
1 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20210102
3 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author=jrmu
4 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu charset=UTF-8
5 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu csum=
6 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu ctime=1637391251
7 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host=
8 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu name=Adium.Connect
9 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu rev=4
10 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu targets=Xmpp.Xmpp
11 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu text=[[|Adium]] is a free instant messaging app for macOS that can connect to XMPP, IRC, and much more. It easily integrates with macOS' Contacts app, supports macOS Notification Center, OTR encryption, file transfer, and has been translated into 27 different languages.%0a%0a# Open Adium.%0a# Click @@Continue@@:\\%0aAttach:adium-welcome.png%0a# Setup Assistant:%0a # For Service, select XMPP (Jabber)%0a # For Jabber ID, pick Replace with one of [[xmpp/xmpp|IRCNow's free servers]].%0a # Pick a hard to guess password.%0a # Click @@Continue@@.\\%0aAttach:adium-assistant.png%0a# Click @@Done@@:\\%0aAttach:adium-congrats.png%0a# From the menu bar, select @@File@@->@@Add Account@@->@@XMPP (Jabber)@@:\\%0aAttach:adium-menu.png%0a# Fill in JabberID and Password, then click @@Register New Account@@:\\%0aAttach:adium-editaccount.png%0a# If you see an error message, click @@OK@@:\\%0aAttach:adium-zerobyte.png%0a# Fill in your [[xmpp/xmpp|server]], then click @@Request New Account@@:\\%0aAttach:adium-server.png%0a# Fill in your username (don't type the domain) and password.\\%0aAttach:adium-createnewaccount.png%0a# Click @@OK@@.\\%0aAttach:adium-registrationsuccessful.png%0a# To log in, click on the @@Offline@@ status and select @@Available@@:%0aAttach:adium-available.png%0a
12 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu time=1637393544
13 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1637393544=jrmu
14 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1637393544:1637393119:=25,27c25%0a%3c Attach:adium-registrationsuccessful.png%0a%3c # To log in, click on the @@Offline@@ status and select @@Available@@:%0a%3c Attach:adium-available.png%0a---%0a> Attach:registrationsuccessful.png%0a
15 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1637393544=
16 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1637393119=jrmu
17 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1637393119:1637391803:=22c22%0a%3c # Fill in your username (don't type the domain) and password.\\%0a---%0a> # Fill in your username (don't type the domain) and password.%0a24c24%0a%3c # Click @@OK@@.\\%0a---%0a> # Click @@OK@@.%0a
18 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1637393119=
19 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1637391803=jrmu
20 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1637391803:1637391251:=3,10c3%0a%3c # Open Adium.%0a%3c # Click @@Continue@@:\\%0a%3c Attach:adium-welcome.png%0a%3c # Setup Assistant:%0a%3c # For Service, select XMPP (Jabber)%0a%3c # For Jabber ID, pick Replace with one of [[xmpp/xmpp|IRCNow's free servers]].%0a%3c # Pick a hard to guess password.%0a%3c # Click @@Continue@@.\\%0a---%0a> Attach:adium-welcome.png\\%0a12c5,6%0a%3c # Click @@Done@@:\\%0a---%0a> # Open Conversations.%0a> # Tap @@Create new account@@:\\%0a14c8%0a%3c # From the menu bar, select @@File@@->@@Add Account@@->@@XMPP (Jabber)@@:\\%0a---%0a> # Tap @@Use my own provider@@:\\%0a16c10%0a%3c # Fill in JabberID and Password, then click @@Register New Account@@:\\%0a---%0a> # Choose a username and password. The username must include the domain ( In this example, we used Then, tap @@Next@@.\\%0a18c12%0a%3c # If you see an error message, click @@OK@@:\\%0a---%0a> # You can tap the avatar, or tap @@Skip@@.\\%0a20c14%0a%3c # Fill in your [[xmpp/xmpp|server]], then click @@Request New Account@@:\\%0a---%0a> # Your account has been created!\\%0a22d15%0a%3c # Fill in your username (don't type the domain) and password.%0a24d16%0a%3c # Click @@OK@@.%0a
21 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1637391803=
22 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1637391251=jrmu
23 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1637391251:1637391251:=1,17d0%0a%3c [[|Adium]] is a free instant messaging app for macOS that can connect to XMPP, IRC, and much more. It easily integrates with macOS' Contacts app, supports macOS Notification Center, OTR encryption, file transfer, and has been translated into 27 different languages.%0a%3c %0a%3c Attach:adium-welcome.png\\%0a%3c Attach:adium-assistant.png%0a%3c # Open Conversations.%0a%3c # Tap @@Create new account@@:\\%0a%3c Attach:adium-congrats.png%0a%3c # Tap @@Use my own provider@@:\\%0a%3c Attach:adium-menu.png%0a%3c # Choose a username and password. The username must include the domain ( In this example, we used Then, tap @@Next@@.\\%0a%3c Attach:adium-editaccount.png%0a%3c # You can tap the avatar, or tap @@Skip@@.\\%0a%3c Attach:adium-zerobyte.png%0a%3c # Your account has been created!\\%0a%3c Attach:adium-server.png%0a%3c Attach:adium-createnewaccount.png%0a%3c Attach:registrationsuccessful.png%0a
24 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1637391251=