~LohanG]]: [=corrected a link to httpd man page=]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Autoconf]]  . . . @2024-06-01T23:39:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adminforces.Training]]  . . . @2024-06-01T20:27:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rad.Configure]]  . . . @2024-06-01T20:26:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Patch]]  . . . @2024-06-01T16:45:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dhcpd.Configure]]  . . . @2024-06-01T16:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Bootcamp]]  . . . @2024-06-01T15:58:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Adminforces]]  . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Minutemin]]  . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Hostnameif]]  . . . @2024-05-31T06:17:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Almanack]]  . . . @2024-05-31T03:45:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static]]  . . . @2024-05-30T23:03:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.LAN]]  . . . @2024-05-30T13:02:25Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.HomePage]]  . . . @2024-05-29T22:25:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.SideBar]]  . . . @2024-05-29T14:15:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Recruit]]  . . . @2024-05-29T12:39:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Team]]  . . . @2024-05-29T12:08:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Usage]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:30:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=thanks to mkf on August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM=]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Ifconfig]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:29:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Team]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:26:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Donations.Donations]]  . . . @2024-05-28T16:38:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Changeident]]  . . . @2024-05-28T00:11:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Support]]  . . . @2024-05-28T00:07:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Admin]]  . . . @2024-05-28T00:06:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Minetest]]  . . . @2024-05-27T22:43:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc101.Irc101]]  . . . @2024-05-27T22:41:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Troubleshooting]]  . . . @2024-05-27T21:55:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Troubleshoot]]  . . . @2024-05-27T21:55:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bgpd.Configure]]  . . . @2024-05-27T21:44:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lists.Ircnow]]  . . . @2024-05-27T20:47:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot]]  . . . @2024-05-27T20:32:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Sourceaddr]]  . . . @2024-05-22T23:31:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Bio]]  . . . @2024-05-22T05:37:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosts.Configure]]  . . . @2024-05-21T07:59:04Z by [[~mkf]]: [=Promote what is in the base :)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ed]]  . . . @2024-05-21T07:58:21Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T21:48:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oddprotocol.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T21:45:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsdforall.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T21:41:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nastycode.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T20:46:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Planetofnix.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T20:45:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Memes]]  . . . @2024-05-16T18:05:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Inbox]]  . . . @2024-05-14T12:57:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade75]]  . . . @2024-05-11T06:39:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Services]]  . . . @2024-05-10T16:12:29Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Biboumi]]  . . . @2024-05-10T09:13:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=udns doesn't seem to work in since upgrade to 7.5, i don't know why.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Drawtermssh]]  . . . @2024-05-10T07:08:07Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Sitetosite]]  . . . @2024-05-10T06:58:29Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Iked]]  . . . @2024-05-10T06:58:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Reading]]  . . . @2024-05-08T15:31:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dump]]  . . . @2024-05-07T17:10:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Homestead]]  . . . @2024-05-06T05:49:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Restore]]  . . . @2024-05-05T22:30:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Providers]]  . . . @2024-05-04T04:13:44Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Prosody]]  . . . @2024-05-02T13:20:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.MTA-STS]]  . . . @2024-05-01T17:38:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fstab]]  . . . @2024-04-30T13:00:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=mention ro=]%0a* [[Ffs.Intro]]  . . . @2024-04-30T12:56:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [=hehe=]%0a* [[Gnus.Connect]]  . . . @2024-04-30T12:31:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Configure]]  . . . @2024-04-26T23:56:58Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Dovecot.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-26T23:55:07Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mlmmj]]  . . . @2024-04-25T18:41:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Shell]]  . . . @2024-04-24T16:07:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ssh.Fingerprints]]  . . . @2024-04-23T15:02:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.DumpBackupWithSCP]]  . . . @2024-04-15T09:27:31Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Mariadb.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-13T18:06:28Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openbsd]]  . . . @2024-04-13T18:02:19Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Admin]]  . . . @2024-04-12T19:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade75]]  . . . @2024-04-11T20:42:45Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade]]  . . . @2024-04-11T19:37:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Milestones]]  . . . @2024-04-11T19:29:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Markets]]  . . . @2024-04-11T17:15:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Swapctl.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T07:06:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T06:49:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Newfs.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T06:20:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mount.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T06:19:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdisk.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T00:09:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Disklabel]]  . . . @2024-04-10T23:43:12Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Partitioning]]  . . . @2024-04-10T23:22:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-09T23:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Rebuild]]  . . . @2024-04-09T21:56:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backups]]  . . . @2024-04-09T21:50:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fdisk]]  . . . @2024-04-09T21:33:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psybnc.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-09T19:17:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Psybnc]]  . . . @2024-04-09T19:14:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-09T05:30:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-09T05:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Intro]]  . . . @2024-04-09T01:30:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Acceleration]]  . . . @2024-04-08T20:52:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert to uncommented code block=]%0a* [[SiteAdmin.AuthUser]]  . . . @2024-04-08T20:33:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Check]]  . . . @2024-04-08T20:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Snac]]  . . . @2024-04-08T16:30:46Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade]]  . . . @2024-04-07T23:32:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Crontab.Edit]]  . . . @2024-04-07T23:22:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install75]]  . . . @2024-04-07T22:53:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-07T22:28:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Vps]]  . . . @2024-04-07T17:26:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atactl.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-07T10:57:16Z by [[~mkf]]: [=add sleep command=]%0a* [[Vmctl.Disk]]  . . . @2024-04-06T23:08:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Reinstall]]  . . . @2024-04-06T22:59:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Outofmemory]]  . . . @2024-04-06T21:03:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dmesg.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmesg]]  . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Users]]  . . . @2024-04-06T19:10:58Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Yiming]]  . . . @2024-04-06T04:59:28Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Create New Page=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Singleuser]]  . . . @2024-04-03T23:51:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostname.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-03T23:38:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hier]]  . . . @2024-04-03T23:23:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Intro]]  . . . @2024-04-03T20:32:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dd.Iso]]  . . . @2024-04-03T20:30:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Resolv.Conf]]  . . . @2024-04-03T20:09:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Localtime]]  . . . @2024-04-03T16:39:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bootconf]]  . . . @2024-04-03T07:35:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Chess]]  . . . @2024-04-01T01:40:42Z by [[~maxxe]]: [==]%0a* [[Router.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-03-31T23:16:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sysop.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-03-31T22:05:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Servers]]  . . . @2024-03-31T21:59:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Thunderbird]]  . . . @2024-03-30T12:51:26Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Update=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Akkoma]]  . . . @2024-03-25T04:31:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pleroma]]  . . . @2024-03-25T04:30:19Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Wss]]  . . . @2024-03-20T22:13:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Thanks to miniontoby!=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysctl]]  . . . @2024-03-18T16:56:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Connect]]  . . . @2024-03-16T21:22:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcd.Configure]]  . . . @2024-03-14T14:14:37Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Link]]  . . . @2024-03-14T09:25:10Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Bittorrent]]  . . . @2024-03-13T03:17:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pmwiki]]  . . . @2024-03-12T15:21:47Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rcctl]]  . . . @2024-03-09T18:16:03Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Loginconf]]  . . . @2024-03-09T16:40:33Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ngircd]]  . . . @2024-03-09T16:35:20Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Change]]  . . . @2024-03-01T18:04:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Overview]]  . . . @2024-02-20T00:38:00Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Erc]]  . . . @2024-02-19T19:25:28Z by [[~kiliro]]: [=Add better format                                 Summary: Add better formatin=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Bouncer]]  . . . @2024-02-19T16:34:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Icecast]]  . . . @2024-02-12T17:38:08Z by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes=]%0a* [[Cwm.Configure]]  . . . @2024-02-10T20:34:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Drawterm]]  . . . @2024-02-10T17:15:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wsconsctl.Usage]]  . . . @2024-02-10T06:50:02Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Easy]]  . . . @2024-02-04T18:52:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.TheloungeWebircClient]]  . . . @2024-02-01T13:39:12Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Panic]]  . . . @2024-01-20T22:18:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssh.Totp]]  . . . @2024-01-16T07:17:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Unix101]]  . . . @2024-01-11T17:22:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atheme.Install]]  . . . @2024-01-01T15:24:17Z by [[~rahl]]: [=Atheme is written in C=]%0a* [[Rio.Customize]]  . . . @2023-12-30T21:33:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade74]]  . . . @2023-12-28T21:05:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Lists]]  . . . @2023-12-26T20:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xboard.Connect]]  . . . @2023-12-26T01:05:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[I2Pd.Install]]  . . . @2023-12-20T06:00:49Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Exits]]  . . . @2023-12-18T15:10:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bitlbee]]  . . . @2023-12-18T10:06:57Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Authsrv]]  . . . @2023-12-18T09:11:44Z by [[~mkf]]: [=delete empty page=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Icechat]]  . . . @2023-12-18T09:09:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [=remove duplicate article (see Bouncer.IceChat)=]%0a* [[Ircnow.SSHFingerprints]]  . . . @2023-12-17T18:47:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.UbuntuIso]]  . . . @2023-12-04T20:16:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Sysupgrade]]  . . . @2023-12-02T14:59:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Openaccess]]  . . . @2023-12-01T03:16:51Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Tcache]]  . . . @2023-11-30T02:41:15Z by [[~Tcache]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Disablepassword]]  . . . @2023-11-29T05:00:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wraith]]  . . . @2023-11-25T18:49:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Host]]  . . . @2023-11-24T22:51:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hunchentoot.Install]]  . . . @2023-11-24T19:50:41Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pkg]]  . . . @2023-11-19T01:35:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syspatch.Syspatch]]  . . . @2023-11-19T01:33:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install73]]  . . . @2023-11-18T05:32:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install74]]  . . . @2023-11-18T05:06:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade74]]  . . . @2023-11-16T00:15:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcltls]]  . . . @2023-11-06T20:19:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Olympics.Games]]  . . . @2023-11-05T18:39:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Security]]  . . . @2023-11-04T18:45:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Reading]]  . . . @2023-11-01T03:47:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Tools]]  . . . @2023-10-28T17:41:59Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Explorer]]  . . . @2023-10-28T17:29:29Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Intro]]  . . . @2023-10-28T17:04:45Z by [[~redrum88]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFStable]]  . . . @2023-10-27T19:07:16Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Revise ICMP section in accordance with RFCs. Fix icmp6 syntax issue.=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2024]]  . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap]]  . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DKIM]]  . . . @2023-10-19T19:11:28Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add this note here too (already present in DNS.Mail)=]%0a* [[DNS.Mail]]  . . . @2023-10-19T19:09:57Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Change so _dkimsign is used for /etc/mail/dkim. _dovecot never needs to access that folder.=]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Replace]]  . . . @2023-10-19T17:19:19Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Fix IndentationError, although the script seems to have other issues (blank output)=]%0a* [[Police.Intro]]  . . . @2023-10-08T05:05:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.DNSSEC]]  . . . @2023-10-08T02:32:13Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=nitpick: Restart/Reload rather than Restart/reload=]%0a* [[Unbound.Configure]]  . . . @2023-10-07T23:19:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Edit after revert to include more accurate information, discussed with jrmu=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-NowWithInit]]  . . . @2023-10-07T05:20:56Z by [[~Maddie]]: [=[Minor]: Cleaned ansible code for more efficency.=]%0a* [[C.Cprimer]]  . . . @2023-10-05T18:57:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Hidden]]  . . . @2023-10-04T18:19:36Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add authorization section for hidden services=]%0a* [[Openbsd.FilePermissions]]  . . . @2023-10-04T02:15:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Replace `$ doas` with `#`=]%0a* [[Dns.TroubleshootingDNS]]  . . . @2023-10-03T06:23:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anope]]  . . . @2023-10-03T02:51:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ramfs]]  . . . @2023-09-27T15:43:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Loginconf]]  . . . @2023-09-22T14:40:06Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=Probably need some revertion.=]%0a* [[Hosting.Providers]]  . . . @2023-09-12T04:58:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Repo]]  . . . @2023-09-10T23:25:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2023]]  . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.CPAN]]  . . . @2023-09-05T03:25:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pideas]]  . . . @2023-09-03T18:58:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9gridchan]]  . . . @2023-09-03T06:16:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Acmemail]]  . . . @2023-09-01T18:05:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Account]]  . . . @2023-09-01T17:09:51Z by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Date]]  . . . @2023-09-01T13:46:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Shell]]  . . . @2023-08-27T18:52:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Why9]]  . . . @2023-08-25T17:15:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Splinternet]]  . . . @2023-08-24T02:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PKI]]  . . . @2023-08-23T19:47:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.IP]]  . . . @2023-08-23T00:12:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Inter9]]  . . . @2023-08-23T00:11:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Irc]]  . . . @2023-08-22T14:15:24Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=spelling=]%0a* [[9.Rcpu]]  . . . @2023-08-21T17:21:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.FNS]]  . . . @2023-08-19T17:30:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PNS]]  . . . @2023-08-19T17:05:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Reading]]  . . . @2023-08-17T18:18:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Intro]]  . . . @2023-08-15T22:57:20Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hw.X230]]  . . . @2023-08-15T12:46:43Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Reading]]  . . . @2023-08-14T02:37:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Irc]]  . . . @2023-08-07T01:37:18Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=correct (unused) USER parameters=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade71]]  . . . @2023-07-27T20:09:43Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=using both -U and -u at the same time is pointless=]%0a* [[Profiles.Yonle]]  . . . @2023-07-17T15:08:57Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCModules]]  . . . @2023-07-16T20:56:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added links to more modules=]%0a* [[Pbug.Bio]]  . . . @2023-07-08T13:53:57Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianIso]]  . . . @2023-07-05T19:58:36Z by [[~TheLion]]: [==]%0a* [[Certbot.Nginx]]  . . . @2023-07-04T13:58:54Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Vpn]]  . . . @2023-07-04T05:59:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Perl]]  . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Manifesto]]  . . . @2023-07-02T18:39:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Configure]]  . . . @2023-07-02T06:47:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnIos]]  . . . @2023-07-01T21:21:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Terms]]  . . . @2023-06-30T14:35:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Announce]]  . . . @2023-06-29T23:11:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Cronjobs]]  . . . @2023-06-17T04:44:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Orangepi3lts]]  . . . @2023-06-12T00:06:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xenodm]]  . . . @2023-06-11T16:30:39Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [=OpenBSD, xorg, xenodm, monitors=]%0a* [[Team.Welcome]]  . . . @2023-06-10T15:37:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Education]]  . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.RDNS]]  . . . @2023-06-10T05:27:27Z by [[~jacobk]]: [=fix link to Ipv6rdns=]%0a* [[Ngircd.Sins]]  . . . @2023-06-09T20:20:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Bugs]]  . . . @2023-06-09T19:46:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Jujube]]  . . . @2023-06-08T21:38:47Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update domain name=]%0a* [[Ikiwiki.Install]]  . . . @2023-06-07T22:48:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Limits]]  . . . @2023-06-06T20:12:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm]]  . . . @2023-06-06T05:52:47Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Universal]]  . . . @2023-05-31T19:02:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gnost-relay]]  . . . @2023-05-31T10:53:55Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=There's a reason why i connect to IPv6 instead of IPv4=]%0a* [[Freedom.Radio]]  . . . @2023-05-29T16:10:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Config]]  . . . @2023-05-29T03:16:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=cleanup and added instructions for changing tmux hotkey from ^b:=]%0a* [[Got.RemoteRepo]]  . . . @2023-05-28T04:26:48Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[C101.C101]]  . . . @2023-05-25T14:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.BBB]]  . . . @2023-05-24T15:03:59Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Privacy]]  . . . @2023-05-22T19:09:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psotnic.Install]]  . . . @2023-05-22T16:03:20Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DevuanIso]]  . . . @2023-05-21T18:54:36Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ircnow]]  . . . @2023-05-19T21:54:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Setup to match Ianj's version.=]%0a* [[NewsNow.NewsNow]]  . . . @2023-05-18T12:51:42Z by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Masterslave]]  . . . @2023-05-18T10:44:43Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Configure]]  . . . @2023-05-17T19:46:17Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=add url to Nsd.Masterslave=]%0a* [[Botnow.Install]]  . . . @2023-05-09T19:17:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=added bots tag=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Ircrc]]  . . . @2023-05-09T04:40:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.Cookbooks]]  . . . @2023-05-04T21:30:21Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.MlmmjWebArchiver]]  . . . @2023-05-04T00:33:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added missing instructions for installing mhonarc=]%0a* [[Bots.Basicbot]]  . . . @2023-04-30T21:47:44Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=fixed missing ; in my $mod={}=]%0a* [[Bots.BasicbotWiki]]  . . . @2023-04-30T02:59:37Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial post=]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Perl]]  . . . @2023-04-29T22:38:05Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Perl101.Perl101]]  . . . @2023-04-29T22:34:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Tmux]]  . . . @2023-04-29T21:32:15Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial wikigroup page with pagelist and links to other related tools=]%0a* [[Hardware.Ps2]]  . . . @2023-04-28T08:01:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hardware.Ethernet]]  . . . @2023-04-26T04:23:15Z by [[~mkf]]: [=importing this new found information, thanks cinap.