
1 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20210102
3 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author=jrmu
4 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu charset=UTF-8
5 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu csum=
6 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu ctime=1640845906
7 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host=
8 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu name=Ircnow.Roadmap2021
9 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu rev=1
10 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu targets=Ircnow.Servers,Bouncer.Bouncer,Ircnow.Team,Minutemin.Training,Openbsd.Openbsd,Openbsd.Bitlbee,Shell.Shell,Www.Www,Openbsd.Sftp,Openbsd.Pmwiki,Openbsd.Php,Openbsd.Bchs,Openbsd.Gotweb,Openbsd.Eggdrop,Openbsd.Openrsync,Openbsd.Scp,Openbsd.Iked,Openbsd.Opensmtpd,Openbsd.Dovecot,Openbsd.Spamd,Openbsd.Pf,Openbsd.FilePermissions,Third.Third,Openbsd.Botnow,Openbsd.Opensnmpd,Openbsd.Identd,Openbsd.Asterisk,Ircnow.Todo
11 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu text=(:title IRCNow Roadmap:)%0a%0a!! Plans for Profit%0a%0a# Build a free and open Internet platform for 3rd party businesses to easily buy/sell to users; charge transaction fees on each sale%0a # Provide an IRC marketplace and cryptocoin payment platform%0a # Provide an IRC platform for developers of IRC bots and games%0a # Provide an IRC analytics platform for advertisers (require user consent)%0a # These 3rd parties could sell proprietary software and services, ads, and physical goods%0a# Directly sell our users annual subscriptions for%0a # Extra file storage for web, file, and email hosting%0a # VPS hosting%0a # IRCd hosting%0a# Collect donations%0a%0a!! Ongoing%0a%0a# Invite your friends to [[ircnow/servers|connect to our network]] and [[bouncer/bouncer|request zncs]]%0a# Recruit new [[Ircnow/Team|teammates]]%0a# Finish [[Minutemin/Training|Minutemin Training]]%0a# Learn the [[Openbsd/Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]] thoroughly and train other teammtes%0a# Update your team's [[Ircnow/Servers|server page]] to show what services you offer%0a# Update the [[Openbsd/Openbsd|Sysadmin Almanack]] to improve it for other sysadmins%0a%0a!! Jan 2021 to Dec 2021%0a%0a# Provide [[bouncer/bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a # Install and configure [[openbsd/bitlbee|bitlbee]]%0a# Provide [[shell/shell|shell accounts]]%0a# Provide [[www/www|web hosting]]%0a # Offer [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]] access%0a # Offer [[openbsd/pmwiki|pmwiki]] for each user%0a # Offer [[openbsd/php|PHP]] web hosting%0a # Offer [[openbsd/bchs|BCHS]] web hosting%0a # Offer [[|undeadly's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a # Alternatively, offer [[|centroid's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a # Offer [[openbsd/gotweb|gotweb]] for version control%0a# Provide [[openbsd/eggdrop|eggdrops]]%0a# Provide file hosting%0a # Setup a [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]]%0a # For shell servers, provide [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], rsync, and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a# Provide IPSec VPNs with [[openbsd/iked|IKED]]%0a# Provide mail hosting%0a # Configure [[openbsd/opensmtpd|opensmtpd]] and [[openbsd/dovecot|dovecot]]%0a # Find a spam solution, possibly using [[openbsd/spamd|spamd]]%0a# Improve security:%0a # Set up server [[openbsd/pf|firewalls]]%0a # Harden [[Openbsd/FilePermissions|file permissions]]%0a # Set up DNS blacklists%0a # Implement quotas%0a# Experiment with suggested [[Third/Third|third party apps]]%0a%0a!! Jan 2022 to December 2022%0a%0a# Patch ngircd:%0a # Add support for ilines%0a # Toggle +r user mode based as determined by open proxy monitors%0a # Fix buffer exhausted errors%0a # Add ELIST functionality for IRCCloud since this client cannot use /list%0a # Add defcon mode%0a # Add /ns and /cs aliases%0a# Improve [[openbsd/botnow|botnow]], a script for registering IRCNow services%0a # Add support for instant registration of shell accounts%0a # Add support for automatic eggdrop compilation and configuration%0a# Add interactive UNIX tutorials for shell account users%0a# Add interactive VPS tutorials for teammates%0a# Update website theme%0a# Create disaster recovery plan%0a # Automated backups / restore testing%0a# Setup [[openbsd/opensnmpd|opensnmpd]] for alert monitoring%0a# Patch [[openbsd/identd|identd]] to allow spoofing%0a# CGI script to view znc logs%0a%0a!! Future%0a# Improve security:%0a # Automate check for abusive processes/malware on shell accounts%0a# Write interactive C programming tutorials%0a# Switch services from anope to fork of achurch%0a# Switch open proxy monitor from hopm to fork of acopm%0a# Encourage use of psybnc instead of znc%0a # Add playback feature to psybnc%0a # Allow searching of old IRC history%0a # Fix IPv6 connection issues with psybnc%0a # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a# Add new features to achurch:%0a # MemeServ%0a # HoneyServ%0a # PasteServ%0a # TrapServ%0a # FileServ%0a # KeyServ%0a# Provide telephony using SIP%0a # Setup [[openbsd/asterisk]]%0a # Provide free sip accounts%0a # Register DIDs%0a # Provide free TURN/STUN servers%0a# Write web IRC app%0a%0a!! Marketing%0a# Get our IRC network listed%0a #, mIRC, androIRC%0a # # Get listed on false:)%0a # Use Yahoo's NSFW bot to scan for banned content%0a(:ifend:)%0a%0a# [[ircnow/todo|IRCNow Todo List]]%0a
