
1 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Part 1:
2 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Where do you usually get your news?
3 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do you follow the news regularly?
4 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What type of news do you like to read?
5 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How do your peers normally get the news?
6 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do you think journalism is important?
7 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu
8 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How often do you use computers?
9 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What types of computers do you use most often?
10 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What do you use computers for?
11 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do you think children should be taught how to use computers in school?
12 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How have computers changed the world?
13 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu
14 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What types of hobbies do you enjoy?
15 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How did you first get started with your hobby?
16 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How much time do you spend on your hobby?
17 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What do you enjoy about this hobby?
18 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Would you recommend this hobby to others?
19 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu
20 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do you often watch television?
21 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What types of programs do you watch?
22 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What shows do your friends like to watch?
23 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do you think television is beneficial or harmful for society?
24 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu
25 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do you take public transportation?
26 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What are some advantages of public transportation?
27 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do many people in your country use public transit?
28 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Why don't more people use public transit?
29 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What could be improved about it?
30 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu
31 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do you enjoy outdoor activities?
32 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What types of outdoor activities do you do?
33 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How much time do you spend outdoors each week?
34 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu What are some popular outdoor activities in your country?
35 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu
36 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How long do you sleep for each day?
37 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do you get enough sleep each night?
38 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How many hours of sleep does a person need to be healthy?
39 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How can someone improve their sleeping pattern?
40 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Do people need more sleep as they get older?
41 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu
42 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu How would you describe your ideal job?
43 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Why would you like this ideal job?
44 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Are you taking any steps to reach this goal?
45 5dc21454 2023-07-14 jrmu Is it important for each person to find his ideal job?