
1 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20210102
3 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu author=jrmu
4 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu charset=UTF-8
5 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu csum=
6 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu ctime=1609678922
7 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu host=
8 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu name=Openbsd.Announce
9 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu rev=4
10 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu targets=Openbsd.Wall,Ircnow.Servers
11 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu text=(:redirect team/announce:)%0a(:title Procedure for Maintenance Announcements:)%0a%0aBefore doing any important system upgrade which may result in downtime, announce the update to your users.%0a%0aIn your message, clearly state the time the upgrade is expected to begin in UTC, what you plan to upgrade, and roughly when service will be restored. For example:%0a%0aJan 3, 2021: A scheduled upgrade will take place in 30 minutes at Jan 3 22:00 UTC. We are upgrading users to ZNC 1.8.2. Service should be restored at around 22:30 UTC. Thanks for your patience!%0a%0aEmail:%0a%0a# For major updates, send an email to users on the mailing list. For major updates, please cc and Announce on #ircnow and on your #fruit and #fruit-team channel%0a# If ZNC will be affected, announce on ZNC using /msg *status broadcast %3cmsg> . You will need to repeat this every 5-10 minutes because some users may not see NOTICE messages.%0a%0aShell:%0a%0a# Update /etc/motd to notify users of major changes%0a# Write on users' [[openbsd/wall|wall]]: @@$ doas wall@@%0a%0aWiki:%0a%0a# Log major changes on [[ircnow/servers|your team's wiki]]%0a
12 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu time=1650384891
13 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu title=Procedure for Maintenance Announcements
14 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu author:1650384891=jrmu
15 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu diff:1650384891:1609679631:=1d0%0a%3c (:redirect team/announce:)%0a26c25%0a%3c # Log major changes on [[ircnow/servers|your team's wiki]]%0a---%0a> # Log major changes on [[ircnow/servers|your team's wiki]]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
16 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu host:1650384891=
17 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu author:1609679631=jrmu
18 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu diff:1609679631:1609679175:=5,12c5,8%0a%3c In your message, clearly state the time the upgrade is expected to begin in UTC, what you plan to upgrade, and roughly when service will be restored. For example:%0a%3c %0a%3c Jan 3, 2021: A scheduled upgrade will take place in 30 minutes at Jan 3 22:00 UTC. We are upgrading users to ZNC 1.8.2. Service should be restored at around 22:30 UTC. Thanks for your patience!%0a%3c %0a%3c Email:%0a%3c %0a%3c # For major updates, send an email to users on the mailing list. For major updates, please cc and %0a---%0a> Wiki:%0a> %0a> All actions must be logged in your team's wiki pages%0a> %0a15,17c11,19%0a%3c # Announce on #ircnow and on your #fruit and #fruit-team channel%0a%3c # If ZNC will be affected, announce on ZNC using /msg *status broadcast %3cmsg> . You will need to repeat this every 5-10 minutes because some users may not see NOTICE messages.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> For each action taken, report it on IRC to your team channel%0a> For major changes, email the entire team by sending to> Read all of the scrollback in the IRC team channel and read all team emails every day%0a> Check your email daily%0a> When editing a config, save a backup copy with a timestamp and serial number. For example, doas cp doas.conf doas.conf.2020123100%0a> The team leader should assigned each team member separate tasks to avoid collision%0a> If you need to work on another team member's task, make sure to notify that team member in advance%0a> Before any changes that may cause downtime for users, make sure to announce to everyone on your IRC channels and /msg *status broadcast %3cmsg> on ZNC at least ten minutes in advance. %0a> %0a20,25c22,42%0a%3c # Update /etc/motd to notify users of major changes%0a%3c # Write on users' [[openbsd/wall|wall]]: @@$ doas wall@@%0a%3c %0a%3c Wiki:%0a%3c %0a%3c # Log major changes on [[ircnow/servers|your team's wiki]]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> # Update /etc/motd %0a> %0a> IRC:%0a> %0a> # Announce on #ircnow and on your #fruit channel%0a> # If ZNC will be affected, announce on ZNC using /msg *status broadcast %3cmsg>%0a> %0a> Be present on #opers for sensitive oper-related discussion%0a> Be present on #wheel to meet new teammates in training %0a> %0a> ZNC:%0a> %0a> Log in to your own ZNC server every day. You should use the same ZNC that you provide to your users. That way, if there are any bugs, you will notice them right away.%0a> Each day, check /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/moddata/adminlog/znc.log to check for any connection issues.%0a> If you see a user with frequent disconnects, fix his network connection for him.%0a> If you see a user GLINEd, you need to either investigate abuse or request an iline. %0a> %0a> SMTP:%0a> %0a> All team members must check emails daily %0a> %0a
19 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu host:1609679631=
20 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu author:1609679175=jrmu
21 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu diff:1609679175:1609678922:=1,6c1,4%0a%3c (:title Procedure for Maintenance Announcements:)%0a%3c %0a%3c Before doing any important system upgrade which may result in downtime, announce the update to your users.%0a%3c %0a%3c Wiki:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a> %0a> Team Procedure:%0a> %0a8,10d5%0a%3c %0a%3c IRC:%0a%3c %0a20,23d14%0a%3c Shell:%0a%3c %0a%3c # Update /etc/motd %0a%3c %0a26,28c17%0a%3c # Announce on #ircnow and on your #fruit channel%0a%3c # If ZNC will be affected, announce on ZNC using /msg *status broadcast %3cmsg>%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Be present on #ircnow on the networks you claim and help with customer support%0a
22 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu host:1609679175=
23 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu author:1609678922=jrmu
24 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu diff:1609678922:1609678922:=1,31d0%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Team Procedure:%0a%3c %0a%3c All actions must be logged in your team's wiki pages%0a%3c For each action taken, report it on IRC to your team channel%0a%3c For major changes, email the entire team by sending to Read all of the scrollback in the IRC team channel and read all team emails every day%0a%3c Check your email daily%0a%3c When editing a config, save a backup copy with a timestamp and serial number. For example, doas cp doas.conf doas.conf.2020123100%0a%3c The team leader should assigned each team member separate tasks to avoid collision%0a%3c If you need to work on another team member's task, make sure to notify that team member in advance%0a%3c Before any changes that may cause downtime for users, make sure to announce to everyone on your IRC channels and /msg *status broadcast %3cmsg> on ZNC at least ten minutes in advance. %0a%3c %0a%3c IRC:%0a%3c %0a%3c Be present on #ircnow on the networks you claim and help with customer support%0a%3c Be present on #opers for sensitive oper-related discussion%0a%3c Be present on #wheel to meet new teammates in training %0a%3c %0a%3c ZNC:%0a%3c %0a%3c Log in to your own ZNC server every day. You should use the same ZNC that you provide to your users. That way, if there are any bugs, you will notice them right away.%0a%3c Each day, check /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/moddata/adminlog/znc.log to check for any connection issues.%0a%3c If you see a user with frequent disconnects, fix his network connection for him.%0a%3c If you see a user GLINEd, you need to either investigate abuse or request an iline. %0a%3c %0a%3c SMTP:%0a%3c %0a%3c All team members must check emails daily %0a%3c %0a
25 aa513bf8 2023-01-22 jrmu host:1609678922=