=]%0a* [[9.Cheatsheet]]  . . . @2023-04-26T04:06:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mutt.Connect]]  . . . @2023-04-23T20:19:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.GroupsTagsCategories]]  . . . @2023-04-22T16:12:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiFormatting]]  . . . @2023-04-22T06:27:30Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiGroups]]  . . . @2023-04-22T06:04:14Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiTips]]  . . . @2023-04-22T05:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.InterMap]]  . . . @2023-04-22T04:41:45Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Tips for using interMap links to other data sources=]%0a* [[Cherry.Cherry]]  . . . @2023-04-22T03:53:28Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Botnow.Botnow]]  . . . @2023-04-22T02:20:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irssi]]  . . . @2023-04-22T00:51:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Translator]]  . . . @2023-04-21T15:29:21Z by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Course-unix100.Course-unix100]]  . . . @2023-04-21T04:08:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Sylpheed.Connect]]  . . . @2023-04-20T06:21:36Z by [[~initfree]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop191.Install]]  . . . @2023-04-19T16:03:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=updated version number=]%0a* [[WikiTips.Markup]]  . . . @2023-04-19T04:01:20Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added notes on markdown cookbook=]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Keygen]]  . . . @2023-04-19T00:30:11Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=softened the language on setting a passphrase to 'should set' instead of 'always set'=]%0a* [[Password.Schemes]]  . . . @2023-04-17T20:46:42Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.KnownIssues]]  . . . @2023-04-10T22:02:38Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Install]]  . . . @2023-04-08T01:47:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Limitsbot]]  . . . @2023-04-02T01:49:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.TLSMulti]]  . . . @2023-03-31T14:16:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Tournament]]  . . . @2023-03-28T00:50:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Ilines]]  . . . @2023-03-26T07:00:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Bots]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:16:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Eggdrop]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:12:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.DuckHunt]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.BotZNC]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:10:26Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop184.Install]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:04:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Botnow]]  . . . @2023-03-24T17:57:43Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added redirect link for botnow=]%0a* [[9.9p]]  . . . @2023-03-23T12:00:13Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade72]]  . . . @2023-03-22T02:48:07Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Simple stub to upgrade68=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade69]]  . . . @2023-03-22T02:45:25Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Doas.Configure]]  . . . @2023-03-22T01:29:02Z by [[~boxette]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade71]]  . . . @2023-03-22T01:24:24Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade70]]  . . . @2023-03-22T01:23:31Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade68]]  . . . @2023-03-22T01:19:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added drop screen definitions and info re sysupgrade=]%0a* [[Terms.Privacy]]  . . . @2023-03-21T20:09:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Test]]  . . . @2023-03-21T16:12:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.TCLErorrWhileExecutingPackage]]  . . . @2023-03-21T03:01:23Z by [[~GuardiaN]]: [==]%0a* [[Xmpp.Xmpp]]  . . . @2023-03-20T16:59:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Letsencrypt.Expired]]  . . . @2023-03-19T03:46:41Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=add command for counting certs=]%0a* [[Hardware.Psp]]  . . . @2023-03-16T18:44:50Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Cloud9p.Roadmap]]  . . . @2023-03-16T09:29:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Create]]  . . . @2023-03-13T14:54:27Z by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added export pub key=]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Cheatsheet]]  . . . @2023-03-12T09:52:16Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9front.Netsurf]]  . . . @2023-03-10T15:08:21Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedMailboxes]]  . . . @2023-03-10T14:16:57Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Install]]  . . . @2023-03-10T00:33:25Z by [[~pos]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Xfnw]]  . . . @2023-03-07T21:55:06Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=update expiration=]%0a* [[FreeIRC.About]]  . . . March 05, 2023, at 03:51 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.OpenTracker]]  . . . March 03, 2023, at 04:37 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.ZNC]]  . . . February 28, 2023, at 02:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.Configure]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 10:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert as I'm not sure if /etc/daily.local is better=]%0a* [[Stagit.Install]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:24 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gotweb]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:04 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Install]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert erroneous change=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Codeforce]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Baytuch.Bio]]  . . . February 17, 2023, at 12:00 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Configure]]  . . . February 17, 2023, at 11:39 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Plermoa]]  . . . February 16, 2023, at 04:52 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [=Redirect=]%0a* [[Akkoma.Install]]  . . . February 09, 2023, at 12:49 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Google.Sins]]  . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:13 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Googledanger]]  . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:01 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Outreachkids]]  . . . February 08, 2023, at 04:34 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mosh]]  . . . February 07, 2023, at 11:30 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Usage]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:38 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mkf.Wikiv1]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Openweb]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:15 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Youtubedanger]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:10 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Paster.Install]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 10:22 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Anope.Install]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 09:46 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Hashes]]  . . . February 04, 2023, at 07:27 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=formatting fixes=]%0a* [[Chess.Chessgogi]]  . . . February 04, 2023, at 03:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Passwords]]  . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:49 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Management]]  . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:44 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv4rDNS]]  . . . February 01, 2023, at 08:31 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [=added note to clarify what address needs to be specified.=]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedFolders]]  . . . January 31, 2023, at 06:03 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=renaming to sharedMailboxes=]%0a* [[Soju.Install]]  . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes on style=]%0a* [[Lilywhitebot.Install]]  . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:23 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[SendMoneyToSplinter0616Outlook.Com]]  . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Biboumi.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcctl.Rcctl]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:32 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unrealircd]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Unrealircd.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pleroma.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gomuks.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gotweb.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Webnews.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Php.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fiche.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:44 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Prosody.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:42 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bitlbee.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:30 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[NodeJS.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Xfce.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:17 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vipw]]  . . . January 18, 2023, at 11:01 PM by [[~zen]]: [=added two spaces=]%0a* [[Grep.Usage]]  . . . January 18, 2023, at 10:54 PM by [[~zen]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Networks]]  . . . January 12, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [=Updated Sturtz IRC=]%0a* [[Znc.Install]]  . . . January 07, 2023, at 11:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rspamd.Configure]]  . . . January 03, 2023, at 04:55 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.Pigeonhole]]  . . . December 30, 2022, at 04:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=style 2=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Quota]]  . . . December 29, 2022, at 06:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Miniontoby]]  . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:26 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Minetest]]  . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added more ways to install=]%0a* [[Splinter0616Outlook.Com]]  . . . December 25, 2022, at 02:37 AM by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Oper]]  . . . December 25, 2022, at 12:03 AM by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Honk]]  . . . December 17, 2022, at 08:45 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Yonle.Bio]]  . . . December 13, 2022, at 05:18 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Camping.Gear]]  . . . December 12, 2022, at 04:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Vhost]]  . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:36 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Ircnow]]  . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:13 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [ is not an ircnow domain=]%0a* [[I2Pd.Tunnels]]  . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [=There we go. =]%0a* [[I2pd.Tunnels]]  . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:45 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Unwind.Configure]]  . . . November 26, 2022, at 09:23 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=add unwind=]%0a* [[Debian.Install]]  . . . November 13, 2022, at 11:43 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [=writing=]%0a* [[Lemon.Lemon]]  . . . November 10, 2022, at 01:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.JmIRC]]  . . . November 04, 2022, at 06:18 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added screenshots about setup=]%0a* [[Bouncer.XChat]]  . . . October 16, 2022, at 11:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=XChat is unmaintained=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VHost]]  . . . October 02, 2022, at 01:05 PM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VhostTCL]]  . . . October 02, 2022, at 07:06 AM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[He.IPv6Certification]]  . . . September 16, 2022, at 05:32 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=create page=]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Education]]  . . . September 14, 2022, at 07:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[About.AboutUs]]  . . . September 13, 2022, at 06:42 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAndSafety]]  . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAmpSafety]]  . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:17 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAmpSafety.Subheading]]  . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:15 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Acmesh.Configure]]  . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:03 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Added (currently a WIP)=]%0a* [[Dehydrated.Configure]]  . . . September 11, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Add dehydrated=]%0a* [[Profiles.Izzyb]]  . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.EditForm]]  . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:22 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=Make Author none editable field=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Geomyidae]]  . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:31 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.INN]]  . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:23 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Fix some types=]%0a* [[Heading.Subheading]]  . . . September 07, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop193.Install]]  . . . September 07, 2022, at 04:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pioneer]]  . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.VsFTP]]  . . . August 10, 2022, at 03:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=snipped unneeded output=]%0a* [[C.Scanf]]  . . . August 10, 2022, at 09:51 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.CertsReissue]]  . . . August 08, 2022, at 05:35 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Usage]]  . . . August 04, 2022, at 01:12 AM by [[~tiramisu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Upload]]  . . . August 01, 2022, at 01:21 PM by [[~jan6]]: [ uses a superior implementation, less vulnerable to various issues=]%0a* [[Lemon.Packages]]  . . . July 30, 2022, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Ellisisland]]  . . . July 27, 2022, at 07:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Newdeal]]  . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Daughtersofliberty]]  . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Womenstem]]  . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.RC]]  . . . July 20, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot]]  . . . July 20, 2022, at 03:58 PM by [[~jlj]]: [=Added notes about how I resolved the first two errors, on nastycode=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Nickserv]]  . . . July 19, 2022, at 10:05 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Chroot.Intro]]  . . . July 18, 2022, at 04:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Media]]  . . . July 15, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linuxstrongswan]]  . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.AutoRenew]]  . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:50 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Apmd]]  . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:36 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2022]]  . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Android]]  . . . July 01, 2022, at 12:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Myipaddress]]  . . . June 30, 2022, at 09:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.Blacklists]]  . . . June 25, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linux]]  . . . June 23, 2022, at 07:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Vpn]]  . . . June 23, 2022, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Nsf]]  . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debate]]  . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Metrics]]  . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Records]]  . . . June 19, 2022, at 05:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Alpine]]  . . . June 13, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Arch]]  . . . June 12, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~g1n]]: [=Added article about Arch Linux setup on VMM=]%0a* [[Unveil.Intro]]  . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pledge.Intro]]  . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bsdrd]]  . . . June 09, 2022, at 07:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vnc.Vnc]]  . . . June 08, 2022, at 04:04 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added RealVNC Viewer to the list (might need some more extra stuff, but yeah its fine)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Growfs]]  . . . June 01, 2022, at 12:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static-v2]]  . . . May 23, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~theguest]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Minetest]]  . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:48 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Emoji]]  . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:23 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Nsd]]  . . . May 10, 2022, at 12:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opsofliberty.Bootcamp]]  . . . May 09, 2022, at 08:38 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ports]]  . . . May 09, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ssl]]  . . . May 08, 2022, at 03:30 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed the text=]%0a* [[Codeforce.Training]]  . . . May 03, 2022, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Civics.Intro]]  . . . May 03, 2022, at 01:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.EdgeRouter-Lite]]  . . . April 28, 2022, at 02:50 PM by [[~pufferf]]: [==]%0a* [[Math.Reading]]  . . . April 27, 2022, at 08:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install71]]  . . . April 24, 2022, at 09:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Botnow]]  . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Buyvm.Ipv6]]  . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Rss]]  . . . April 23, 2022, at 04:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Testing]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Registrars]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gopher]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Adduser]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Signify.Verify]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Route]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ntpd.Configure]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ntpd]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmlinux]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Linux]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Iked]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Team]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 04:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Networks]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Announce]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ally]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Chroot]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install70]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[CodeForce.Bootcamp]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Vmm]]  . . . April 15, 2022, at 12:20 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update: report from PiRATA=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Minutemin]]  . . . April 06, 2022, at 02:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.CGI]]  . . . April 05, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~gtlsgamr]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Censord]]  . . . April 05, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dns]]  . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zncflaws]]  . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debiandanger]]  . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Tls]]  . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Website]]  . . . April 03, 2022, at 11:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Soju.Guide]]  . . . April 02, 2022, at 03:46 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Nitter.Install]]  . . . April 02, 2022, at 01:08 AM by [[~fallback]]: [=first nitter install page=]%0a* [[Debiankaios.Bio]]  . . . April 01, 2022, at 05:10 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Irc]]  . . . March 30, 2022, at 12:40 PM by [[~m16]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Reading]]  . . . March 29, 2022, at 10:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Services]]  . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Configure]]  . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ddos]]  . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ddos.Intro]]  . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.ZNC]]  . . . March 19, 2022, at 07:31 AM by [[~fallback]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.DownloadingAndInstalling]]  . . . March 15, 2022, at 10:42 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.ISCABBS]]  . . . March 15, 2022, at 09:24 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.History]]  . . . March 14, 2022, at 06:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Exhibit]]  . . . March 13, 2022, at 11:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Dogfooding]]  . . . March 10, 2022, at 05:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Doxing.Defense]]  . . . March 05, 2022, at 08:54 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj-archivist.Install]]  . . . March 03, 2022, at 05:26 AM by [[~error]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.IRCBridge]]  . . . February 28, 2022, at 02:59 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Vi]]  . . . February 27, 2022, at 08:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vi.Intro]]  . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:16 PM by [[~Limits]]: [=Add Introduction to Vi=]%0a* [[Irc201.Irc201]]  . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:21 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ideas]]  . . . February 23, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.WikiSandbox]]  . . . February 22, 2022, at 11:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wesnothd]]  . . . February 21, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=Wesnothd=]%0a* [[9.Audio]]  . . . February 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xonotic]]  . . . February 20, 2022, at 07:43 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=A xonotic server has apperad! pt.2=]%0a* [[PuTTY.PuTTYgen]]  . . . February 16, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircnowd]]  . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Stopm.Stopm]]  . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Police.Fingerprints]]  . . . February 12, 2022, at 02:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=ip addresses should be sorted with sort -V=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Police]]  . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:36 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Dns]]  . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:39 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=Fix typo=]%0a* [[Dns.BindResolver]]  . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:30 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=First draft of bind resolver howto=]%0a* [[Botnow.SqliteViews]]  . . . February 10, 2022, at 02:00 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[AncientWisdom.Bio]]  . . . February 07, 2022, at 01:18 PM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Questions]]  . . . February 05, 2022, at 09:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Server]]  . . . February 05, 2022, at 08:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.SlackwareIso]]  . . . February 03, 2022, at 10:53 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Slackware 15.0 x86 stable is released=]%0a* [[Duplicity.Usage]]  . . . February 02, 2022, at 10:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Encryptfile]]  . . . February 02, 2022, at 09:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openrsync.Usage]]  . . . January 29, 2022, at 09:04 AM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=update from rsync to openrsync=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpip]]  . . . January 24, 2022, at 05:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synclient.Configure]]  . . . January 24, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Install]]  . . . January 22, 2022, at 06:57 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Asterisk.Install]]  . . . January 19, 2022, at 05:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ndb]]  . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.U9fs]]  . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.FQDN]]  . . . January 15, 2022, at 10:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.DNSSec]]  . . . January 14, 2022, at 02:53 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Locale]]  . . . January 12, 2022, at 01:23 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Autocomplete]]  . . . January 11, 2022, at 01:44 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=updated url=]%0a* [[Gpg.Verify]]  . . . January 08, 2022, at 09:48 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Add description=]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Archive]]  . . . January 06, 2022, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Hostowner]]  . . . January 06, 2022, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Dogfood]]  . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Chording]]  . . . January 03, 2022, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status]]  . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Server]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Census.Census]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bncnow.Bncnow]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Projects]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircfs.Intro]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 10:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnowd.Ircnowd]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Marketing]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sonsofliberty]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pkgadd.CheckUpdates]]  . . . January 01, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2021]]  . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sftp]]  . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sftp.Chroot]]  . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status2022]]  . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.UTF8]]  . . . December 28, 2021, at 08:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Uim]]  . . . December 26, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Install]]  . . . December 23, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=created=]%0a* [[Nsd.Zone]]  . . . December 23, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.RSAkeys]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wifi]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 02:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Recordaudio]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 11:30 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [=fix some grammatical errors=]%0a* [[Parec.Record]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sox.Concat]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ffmpeg.Recordscreen]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[JuiceSSH.Connect]]  . . . December 20, 2021, at 01:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Independent]]  . . . December 20, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MacScreenSharing.Connect]]  . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Partdisk]]  . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Usage]]  . . . December 17, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Federation]]  . . . December 17, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Chanop]]  . . . December 14, 2021, at 04:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Todo]]  . . . December 03, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Chroot]]  . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Install]]  . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Marriage]]  . . . December 02, 2021, at 06:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosting.Hosting]]  . . . December 01, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mc.Usage]]  . . . November 29, 2021, at 07:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[PuTTY.Connect]]  . . . November 29, 2021, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Email]]  . . . November 29, 2021, at 04:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Sinhala]]  . . . November 28, 2021, at 06:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MailWindows.Connect]]  . . . November 27, 2021, at 03:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Biboumi]]  . . . November 27, 2021, at 01:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mcabber.Connect]]  . . . November 26, 2021, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ChatSecure.Connect]]  . . . November 26, 2021, at 11:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pfs]]  . . . November 24, 2021, at 02:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianInstall]]  . . . November 24, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~nicoz]]: [==]%0a* [[Siskin.Connect]]  . . . November 23, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dino.Connect]]  . . . November 23, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Monal.Connect]]  . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xabber.Connect]]  . