
1 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20210102
3 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author=jrmu
4 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu charset=UTF-8
5 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu csum=
6 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu ctime=1640763025
7 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host=
8 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu name=Ircnow.Status2022
9 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu rev=9
10 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu targets=Ircnow.Roadmap2022
11 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu text=(:title IRCNow Status of the Union:)%0a%0aAll across the Internet, our rights online are being revoked. At the same time, the free and open source community is collapsing.%0a%0aNow, more than ever, our network needs to continue the fight for our freedom. We must now lead the way in open innovation.%0a%0aLet's dare to dream great so we can accomplish great things. Let's dare to build the open ecosystem of the future.%0a%0aWill it be hard? Yes: all great things are hard. But an easy life is not worth living.%0a%0aIf we run away from hard work, a bolder and stronger network will do it, and take away from us our talented and bright minds.%0a%0aIf we choose only safe projects due to a fear of failure, our users will miss out on the job opportunities needed to survive.%0a%0aBut if we innovate, our network can become the cultural center of the free Internet.%0a%0aYou might ask, can a team of volunteers, a group of amateurs and hobbyists, produce software that can save the Internet?%0a%0aYes. In our lifetime, the free user community built an entire operating system by collaborating over the Internet. Their code surpassed what you could buy from the non-free world. Corporations may have money, but they can't pay enough to compete with a group of inspired users who work on what they love.%0a%0aWe did it before and we can do it again. And if we lead the way, we can make sure that we can make it stand for user freedom.%0a%0a!! The Challenges Ahead%0a%0aThere are today many hard problems which are solved on non-free platforms, but which few free and open services exist:%0a%0a# Universal Bridge: The free user community uses a dozen competing protocols: IRC, XMPP, Matrix, Email, NNTP, ActivityPub, etc. We need to provide bridges to connect protocols together where it makes sense. This can be done using plan 9.%0a# Replacement for Modern Web: We need a replacement that users have control over. Current mainstream browsers are non-free. The protocol 9p may provide the answer.%0a# Distributed/grid network: We cannot rely on Silicon Valley's cloud hosting. The free user community needs its own content distribution network, cloud hosting, and DDoS protection.%0a# Voice User Interface: We need a method to send text using our voice and have it interoperate with open protocols so users can write voice applications on an open platform.%0a# Computer Vision: We need an open platform that can accurately identify objects and text so users can quickly build computer vision applications, such translating signs and documents in real time.%0a# Natural Language Processing: Most users are still relying on non-free translation tools. A free and open replacement is needed. This will also be necessary for virtual assistant technology.%0a# Search: Better search tools to allow us organize information for protocols besides http.%0a# Virtual reality: Libre computer aided design (CAD) or libre virtual world software would make a huge impact.%0a# Free Market: Users need a global marketplace they have control over, especially one which offers alternative payment and shipment methods.%0a# Sharing services: User-controlled rideshare, courier, and hospitality services for the free world%0a%0aWe are encouraging teammates to explore these fields.%0a%0aHere is the [[ircnow/roadmap2022|IRCNow roadmap for 2022]].%0a
12 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu time=1640842533
13 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu title=IRCNow Status of the Union
14 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640842533=jrmu
15 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640842533:1640839789:=39,40d38%0a%3c %0a%3c Here is the [[ircnow/roadmap2022|IRCNow roadmap for 2022]].%0a
16 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640842533=
17 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640839789=jrmu
18 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640839789:1640839378:=32a33%0a> # Navigation: A free and open navigation system to help replace non-free services.%0a34,38c35,39%0a%3c # Virtual reality: Libre computer aided design (CAD) or libre virtual world software would make a huge impact.%0a%3c # Free Market: Users need a global marketplace they have control over, especially one which offers alternative payment and shipment methods.%0a%3c # Sharing services: User-controlled rideshare, courier, and hospitality services for the free world%0a%3c %0a%3c We are encouraging teammates to explore these fields.%0a---%0a> # Virtual reality: libre Computer Aided Design (CAD) or libre virtual world software would make a huge impact.%0a> # Free Market: Users need a marketplace they can control, especially one which offers alternative payment methods%0a> # Sharing services: User-controlled rideshare and courier service%0a> %0a> We are looking to encourage teammates to explore these fields. Perhaps in the future, we hope to sponsor the development of these critical projects.%0a
19 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640839789=
20 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640839378=jrmu
