commit - /dev/null
commit + b2a430be86f34ed6d6fa5170b3684fec425462be
blob - /dev/null
blob + 8330245a806e72eaff002942114083495ca7f4da (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ dhcpd.conf
+shared-network host-lec {
+ subnet netmask {
+ }
+ subnet netmask {
+ range;
+ option routers;
+ option domain-name "";
+ option domain-name-servers;
+ next-server;
+ filename "auto_install";
+ use-host-decl-names on;
+ host {
+ fixed-address;
+ hardware ethernet aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff;
+ }
+ }
blob - /dev/null
blob + c619f1f2a13b74018c9028d244b26238b966ff59 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ mailtemplate
+Greetings $username,
+We are glad to have you join. Here are the training docs:
+We ask every teammate to hang out with us on $ircserver
+port 6667 for plaintext, port 6697 for SSL. Please join $ircchannel
+We can help you there with tech support. You can also sign up
+to our mailing list at
+The free sysadmin course will last for one month.
+We hope you'll enjoy hanging out with our community.
+You are welcome to use the VPS for personal experiments after training,
+but you must follow our terms of service:
+Username: $username
+Password: $password
+Hostname: $username.$hostname
+IPv4: $ipv4
+IPv6: $ipv6/64
+IPv4 Default Gateway:
+IPv6 Default Gateway: 2602:fccf:1::1
+Routing Prefix Length: 48
+Port: 22
+Your root password is the same as your user password.
+After you log in, you can change your password by typing:
+$ passwd $username
blob - /dev/null
blob + a99e738d6234fbc2e1592f83798f1a27b37e307b (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+++ ssh
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Read from filename and return array of lines without trailing newlines
+sub readarray {
+ my ($filename) = @_;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or die "Could not read file '$filename' $!";
+ chomp(my @lines = <$fh>);
+ close $fh;
+ return @lines;
+# Read from filename and return as string
+sub readstr {
+ my ($filename) = @_;
+ open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Could not read file '$filename' $!";
+ my $str = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+ close $fh;
+ return $str;
+my $username = "jrmu";
+my $password = "TrophyCantaloupeWaterfall";
+my $server = "";
+my $ircserver = "";
+my $ircchannel = "#wheel";
+my $ip4 = "";
+my $ip6 = "2602:fccf:1:1096::";
+my $sshfingerprints =
+"ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/";
+foreach my $line (readarray("vpses")) {
+ if ($line =~ /^(.*) (.*)$/) {
+ print "\$ ssh $1\@$1.$server , password $2\n";
+ }
+my $line = readstr("mailtemplate");
+$line =~ s/\$USERNAME/$username/g;
+$line =~ s/\$PASSWORD/$password/g;
+$line =~ s/\$SERVER/$server/g;
+$line =~ s/\$IRCSERVER/$ircserver/g;
+$line =~ s/\$IRCCHANNEL/$ircchannel/g;
+$line =~ s/\$IP4/$ip4/g;
+$line =~ s/\$IP6/$ip6/g;
+$line =~ s/\$SSHFINGERPRINTS/$sshfingerprints/g;
+print $line;
blob - /dev/null
blob + f411fbb1c2ecf9d1d716e86c2dfca5fe58881369 (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+++ vmmmgr
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use OpenBSD::Pledge;
+use OpenBSD::Unveil;
+#use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Copy qw(copy);
+use Getopt::Std;
+my $vmconfpath = "/etc/vm.conf";
+my $zonedir = "/var/nsd/zones/master/";
+my $hostname = "";
+my $ipv4path = "/etc/ipv4s";
+my $isopath = "/home/iso/install73.iso";
+# Read from filename and return array of lines without trailing newlines
+sub readarray {
+ my ($filename) = @_;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or die "Could not read file '$filename' $!";
+ chomp(my @lines = <$fh>);
+ close $fh;
+ return @lines;
+# Read from filename and return as string
+sub readstr {
+ my ($filename) = @_;
+ open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Could not read file '$filename' $!";
+ my $str = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+ close $fh;
+ return $str;
+# Write str to filename
+sub writefile {
+ my ($filename, $str) = @_;
+ open(my $fh, '>', "$filename") or die "Could not write to $filename";
+ print $fh $str;
+ close $fh;
+# Append str to filename
+sub appendfile {
+ my ($filename, $str) = @_;
+ open(my $fh, '>>', "$filename") or die "Could not append to $filename";