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DMARC]]  . . . November 22, 2021, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[StorkIM.Connect]]  . . . November 21, 2021, at 05:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Conversations.Connect]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Yaxim.Connect]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adium.Connect]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 07:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.AlmaLinux]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 06:47 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Psi.Connect]]  . . . November 17, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pidgin.Connect]]  . . . November 17, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Connect]]  . . . November 17, 2021, at 08:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Training]]  . . . November 16, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[Opera.Connect]]  . . . November 16, 2021, at 12:12 AM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[0dev.0dev]]  . . . November 12, 2021, at 03:00 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.RockyLinux]]  . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:51 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Openrelay]]  . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Sandbox.0dev]]  . . . November 11, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Mirror]]  . . . November 07, 2021, at 05:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.OpenIKED]]  . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~gloNO]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Got]]  . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Opsofliberty]]  . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Emacs.Emacs]]  . . . November 06, 2021, at 04:39 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Support]]  . . . November 06, 2021, at 03:53 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [=added libera=]%0a* [[Vmm.Plan9]]  . . . November 05, 2021, at 09:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=???=]%0a* [[9.Stone]]  . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:09 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Zuke]]  . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:01 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Http]]  . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Telnet.Http]]  . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Relayd]]  . . . November 03, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Admin]]  . . . November 02, 2021, at 05:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Debug]]  . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Usage]]  . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Rewrite]]  . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:30 PM by [[~hydragyrum]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Sysupdate]]  . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:21 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Debian]]  . . . October 31, 2021, at 12:34 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Victorycpus]]  . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Settler]]  . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginxphpfpm]]  . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:26 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginx]]  . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:18 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Homerouter]]  . . . October 26, 2021, at 05:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Netcat]]  . . . October 25, 2021, at 03:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Plan9ini]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 04:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Newconfig]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~tool]]: [==]%0a* [[Lua.Minetest-1]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 10:30 AM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Links]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Keybindings]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=heheheheheh=]%0a* [[Xdefaults.Configure]]  . . . October 23, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.SSH]]  . . . October 23, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ssh]]  . . . October 22, 2021, at 12:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan4Iso]]  . . . October 21, 2021, at 04:29 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0=]%0a* [[9.101]]  . . . October 20, 2021, at 04:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fvwm.Configure]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.KISSmo]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:58 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Download]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:53 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.About]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:52 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Install]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:44 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Repo]]  . . . October 17, 2021, at 08:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Anoncvs]]  . . . October 17, 2021, at 04:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Commit]]  . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Cvsweb]]  . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Cvsfs]]  . . . October 15, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade70]]  . . . October 15, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=humans are easily confused.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ilines]]  . . . October 15, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-ISO]]  . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:50 AM by [[~siva]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-Simple]]  . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:48 AM by [[~siva]]: [=Tutorial Created=]%0a* [[Cvs.Intro]]  . . . October 13, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synapse.Install]]  . . . October 12, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Oper]]  . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Diversity]]  . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Linux]]  . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.ResetPassword]]  . . . October 07, 2021, at 03:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Vps]]  . . . October 06, 2021, at 12:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.JSDrawterm]]  . . . September 30, 2021, at 06:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Fonts]]  . . . September 28, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install69]]  . . . September 27, 2021, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Guide]]  . . . September 26, 2021, at 02:28 PM by [[~Miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[License.IrcnowV2]]  . . . September 21, 2021, at 03:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Router]]  . . . September 14, 2021, at 12:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Weechat.Relay]]  . . . September 11, 2021, at 05:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gry.Bio]]  . . . September 11, 2021, at 02:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Telnet]]  . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:13 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Wraith.Chroot]]  . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Skins]]  . . . September 06, 2021, at 07:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="Huh, pmwiki has a bug." no numbered list if use monospaced text. :(=]%0a* [[Seamonkey.Connect]]  . . . August 28, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikistyle]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.EmailAndroidEmailApp]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 02:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Shortcuts]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Haiku]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mailopenproxy]]  . . . August 25, 2021, at 08:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Two-FactorAuth]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:39 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=login.db compiling is no longer recommended.=]%0a* [[Vmm.DragonflyBSD]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=logs=]%0a* [[Vmm.NetBSD]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better logs?=]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv6rDNS]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 11:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pipes.Redirection]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Redirection]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rbldnsd.Install]]  . . . August 22, 2021, at 07:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=wiki-ish.=]%0a* [[Netcat.Smtp]]  . . . August 22, 2021, at 06:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=byebye=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Npppd]]  . . . August 21, 2021, at 01:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Shell]]  . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tls.CA]]  . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Imap]]  . . . August 21, 2021, at 04:05 AM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]]  . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.GuixIso]]  . . . August 16, 2021, at 05:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.VoidIso]]  . . . August 16, 2021, at 06:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gophernicus]]  . . . August 15, 2021, at 02:06 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gazette.Gazette]]  . . . August 15, 2021, at 01:14 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=a bit polishing=]%0a* [[EmailTray.Connect]]  . . . August 15, 2021, at 12:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Konversation]]  . . . August 14, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Connect]]  . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Termius.Connect]]  . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openhttpd]]  . . . August 13, 2021, at 07:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Keys]]  . . . August 12, 2021, at 06:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monopolydanger]]  . . . August 11, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Connect]]  . . . August 11, 2021, at 04:34 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Termux.Connect]]  . . . August 11, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Web101.Web101]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 04:20 PM by [[~craziness]]: [=started web101=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pppoe]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[MacTerminal.Connect]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdroid.Install]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 09:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshfingerprints]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshkeys]]  . . . August 09, 2021, at 04:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.9front]]  . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WinIRC]]  . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[IP.Myaddress]]  . . . August 07, 2021, at 05:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[SerFISH.Connect]]  . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Connect]]  . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:00 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Squirrelmail]]  . . . August 06, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.NickServ]]  . . . August 05, 2021, at 07:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Medals.Intro]]  . . . August 04, 2021, at 08:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dnszones]]  . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Zonefile]]  . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Clients]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Ifconfig]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Matterbridge]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:33 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.I18n]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Alt]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Simple]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Install]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 05:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vhost]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderirc.Hardware]]  . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lecturify.Hardware]]  . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Procedure]]  . . . August 01, 2021, at 06:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Chroot]]  . . . July 31, 2021, at 02:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Remote]]  . . . July 30, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmuser]]  . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmminstall]]  . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmm]]  . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCAdmin]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCSupport]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Troubleshoot]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Troubleshoot]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Kill.Usage]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ps.Usage]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Vhost]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Host.Usage]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 01:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Php]]  . . . July 27, 2021, at 02:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.IRCFreeHomesteadVPS]]  . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.PioneerTldr]]  . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Pioneer]]  . . . July 26, 2021, at 04:22 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dig]]  . . . July 25, 2021, at 06:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RDNS]]  . . . July 23, 2021, at 06:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wordpress.Install]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.All]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Lemon.Todo]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:21 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Guide]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=client -> clients=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sic]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 05:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=first edit.=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Progress]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rsync.Usage]]  . . . July 19, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openrsync]]  . . . July 18, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Znc]]  . . . July 16, 2021, at 10:43 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Become]]  . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Bearcode]]  . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Staticnet]]  . . . July 12, 2021, at 05:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dovecot]]  . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Relayd]]  . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Spf]]  . . . July 12, 2021, at 03:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Eggdrop]]  . . . July 02, 2021, at 03:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Http]]  . . . June 30, 2021, at 04:44 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Oldsoftware]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Xmlflaws]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikipediadanger]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.DCC]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Matrixflaws]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Webirc]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Nodejstrap]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircv3defense]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Newdisk]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AndroidEmail.AndroidEmail]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unbound]]  . . . June 27, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Religion]]  . . . June 27, 2021, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Union]]  . . . June 26, 2021, at 01:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Firstamendment]]  . . . June 26, 2021, at 11:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dkimproxy]]  . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MIF.Test]]  . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:42 PM by [[~nsturtz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade69]]  . . . June 25, 2021, at 05:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Opensmtpd]]  . . . June 23, 2021, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.NgircdLink]]  . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:50 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=delete=]%0a* [[File.File]]  . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=linking=]%0a* [[Debate.Linuxflaws]]  . . . June 20, 2021, at 08:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=making hyperlinks=]%0a* [[Freedom.Destiny]]  . . . June 18, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Doas]]  . . . June 13, 2021, at 01:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freedom]]  . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Press]]  . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Shell]]  . . . June 11, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Constitution]]  . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Rights]]  . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv4.Overview]]  . . . June 10, 2021, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Bash]]  . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PowerShell.Connect]]  . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Code.Code]]  . . . June 08, 2021, at 05:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better formating=]%0a* [[Grape.DonateUs]]  . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:41 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Books]]  . . . June 06, 2021, at 12:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Grape]]  . . . June 06, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfa]]  . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:49 AM by [[~navic]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Debian]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 07:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [="LOL"=]%0a* [[DNS.Dnswl]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.SMTP]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dkim.Dkimsign]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Torsocks]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnMac]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 05:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wordpress]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 04:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.SPF]]  . . . June 03, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[HostServ.Rules]]  . . . June 01, 2021, at 08:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ACKFlood]]  . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:20 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.SSDP]]  . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:18 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anycast]]  . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Networks]]  . . . May 27, 2021, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Rules]]  . . . May 26, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Power]]  . . . May 26, 2021, at 04:38 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Money]]  . . . May 25, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Takeover]]  . . . May 25, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freenode]]  . . . May 25, 2021, at 01:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Atomic]]  . . . May 24, 2021, at 03:22 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=spacing=]%0a* [[Minetest.Updating]]  . . . May 24, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=monospaced commands=]%0a* [[Shell.Putty]]  . . . May 24, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmarc]]  . . . May 21, 2021, at 09:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Optimize]]  . . . May 19, 2021, at 04:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Stable]]  . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.VicePresident]]  . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sheriff]]  . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ambassador]]  . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Guide]]  . . . May 17, 2021, at 03:37 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Install]]  . . . May 16, 2021, at 06:49 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="$"=]%0a* [[Tmux.Share]]  . . . May 15, 2021, at 02:27 AM by [[~mistera]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Security]]  . . . May 14, 2021, at 03:14 AM by [[~caesar]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Vision]]  . . . May 13, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=added home page, removed "..."s=]%0a* [[Minetest.Worldbackup]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Texturestyle]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Serverlocations]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Addingarenas]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relay.Relay]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 09:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install-bej]]  . . . May 11, 2021, at 05:26 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-Arthur]]  . . . May 07, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~Arthur]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot69]]  . . . May 06, 2021, at 03:36 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [=back to 6.9 to see real changes=]%0a* [[Dig.Usage]]  . . . May 04, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~sarah]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Unix]]  . . . April 29, 2021, at 03:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Simpleurl]]  . . . April 29, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~punk]]: [==]%0a* [[Gpl.Flaws]]  . . . April 24, 2021, at 04:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Windows]]  . . . April 18, 2021, at 07:38 PM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Libertyordeath]]  . . . April 17, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Economy]]  . . . April 15, 2021, at 02:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vim.Vim]]  . . . April 11, 2021, at 11:14 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Duty]]  . . . April 11, 2021, at 04:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.License]]  . . . April 04, 2021, at 02:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[EthicalSource.HolierThanThou]]  . . . April 04, 2021, at 01:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Rmsboycott]]  . . . April 03, 2021, at 01:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Libertyordeath]]  . . . April 02, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Fig]]  . . . March 31, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Coconut.Coconut]]  . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.CodeForce]]  . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ClawsMail.Connect]]  . . . March 29, 2021, at 08:42 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Madeonirc]]  . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Devs]]  . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Code]]  . . . March 24, 2021, at 03:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cherry.Todo]]  . . . March 23, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~Oz]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Independence]]  . . . March 22, 2021, at 01:13 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Founders]]  . . . March 20, 2021, at 01:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Teams]]  . . . March 18, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=banana=]%0a* [[Vhost.Freedns]]  . . . March 16, 2021, at 12:22 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Freedom]]  . . . March 15, 2021, at 01:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Labor]]  . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Discriminatory]]  . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Hope]]  . . . March 14, 2021, at 11:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Publicdomain]]  . . . March 14, 2021, at 10:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Flaws]]  . . . March 14, 2021, at 05:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Browser]]  . . . March 12, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Abuse.Code]]  . . . March 09, 2021, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Documents]]  . . . March 07, 2021, at 04:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Goals]]  . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Chatforce]]  . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Bash]]  . . . March 05, 2021, at 10:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[User.Welcome]]  . . . March 05, 2021, at 07:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Immigrant.Welcome]]  . . . March 05, 2021, at 06:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Openrelay]]  . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Test]]  . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Game]]  . . . March 04, 2021, at 10:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Howtoask]]  . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Netizen]]  . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Servers.Rights]]  . . . February 28, 2021, at 12:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Enterprise]]  . . . February 28, 2021, at 11:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Creed]]  . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Intro]]  . . . February 25, 2021, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Leafnode.Install]]  . . . February 25, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Todo]]  . . . February 23, 2021, at 10:47 AM by [[~quofan]]: [==]%0a* [[Relays.Relays]]  . . . February 22, 2021, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PSFTP.Connect]]  . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:57 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Outlook.Connect]]  . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AppleMail.Connect]]  . . . February 20, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Pgp]]  . . . February 19, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Ircnow]]  . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:45 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=2021=]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Connect]]  . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Mac]]  . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Training]]  . . . February 18, 2021, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Openforeveryone]]  . . . February 16, 2021, at 04:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.IRCitizen]]  . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv6.Overview]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tcpip.Overview]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Syspatch]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netadmin]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Religion]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Independence]]  . . . February 13, 2021, at 04:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Leafnode]]  . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:40 PM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Pylink]]  . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Opportunity]]  . . . February 11, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Republic]]  . . . February 11, 2021, at 06:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Achurch.Install]]  . . . February 10, 2021, at 04:33 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pylink]]  . . . February 08, 2021, at 08:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpofLiberty]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Allies]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Dueprocess]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Checks]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Rulebylaw]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Startupdream]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Federation]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Selfadmin]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpsofLiberty]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Software]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opportunity]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Workethic]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Ethic]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Privacy]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 07:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Policy]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serversrights]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serverrights]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Fork]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Lanofopportunity]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opentoall]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:17 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Refuge]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 09:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Providers]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Guava]]  . . . February 03, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Stable]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Base64]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 06:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unboundadblock]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfbadhost]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 01:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Mango]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:01 PM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Abuse]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Censorship]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Firstamendment]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Phishing]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Audit]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 04:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ongoing]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 01:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Todo]]  . . . January 30, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Pear]]  . . . January 29, 2021, at 06:09 PM by [[~dennis]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Httpopenproxy]]  . . . January 29, 2021, at 11:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Zncadmin]]  . . . January 29, 2021, at 10:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rbldns]]  . . . January 29, 2021, at 05:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Setuid]]  . . . January 28, 2021, at 06:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFTesting]]  . . . January 25, 2021, at 03:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCDaily]]  . . . January 25, 2021, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Irssi]]  . . . January 25, 2021, at 07:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sysadmins]]  . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.UnixPhilosophy]]  . . . January 18, 2021, at 05:05 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.XTerm]]  . . . January 17, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=copyright=]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Statement]]  . . . January 17, 2021, at 02:44 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Outlook]]  . . . January 16, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~Zouheir]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Todo]]  . . . January 16, 2021, at 12:09 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ipsec]]  . . . January 13, 2021, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Plum]]  . . . January 12, 2021, at 03:02 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Slrn]]  . . . January 12, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.CPAN]]  . . . January 12, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~Dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Todo]]  . . . January 11, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ilines]]  . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netcat]]  . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Perl]]  . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:04 PM by [[~dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Perl]]  . . . January 09, 2021, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Log]]  . . . January 07, 2021, at 11:23 AM by [[~dima]]: [=test=]%0a* [[Fig.Todo]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Todo]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Todo]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Team]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Todo]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Censorship]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pentesters]]  . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Coders]]  . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Banana.Todo]]  . . . January 04, 2021, at 09:41 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=znc=]%0a* [[Users.CategoryMirrory]]  . . . January 04, 2021, at 01:10 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Test]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:17 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [==]%0a* [[Users.Categorymirrory]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:12 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [=wrong caps=]%0a* [[Banana.Banana]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Orange]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backup]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 01:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Appledanger]]  . . . January 02, 2021, at 01:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Tasks]]  . . . January 01, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helpers]]  . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Finances]]  . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tutorial.Tutorial]]  . . . January 01, 2021, at 03:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Testing]]  . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshbackdoor]]  . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Packages]]  . . . December 30, 2020, at 10:48 AM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Contact]]  . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf-bnc]]  . . . December 29, 2020, at 06:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners2]]  . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Mozilladanger]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Controlcomputer]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Facebookdanger]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Slackdanger]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Freespeech]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ethicalflaws]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Hatespeech]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monero]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.WhyNotC]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:43 PM by [[~searchsocial]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Python]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Cash]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Uberdanger]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Microsoftdanger]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Accessibility]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zoomdanger]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Applications]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Dillo]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Basilisk]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Directory]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Packages]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Amplification]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 05:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.UDPFlood]]  . . . December 18, 2020, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpdump]]  . . . December 18, 2020, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpackflood]]  . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RSTFlood]]  . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpresetflood]]  . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ssdp]]  . . . December 15, 2020, at 12:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Igloo]]  . . . December 14, 2020, at 09:39 AM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.Terms]]  . . . December 13, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf]]  . . . December 13, 2020, at 12:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install68]]  . . . December 13, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade67]]  . . . December 13, 2020, at 04:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade68]]  . . . December 11, 2020, at 10:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dokuwiki]]  . . . December 10, 2020, at 02:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=code blocks fixed=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acme-client]]  . . . December 09, 2020, at 06:47 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed troubleshooting links=]%0a* [[Freedom.Christian]]  . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Finances]]  . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshkeys]]  . . . December 07, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install67]]  . . . December 06, 2020, at 11:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Buyvm]]  . . . December 06, 2020, at 02:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opernbsd.Buyvm]]  . . . December 04, 2020, at 12:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WeeChat]]  . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.SimpleIRC]]  . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:31 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Militia]]  . . . December 02, 2020, at 04:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Third]]  . . . December 01, 2020, at 01:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Oidentd]]  . . . November 30, 2020, at 11:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helper]]  . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Hexchat]]  . . . November 27, 2020, at 12:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloud]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.AdiIRC]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.RevolutionIRC]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KiwiIRC]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KVIrc]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IceChat]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudiOS]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudAndroid]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudWeb]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Catalog]]  . . . November 23, 2020, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Checklist]]  . . . November 20, 2020, at 12:44 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acopm]]  . . . November 04, 2020, at 03:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Achurch]]  . . . November 04, 2020, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vi]]  . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sudo]]  . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Denomination]]  . . . October 23, 2020, at 09:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Intro]]  . . . October 10, 2020, at 08:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircweb.Ircweb]]  . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Http2irc.Http2irc]]  . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Easyapp]]  . . . September 29, 2020, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Nl]]  . . . September 17, 2020, at 08:43 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Dutch correct page=]%0a* [[Grape.Guide]]  . . . September 16, 2020, at 08:42 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Id]]  . . . September 08, 2020, at 09:51 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Orange.Ru]]  . . . September 07, 2020, at 11:29 PM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Bouncer.MIRC]]  . . . September 06, 2020, at 03:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Bncnow]]  . . . September 04, 2020, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Cgit]]  . . . September 01, 2020, at 05:51 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Notes]]  . . . August 27, 2020, at 03:38 AM by [[~gry]]: [=expanded=]%0a* [[Shell.ShellSSHKEYS]]  . . . August 25, 2020, at 10:00 PM by [[~gry]]: [=permissions added=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irccloud]]  . . . August 24, 2020, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.Tracker]]  . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:16 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.GrapeTeam]]  . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Course]]  . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bchs]]  . . . August 20, 2020, at 07:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]]  . . . August 20, 2020, at 06:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: on_is_active php_session_active squirrelmailing sqsession_start troubleshooting authentication session_status config_default webmail_access modifications configuration unfortunately accessibility administrator webmail_error compatibility acceleration default_pref organization replacement disposition alternative information sourceforge permissions certificate interactive configuring preferences letsencrypt development compatible javascript configtest connection additional nameserver configured afterwards extracting attempting installing documents complains openhttpd functions localhost opensmtpd challenge supported subdomain receiving databases recommend necessary following languages delimiter directory debugging fusername essential addresses installed chrooted smtphost projects browsers normally location provides tlsmulti 26214400 required remember original security listener optional settings sendmail properly software specific licensed messages brackets instance writable services browsing defaults drawback continue opening control dovecot fastcgi already contact defines example initial unbound folders unusual request plugins general command servers defined private options however records contrib include restart because nologin disable exiting keypair baytuch strings misused charset appears content instead openbsd release sending mt_rand another subject version tarball warning charlie without changes resolve foxtrot uploads written client relayd needed return logout syntax longer cannot latest htdocs braces rather offset typing before themes ircnow frames across making should switch please detect secure invert readme global create update system locale report serial delete femail myname daemon lookup socket number errors trying issues actual stable inline attach master reload touch could color chown check chmod needs first intro shell rcctl php74 mkdir books hosts write above https there false using might every ascii happy delta curly array fatal bravo query where since which setup exist works notes saved files press alpha enter means class block title index chain strip lines known worry based ifend about zones this doas 2001 imap will well page your real acme make sure that aaaa ipv4 does fccf want 1008 2602 than sbin chsh help bind body some copy runs both must logs like when ctrl type echo xvzf find uses html many wiki easy fees more exec text once were have made mime done next move into ipv6 pop3 menu sign quit full motd hide give edit time www ssl etc var 127 day see has 162 bad gpl 451 fix ksh 644 zip its 755 ftp net way crt 634 usr 403 src nsd fpm dns max few db8 143 via by gz 22 cd rx 38 87 mv 80 9
+text=* [[Vmm.Configure]]  . . . @2024-06-04T20:33:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Veb]]  . . . @2024-06-04T07:44:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Vether]]  . . . @2024-06-04T07:25:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adminforces.Training]]  . . . @2024-06-04T07:21:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MountNfs.Usage]]  . . . @2024-06-03T09:52:35Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[FwUpdate.Usage]]  . . . @2024-06-03T08:17:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Hosting]]  . . . @2024-06-02T00:45:01Z by [[~LohanG]]: [=corrected a link to httpd man page=]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Autoconf]]  . . . @2024-06-01T23:39:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rad.Configure]]  . . . @2024-06-01T20:26:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Patch]]  . . . @2024-06-01T16:45:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dhcpd.Configure]]  . . . @2024-06-01T16:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Bootcamp]]  . . . @2024-06-01T15:58:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Adminforces]]  . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Minutemin]]  . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Hostnameif]]  . . . @2024-05-31T06:17:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Almanack]]  . . . @2024-05-31T03:45:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static]]  . . . @2024-05-30T23:03:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.LAN]]  . . . @2024-05-30T13:02:25Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.HomePage]]  . . . @2024-05-29T22:25:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.SideBar]]  . . . @2024-05-29T14:15:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Recruit]]  . . . @2024-05-29T12:39:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Team]]  . . . @2024-05-29T12:08:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Usage]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:30:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=thanks to mkf on August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM=]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Ifconfig]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:29:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Team]]  . . . @2024-05-29T11:26:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Donations.Donations]]  . . . @2024-05-28T16:38:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Changeident]]  . . . @2024-05-28T00:11:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Support]]  . . . @2024-05-28T00:07:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Admin]]  . . . @2024-05-28T00:06:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Minetest]]  . . . @2024-05-27T22:43:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc101.Irc101]]  . . . @2024-05-27T22:41:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Troubleshooting]]  . . . @2024-05-27T21:55:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Troubleshoot]]  . . . @2024-05-27T21:55:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bgpd.Configure]]  . . . @2024-05-27T21:44:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lists.Ircnow]]  . . . @2024-05-27T20:47:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot]]  . . . @2024-05-27T20:32:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Sourceaddr]]  . . . @2024-05-22T23:31:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Bio]]  . . . @2024-05-22T05:37:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosts.Configure]]  . . . @2024-05-21T07:59:04Z by [[~mkf]]: [=Promote what is in the base :)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ed]]  . . . @2024-05-21T07:58:21Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T21:48:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oddprotocol.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T21:45:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsdforall.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T21:41:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nastycode.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T20:46:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Planetofnix.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-05-19T20:45:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Memes]]  . . . @2024-05-16T18:05:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Inbox]]  . . . @2024-05-14T12:57:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade75]]  . . . @2024-05-11T06:39:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Services]]  . . . @2024-05-10T16:12:29Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Biboumi]]  . . . @2024-05-10T09:13:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=udns doesn't seem to work in since upgrade to 7.5, i don't know why.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Drawtermssh]]  . . . @2024-05-10T07:08:07Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Sitetosite]]  . . . @2024-05-10T06:58:29Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Iked]]  . . . @2024-05-10T06:58:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Reading]]  . . . @2024-05-08T15:31:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dump]]  . . . @2024-05-07T17:10:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Homestead]]  . . . @2024-05-06T05:49:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Restore]]  . . . @2024-05-05T22:30:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Providers]]  . . . @2024-05-04T04:13:44Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Prosody]]  . . . @2024-05-02T13:20:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.MTA-STS]]  . . . @2024-05-01T17:38:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fstab]]  . . . @2024-04-30T13:00:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=mention ro=]%0a* [[Ffs.Intro]]  . . . @2024-04-30T12:56:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [=hehe=]%0a* [[Gnus.Connect]]  . . . @2024-04-30T12:31:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Configure]]  . . . @2024-04-26T23:56:58Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Dovecot.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-26T23:55:07Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mlmmj]]  . . . @2024-04-25T18:41:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Shell]]  . . . @2024-04-24T16:07:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ssh.Fingerprints]]  . . . @2024-04-23T15:02:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.DumpBackupWithSCP]]  . . . @2024-04-15T09:27:31Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Mariadb.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-13T18:06:28Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openbsd]]  . . . @2024-04-13T18:02:19Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Admin]]  . . . @2024-04-12T19:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade75]]  . . . @2024-04-11T20:42:45Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade]]  . . . @2024-04-11T19:37:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Milestones]]  . . . @2024-04-11T19:29:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Markets]]  . . . @2024-04-11T17:15:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Swapctl.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T07:06:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T06:49:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Newfs.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T06:20:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mount.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T06:19:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdisk.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-11T00:09:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Disklabel]]  . . . @2024-04-10T23:43:12Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Partitioning]]  . . . @2024-04-10T23:22:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-09T23:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Rebuild]]  . . . @2024-04-09T21:56:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backups]]  . . . @2024-04-09T21:50:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fdisk]]  . . . @2024-04-09T21:33:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psybnc.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-09T19:17:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Psybnc]]  . . . @2024-04-09T19:14:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-09T05:30:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-09T05:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Intro]]  . . . @2024-04-09T01:30:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Acceleration]]  . . . @2024-04-08T20:52:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert to uncommented code block=]%0a* [[SiteAdmin.AuthUser]]  . . . @2024-04-08T20:33:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Check]]  . . . @2024-04-08T20:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Snac]]  . . . @2024-04-08T16:30:46Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade]]  . . . @2024-04-07T23:32:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Crontab.Edit]]  . . . @2024-04-07T23:22:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install75]]  . . . @2024-04-07T22:53:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install]]  . . . @2024-04-07T22:28:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Vps]]  . . . @2024-04-07T17:26:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atactl.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-07T10:57:16Z by [[~mkf]]: [=add sleep command=]%0a* [[Vmctl.Disk]]  . . . @2024-04-06T23:08:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Reinstall]]  . . . @2024-04-06T22:59:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Outofmemory]]  . . . @2024-04-06T21:03:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dmesg.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmesg]]  . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Users]]  . . . @2024-04-06T19:10:58Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Yiming]]  . . . @2024-04-06T04:59:28Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Create New Page=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Singleuser]]  . . . @2024-04-03T23:51:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostname.Usage]]  . . . @2024-04-03T23:38:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hier]]  . . . @2024-04-03T23:23:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Intro]]  . . . @2024-04-03T20:32:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dd.Iso]]  . . . @2024-04-03T20:30:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Resolv.Conf]]  . . . @2024-04-03T20:09:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Localtime]]  . . . @2024-04-03T16:39:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bootconf]]  . . . @2024-04-03T07:35:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Chess]]  . . . @2024-04-01T01:40:42Z by [[~maxxe]]: [==]%0a* [[Router.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-03-31T23:16:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sysop.Hardware]]  . . . @2024-03-31T22:05:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Servers]]  . . . @2024-03-31T21:59:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Thunderbird]]  . . . @2024-03-30T12:51:26Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Update=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Akkoma]]  . . . @2024-03-25T04:31:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pleroma]]  . . . @2024-03-25T04:30:19Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Wss]]  . . . @2024-03-20T22:13:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Thanks to miniontoby!