21 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640839378:1640790855:=13,14c13,14%0a%3c If we choose only safe projects due to a fear of failure, our users will miss out on the job opportunities needed to survive.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> If we choose only safe projects due to a fear of failure, our users will miss out on job opportunities needed to survive.%0a> %0a28d27%0a%3c # Replacement for Modern Web: We need a replacement that users have control over. Current mainstream browsers are non-free. The protocol 9p may provide the answer.%0a
22 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640839378=
23 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640790855=jrmu
24 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640790855:1640778151:=25,38c25,40%0a%3c There are today many hard problems which are solved on non-free platforms, but which few free and open services exist:%0a%3c %0a%3c # Universal Bridge: The free user community uses a dozen competing protocols: IRC, XMPP, Matrix, Email, NNTP, ActivityPub, etc. We need to provide bridges to connect protocols together where it makes sense. This can be done using plan 9.%0a%3c # Distributed/grid network: We cannot rely on Silicon Valley's cloud hosting. The free user community needs its own content distribution network, cloud hosting, and DDoS protection.%0a%3c # Voice User Interface: We need a method to send text using our voice and have it interoperate with open protocols so users can write voice applications on an open platform.%0a%3c # Computer Vision: We need an open platform that can accurately identify objects and text so users can quickly build computer vision applications, such translating signs and documents in real time.%0a%3c # Natural Language Processing: Most users are still relying on non-free translation tools. A free and open replacement is needed. This will also be necessary for virtual assistant technology.%0a%3c # Navigation: A free and open navigation system to help replace non-free services.%0a%3c # Search: Better search tools to allow us organize information for protocols besides http.%0a%3c # Virtual reality: libre Computer Aided Design (CAD) or libre virtual world software would make a huge impact.%0a%3c # Free Market: Users need a marketplace they can control, especially one which offers alternative payment methods%0a%3c # Sharing services: User-controlled rideshare and courier service%0a%3c %0a%3c We are looking to encourage teammates to explore these fields. Perhaps in the future, we hope to sponsor the development of these critical projects.%0a---%0a> There are today many hard problems which are mostly solved on non-free platforms, but which few free and open services exist.%0a> %0a> # Universal Bridge: The free user community has fled from Silicon Valley but users have not agreed on any single protocol. Instead, there are a dozen of competing protocols (IRC, XMPP, Matrix, Email, NNTP, ActivityPub, SIP, Mumble, ...). We will need to provide bridges to connect protocols together where it makes sense.%0a> # Simple distributed/grid network: We cannot rely on Silicon Valley's cloud hosting. The free user community will needs its own content distribution network, cloud hosting, and DDoS protection.%0a> # Voice Recognition and Speech Synthesis: The number of users using personal digital assistants may someday rival that of touchscreen, mouse, and keyboard. We should provide a method to text chat and send commands using our voice, and strive to have it use open protocols.%0a> # Machine Vision: Provide an easy way to scan written and typed documents%0a> # Natural Language Processing: Most users are still relying on non-free translation tools. A free and open replacement that is accurate and supports many languages is needed.%0a> # Navigation: A free and open replacement for GPS navigation would allow us to replace non-free services and software.%0a> # Search%0a> # Virtual reality%0a> # Free Market%0a> # Sharing services%0a> %0a> Problems 1) and 2) can be solved with plan 9 and the 9p protocol.%0a> %0a> For other problems, we will look to encourage teammates to explore these fields. Perhaps in the future, we can sponsor the development of these critical projects.%0a
25 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640790855=
26 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640778151=jrmu
27 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640778151:1640777210:=5,16c5,12%0a%3c Now, more than ever, our network needs to continue the fight for our freedom. We must now lead the way in open innovation.%0a%3c %0a%3c Let's dare to dream great so we can accomplish great things. Let's dare to build the open ecosystem of the future.%0a%3c %0a%3c Will it be hard? Yes: all great things are hard. But an easy life is not worth living.%0a%3c %0a%3c If we run away from hard work, a bolder and stronger network will do it, and take away from us our talented and bright minds.%0a%3c %0a%3c If we choose only safe projects due to a fear of failure, our users will miss out on job opportunities needed to survive.%0a%3c %0a%3c But if we innovate, our network can become the cultural center of the free Internet.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> To fight for our freedom, our network must now lead the way in open innovation.%0a> %0a> We must dare to dream great so we can accomplish great things. Let us dare to build the open ecosystem of the future.%0a> %0a> Will it be hard? Yes: all great things are hard. An easy life is not worth living. It is painful to fail, but it is worse to never even try.%0a> %0a> If we run away from hard work, a bolder and stronger network will do it, and take away from us our talented and bright minds. But if we try, our network can become the cultural center of the free Internet.%0a> %0a19,20c15,16%0a%3c Yes. In our lifetime, the free user community built an entire operating system by collaborating over the Internet. Their code surpassed what you could buy from the non-free world. Corporations may have money, but they can't pay enough to compete with a group of inspired users who work on what they love.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Yes. In our lifetime, the free user community built entire operating systems by collaborating over the Internet. Their code surpassed what you could buy from the non-free world. Corporations may have money, but they can't pay enough to compete with a group of inspired users who work on what they love.%0a> %0a23c19%0a%3c !! The Challenges Ahead%0a---%0a> The Great Challenges%0a