+ print $fh $str;
+ close $fh;
+sub date {
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
+ my $localtime = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday);
+ return $localtime;
+# Create DNS RR given name, TTL, record type, and value
+sub setdns {
+ my ($name, $ttl, $rr, $value) = @_;
+ my $zonepath = "$zonedir/$hostname";
+ `doas chmod -R g+w $zonedir`;
+ my @lines = readarray($zonepath);
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ # increment the zone's serial number
+ if ($line =~ /(\d{8})(\d{2})((\s+\d+){4}\s*\))/) {
+ my $date = date();
+ my $serial = 0;
+ if ($date <= $1) { $serial = $2+1; }
+ $line = $`.$date.sprintf("%02d",$serial).$3.$';
+ }
+ }
+ push(@lines, "$name $ttl IN $rr $value");
+ # trailing newline necessary
+ writefile("$zonepath.bak", join("\n", @lines)."\n");
+ copy "$zonepath.bak", $zonepath;
+ if (system("doas -u _nsd nsd-control reload")) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+# Return the next IPv4 address and update ipv4path
+sub nextipv4 {
+ my @ipv4s;
+ if (!(-s "$ipv4path")) {
+ print "No IPv4 addresses in $ipv4path!\n";
+ die;
+ } else {
+ @ipv4s = readarray($ipv4path);
+ }
+ my $ipv4 = shift(@ipv4s);
+ system "doas chmod g+w $ipv4path";
+ writefile($ipv4path, join("\n", @ipv4s));
+ return $ipv4;
+sub ipv6fromipv4 {
+ my ($ipv4) = @_;
+ if ($ipv4 =~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.([0-9]+)$/) {
+ return "2602:fccf:1:1".sprintf("%03d",$1)."::";
+ }
+sub deletedns {
+ my ($username) = @_;
+ my $filename = "$zonedir/$hostname";
+ `doas chmod -R g+w $zonedir`;
+ my @buf = grep(!/^;?(ns[0-9]\.)?$username\s/, readarray($filename));
+ writefile("${filename}.bak", join("\n", @buf)."\n");
+ copy "${filename}.bak", "$filename";
+sub createvm {
+ my ($username, $password) = @_;
+ print "Username: $username\n";
+ print "Password: $password\n";
+ system "doas groupadd $username";
+ system "doas adduser -batch $username $username $username `encrypt $password`";
+ system "doas usermod -G vmdusers $username";
+ system "doas chmod -R o-rwx /home/$username";
+ system "doas ln -s $isopath /home/$username/$username.iso";
+ system "doas su -l $username -c \"vmctl create -s 20G $username.qcow2\"";
+ print "VM created for $username!\n";
+ my @vmconf = readarray($vmconfpath);
+ my $lladdr;
+ foreach my $line (@vmconf) {
+ if ($line =~ /lladdr (.*)/) {
+ $lladdr = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($lladdr) && $lladdr =~ /([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/) {
+ $lladdr = $`.($1+1);
+ }
+ my $block = <<"EOF";
+vm "$username" {
+ owner $username
+ memory 1024M
+ cdrom "/home/$username/$username.iso"
+ disk /home/$username/$username.qcow2
+ interface {
+ locked lladdr $lladdr
+ switch "switch0"
+ }
+ appendfile($vmconfpath, $block);
+ `doas vmctl reload`;
+sub createconf {
+ my ($username, $password, $ipv4, $ipv6) = @_;
+ my $block = readstr("vmmmgr.conf");
+ $block =~ s/\$password/$password/g;
+ $block =~ s/\$username/$username/g;
+ $block =~ s/\$ipv4/$ipv4/g;
+ $block =~ s/\$ipv6/$ipv6/g;
+ writefile("/var/www/htdocs/$username-install.conf", "$block");
+sub deletevm {
+ my ($username) = @_;
+ print "$username deleted";
+ my $buf = readstr($vmconfpath);
+ my $vmconf;
+ if ($buf =~ /vm "$username" \{.*\n\}/s) {
+ $vmconf = $`.$';
+ print $vmconf;
+ }
+ system "doas vmctl stop $username";
+ system "doas userdel -r $username";
+ system "doas groupdel $username";
+ system("doas touch ${vmconfpath}.bak");
+ system("doas chmod g+w ${vmconfpath}.bak");
+ writefile("${vmconfpath}.bak", "$vmconf");
+ copy "${vmconfpath}.bak", "$vmconfpath";
+ print "VM deleted for $username!\n";
+ system "doas vmctl reload";
+sub mail {
+ my ($username, $password, $ipv4, $ipv6) = @_;
+my $ircserver = "";
+my $ircchannel = "#wheel";
+my $fromname = 'jrmu';
+my $from = '';
+my $sshfingerprints =
+"ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/
+ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/";
+foreach my $line (readarray("vpses")) {
+ if ($line =~ /^(.*) (.*)$/) {
+ print "\$ ssh $1\@$1.$hostname , password $2\n";
+ }
+my $line = readstr("mailtemplate");
+$line =~ s/\$username/$username/g;
+$line =~ s/\$password/$password/g;
+$line =~ s/\$hostname/$hostname/g;
+$line =~ s/\$ircserver/$ircserver/g;
