
1 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0
3 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author=mkf
4 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu charset=UTF-8
5 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu csum=linking
6 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu ctime=1596460386
7 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host=
8 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu name=File.File
9 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu rev=17
10 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu targets=File.Rsync,File.Ssh,Fireftp.Connect,ChromesFTP.Connect,WinSCP.Connect,CoreFTP.Connect,FreeFTP.Connect,Gftp.Connect,CyberDuck.Connect,ClassicFTP.Connect,AndFTP.Connect,FileZilla.Connect,PSFTP.Connect,Fetch.Connect
11 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu text=(:title Log Cabin Hosting:)%0a%0a%25rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/abecabin.jpg%0a%0aA man's /home is his castle%0a%0a* host up to 2GB of data, upload via sftp%0a* free of charge, with free software%0a* real time support from IRCNow over live chat%0a%0aTo get started with code hosting, connect to [[ircs://|]] and /join #ircnow. Then, request file hosting and we will create your account and help you with the setup.%0a%0a%0aCreate your own free website with no ads. We support PHP7.%0a%0aIRCNow wants to bring back the expressiveness of a web that anyone can create, not just professionals.%0a%0aYou get sftp access to upload any files, and we support PHP.%0a%0a%0a%0aSFTP%0a%0a * [[rsync|rsync]]%0a * [[ssh|sshfs]]%0a|| [[fireftp/connect|fireftp]]%0a|| [[ChromesFTP/connect|Chrome sFTP]]%0a|| [[WinSCP/connect|WinSCP]]%0a|| [[CoreFTP/connect|CoreFTP]]%0a|| [[FreeFTP/connect|FreeFTP]]%0a|| [[gftp/connect|gftp]]%0a|| [[CyberDuck/connect|CyberDuck]]%0a|| [[ClassicFTP/connect|ClassicFTP]]%0a|| [[AndFTP/connect|AndFTP]]%0a|| [[FileZilla/connect|FileZilla]]%0a%0a|| [[PSFTP/connect|PuTTY PSFTP]] ||%0a Coda (web development software)%0a CRAX Commander%0a ExpanDrive%0a|| [[[Fetch/connect|Fetch]]\%0a ForkLift (file manager)%0a Fugu (software)%0a Interarchy%0a Lftp%0a PuTTY%0a Rclone%0a Transmit (file transfer tool)%0a UploadFTP%0a WebDrive%0a WinSCP%0a%0aSCP%0a%0aRSync%0a%0aAcrosync
12 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu time=1624390980
13 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu title=Log Cabin Hosting
14 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1624390980=mkf
15 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu csum:1624390980=linking
16 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1624390980:1614499966:minor=11c11%0a%3c To get started with code hosting, connect to [[ircs://|]] and /join #ircnow. Then, request file hosting and we will create your account and help you with the setup.%0a---%0a> To get started with code hosting, connect to [[ircs://]] and /join #ircnow. Then, request file hosting and we will create your account and help you with the setup.%0a
17 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1624390980=
18 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1614499966=jrmu
19 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1614499966:1614499905:=1,2c1,2%0a%3c (:title Log Cabin Hosting:)%0a%3c %0a---%0a> (:title Log Cabin Storage:)%0a> %0a12,20d11%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Create your own free website with no ads. We support PHP7.%0a%3c %0a%3c IRCNow wants to bring back the expressiveness of a web that anyone can create, not just professionals.%0a%3c %0a%3c You get sftp access to upload any files, and we support PHP.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
20 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1614499966=
21 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1614499905=jrmu
22 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1614499905:1613923038:=7c7%0a%3c * host up to 2GB of data, upload via sftp%0a---%0a> * host up to 10GB of data, upload via sftp%0a
23 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1614499905=
24 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613923038=jrmu
25 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613923038:1613830736:=28c28%0a%3c || [[PSFTP/connect|PuTTY PSFTP]] ||%0a---%0a> %0a
26 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613923038=
27 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613830736=jrmu
28 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613830736:1613829272:=
29 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613830736=
30 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613829272=jrmu
31 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613829272:1613828458:=46,48c46%0a%3c RSync%0a%3c %0a%3c Acrosync%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> RSync%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
32 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613829272=