28 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640778151=
29 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640777210=jrmu
30 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640777210:1640763126:=2a3,4%0a> We live in the middle of a new crisis.%0a> %0a9c11%0a%3c Will it be hard? Yes: all great things are hard. An easy life is not worth living. It is painful to fail, but it is worse to never even try.%0a---%0a> Will it be hard? Yes: all great things are hard. An easy life is not worth living. We cannot avoid hard problems. It is painful to fail, but it is worse to never even try.%0a
31 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640777210=
32 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640763126=jrmu
33 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640763126:1640763056:=28c28%0a%3c # Machine Vision: Provide an easy way to scan written and typed documents%0a---%0a> # Machine Vision: Provide want to be able to write and scan documents seamlessly and have it magically translated like google does, just by pointing my phone in the direction%0a
34 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640763126=
35 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640763056=jrmu
36 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640763056:1640763025:=35a36,37%0a> 6 and 7) I plan to address with 9p, the others I have very little time to work on%0a> but i want to see if we can get our network to aspire to reach these goals%0a38c40%0a%3c For other problems, we will look to encourage teammates to explore these fields. Perhaps in the future, we can sponsor the development of these critical projects.%0a---%0a> We will look to encourage teammates to explore these fields. Perhaps in the future, we can sponsor the development of these critical projects.%0a
37 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640763056=
38 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu author:1640763025=jrmu
39 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu diff:1640763025:1640763025:=1,40d0%0a%3c (:title IRCNow Status of the Union:)%0a%3c %0a%3c We live in the middle of a new crisis.%0a%3c %0a%3c All across the Internet, our rights online are being revoked. At the same time, the free and open source community is collapsing.%0a%3c %0a%3c To fight for our freedom, our network must now lead the way in open innovation.%0a%3c %0a%3c We must dare to dream great so we can accomplish great things. Let us dare to build the open ecosystem of the future.%0a%3c %0a%3c Will it be hard? Yes: all great things are hard. An easy life is not worth living. We cannot avoid hard problems. It is painful to fail, but it is worse to never even try.%0a%3c %0a%3c If we run away from hard work, a bolder and stronger network will do it, and take away from us our talented and bright minds. But if we try, our network can become the cultural center of the free Internet.%0a%3c %0a%3c You might ask, can a team of volunteers, a group of amateurs and hobbyists, produce software that can save the Internet?%0a%3c %0a%3c Yes. In our lifetime, the free user community built entire operating systems by collaborating over the Internet. Their code surpassed what you could buy from the non-free world. Corporations may have money, but they can't pay enough to compete with a group of inspired users who work on what they love.%0a%3c %0a%3c We did it before and we can do it again. And if we lead the way, we can make sure that we can make it stand for user freedom.%0a%3c %0a%3c The Great Challenges%0a%3c %0a%3c There are today many hard problems which are mostly solved on non-free platforms, but which few free and open services exist.%0a%3c %0a%3c # Universal Bridge: The free user community has fled from Silicon Valley but users have not agreed on any single protocol. Instead, there are a dozen of competing protocols (IRC, XMPP, Matrix, Email, NNTP, ActivityPub, SIP, Mumble, ...). We will need to provide bridges to connect protocols together where it makes sense.%0a%3c # Simple distributed/grid network: We cannot rely on Silicon Valley's cloud hosting. The free user community will needs its own content distribution network, cloud hosting, and DDoS protection.%0a%3c # Voice Recognition and Speech Synthesis: The number of users using personal digital assistants may someday rival that of touchscreen, mouse, and keyboard. We should provide a method to text chat and send commands using our voice, and strive to have it use open protocols.%0a%3c # Machine Vision: Provide want to be able to write and scan documents seamlessly and have it magically translated like google does, just by pointing my phone in the direction%0a%3c # Natural Language Processing: Most users are still relying on non-free translation tools. A free and open replacement that is accurate and supports many languages is needed.%0a%3c # Navigation: A free and open replacement for GPS navigation would allow us to replace non-free services and software.%0a%3c # Search%0a%3c # Virtual reality%0a%3c # Free Market%0a%3c # Sharing services%0a%3c %0a%3c 6 and 7) I plan to address with 9p, the others I have very little time to work on%0a%3c but i want to see if we can get our network to aspire to reach these goals%0a%3c Problems 1) and 2) can be solved with plan 9 and the 9p protocol.%0a%3c %0a%3c We will look to encourage teammates to explore these fields. Perhaps in the future, we can sponsor the development of these critical projects.%0a
40 2a1f38d1 2022-04-02 jrmu host:1640763025=