+$line =~ s/\$ircchannel/$ircchannel/g;
+$line =~ s/\$ipv4/$ipv4/g;
+$line =~ s/\$ipv6/$ipv6/g;
+$line =~ s/\$sshfingerprints/$sshfingerprints/g;
+ open(my $fh, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -tv -F '$fromname' -f $from") or die "Could not send mail $!";
+ print $fh $line;
+ close $fh;
+ return "true";
+my %opts;
+getopts('hid', \%opts);
+if (defined($opts{i})) {
+ print "Username: ";
+ chomp(my $username = <STDIN>);
+ print "Password: ";
+ chomp (my $password = <STDIN>);
+ print "IPv4: ";
+ chomp (my $ipv4 = <STDIN>);
+ $ipv4 = $ipv4 // nextipv4();
+ print "IPv6: ";
+ chomp (my $ipv6 = <STDIN>);
+ $ipv6 = $ipv6 // ipv6fromipv4($ipv4);
+ setdns($username, "3600", "A", $ipv4);
+ setdns($username, "3600", "AAAA", $ipv6);
+ setdns("ns1.$username", "3600", "A", $ipv4);
+ setdns("ns2.$username", "3600", "A", $ipv4);
+ setdns(";$username", "3600", "NS", "ns1.$username");
+ setdns(";$username", "3600", "NS", "ns2.$username");
+ if (system("./vmmmgr-get-sets")) { # return >0 on error
+ die "OpenBSD installation sets corrupt";
+ } else { # return 0 on success
+ createvm($username, $password);
+ createconf($username, $password, $ipv4, $ipv6);
+ }
+} elsif (defined($opts{d})) {
+ print "Username: ";
+ chomp(my $username = <STDIN>);
+ deletevm($username);
+ deletedns($username);
+} else {
+ print "Usage: vmmmgr -dhi\n"
blob - /dev/null
blob + 16a6ef6643bd810c04a2998375253a3ac5745f20 (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+++ vmmmgr-get-sets
+doas mkdir -p /var/www/htdocs/pub/OpenBSD/$(uname -r)/$(uname -p)/
+doas chown -R :wheel /var/www/htdocs/pub
+doas chmod -R g+w /var/www/htdocs/pub
+cd /var/www/htdocs/pub/OpenBSD/$(uname -r)/$(uname -p)/
+for file in BOOTIA32.EFI BOOTX64.EFI BUILDINFO INSTALL.amd64 SHA256 SHA256.sig base71.tgz bsd bsd.rd cd71.iso cdboot cdbr comp71.tgz floppy71.img game71.tgz index.txt install71.img install71.iso man71.tgz miniroot71.img pxeboot xbase71.tgz xfont71.tgz xserv71.tgz xshare71.tgz
+ if [[ ! -r $file ]]; then
+ ftp $MIRROR/$(uname -r)/$(uname -m)/$file
+ fi
+signify -C -p /etc/signify/openbsd-$(uname -r | tr -d '.') -x SHA256.sig
+cat > << EOF
+echo "@reboot /usr/bin/tmux new -d 'while true; do /sbin/ping -i5; done' \;" >> /var/cron/tabs/root
+echo $MIRROR > /etc/installurl
+chmod ug+x
+doas chown root:wheel
+doas tar -cvzf site71.tgz
+doas rm
+doas ls -lT > index.txt
blob - /dev/null
blob + 284342161f530860bc94f09726f60e06b9dc2c43 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ vmmmgr.conf
+System hostname = $username
+IPv4 address for vio0 = $ipv4
+IPv6 address for vio0 = $ipv6
+Default IPv4 route =
+IPv6 default router = 2602:fccf:1::1
+IPv6 prefix length for vio0 = 48
+DNS domain name =
+DNS nameservers =
+Password for root = $password
+Setup a user = $username
+Password for user = $password
+What timezone are you in = US/Central
+Location of sets = http
+HTTP Server = $hostname
+Server directory = pub/OpenBSD/7.1/amd64
+Set name(s) = bsd comp71.tgz xbase71.tgz xserv71.tgz bsd.rd man71.tgz xshare71.tgz site71.tgz base71.tgz game71.tgz xfont71.tgz
+Continue anyway = yes
+Continue without verification = yes
blob - /dev/null
blob + 284342161f530860bc94f09726f60e06b9dc2c43 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ vmmmgr.conf.tmpl
+System hostname = $username
+IPv4 address for vio0 = $ipv4
+IPv6 address for vio0 = $ipv6
+Default IPv4 route =
+IPv6 default router = 2602:fccf:1::1
+IPv6 prefix length for vio0 = 48
+DNS domain name =
+DNS nameservers =
+Password for root = $password
+Setup a user = $username
+Password for user = $password
+What timezone are you in = US/Central
+Location of sets = http
+HTTP Server = $hostname
+Server directory = pub/OpenBSD/7.1/amd64
+Set name(s) = bsd comp71.tgz xbase71.tgz xserv71.tgz bsd.rd man71.tgz xshare71.tgz site71.tgz base71.tgz game71.tgz xfont71.tgz
+Continue anyway = yes
+Continue without verification = yes
blob - /dev/null
blob + f8534d08f1e7f750f617d9bb928c8c8949b285c8 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ vpses
blob - /dev/null
blob + c21a572deae0dfa0ab93df29d6207ba9f1ce6548 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ vpses.orig
+freepress BeaconOfLiberty
+independence NetworkDeclaration
+billofrights ChecksAndBalances
+netizen TownHall
+democracy ConceivedInLiberty