12 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu time=1640845906
13 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu title=IRCNow Roadmap
14 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640845906=jrmu
15 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640845906:1640845906:=1,109d0%0a%3c (:title IRCNow Roadmap:)%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Plans for Profit%0a%3c %0a%3c # Build a free and open Internet platform for 3rd party businesses to easily buy/sell to users; charge transaction fees on each sale%0a%3c # Provide an IRC marketplace and cryptocoin payment platform%0a%3c # Provide an IRC platform for developers of IRC bots and games%0a%3c # Provide an IRC analytics platform for advertisers (require user consent)%0a%3c # These 3rd parties could sell proprietary software and services, ads, and physical goods%0a%3c # Directly sell our users annual subscriptions for%0a%3c # Extra file storage for web, file, and email hosting%0a%3c # VPS hosting%0a%3c # IRCd hosting%0a%3c # Collect donations%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Ongoing%0a%3c %0a%3c # Invite your friends to [[ircnow/servers|connect to our network]] and [[bouncer/bouncer|request zncs]]%0a%3c # Recruit new [[Ircnow/Team|teammates]]%0a%3c # Finish [[Minutemin/Training|Minutemin Training]]%0a%3c # Learn the [[Openbsd/Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]] thoroughly and train other teammtes%0a%3c # Update your team's [[Ircnow/Servers|server page]] to show what services you offer%0a%3c # Update the [[Openbsd/Openbsd|Sysadmin Almanack]] to improve it for other sysadmins%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Jan 2021 to Dec 2021%0a%3c %0a%3c # Provide [[bouncer/bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a%3c # Install and configure [[openbsd/bitlbee|bitlbee]]%0a%3c # Provide [[shell/shell|shell accounts]]%0a%3c # Provide [[www/www|web hosting]]%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]] access%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/pmwiki|pmwiki]] for each user%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/php|PHP]] web hosting%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/bchs|BCHS]] web hosting%0a%3c # Offer [[|undeadly's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a%3c # Alternatively, offer [[|centroid's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/gotweb|gotweb]] for version control%0a%3c # Provide [[openbsd/eggdrop|eggdrops]]%0a%3c # Provide file hosting%0a%3c # Setup a [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]]%0a%3c # For shell servers, provide [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], rsync, and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a%3c # Provide IPSec VPNs with [[openbsd/iked|IKED]]%0a%3c # Provide mail hosting%0a%3c # Configure [[openbsd/opensmtpd|opensmtpd]] and [[openbsd/dovecot|dovecot]]%0a%3c # Find a spam solution, possibly using [[openbsd/spamd|spamd]]%0a%3c # Improve security:%0a%3c # Set up server [[openbsd/pf|firewalls]]%0a%3c # Harden [[Openbsd/FilePermissions|file permissions]]%0a%3c # Set up DNS blacklists%0a%3c # Implement quotas%0a%3c # Experiment with suggested [[Third/Third|third party apps]]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Jan 2022 to December 2022%0a%3c %0a%3c # Patch ngircd:%0a%3c # Add support for ilines%0a%3c # Toggle +r user mode based as determined by open proxy monitors%0a%3c # Fix buffer exhausted errors%0a%3c # Add ELIST functionality for IRCCloud since this client cannot use /list%0a%3c # Add defcon mode%0a%3c # Add /ns and /cs aliases%0a%3c # Improve [[openbsd/botnow|botnow]], a script for registering IRCNow services%0a%3c # Add support for instant registration of shell accounts%0a%3c # Add support for automatic eggdrop compilation and configuration%0a%3c # Add interactive UNIX tutorials for shell account users%0a%3c # Add interactive VPS tutorials for teammates%0a%3c # Update website theme%0a%3c # Create disaster recovery plan%0a%3c # Automated backups / restore testing%0a%3c # Setup [[openbsd/opensnmpd|opensnmpd]] for alert monitoring%0a%3c # Patch [[openbsd/identd|identd]] to allow spoofing%0a%3c # CGI script to view znc logs%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Future%0a%3c # Improve security:%0a%3c # Automate check for abusive processes/malware on shell accounts%0a%3c # Write interactive C programming tutorials%0a%3c # Switch services from anope to fork of achurch%0a%3c # Switch open proxy monitor from hopm to fork of acopm%0a%3c # Encourage use of psybnc instead of znc%0a%3c # Add playback feature to psybnc%0a%3c # Allow searching of old IRC history%0a%3c # Fix IPv6 connection issues with psybnc%0a%3c # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a%3c # Add new features to achurch:%0a%3c # MemeServ%0a%3c # HoneyServ%0a%3c # PasteServ%0a%3c # TrapServ%0a%3c # FileServ%0a%3c # KeyServ%0a%3c # Provide telephony using SIP%0a%3c # Setup [[openbsd/asterisk]]%0a%3c # Provide free sip accounts%0a%3c # Register DIDs%0a%3c # Provide free TURN/STUN servers%0a%3c # Write web IRC app%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Marketing%0a%3c # Get our IRC network listed%0a%3c #, mIRC, androIRC%0a%3c # # Get listed on %0a%3c (:if false:)%0a%3c # Use Yahoo's NSFW bot to scan for banned content%0a%3c (:ifend:)%0a%3c %0a%3c # [[ircnow/todo|IRCNow Todo List]]%0a
16 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640845906=