33 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613828458=jrmu
34 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613828458:1613828412:=13,14c13%0a%3c SFTP%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a42,46c41%0a%3c WinSCP%0a%3c %0a%3c SCP%0a%3c %0a%3c RSync%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> WinSCP%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
35 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613828458=
36 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613828412=jrmu
37 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613828412:1613828004:=
38 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613828412=
39 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613828004=jrmu
40 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613828004:1613049661:=13a14,16%0a> * [[sftp:winscp|WinSCP]]%0a> * [[sftp:filezilla|FileZilla]]%0a> * [[sftp:cyberduck|Cyberduck]]%0a15,41c18%0a%3c * [[ssh|sshfs]]%0a%3c || [[fireftp/connect|fireftp]]%0a%3c || [[ChromesFTP/connect|Chrome sFTP]]%0a%3c || [[WinSCP/connect|WinSCP]]%0a%3c || [[CoreFTP/connect|CoreFTP]]%0a%3c || [[FreeFTP/connect|FreeFTP]]%0a%3c || [[gftp/connect|gftp]]%0a%3c || [[CyberDuck/connect|CyberDuck]]%0a%3c || [[ClassicFTP/connect|ClassicFTP]]%0a%3c || [[AndFTP/connect|AndFTP]]%0a%3c || [[FileZilla/connect|FileZilla]]%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Coda (web development software)%0a%3c CRAX Commander%0a%3c ExpanDrive%0a%3c || [[[Fetch/connect|Fetch]]\%0a%3c ForkLift (file manager)%0a%3c Fugu (software)%0a%3c Interarchy%0a%3c Lftp%0a%3c PuTTY%0a%3c Rclone%0a%3c Transmit (file transfer tool)%0a%3c UploadFTP%0a%3c WebDrive%0a%3c WinSCP%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> * [[ssh|sshfs]]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
41 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613828004=
42 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613049661=jrmu
43 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613049661:1613049636:=3a4%0a> %25rfloat clear=both%25 Attach:Marketing/choptree.jpg%0a
44 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613049661=
45 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613049636=jrmu
46 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613049636:1613049624:=4c4%0a%3c %25rfloat clear=both%25 Attach:Marketing/choptree.jpg%0a---%0a> %25rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/choptree.jpg%0a
47 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613049636=
48 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613049624=jrmu
49 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613049624:1613049573:=3c3%0a%3c %25rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/abecabin.jpg%0a---%0a> %25rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/logcabin.jpg%0a
50 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613049624=
51 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613049573=jrmu
52 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613049573:1613048805:=4d3%0a%3c %25rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/choptree.jpg%0a
53 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613049573=
54 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613048805=jrmu
55 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613048805:1613048624:=3c3%0a%3c %25rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/logcabin.jpg%0a---%0a> Attach:Marketing/logcabin.jpg%0a
56 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613048805=
57 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1613048624=jrmu
58 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1613048624:1597899947:=1,6d0%0a%3c (:title Log Cabin Storage:)%0a%3c %0a%3c Attach:Marketing/logcabin.jpg%0a%3c %0a%3c A man's /home is his castle%0a%3c %0a
59 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1613048624=
60 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1597899947=gry
61 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu csum:1597899947=created
62 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1597899947:1596460386:=1,7d0%0a%3c * host up to 10GB of data, upload via sftp%0a%3c * free of charge, with free software%0a%3c * real time support from IRCNow over live chat%0a%3c %0a%3c To get started with code hosting, connect to [[ircs://]] and /join #ircnow. Then, request file hosting and we will create your account and help you with the setup.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
63 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1597899947=
64 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu author:1596460386=jrmu
65 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu diff:1596460386:1596460386:=1,5d0%0a%3c * [[sftp:winscp|WinSCP]]%0a%3c * [[sftp:filezilla|FileZilla]]%0a%3c * [[sftp:cyberduck|Cyberduck]]%0a%3c * [[rsync|rsync]]%0a%3c * [[ssh|sshfs]]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
66 5127fd58 2021-12-17 jrmu host:1596460386=