=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysctl]]  . . . @2024-03-18T16:56:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Connect]]  . . . @2024-03-16T21:22:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcd.Configure]]  . . . @2024-03-14T14:14:37Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Link]]  . . . @2024-03-14T09:25:10Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Bittorrent]]  . . . @2024-03-13T03:17:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pmwiki]]  . . . @2024-03-12T15:21:47Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rcctl]]  . . . @2024-03-09T18:16:03Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Loginconf]]  . . . @2024-03-09T16:40:33Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ngircd]]  . . . @2024-03-09T16:35:20Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Change]]  . . . @2024-03-01T18:04:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Overview]]  . . . @2024-02-20T00:38:00Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Erc]]  . . . @2024-02-19T19:25:28Z by [[~kiliro]]: [=Add better format                                 Summary: Add better formatin=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Bouncer]]  . . . @2024-02-19T16:34:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Icecast]]  . . . @2024-02-12T17:38:08Z by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes=]%0a* [[Cwm.Configure]]  . . . @2024-02-10T20:34:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Drawterm]]  . . . @2024-02-10T17:15:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wsconsctl.Usage]]  . . . @2024-02-10T06:50:02Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Easy]]  . . . @2024-02-04T18:52:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.TheloungeWebircClient]]  . . . @2024-02-01T13:39:12Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Panic]]  . . . @2024-01-20T22:18:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssh.Totp]]  . . . @2024-01-16T07:17:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Unix101]]  . . . @2024-01-11T17:22:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atheme.Install]]  . . . @2024-01-01T15:24:17Z by [[~rahl]]: [=Atheme is written in C=]%0a* [[Rio.Customize]]  . . . @2023-12-30T21:33:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade74]]  . . . @2023-12-28T21:05:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Lists]]  . . . @2023-12-26T20:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xboard.Connect]]  . . . @2023-12-26T01:05:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[I2Pd.Install]]  . . . @2023-12-20T06:00:49Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Exits]]  . . . @2023-12-18T15:10:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bitlbee]]  . . . @2023-12-18T10:06:57Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Authsrv]]  . . . @2023-12-18T09:11:44Z by [[~mkf]]: [=delete empty page=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Icechat]]  . . . @2023-12-18T09:09:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [=remove duplicate article (see Bouncer.IceChat)=]%0a* [[Ircnow.SSHFingerprints]]  . . . @2023-12-17T18:47:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.UbuntuIso]]  . . . @2023-12-04T20:16:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Sysupgrade]]  . . . @2023-12-02T14:59:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Openaccess]]  . . . @2023-12-01T03:16:51Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Tcache]]  . . . @2023-11-30T02:41:15Z by [[~Tcache]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Disablepassword]]  . . . @2023-11-29T05:00:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wraith]]  . . . @2023-11-25T18:49:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Host]]  . . . @2023-11-24T22:51:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hunchentoot.Install]]  . . . @2023-11-24T19:50:41Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pkg]]  . . . @2023-11-19T01:35:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syspatch.Syspatch]]  . . . @2023-11-19T01:33:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install73]]  . . . @2023-11-18T05:32:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install74]]  . . . @2023-11-18T05:06:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade74]]  . . . @2023-11-16T00:15:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcltls]]  . . . @2023-11-06T20:19:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Olympics.Games]]  . . . @2023-11-05T18:39:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Security]]  . . . @2023-11-04T18:45:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Reading]]  . . . @2023-11-01T03:47:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Tools]]  . . . @2023-10-28T17:41:59Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Explorer]]  . . . @2023-10-28T17:29:29Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Intro]]  . . . @2023-10-28T17:04:45Z by [[~redrum88]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFStable]]  . . . @2023-10-27T19:07:16Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Revise ICMP section in accordance with RFCs. Fix icmp6 syntax issue.=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2024]]  . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap]]  . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DKIM]]  . . . @2023-10-19T19:11:28Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add this note here too (already present in DNS.Mail)=]%0a* [[DNS.Mail]]  . . . @2023-10-19T19:09:57Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Change so _dkimsign is used for /etc/mail/dkim. _dovecot never needs to access that folder.=]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Replace]]  . . . @2023-10-19T17:19:19Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Fix IndentationError, although the script seems to have other issues (blank output)=]%0a* [[Police.Intro]]  . . . @2023-10-08T05:05:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.DNSSEC]]  . . . @2023-10-08T02:32:13Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=nitpick: Restart/Reload rather than Restart/reload=]%0a* [[Unbound.Configure]]  . . . @2023-10-07T23:19:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Edit after revert to include more accurate information, discussed with jrmu=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-NowWithInit]]  . . . @2023-10-07T05:20:56Z by [[~Maddie]]: [=[Minor]: Cleaned ansible code for more efficency.=]%0a* [[C.Cprimer]]  . . . @2023-10-05T18:57:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Hidden]]  . . . @2023-10-04T18:19:36Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add authorization section for hidden services=]%0a* [[Openbsd.FilePermissions]]  . . . @2023-10-04T02:15:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Replace `$ doas` with `#`=]%0a* [[Dns.TroubleshootingDNS]]  . . . @2023-10-03T06:23:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anope]]  . . . @2023-10-03T02:51:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ramfs]]  . . . @2023-09-27T15:43:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Loginconf]]  . . . @2023-09-22T14:40:06Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=Probably need some revertion.=]%0a* [[Hosting.Providers]]  . . . @2023-09-12T04:58:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Repo]]  . . . @2023-09-10T23:25:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2023]]  . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.CPAN]]  . . . @2023-09-05T03:25:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pideas]]  . . . @2023-09-03T18:58:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9gridchan]]  . . . @2023-09-03T06:16:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Acmemail]]  . . . @2023-09-01T18:05:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Account]]  . . . @2023-09-01T17:09:51Z by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Date]]  . . . @2023-09-01T13:46:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Shell]]  . . . @2023-08-27T18:52:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Why9]]  . . . @2023-08-25T17:15:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Splinternet]]  . . . @2023-08-24T02:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PKI]]  . . . @2023-08-23T19:47:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.IP]]  . . . @2023-08-23T00:12:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Inter9]]  . . . @2023-08-23T00:11:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Irc]]  . . . @2023-08-22T14:15:24Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=spelling=]%0a* [[9.Rcpu]]  . . . @2023-08-21T17:21:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.FNS]]  . . . @2023-08-19T17:30:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PNS]]  . . . @2023-08-19T17:05:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Reading]]  . . . @2023-08-17T18:18:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Intro]]  . . . @2023-08-15T22:57:20Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hw.X230]]  . . . @2023-08-15T12:46:43Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Reading]]  . . . @2023-08-14T02:37:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Irc]]  . . . @2023-08-07T01:37:18Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=correct (unused) USER parameters=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade71]]  . . . @2023-07-27T20:09:43Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=using both -U and -u at the same time is pointless=]%0a* [[Profiles.Yonle]]  . . . @2023-07-17T15:08:57Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCModules]]  . . . @2023-07-16T20:56:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added links to more modules=]%0a* [[Pbug.Bio]]  . . . @2023-07-08T13:53:57Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianIso]]  . . . @2023-07-05T19:58:36Z by [[~TheLion]]: [==]%0a* [[Certbot.Nginx]]  . . . @2023-07-04T13:58:54Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Vpn]]  . . . @2023-07-04T05:59:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Perl]]  . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Manifesto]]  . . . @2023-07-02T18:39:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Configure]]  . . . @2023-07-02T06:47:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnIos]]  . . . @2023-07-01T21:21:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Terms]]  . . . @2023-06-30T14:35:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Announce]]  . . . @2023-06-29T23:11:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Cronjobs]]  . . . @2023-06-17T04:44:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Orangepi3lts]]  . . . @2023-06-12T00:06:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xenodm]]  . . . @2023-06-11T16:30:39Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [=OpenBSD, xorg, xenodm, monitors=]%0a* [[Team.Welcome]]  . . . @2023-06-10T15:37:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Education]]  . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.RDNS]]  . . . @2023-06-10T05:27:27Z by [[~jacobk]]: [=fix link to Ipv6rdns=]%0a* [[Ngircd.Sins]]  . . . @2023-06-09T20:20:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Bugs]]  . . . @2023-06-09T19:46:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Jujube]]  . . . @2023-06-08T21:38:47Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update domain name=]%0a* [[Ikiwiki.Install]]  . . . @2023-06-07T22:48:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Limits]]  . . . @2023-06-06T20:12:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm]]  . . . @2023-06-06T05:52:47Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Universal]]  . . . @2023-05-31T19:02:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gnost-relay]]  . . . @2023-05-31T10:53:55Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=There's a reason why i connect to IPv6 instead of IPv4=]%0a* [[Freedom.Radio]]  . . . @2023-05-29T16:10:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Config]]  . . . @2023-05-29T03:16:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=cleanup and added instructions for changing tmux hotkey from ^b:=]%0a* [[Got.RemoteRepo]]  . . . @2023-05-28T04:26:48Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[C101.C101]]  . . . @2023-05-25T14:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.BBB]]  . . . @2023-05-24T15:03:59Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Privacy]]  . . . @2023-05-22T19:09:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psotnic.Install]]  . . . @2023-05-22T16:03:20Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DevuanIso]]  . . . @2023-05-21T18:54:36Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ircnow]]  . . . @2023-05-19T21:54:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Setup to match Ianj's version.=]%0a* [[NewsNow.NewsNow]]  . . . @2023-05-18T12:51:42Z by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Masterslave]]  . . . @2023-05-18T10:44:43Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Configure]]  . . . @2023-05-17T19:46:17Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=add url to Nsd.Masterslave=]%0a* [[Botnow.Install]]  . . . @2023-05-09T19:17:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=added bots tag=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Ircrc]]  . . . @2023-05-09T04:40:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.Cookbooks]]  . . . @2023-05-04T21:30:21Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.MlmmjWebArchiver]]  . . . @2023-05-04T00:33:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added missing instructions for installing mhonarc=]%0a* [[Bots.Basicbot]]  . . . @2023-04-30T21:47:44Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=fixed missing ; in my $mod={}=]%0a* [[Bots.BasicbotWiki]]  . . . @2023-04-30T02:59:37Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial post=]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Perl]]  . . . @2023-04-29T22:38:05Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Perl101.Perl101]]  . . . @2023-04-29T22:34:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Tmux]]  . . . @2023-04-29T21:32:15Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial wikigroup page with pagelist and links to other related tools=]%0a* [[Hardware.Ps2]]  . . . @2023-04-28T08:01:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hardware.Ethernet]]  . . . @2023-04-26T04:23:15Z by [[~mkf]]: [=importing this new found information, thanks cinap.=]%0a* [[9.Cheatsheet]]  . . . @2023-04-26T04:06:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mutt.Connect]]  . . . @2023-04-23T20:19:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.GroupsTagsCategories]]  . . . @2023-04-22T16:12:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiFormatting]]  . . . @2023-04-22T06:27:30Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiGroups]]  . . . @2023-04-22T06:04:14Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiTips]]  . . . @2023-04-22T05:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.InterMap]]  . . . @2023-04-22T04:41:45Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Tips for using interMap links to other data sources=]%0a* [[Cherry.Cherry]]  . . . @2023-04-22T03:53:28Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Botnow.Botnow]]  . . . @2023-04-22T02:20:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irssi]]  . . . @2023-04-22T00:51:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Translator]]  . . . @2023-04-21T15:29:21Z by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Course-unix100.Course-unix100]]  . . . @2023-04-21T04:08:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Sylpheed.Connect]]  . . . @2023-04-20T06:21:36Z by [[~initfree]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop191.Install]]  . . . @2023-04-19T16:03:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=updated version number=]%0a* [[WikiTips.Markup]]  . . . @2023-04-19T04:01:20Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added notes on markdown cookbook=]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Keygen]]  . . . @2023-04-19T00:30:11Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=softened the language on setting a passphrase to 'should set' instead of 'always set'=]%0a* [[Password.Schemes]]  . . . @2023-04-17T20:46:42Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.KnownIssues]]  . . . @2023-04-10T22:02:38Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Install]]  . . . @2023-04-08T01:47:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Limitsbot]]  . . . @2023-04-02T01:49:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.TLSMulti]]  . . . @2023-03-31T14:16:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Tournament]]  . . . @2023-03-28T00:50:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Ilines]]  . . . @2023-03-26T07:00:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Bots]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:16:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Eggdrop]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:12:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.DuckHunt]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.BotZNC]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:10:26Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop184.Install]]  . . . @2023-03-25T04:04:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Botnow]]  . . . @2023-03-24T17:57:43Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added redirect link for botnow=]%0a* [[9.9p]]  . . . @2023-03-23T12:00:13Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade72]]  . . . @2023-03-22T02:48:07Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Simple stub to upgrade68=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade69]]  . . . @2023-03-22T02:45:25Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Doas.Configure]]  . . . @2023-03-22T01:29:02Z by [[~boxette]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade71]]  . . . @2023-03-22T01:24:24Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade70]]  . . . @2023-03-22T01:23:31Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade68]]  . . . @2023-03-22T01:19:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added drop screen definitions and info re sysupgrade=]%0a* [[Terms.Privacy]]  . . . @2023-03-21T20:09:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Test]]  . . . @2023-03-21T16:12:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.TCLErorrWhileExecutingPackage]]  . . . @2023-03-21T03:01:23Z by [[~GuardiaN]]: [==]%0a* [[Xmpp.Xmpp]]  . . . @2023-03-20T16:59:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Letsencrypt.Expired]]  . . . @2023-03-19T03:46:41Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=add command for counting certs=]%0a* [[Hardware.Psp]]  . . . @2023-03-16T18:44:50Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Cloud9p.Roadmap]]  . . . @2023-03-16T09:29:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Create]]  . . . @2023-03-13T14:54:27Z by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added export pub key=]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Cheatsheet]]  . . . @2023-03-12T09:52:16Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9front.Netsurf]]  . . . @2023-03-10T15:08:21Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedMailboxes]]  . . . @2023-03-10T14:16:57Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Install]]  . . . @2023-03-10T00:33:25Z by [[~pos]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Xfnw]]  . . . @2023-03-07T21:55:06Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=update expiration=]%0a* [[FreeIRC.About]]  . . . March 05, 2023, at 03:51 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.OpenTracker]]  . . . March 03, 2023, at 04:37 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.ZNC]]  . . . February 28, 2023, at 02:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.Configure]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 10:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert as I'm not sure if /etc/daily.local is better=]%0a* [[Stagit.Install]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:24 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gotweb]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:04 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Install]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert erroneous change=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Codeforce]]  . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Baytuch.Bio]]  . . . February 17, 2023, at 12:00 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Configure]]  . . . February 17, 2023, at 11:39 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Plermoa]]  . . . February 16, 2023, at 04:52 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [=Redirect=]%0a* [[Akkoma.Install]]  . . . February 09, 2023, at 12:49 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Google.Sins]]  . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:13 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Googledanger]]  . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:01 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Outreachkids]]  . . . February 08, 2023, at 04:34 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mosh]]  . . . February 07, 2023, at 11:30 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Usage]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:38 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mkf.Wikiv1]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Openweb]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:15 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Youtubedanger]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:10 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Paster.Install]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 10:22 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Anope.Install]]  . . . February 06, 2023, at 09:46 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Hashes]]  . . . February 04, 2023, at 07:27 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=formatting fixes=]%0a* [[Chess.Chessgogi]]  . . . February 04, 2023, at 03:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Passwords]]  . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:49 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Management]]  . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:44 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv4rDNS]]  . . . February 01, 2023, at 08:31 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [=added note to clarify what address needs to be specified.=]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedFolders]]  . . . January 31, 2023, at 06:03 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=renaming to sharedMailboxes=]%0a* [[Soju.Install]]  . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes on style=]%0a* [[Lilywhitebot.Install]]  . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:23 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[SendMoneyToSplinter0616Outlook.Com]]  . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Biboumi.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcctl.Rcctl]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:32 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unrealircd]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Unrealircd.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pleroma.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gomuks.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gotweb.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Webnews.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Php.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fiche.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:44 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Prosody.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:42 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bitlbee.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:30 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[NodeJS.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Xfce.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:17 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install]]  . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vipw]]  . . . January 18, 2023, at 11:01 PM by [[~zen]]: [=added two spaces=]%0a* [[Grep.Usage]]  . . . January 18, 2023, at 10:54 PM by [[~zen]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Networks]]  . . . January 12, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [=Updated Sturtz IRC=]%0a* [[Znc.Install]]  . . . January 07, 2023, at 11:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rspamd.Configure]]  . . . January 03, 2023, at 04:55 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.Pigeonhole]]  . . . December 30, 2022, at 04:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=style 2=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Quota]]  . . . December 29, 2022, at 06:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Miniontoby]]  . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:26 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Minetest]]  . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added more ways to install=]%0a* [[Splinter0616Outlook.Com]]  . . . December 25, 2022, at 02:37 AM by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Oper]]  . . . December 25, 2022, at 12:03 AM by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Honk]]  . . . December 17, 2022, at 08:45 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Yonle.Bio]]  . . . December 13, 2022, at 05:18 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Camping.Gear]]  . . . December 12, 2022, at 04:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Vhost]]  . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:36 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Ircnow]]  . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:13 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [ is not an ircnow domain=]%0a* [[I2Pd.Tunnels]]  . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [=There we go. =]%0a* [[I2pd.Tunnels]]  . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:45 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Unwind.Configure]]  . . . November 26, 2022, at 09:23 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=add unwind=]%0a* [[Debian.Install]]  . . . November 13, 2022, at 11:43 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [=writing=]%0a* [[Lemon.Lemon]]  . . . November 10, 2022, at 01:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.JmIRC]]  . . . November 04, 2022, at 06:18 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added screenshots about setup=]%0a* [[Bouncer.XChat]]  . . . October 16, 2022, at 11:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=XChat is unmaintained=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VHost]]  . . . October 02, 2022, at 01:05 PM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VhostTCL]]  . . . October 02, 2022, at 07:06 AM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[He.IPv6Certification]]  . . . September 16, 2022, at 05:32 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=create page=]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Education]]  . . . September 14, 2022, at 07:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[About.AboutUs]]  . . . September 13, 2022, at 06:42 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAndSafety]]  . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAmpSafety]]  . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:17 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAmpSafety.Subheading]]  . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:15 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Acmesh.Configure]]  . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:03 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Added (currently a WIP)=]%0a* [[Dehydrated.Configure]]  . . . September 11, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Add dehydrated=]%0a* [[Profiles.Izzyb]]  . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.EditForm]]  . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:22 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=Make Author none editable field=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Geomyidae]]  . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:31 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.INN]]  . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:23 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Fix some types=]%0a* [[Heading.Subheading]]  . . . September 07, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop193.Install]]  . . . September 07, 2022, at 04:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pioneer]]  . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.VsFTP]]  . . . August 10, 2022, at 03:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=snipped unneeded output=]%0a* [[C.Scanf]]  . . . August 10, 2022, at 09:51 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.CertsReissue]]  . . . August 08, 2022, at 05:35 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Usage]]  . . . August 04, 2022, at 01:12 AM by [[~tiramisu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Upload]]  . . . August 01, 2022, at 01:21 PM by [[~jan6]]: [ uses a superior implementation, less vulnerable to various issues=]%0a* [[Lemon.Packages]]  . . . July 30, 2022, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Ellisisland]]  . . . July 27, 2022, at 07:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Newdeal]]  . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Daughtersofliberty]]  . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Womenstem]]  . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.RC]]  . . . July 20, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot]]  . . . July 20, 2022, at 03:58 PM by [[~jlj]]: [=Added notes about how I resolved the first two errors, on nastycode=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Nickserv]]  . . . July 19, 2022, at 10:05 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Chroot.Intro]]  . . . July 18, 2022, at 04:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Media]]  . . . July 15, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linuxstrongswan]]  . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.AutoRenew]]  . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:50 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Apmd]]  . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:36 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2022]]  . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Android]]  . . . July 01, 2022, at 12:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Myipaddress]]  . . . June 30, 2022, at 09:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.Blacklists]]  . . . June 25, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linux]]  . . . June 23, 2022, at 07:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Vpn]]  . . . June 23, 2022, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Nsf]]  . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debate]]  . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Metrics]]  . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Records]]  . . . June 19, 2022, at 05:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Alpine]]  . . . June 13, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Arch]]  . . . June 12, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~g1n]]: [=Added article about Arch Linux setup on VMM=]%0a* [[Unveil.Intro]]  . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pledge.Intro]]  . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bsdrd]]  . . . June 09, 2022, at 07:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vnc.Vnc]]  . . . June 08, 2022, at 04:04 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added RealVNC Viewer to the list (might need some more extra stuff, but yeah its fine)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Growfs]]  . . . June 01, 2022, at 12:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static-v2]]  . . . May 23, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~theguest]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Minetest]]  . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:48 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Emoji]]  . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:23 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Nsd]]  . . . May 10, 2022, at 12:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opsofliberty.Bootcamp]]  . . . May 09, 2022, at 08:38 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ports]]  . . . May 09, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ssl]]  . . . May 08, 2022, at 03:30 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed the text=]%0a* [[Codeforce.Training]]  . . . May 03, 2022, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Civics.Intro]]  . . . May 03, 2022, at 01:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.EdgeRouter-Lite]]  . . . April 28, 2022, at 02:50 PM by [[~pufferf]]: [==]%0a* [[Math.Reading]]  . . . April 27, 2022, at 08:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install71]]  . . . April 24, 2022, at 09:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Botnow]]  . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Buyvm.Ipv6]]  . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Rss]]  . . . April 23, 2022, at 04:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Testing]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Registrars]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gopher]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Adduser]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Signify.Verify]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Route]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ntpd.Configure]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ntpd]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmlinux]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Linux]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Iked]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Team]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 04:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Networks]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Announce]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ally]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Chroot]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install70]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[CodeForce.Bootcamp]]  . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Vmm]]  . . . April 15, 2022, at 12:20 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update: report from PiRATA=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Minutemin]]  . . . April 06, 2022, at 02:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.CGI]]  . . . April 05, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~gtlsgamr]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Censord]]  . . . April 05, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dns]]  . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zncflaws]]  . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debiandanger]]  . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Tls]]  . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Website]]  . . . April 03, 2022, at 11:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Soju.Guide]]  . . . April 02, 2022, at 03:46 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Nitter.Install]]  . . . April 02, 2022, at 01:08 AM by [[~fallback]]: [=first nitter install page=]%0a* [[Debiankaios.Bio]]  . . . April 01, 2022, at 05:10 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Irc]]  . . . March 30, 2022, at 12:40 PM by [[~m16]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Reading]]  . . . March 29, 2022, at 10:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Services]]  . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Configure]]  . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ddos]]  . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ddos.Intro]]  . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.ZNC]]  . . . March 19, 2022, at 07:31 AM by [[~fallback]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.DownloadingAndInstalling]]  . . . March 15, 2022, at 10:42 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.ISCABBS]]  . . . March 15, 2022, at 09:24 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.History]]  . . . March 14, 2022, at 06:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Exhibit]]  . . . March 13, 2022, at 11:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Dogfooding]]  . . . March 10, 2022, at 05:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Doxing.Defense]]  . . . March 05, 2022, at 08:54 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj-archivist.Install]]  . . . March 03, 2022, at 05:26 AM by [[~error]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.IRCBridge]]  . . . February 28, 2022, at 02:59 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Vi]]  . . . February 27, 2022, at 08:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vi.Intro]]  . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:16 PM by [[~Limits]]: [=Add Introduction to Vi=]%0a* [[Irc201.Irc201]]  . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:21 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ideas]]  . . . February 23, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.WikiSandbox]]  . . . February 22, 2022, at 11:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wesnothd]]  . . . February 21, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=Wesnothd=]%0a* [[9.Audio]]  . . . February 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xonotic]]  . . . February 20, 2022, at 07:43 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=A xonotic server has apperad! pt.2=]%0a* [[PuTTY.PuTTYgen]]  . . . February 16, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircnowd]]  . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Stopm.Stopm]]  . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Police.Fingerprints]]  . . . February 12, 2022, at 02:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=ip addresses should be sorted with sort -V=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Police]]  . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:36 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Dns]]  . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:39 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=Fix typo=]%0a* [[Dns.BindResolver]]  . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:30 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=First draft of bind resolver howto=]%0a* [[Botnow.SqliteViews]]  . . . February 10, 2022, at 02:00 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[AncientWisdom.Bio]]  . . . February 07, 2022, at 01:18 PM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Questions]]  . . . February 05, 2022, at 09:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Server]]  . . . February 05, 2022, at 08:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.SlackwareIso]]  . . . February 03, 2022, at 10:53 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Slackware 15.0 x86 stable is released=]%0a* [[Duplicity.Usage]]  . . . February 02, 2022, at 10:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Encryptfile]]  . . . February 02, 2022, at 09:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openrsync.Usage]]  . . . January 29, 2022, at 09:04 AM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=update from rsync to openrsync=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpip]]  . . . January 24, 2022, at 05:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synclient.Configure]]  . . . January 24, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Install]]  . . . January 22, 2022, at 06:57 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Asterisk.Install]]  . . . January 19, 2022, at 05:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ndb]]  . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.U9fs]]  . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.FQDN]]  . . . January 15, 2022, at 10:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.DNSSec]]  . . . January 14, 2022, at 02:53 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Locale]]  . . . January 12, 2022, at 01:23 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Autocomplete]]  . . . January 11, 2022, at 01:44 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=updated url=]%0a* [[Gpg.Verify]]  . . . January 08, 2022, at 09:48 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Add description=]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Archive]]  . . . January 06, 2022, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Hostowner]]  . . . January 06, 2022, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Dogfood]]  . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Chording]]  . . . January 03, 2022, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status]]  . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Server]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Census.Census]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bncnow.Bncnow]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Projects]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircfs.Intro]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 10:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnowd.Ircnowd]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Marketing]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sonsofliberty]]  . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pkgadd.CheckUpdates]]  . . . January 01, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2021]]  . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sftp]]  . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sftp.Chroot]]  . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status2022]]  . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.UTF8]]  . . . December 28, 2021, at 08:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Uim]]  . . . December 26, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Install]]  . . . December 23, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=created=]%0a* [[Nsd.Zone]]  . . . December 23, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.RSAkeys]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wifi]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 02:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Recordaudio]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 11:30 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [=fix some grammatical errors=]%0a* [[Parec.Record]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sox.Concat]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ffmpeg.Recordscreen]]  . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[JuiceSSH.Connect]]  . . . December 20, 2021, at 01:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Independent]]  . . . December 20, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MacScreenSharing.Connect]]  . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Partdisk]]  . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Usage]]  . . . December 17, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Federation]]  . . . December 17, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Chanop]]  . . . December 14, 2021, at 04:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Todo]]  . . . December 03, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Chroot]]  . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Install]]  . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Marriage]]  . . . December 02, 2021, at 06:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosting.Hosting]]  . . . December 01, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mc.Usage]]  . . . November 29, 2021, at 07:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[PuTTY.Connect]]  . . . November 29, 2021, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Email]]  . . . November 29, 2021, at 04:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Sinhala]]  . . . November 28, 2021, at 06:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MailWindows.Connect]]  . . . November 27, 2021, at 03:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Biboumi]]  . . . November 27, 2021, at 01:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mcabber.Connect]]  . . . November 26, 2021, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ChatSecure.Connect]]  . . . November 26, 2021, at 11:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pfs]]  . . . November 24, 2021, at 02:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianInstall]]  . . . November 24, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~nicoz]]: [==]%0a* [[Siskin.Connect]]  . . . November 23, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dino.Connect]]  . . . November 23, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Monal.Connect]]  . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xabber.Connect]]  . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DMARC]]  . . . November 22, 2021, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[StorkIM.Connect]]  . . . November 21, 2021, at 05:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Conversations.Connect]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Yaxim.Connect]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adium.Connect]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 07:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.AlmaLinux]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 06:47 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Psi.Connect]]  . . . November 17, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pidgin.Connect]]  . . . November 17, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Connect]]  . . . November 17, 2021, at 08:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Training]]  . . . November 16, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[Opera.Connect]]  . . . November 16, 2021, at 12:12 AM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[0dev.0dev]]  . . . November 12, 2021, at 03:00 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.RockyLinux]]  . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:51 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Openrelay]]  . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Sandbox.0dev]]  . . . November 11, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Mirror]]  . . . November 07, 2021, at 05:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.OpenIKED]]  . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~gloNO]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Got]]  . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Opsofliberty]]  . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Emacs.Emacs]]  . . . November 06, 2021, at 04:39 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Support]]  . . . November 06, 2021, at 03:53 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [=added libera=]%0a* [[Vmm.Plan9]]  . . . November 05, 2021, at 09:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=???=]%0a* [[9.Stone]]  . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:09 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Zuke]]  . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:01 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Http]]  . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Telnet.Http]]  . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Relayd]]  . . . November 03, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Admin]]  . . . November 02, 2021, at 05:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Debug]]  . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Usage]]  . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Rewrite]]  . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:30 PM by [[~hydragyrum]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Sysupdate]]  . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:21 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Debian]]  . . . October 31, 2021, at 12:34 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Victorycpus]]  . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Settler]]  . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginxphpfpm]]  . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:26 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginx]]  . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:18 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Homerouter]]  . . . October 26, 2021, at 05:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Netcat]]  . . . October 25, 2021, at 03:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Plan9ini]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 04:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Newconfig]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~tool]]: [==]%0a* [[Lua.Minetest-1]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 10:30 AM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Links]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Keybindings]]  . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=heheheheheh=]%0a* [[Xdefaults.Configure]]  . . . October 23, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.SSH]]  . . . October 23, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ssh]]  . . . October 22, 2021, at 12:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan4Iso]]  . . . October 21, 2021, at 04:29 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0=]%0a* [[9.101]]  . . . October 20, 2021, at 04:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fvwm.Configure]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.KISSmo]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:58 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Download]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:53 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.About]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:52 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Install]]  . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:44 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Repo]]  . . . October 17, 2021, at 08:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Anoncvs]]  . . . October 17, 2021, at 04:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Commit]]  . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Cvsweb]]  . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Cvsfs]]  . . . October 15, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade70]]  . . . October 15, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=humans are easily confused.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ilines]]  . . . October 15, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-ISO]]  . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:50 AM by [[~siva]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-Simple]]  . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:48 AM by [[~siva]]: [=Tutorial Created=]%0a* [[Cvs.Intro]]  . . . October 13, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synapse.Install]]  . . . October 12, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Oper]]  . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Diversity]]  . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Linux]]  . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.ResetPassword]]  . . . October 07, 2021, at 03:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Vps]]  . . . October 06, 2021, at 12:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.JSDrawterm]]  . . . September 30, 2021, at 06:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Fonts]]  . . . September 28, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install69]]  . . . September 27, 2021, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Guide]]  . . . September 26, 2021, at 02:28 PM by [[~Miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[License.IrcnowV2]]  . . . September 21, 2021, at 03:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Router]]  . . . September 14, 2021, at 12:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Weechat.Relay]]  . . . September 11, 2021, at 05:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gry.Bio]]  . . . September 11, 2021, at 02:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Telnet]]  . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:13 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Wraith.Chroot]]  . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Skins]]  . . . September 06, 2021, at 07:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="Huh, pmwiki has a bug." no numbered list if use monospaced text. :(=]%0a* [[Seamonkey.Connect]]  . . . August 28, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikistyle]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.EmailAndroidEmailApp]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 02:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Shortcuts]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Haiku]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mailopenproxy]]  . . . August 25, 2021, at 08:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Two-FactorAuth]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:39 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=login.db compiling is no longer recommended.=]%0a* [[Vmm.DragonflyBSD]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=logs=]%0a* [[Vmm.NetBSD]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better logs?=]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv6rDNS]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 11:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pipes.Redirection]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Redirection]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rbldnsd.Install]]  . . . August 22, 2021, at 07:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=wiki-ish.=]%0a* [[Netcat.Smtp]]  . . . August 22, 2021, at 06:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=byebye=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Npppd]]  . . . August 21, 2021, at 01:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Shell]]  . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tls.CA]]  . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Imap]]  . . . August 21, 2021, at 04:05 AM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]]  . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.GuixIso]]  . . . August 16, 2021, at 05:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.VoidIso]]  . . . August 16, 2021, at 06:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gophernicus]]  . . . August 15, 2021, at 02:06 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gazette.Gazette]]  . . . August 15, 2021, at 01:14 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=a bit polishing=]%0a* [[EmailTray.Connect]]  . . . August 15, 2021, at 12:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Konversation]]  . . . August 14, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Connect]]  . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Termius.Connect]]  . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openhttpd]]  . . . August 13, 2021, at 07:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Keys]]  . . . August 12, 2021, at 06:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monopolydanger]]  . . . August 11, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Connect]]  . . . August 11, 2021, at 04:34 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Termux.Connect]]  . . . August 11, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Web101.Web101]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 04:20 PM by [[~craziness]]: [=started web101=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pppoe]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[MacTerminal.Connect]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdroid.Install]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 09:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshfingerprints]]  . . . August 10, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshkeys]]  . . . August 09, 2021, at 04:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.9front]]  . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WinIRC]]  . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[IP.Myaddress]]  . . . August 07, 2021, at 05:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[SerFISH.Connect]]  . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Connect]]  . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:00 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Squirrelmail]]  . . . August 06, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.NickServ]]  . . . August 05, 2021, at 07:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Medals.Intro]]  . . . August 04, 2021, at 08:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dnszones]]  . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Zonefile]]  . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Clients]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Ifconfig]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Matterbridge]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:33 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.I18n]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Alt]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Simple]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Install]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 05:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vhost]]  . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderirc.Hardware]]  . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lecturify.Hardware]]  . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Procedure]]  . . . August 01, 2021, at 06:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Chroot]]  . . . July 31, 2021, at 02:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Remote]]  . . . July 30, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmuser]]  . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmminstall]]  . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmm]]  . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCAdmin]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCSupport]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Troubleshoot]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Troubleshoot]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Kill.Usage]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ps.Usage]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Vhost]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Host.Usage]]  . . . July 28, 2021, at 01:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Php]]  . . . July 27, 2021, at 02:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.IRCFreeHomesteadVPS]]  . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.PioneerTldr]]  . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Pioneer]]  . . . July 26, 2021, at 04:22 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dig]]  . . . July 25, 2021, at 06:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RDNS]]  . . . July 23, 2021, at 06:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wordpress.Install]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.All]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Lemon.Todo]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:21 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Guide]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=client -> clients=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sic]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 05:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=first edit.=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Progress]]  . . . July 21, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rsync.Usage]]  . . . July 19, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openrsync]]  . . . July 18, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Znc]]  . . . July 16, 2021, at 10:43 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Become]]  . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Bearcode]]  . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Staticnet]]  . . . July 12, 2021, at 05:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dovecot]]  . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Relayd]]  . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Spf]]  . . . July 12, 2021, at 03:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Eggdrop]]  . . . July 02, 2021, at 03:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Http]]  . . . June 30, 2021, at 04:44 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Oldsoftware]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Xmlflaws]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikipediadanger]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.DCC]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Matrixflaws]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Webirc]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Nodejstrap]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircv3defense]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Newdisk]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AndroidEmail.AndroidEmail]]  . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unbound]]  . . . June 27, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Religion]]  . . . June 27, 2021, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Union]]  . . . June 26, 2021, at 01:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Firstamendment]]  . . . June 26, 2021, at 11:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dkimproxy]]  . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MIF.Test]]  . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:42 PM by [[~nsturtz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade69]]  . . . June 25, 2021, at 05:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Opensmtpd]]  . . . June 23, 2021, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.NgircdLink]]  . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:50 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=delete=]%0a* [[File.File]]  . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=linking=]%0a* [[Debate.Linuxflaws]]  . . . June 20, 2021, at 08:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=making hyperlinks=]%0a* [[Freedom.Destiny]]  . . . June 18, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Doas]]  . . . June 13, 2021, at 01:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freedom]]  . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Press]]  . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Shell]]  . . . June 11, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Constitution]]  . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Rights]]  . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv4.Overview]]  . . . June 10, 2021, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Bash]]  . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PowerShell.Connect]]  . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Code.Code]]  . . . June 08, 2021, at 05:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better formating=]%0a* [[Grape.DonateUs]]  . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:41 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Books]]  . . . June 06, 2021, at 12:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Grape]]  . . . June 06, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfa]]  . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:49 AM by [[~navic]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Debian]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 07:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [="LOL"=]%0a* [[DNS.Dnswl]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.SMTP]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dkim.Dkimsign]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Torsocks]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnMac]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 05:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wordpress]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 04:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.SPF]]  . . . June 03, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[HostServ.Rules]]  . . . June 01, 2021, at 08:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ACKFlood]]  . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:20 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.SSDP]]  . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:18 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anycast]]  . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Networks]]  . . . May 27, 2021, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Rules]]  . . . May 26, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Power]]  . . . May 26, 2021, at 04:38 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Money]]  . . . May 25, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Takeover]]  . . . May 25, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freenode]]  . . . May 25, 2021, at 01:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Atomic]]  . . . May 24, 2021, at 03:22 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=spacing=]%0a* [[Minetest.Updating]]  . . . May 24, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=monospaced commands=]%0a* [[Shell.Putty]]  . . . May 24, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmarc]]  . . . May 21, 2021, at 09:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Optimize]]  . . . May 19, 2021, at 04:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Stable]]  . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.VicePresident]]  . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sheriff]]  . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ambassador]]  . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Guide]]  . . . May 17, 2021, at 03:37 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Install]]  . . . May 16, 2021, at 06:49 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="$"=]%0a* [[Tmux.Share]]  . . . May 15, 2021, at 02:27 AM by [[~mistera]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Security]]  . . . May 14, 2021, at 03:14 AM by [[~caesar]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Vision]]  . . . May 13, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=added home page, removed "..."s=]%0a* [[Minetest.Worldbackup]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Texturestyle]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Serverlocations]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Addingarenas]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relay.Relay]]  . . . May 12, 2021, at 09:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install-bej]]  . . . May 11, 2021, at 05:26 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-Arthur]]  . . . May 07, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~Arthur]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot69]]  . . . May 06, 2021, at 03:36 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [=back to 6.9 to see real changes=]%0a* [[Dig.Usage]]  . . . May 04, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~sarah]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Unix]]  . . . April 29, 2021, at 03:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Simpleurl]]  . . . April 29, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~punk]]: [==]%0a* [[Gpl.Flaws]]  . . . April 24, 2021, at 04:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Windows]]  . . . April 18, 2021, at 07:38 PM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Libertyordeath]]  . . . April 17, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Economy]]  . . . April 15, 2021, at 02:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vim.Vim]]  . . . April 11, 2021, at 11:14 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Duty]]  . . . April 11, 2021, at 04:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.License]]  . . . April 04, 2021, at 02:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[EthicalSource.HolierThanThou]]  . . . April 04, 2021, at 01:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Rmsboycott]]  . . . April 03, 2021, at 01:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Libertyordeath]]  . . . April 02, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Fig]]  . . . March 31, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Coconut.Coconut]]  . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.CodeForce]]  . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ClawsMail.Connect]]  . . . March 29, 2021, at 08:42 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Madeonirc]]  . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Devs]]  . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Code]]  . . . March 24, 2021, at 03:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cherry.Todo]]  . . . March 23, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~Oz]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Independence]]  . . . March 22, 2021, at 01:13 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Founders]]  . . . March 20, 2021, at 01:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Teams]]  . . . March 18, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=banana=]%0a* [[Vhost.Freedns]]  . . . March 16, 2021, at 12:22 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Freedom]]  . . . March 15, 2021, at 01:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Labor]]  . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Discriminatory]]  . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Hope]]  . . . March 14, 2021, at 11:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Publicdomain]]  . . . March 14, 2021, at 10:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Flaws]]  . . . March 14, 2021, at 05:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Browser]]  . . . March 12, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Abuse.Code]]  . . . March 09, 2021, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Documents]]  . . . March 07, 2021, at 04:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Goals]]  . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Chatforce]]  . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Bash]]  . . . March 05, 2021, at 10:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[User.Welcome]]  . . . March 05, 2021, at 07:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Immigrant.Welcome]]  . . . March 05, 2021, at 06:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Openrelay]]  . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Test]]  . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Game]]  . . . March 04, 2021, at 10:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Howtoask]]  . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Netizen]]  . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Servers.Rights]]  . . . February 28, 2021, at 12:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Enterprise]]  . . . February 28, 2021, at 11:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Creed]]  . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Intro]]  . . . February 25, 2021, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Leafnode.Install]]  . . . February 25, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Todo]]  . . . February 23, 2021, at 10:47 AM by [[~quofan]]: [==]%0a* [[Relays.Relays]]  . . . February 22, 2021, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PSFTP.Connect]]  . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:57 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Outlook.Connect]]  . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AppleMail.Connect]]  . . . February 20, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Pgp]]  . . . February 19, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Ircnow]]  . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:45 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=2021=]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Connect]]  . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Mac]]  . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Training]]  . . . February 18, 2021, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Openforeveryone]]  . . . February 16, 2021, at 04:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.IRCitizen]]  . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv6.Overview]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tcpip.Overview]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Syspatch]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netadmin]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Religion]]  . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Independence]]  . . . February 13, 2021, at 04:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Leafnode]]  . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:40 PM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Pylink]]  . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Opportunity]]  . . . February 11, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Republic]]  . . . February 11, 2021, at 06:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Achurch.Install]]  . . . February 10, 2021, at 04:33 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pylink]]  . . . February 08, 2021, at 08:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpofLiberty]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Allies]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Dueprocess]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Checks]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Rulebylaw]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Startupdream]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Federation]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Selfadmin]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpsofLiberty]]  . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Software]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opportunity]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Workethic]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Ethic]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Privacy]]  . . . February 05, 2021, at 07:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Policy]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serversrights]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serverrights]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Fork]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Lanofopportunity]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opentoall]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:17 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Refuge]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 09:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Providers]]  . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Guava]]  . . . February 03, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Stable]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Base64]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 06:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unboundadblock]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfbadhost]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd]]  . . . February 02, 2021, at 01:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Mango]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:01 PM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Abuse]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Censorship]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Firstamendment]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Phishing]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Audit]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 04:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ongoing]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 01:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners]]  . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Todo]]  . . . January 30, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Pear]]  . . . January 29, 2021, at 06:09 PM by [[~dennis]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Httpopenproxy]]  . . . January 29, 2021, at 11:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Zncadmin]]  . . . January 29, 2021, at 10:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rbldns]]  . . . January 29, 2021, at 05:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Setuid]]  . . . January 28, 2021, at 06:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFTesting]]  . . . January 25, 2021, at 03:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCDaily]]  . . . January 25, 2021, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Irssi]]  . . . January 25, 2021, at 07:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sysadmins]]  . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.UnixPhilosophy]]  . . . January 18, 2021, at 05:05 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.XTerm]]  . . . January 17, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=copyright=]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Statement]]  . . . January 17, 2021, at 02:44 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Outlook]]  . . . January 16, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~Zouheir]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Todo]]  . . . January 16, 2021, at 12:09 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ipsec]]  . . . January 13, 2021, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Plum]]  . . . January 12, 2021, at 03:02 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Slrn]]  . . . January 12, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.CPAN]]  . . . January 12, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~Dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Todo]]  . . . January 11, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ilines]]  . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netcat]]  . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Perl]]  . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:04 PM by [[~dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Perl]]  . . . January 09, 2021, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Log]]  . . . January 07, 2021, at 11:23 AM by [[~dima]]: [=test=]%0a* [[Fig.Todo]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Todo]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Todo]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Team]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Todo]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Censorship]]  . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pentesters]]  . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Coders]]  . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Banana.Todo]]  . . . January 04, 2021, at 09:41 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=znc=]%0a* [[Users.CategoryMirrory]]  . . . January 04, 2021, at 01:10 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Test]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:17 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [==]%0a* [[Users.Categorymirrory]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:12 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [=wrong caps=]%0a* [[Banana.Banana]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Orange]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backup]]  . . . January 03, 2021, at 01:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Appledanger]]  . . . January 02, 2021, at 01:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Tasks]]  . . . January 01, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helpers]]  . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Finances]]  . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tutorial.Tutorial]]  . . . January 01, 2021, at 03:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Testing]]  . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshbackdoor]]  . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Packages]]  . . . December 30, 2020, at 10:48 AM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Contact]]  . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf-bnc]]  . . . December 29, 2020, at 06:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners2]]  . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Mozilladanger]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Controlcomputer]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Facebookdanger]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Slackdanger]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Freespeech]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ethicalflaws]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Hatespeech]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monero]]  . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.WhyNotC]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:43 PM by [[~searchsocial]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Python]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Cash]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Uberdanger]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Microsoftdanger]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Accessibility]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zoomdanger]]  . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Applications]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Dillo]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Basilisk]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Directory]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Packages]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Amplification]]  . . . December 19, 2020, at 05:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.UDPFlood]]  . . . December 18, 2020, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpdump]]  . . . December 18, 2020, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpackflood]]  . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RSTFlood]]  . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpresetflood]]  . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ssdp]]  . . . December 15, 2020, at 12:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Igloo]]  . . . December 14, 2020, at 09:39 AM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.Terms]]  . . . December 13, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf]]  . . . December 13, 2020, at 12:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install68]]  . . . December 13, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade67]]  . . . December 13, 2020, at 04:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade68]]  . . . December 11, 2020, at 10:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dokuwiki]]  . . . December 10, 2020, at 02:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=code blocks fixed=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acme-client]]  . . . December 09, 2020, at 06:47 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed troubleshooting links=]%0a* [[Freedom.Christian]]  . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Finances]]  . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshkeys]]  . . . December 07, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install67]]  . . . December 06, 2020, at 11:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Buyvm]]  . . . December 06, 2020, at 02:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opernbsd.Buyvm]]  . . . December 04, 2020, at 12:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WeeChat]]  . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.SimpleIRC]]  . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:31 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Militia]]  . . . December 02, 2020, at 04:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Third]]  . . . December 01, 2020, at 01:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Oidentd]]  . . . November 30, 2020, at 11:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helper]]  . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Hexchat]]  . . . November 27, 2020, at 12:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloud]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.AdiIRC]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.RevolutionIRC]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KiwiIRC]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KVIrc]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IceChat]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudiOS]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudAndroid]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudWeb]]  . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Catalog]]  . . . November 23, 2020, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Checklist]]  . . . November 20, 2020, at 12:44 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acopm]]  . . . November 04, 2020, at 03:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Achurch]]  . . . November 04, 2020, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vi]]  . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sudo]]  . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Denomination]]  . . . October 23, 2020, at 09:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Intro]]  . . . October 10, 2020, at 08:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircweb.Ircweb]]  . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Http2irc.Http2irc]]  . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Easyapp]]  . . . September 29, 2020, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Nl]]  . . . September 17, 2020, at 08:43 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Dutch correct page=]%0a* [[Grape.Guide]]  . . . September 16, 2020, at 08:42 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Id]]  . . . September 08, 2020, at 09:51 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Orange.Ru]]  . . . September 07, 2020, at 11:29 PM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Bouncer.MIRC]]  . . . September 06, 2020, at 03:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Bncnow]]  . . . September 04, 2020, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Cgit]]  . . . September 01, 2020, at 05:51 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Notes]]  . . . August 27, 2020, at 03:38 AM by [[~gry]]: [=expanded=]%0a* [[Shell.ShellSSHKEYS]]  . . . August 25, 2020, at 10:00 PM by [[~gry]]: [=permissions added=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irccloud]]  . . . August 24, 2020, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.Tracker]]  . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:16 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.GrapeTeam]]  . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Course]]  . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bchs]]  . . . August 20, 2020, at 07:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]]  . . . August 20, 2020, at 06:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: on_is_active php_session_active squirrelmailing sqsession_start troubleshooting authentication session_status config_default webmail_access modifications configuration unfortunately accessibility administrator webmail_error compatibility acceleration default_pref organization replacement disposition alternative information sourceforge permissions certificate interactive configuring preferences letsencrypt development compatible javascript configtest connection additional nameserver configured afterwards extracting attempting installing documents complains openhttpd functions localhost opensmtpd challenge supported subdomain receiving databases recommend necessary following languages delimiter directory debugging fusername essential addresses installed chrooted smtphost projects browsers normally location provides tlsmulti 26214400 required remember original security listener optional settings sendmail properly software specific licensed messages brackets instance writable services browsing defaults drawback continue opening control dovecot fastcgi already contact defines example initial unbound folders unusual request plugins general command servers defined private options however records contrib include restart because nologin disable exiting keypair baytuch strings misused charset appears content instead openbsd release sending mt_rand another subject version tarball warning charlie without changes resolve foxtrot uploads written client relayd needed return logout syntax longer cannot latest htdocs braces rather offset typing before themes ircnow frames across making should switch please detect secure invert readme global create update system locale report serial delete femail myname daemon lookup socket number errors trying issues actual stable inline attach master reload touch could color chown check chmod needs first intro shell rcctl php74 mkdir books hosts write above https there false using might every ascii happy delta curly array fatal bravo query where since which setup exist works notes saved files press alpha enter means class block title index chain strip lines known worry based ifend about zones this doas 2001 imap will well page your real acme make sure that aaaa ipv4 does fccf want 1008 2602 than sbin chsh help bind body some copy runs both must logs like when ctrl type echo xvzf find uses html many wiki easy fees more exec text once were have made mime done next move into ipv6 pop3 menu sign quit full motd hide give edit time www ssl etc var 127 day see has 162 bad gpl 451 fix ksh 644 zip its 755 ftp net way crt 634 usr 403 src nsd fpm dns max few db8 143 via by gz 22 cd rx 38 87 mv 80 9
 Relayd.TLSMulti:1628325508: Relayd.Acceleration Openhttpd.Hosting Acme-client.Configure Pf.Guide Openssl.Http : troubleshooting acknowledgments configuration acceleration dramatically remote_addr server_port permissions server_addr connections simpletable certificate commentary configured especially consulting forwarding foreground plaintext correctly debugging fullchain openhttpd available forwarded verbosity splitting listening challenge following selective remaining instances directory stacksize newsyslog openfiles service1 service2 searches increase database disabled protocol symlinks starting services tlsmulti sortable requests complete template filtered properly networks rotation addition location listener expanded multiple messages concepts example keypair listens finally backlog running private www6tls warning openbsd respond content produce provide verbose replace hosting devices android earlier maximum inspect enabled another domains openssl syslogd reverse headers td76656 without archive default already missing labeled records address option actual relayd handle relays create nabble wwwtls define packet turned before client please border append serves common public errors either cannot number blocks syntax bottom daemon assume entire typing failed simply sample second notice output https certs class there check rcctl first pfctl width guide login fails queue where names large which value match avoid above ports using based wrong entry lines close title below doesn three users index known third proxy while strip 8020 sure 8001 8002 icmp 4096 have make 2001 need will both that ipv6 them this want acme they ipv4 your edit what sack time doas then must logs html 7691 into send busy wish from real upon look test like stop ones auto when well root load last says also ddos etc 443 crt sub see are any ip4 ios tcp org man cur 96m 128 its won var may nsd set dns how pem 100 dvv 127 168 192 ip6 db8 of n7 by ln=
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--- wiki.d/Vmm.Configure
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-text=(:title Configure vmm on OpenBSD:)%0a%0aOpenBSD can support virtual machines with [[|vmd(8)]]. The guide below is inspired by the [[|virtualization guide from the OpenBSD FAQ]].%0a%0avmd requires a processor that supports SLAT for AMD or EPT for Intel. Check%0asupport with this command:%0a%0a[@%0a$ dmesg | egrep '(VMX/EPT|SVM/RVI)'%0a@]%0a%0aYou will need to install vmm-firmware:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas fw_update%0a@]%0a%0aBy default, there are only four tap interfaces. We need to create sufficient devices for all our virtual machines:%0a%0a[@%0a# cd /dev%0a# for i in $(jot 50 4 50); do sh MAKEDEV tap$i; done%0a@]%0a%0aWe need to increase arpq because we may have so many virtual machines on the same switch:%0a%0a[@%0a# sysctl net.inet.ip.arpq.maxlen=1024%0a# echo "net.inet.ip.arpq.maxlen=1024" >> /etc/sysctl.conf%0a@]%0a%0aWe will need to permit IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding for our virtual machines:%0a%0a[@%0a# sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1%0a# echo "net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf%0a# sysctl net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1%0a# echo "net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf%0a@]%0a%0a!! Optional virtual Ethernet device%0a%0aDepending on your networking settings, you may find it helpful to%0acreate a [[|vether(4)]] device which will%0abe used as the interface for the bridge. For example, we might create%0a/etc/hostname.vether0:%0a%0a[@%0ainet]%0a%0aReplace @@ with the actual IP address you intend to use as the default gateway. Replace @@ with the subnet mask.%0a%0a!! Creating bridge device%0a%0aNext we must create /etc/hostname.bridge0:%0a%0a[@%0aadd if0%0a@]%0a%0awhere @@if0@@ is the device you want to bridge. If you want to bridge%0athe optional virtual Ethernet interface above, replace @@if0@@ with%0a@@vether0@@.%0a%0aWe edit /etc/vm.conf:%0a%0a[@%0asocket owner :vmdusers%0a%0aswitch "switch0" {%0a    interface bridge0%0a}%0a%0avm "username" {%0a    owner username%0a    memory 512M%0a    cdrom "/home/username/username.iso"%0a    disk /home/username/username.qcow2%0a    interface { %0a        locked lladdr aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01%0a        switch "switch0"%0a    }%0a}%0a@]%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Do '''not''' use aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:xx. Replace with your own random lladdr address.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Do '''not''' to pick a broadcast MAC address. If the first octet of the address is an odd number (such as f1:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or f3:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), it will appear as a broadcast device and may be the cause of routing issues.%0a%0aNext, we download our [[|OpenBSD ISO]].%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas useradd -m -g =uid -c "iso" -d /home/iso -s /sbin/nologin iso%0a$ ftp$ ftp$ signify -C -p /etc/signify/ -x SHA256.sig install75.iso%0aSignature Verified%0ainstall75.iso: OK%0a$ doas mv install75.iso /home/iso/%0a$ doas mv SHA256.sig /home/iso/%0a$ doas chown -R iso:iso /home/iso/%0a@]%0a%0aIf the signature does not verify, don't proceed.%0a%0aWe will want to enable and start vmd:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas rcctl enable vmd%0a$ doas rcctl start vmd  %0a@]%0a%0aWe need to create a new group vmdusers for each of our users so they can access the serial console:%0a%0a[@%0a# groupadd vmdusers%0a# chown root:vmdusers /var/run/vmd.sock%0a@]%0a%0aFor each virtual machine, we create a user and a disk image using[@%0a$ ./]%0a%0a[@%0a# vmctl create -s 20G username.qcow2%0a@]%0a%0aIf some users are using the wrong IPs, you can run tcpdump with the -e flag to show the lladdr of tcp packets.%0a
+text=(:title Configure vmm on OpenBSD:)%0a%0aOpenBSD can support virtual machines with [[|vmd(8)]]. The guide below is inspired by the [[|virtualization guide from the OpenBSD FAQ]].%0a%0avmd requires a processor that supports SLAT for AMD or EPT for Intel. Check%0asupport with this command:%0a%0a[@%0a$ dmesg | egrep '(VMX/EPT|SVM/RVI)'%0a@]%0a%0aOnce you have confirmed your hardware can handle virtualization, install%0avmm-firmware:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas fw_update%0a@]%0a%0aBy default, there are only four tap interfaces. We need to create sufficient%0adevices for all our virtual machines:%0a%0a[@%0a# cd /dev%0a# for i in $(jot 50 4 50); do sh MAKEDEV tap$i; done%0a@]%0a%0aWe'll increase arpq because we may have many virtual machines on the same%0aswitch:%0a%0a[@%0a# sysctl net.inet.ip.arpq.maxlen=1024%0a# echo "net.inet.ip.arpq.maxlen=1024" >> /etc/sysctl.conf%0a@]%0a%0aWe will need to permit IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding for our virtual machines:%0a%0a[@%0a# sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1%0a# echo "net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf%0a# sysctl net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1%0a# echo "net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf%0a@]%0a%0a!! Configuring networking devices%0a%0aWe need a bridge to connect together all the [[ifconfig/tap|tap]] interfaces%0afrom our virtual machines. Although we could use [[ifconfig/bridge|bridge]],%0a[[ifconfig/veb|veb]] may offer better performance. We will therefore combine [[ifconfig/veb|veb]] and [[ifconfig/vport|vport]] together to handle routing of traffic from [[|tap(4)]] interfaces.%0a%0a[@%0a# cat /etc/hostname.veb0%0aadd vport0%0a# cat /etc/hostname.vport0%0ainet 2001:db8:: 48%0aup%0a@]%0a%0aReplace @@ with the actual IP address you intend to use as the%0adefault gateway. Replace @@ with the correct subnet mask.%0aSimilarly, replace 2001:db8:: with your actual IPv6 subnet, and replace 48%0awith the correct subnet mask.%0a%0a'''NOTE''': You must add @@up@@ in @@/etc/hostname.vport0@@.%0a[[|vport(4)]] interfaces do not come up%0aautomatically.%0a%0a!! Configuring vm.conf%0a%0aWe create [[|vm.conf(5)]]:%0a%0a[@%0a# cat /etc/vm.conf%0asocket owner :vmdusers%0a%0aswitch "switch0" {%0a    group vms%0a    locked lladdr%0a    interface veb0%0a}%0a%0aobsd="/home/iso/install75.iso"%0a%0avm "username" {%0a    owner username%0a    memory 2048M%0a    cdrom $obsd%0a    disk /home/username/username.qcow2 format qcow2%0a    interface tap0 { %0a        locked lladdr aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01%0a        switch "switch0"%0a    }%0a}%0a@]%0a%0aFirst, we set group @@vmdusers@@ as the owner of the @@/var/run/vmd.sock@@. Only users in the @@vmdusers@@ group will be able to start or stop virtual machine with [[vmctl/usage|vmctl]].%0a%0aNext, we define a virtual switch block for @@switch0@@. The interface will belong to @@group vms@@, which provides us an easy way to [[pf/intro|filter with pf]]. @@locked lladdr@@ prevents spoofing of hardware addresses. @@veb0@@ will be the network interface used by the switch.%0a%0aWe then define a macro for the OpenBSD ISO.%0a%0aNext, we define a virtual machine named @@username@@ owned by @@username@@ with 2GB of memory, the CDROM with the OpenBSD ISO, and we lock the networking interface to @@tap0@@ and explicitly define a hardware address. We put this interface on @@switch0@@.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Do '''not''' use aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:xx. This must be replaced with your own random lladdr address.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Do '''not''' pick a broadcast MAC address. If the first octet of the address is an odd number (such as f1:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or f3:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), it will appear as a broadcast device and may be the cause of routing issues.%0a%0a!! Preparing ISO files%0a%0aNext, we download our [[|OpenBSD ISO]].%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas useradd -m -g =uid -c "iso" -d /home/iso -s /sbin/nologin iso%0a$ ftp$ ftp$ signify -C -p /etc/signify/ -x SHA256.sig install75.iso%0aSignature Verified%0ainstall75.iso: OK%0a$ doas mv install75.iso /home/iso/%0a$ doas mv SHA256.sig /home/iso/%0a$ doas chown -R iso:iso /home/iso/%0a@]%0a%0aIf the signature does not verify, delete the ISO and don't proceed.%0a%0aWe will want to enable and start vmd:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas rcctl enable vmd%0a$ doas rcctl start vmd  %0a@]%0a%0aWe need to create a new group vmdusers for each of our users so they can access the serial console:%0a%0a[@%0a# groupadd vmdusers%0a# chown root:vmdusers /var/run/vmd.sock%0a@]%0a%0aFor each virtual machine, we create a user and a disk image using [[|]]:%0a%0a[@%0a$ ./ $USERNAME%0a@]%0a%0a!! Troubleshooting%0a%0a[[tcpdump/usage|tcpdump]] with the -e flag can reveal the lladdr of tcp packets.%0a
 title=Configure vmm on OpenBSD
+diff:1717533208:1717487316:=70,71c70,71%0a%3c We create [[|vm.conf(5)]]:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> We edit /etc/vm.conf:%0a> %0a73d72%0a%3c # cat /etc/vm.conf%0a82,83c81,82%0a%3c obsd="/home/iso/install75.iso"%0a%3c %0a---%0a> obsdiso="/home/iso/install75.iso"%0a> %0a87c86%0a%3c     cdrom $obsd%0a---%0a>     cdrom $obsdiso%0a96,109c95,98%0a%3c First, we set group @@vmdusers@@ as the owner of the @@/var/run/vmd.sock@@. Only users in the @@vmdusers@@ group will be able to start or stop virtual machine with [[vmctl/usage|vmctl]].%0a%3c %0a%3c Next, we define a virtual switch block for @@switch0@@. The interface will belong to @@group vms@@, which provides us an easy way to [[pf/intro|filter with pf]]. @@locked lladdr@@ prevents spoofing of hardware addresses. @@veb0@@ will be the network interface used by the switch.%0a%3c %0a%3c We then define a macro for the OpenBSD ISO.%0a%3c %0a%3c Next, we define a virtual machine named @@username@@ owned by @@username@@ with 2GB of memory, the CDROM with the OpenBSD ISO, and we lock the networking interface to @@tap0@@ and explicitly define a hardware address. We put this interface on @@switch0@@.%0a%3c %0a%3c '''WARNING''': Do '''not''' use aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:xx. This must be replaced with your own random lladdr address.%0a%3c %0a%3c '''WARNING''': Do '''not''' pick a broadcast MAC address. If the first octet of the address is an odd number (such as f1:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or f3:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), it will appear as a broadcast device and may be the cause of routing issues.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Preparing ISO files%0a%3c %0a---%0a> '''WARNING''': Do '''not''' use aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:xx. Replace with your own random lladdr address.%0a> %0a> '''WARNING''': Do '''not''' to pick a broadcast MAC address. If the first octet of the address is an odd number (such as f1:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or f3:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), it will appear as a broadcast device and may be the cause of routing issues.%0a> %0a124,125c113,114%0a%3c If the signature does not verify, delete the ISO and don't proceed.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> If the signature does not verify, don't proceed.%0a> %0a140,141c129,130%0a%3c For each virtual machine, we create a user and a disk image using [[|]]:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> For each virtual machine, we create a user and a disk image using> %0a143c132%0a%3c $ ./ $USERNAME%0a---%0a> $ ./,148c135,139%0a%3c !! Troubleshooting%0a%3c %0a%3c [[tcpdump/usage|tcpdump]] with the -e flag can reveal the lladdr of tcp packets.%0a---%0a> [@%0a> # vmctl create -s 20G username.qcow2%0a> @]%0a> %0a> If some users are using the wrong IPs, you can run tcpdump with the -e flag to show the lladdr of tcp packets.%0a
+diff:1717487316:1717366582:=12,14c12,13%0a%3c Once you have confirmed your hardware can handle virtualization, install%0a%3c vmm-firmware:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> You will need to install vmm-firmware:%0a> %0a19,21c18,19%0a%3c By default, there are only four tap interfaces. We need to create sufficient%0a%3c devices for all our virtual machines:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> By default, there are only four tap interfaces. We need to create sufficient devices for all our virtual machines:%0a> %0a27,29c25,26%0a%3c We'll increase arpq because we may have many virtual machines on the same%0a%3c switch:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> We need to increase arpq because we may have so many virtual machines on the same switch:%0a> %0a44,49c41,47%0a%3c !! Configuring networking devices%0a%3c %0a%3c We need a bridge to connect together all the [[ifconfig/tap|tap]] interfaces%0a%3c from our virtual machines. Although we could use [[ifconfig/bridge|bridge]],%0a%3c [[ifconfig/veb|veb]] may offer better performance. We will therefore combine [[ifconfig/veb|veb]] and [[ifconfig/vport|vport]] together to handle routing of traffic from [[|tap(4)]] interfaces.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Optional virtual Ethernet device%0a> %0a> Depending on your networking settings, you may find it helpful to%0a> create a [[|vether(4)]] device which will%0a> be used as the interface for the bridge. For example, we might create%0a> /etc/hostname.vether0:%0a> %0a51,56c49%0a%3c # cat /etc/hostname.veb0%0a%3c add vport0%0a%3c # cat /etc/hostname.vport0%0a%3c inet inet6 2001:db8:: 48%0a%3c up%0a---%0a> inet,71c52,57%0a%3c Replace @@ with the actual IP address you intend to use as the%0a%3c default gateway. Replace @@ with the correct subnet mask.%0a%3c Similarly, replace 2001:db8:: with your actual IPv6 subnet, and replace 48%0a%3c with the correct subnet mask.%0a%3c %0a%3c '''NOTE''': You must add @@up@@ in @@/etc/hostname.vport0@@.%0a%3c [[|vport(4)]] interfaces do not come up%0a%3c automatically.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Configuring vm.conf%0a%3c %0a%3c We edit /etc/vm.conf:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Replace @@ with the actual IP address you intend to use as the default gateway. Replace @@ with the subnet mask.%0a> %0a> !! Creating bridge device%0a> %0a> Next we must create /etc/hostname.bridge0:%0a> %0a72a59,68%0a> add if0%0a> @]%0a> %0a> where @@if0@@ is the device you want to bridge. If you want to bridge%0a> the optional virtual Ethernet interface above, replace @@if0@@ with%0a> @@vether0@@.%0a> %0a> We edit /etc/vm.conf:%0a> %0a> [@%0a76,78c72%0a%3c     group vms%0a%3c     locked lladdr%0a%3c     interface veb0%0a---%0a>     interface bridge0%0a81,82d74%0a%3c obsdiso="/home/iso/install75.iso"%0a%3c %0a85,88c77,80%0a%3c     memory 2048M%0a%3c     cdrom $obsdiso%0a%3c     disk /home/username/username.qcow2 format qcow2%0a%3c     interface tap0 { %0a---%0a>     memory 512M%0a>     cdrom "/home/username/username.iso"%0a>     disk /home/username/username.qcow2%0a>     interface { %0a
 diff:1717366582:1716050076:=3,12c3,4%0a%3c OpenBSD can support virtual machines with [[|vmd(8)]]. The guide below is inspired by the [[|virtualization guide from the OpenBSD FAQ]].%0a%3c %0a%3c vmd requires a processor that supports SLAT for AMD or EPT for Intel. Check%0a%3c support with this command:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ dmesg | egrep '(VMX/EPT|SVM/RVI)'%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c You will need to install vmm-firmware:%0a---%0a> You will need to install vmm-firmware (which appears to be free software):%0a> %0a
blob - bfd1830241be0492a227beab15281be9ddb20f8f
blob + 299606e265746327b00ece404d50fd1698704f30
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-text=* [[Vmm/Configure]]  . . . @2024-06-02T22:16:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Install]]  . . . @2024-04-09T05:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Intro]]  . . . @2024-04-09T01:30:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/UbuntuIso]]  . . . @2023-12-04T20:16:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Sysupgrade]]  . . . @2023-12-02T14:59:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/DebianIso]]  . . . @2023-07-05T19:58:36Z by [[~TheLion]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/DevuanIso]]  . . . @2023-05-21T18:54:36Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Alpine]]  . . . June 13, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Arch]]  . . . June 12, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~g1n]]: [=Added article about Arch Linux setup on VMM=]%0a* [[Vmm/Linux]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Vmm]]  . . . April 15, 2022, at 12:20 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update: report from PiRATA=]%0a* [[Vmm/SlackwareIso]]  . . . February 03, 2022, at 10:53 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Slackware 15.0 x86 stable is released=]%0a* [[Vmm/DebianInstall]]  . . . November 24, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~nicoz]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/AlmaLinux]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 06:47 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/RockyLinux]]  . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:51 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Plan9]]  . . . November 05, 2021, at 09:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=???=]%0a* [[Vmm/Homerouter]]  . . . October 26, 2021, at 05:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Devuan4Iso]]  . . . October 21, 2021, at 04:29 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0=]%0a* [[Vmm/Devuan-ISO]]  . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:50 AM by [[~siva]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Devuan-Simple]]  . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:48 AM by [[~siva]]: [=Tutorial Created=]%0a* [[Vmm/Router]]  . . . September 14, 2021, at 12:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Haiku]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/DragonflyBSD]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=logs=]%0a* [[Vmm/NetBSD]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better logs?=]%0a* [[Vmm/GuixIso]]  . . . August 16, 2021, at 05:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/VoidIso]]  . . . August 16, 2021, at 06:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/9front]]  . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Debian]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 07:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [="LOL"=]%0a* [[Vmm/Optimize]]  . . . May 19, 2021, at 04:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a
+text=* [[Vmm/Configure]]  . . . @2024-06-04T20:33:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Install]]  . . . @2024-04-09T05:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Intro]]  . . . @2024-04-09T01:30:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/UbuntuIso]]  . . . @2023-12-04T20:16:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Sysupgrade]]  . . . @2023-12-02T14:59:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/DebianIso]]  . . . @2023-07-05T19:58:36Z by [[~TheLion]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/DevuanIso]]  . . . @2023-05-21T18:54:36Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Alpine]]  . . . June 13, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Arch]]  . . . June 12, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~g1n]]: [=Added article about Arch Linux setup on VMM=]%0a* [[Vmm/Linux]]  . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Vmm]]  . . . April 15, 2022, at 12:20 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update: report from PiRATA=]%0a* [[Vmm/SlackwareIso]]  . . . February 03, 2022, at 10:53 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Slackware 15.0 x86 stable is released=]%0a* [[Vmm/DebianInstall]]  . . . November 24, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~nicoz]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/AlmaLinux]]  . . . November 20, 2021, at 06:47 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/RockyLinux]]  . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:51 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Plan9]]  . . . November 05, 2021, at 09:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=???=]%0a* [[Vmm/Homerouter]]  . . . October 26, 2021, at 05:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Devuan4Iso]]  . . . October 21, 2021, at 04:29 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0=]%0a* [[Vmm/Devuan-ISO]]  . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:50 AM by [[~siva]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Devuan-Simple]]  . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:48 AM by [[~siva]]: [=Tutorial Created=]%0a* [[Vmm/Router]]  . . . September 14, 2021, at 12:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Haiku]]  . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/DragonflyBSD]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=logs=]%0a* [[Vmm/NetBSD]]  . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better logs?=]%0a* [[Vmm/GuixIso]]  . . . August 16, 2021, at 05:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/VoidIso]]  . . . August 16, 2021, at 06:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/9front]]  . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm/Debian]]  . . . June 04, 2021, at 07:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [="LOL"=]%0a* [[Vmm/Optimize]]  . . . May 19, 2021, at 04:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a