
1 924cdc42 2023-02-10 jrmu #Replace example with your team name
2 924cdc42 2023-02-10 jrmu
3 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu #Name of your network
4 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu localnet = example
5 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
6 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu #Botnow will connect to this address and port; default
7 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #host =
8 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #port = 1337
9 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
10 75f89aeb 2023-05-06 jrmu #Hostname
11 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu hostname =
12 75f89aeb 2023-05-06 jrmu
13 75f89aeb 2023-05-06 jrmu #Bouncer hostname
14 75f89aeb 2023-05-06 jrmu bnchostname =
15 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
16 f8e21ca0 2023-03-07 jrmu #Mail hostname
17 f8e21ca0 2023-03-07 jrmu mailhostname =
18 f8e21ca0 2023-03-07 jrmu
19 c54830ad 2023-03-05 jrmu #Webpanel URL
20 c54830ad 2023-03-05 jrmu webpanel =
21 c54830ad 2023-03-05 jrmu
22 cae514a3 2023-03-07 jrmu #Webmail URL
23 cae514a3 2023-03-07 jrmu webmail =
24 3a155d60 2023-03-05 jrmu
25 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #External IP addresses, plaintext and ssl port
26 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu ip4 =
27 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu ip6 = 2001:db8::
28 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #plainport = 1337
29 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #sslport = 31337
30 3a155d60 2023-03-05 jrmu #imapport = 143
31 3a155d60 2023-03-05 jrmu #smtpport = 587
32 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
33 36684717 2023-02-17 jrmu #Your IPv6 subnet length
34 c023ac0c 2023-03-06 jrmu ip6subnet = 48
35 36684717 2023-02-17 jrmu
36 36684717 2023-02-17 jrmu #Routing prefix for your IPv6 network
37 c023ac0c 2023-03-06 jrmu #NOTE: routing prefix must be less than or equal to the subnet above
38 36684717 2023-02-17 jrmu ip6prefix = 48
39 36684717 2023-02-17 jrmu
40 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu #Nick and password of bot.
41 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu #NOTE: username and password must match the ircd oper block *and* znc account
42 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu nick = example
43 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu pass = password
44 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
45 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #List of channels for requesting bouncers
46 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu chans = #example
47 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
48 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #List of staff nicks; comment out to avoid highlights
49 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu staff = user1 user2
50 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
51 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #List of team channels on localnet; comment out to disable
52 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu teamchans = #example-team
53 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
54 924cdc42 2023-02-10 jrmu #List of networks to connect to
55 924cdc42 2023-02-10 jrmu networks = example liberachat oftc rizon dalnet efnet undernet ircnet
56 924cdc42 2023-02-10 jrmu
57 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #Mail from address
58 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu mailfrom =
59 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu #mailname = example
60 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
61 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #Modules to load
62 71d1e250 2023-07-29 jrmu modules = BNC DNS Mail Shell VPN SQLite Hash Help
63 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
64 c54830ad 2023-03-05 jrmu #Uncomment to require admin approval for new accounts
65 08976f80 2023-03-05 jrmu #approval = true
66 62fb7e83 2023-03-05 jrmu
67 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu #Terms of Service
68 38334f68 2023-02-20 jrmu terms = Example is part of the IRCNow Federation Rules: no porn, no illegal drugs, no violent threats, no slander, no libel, no illegal gambling, no copyright infringement, no spam, no illegal cracking, and no DDoS. Only one account per person. Don't share passwords. Full terms:
69 12807ebe 2023-02-10 jrmu
70 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #Comment out the line below
71 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu die = You did not configure botnow.conf!
72 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
73 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #####################################
74 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu # Advanced Options Below #
75 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu # Do not edit unless needed #
76 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #####################################
77 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
78 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #Number of words in password
79 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #passlength = 3
80 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
81 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #Time in seconds before captcha expires
82 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #expires = 1800
83 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
84 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #DNS zone directory
85 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #zonedir = /var/nsd/zones/master/
86 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
87 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #ZNC install directory
88 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #zncdir = /home/znc/home/znc/
89 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
90 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #Network Interface Config File
91 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #hostnameif = /etc/hostname.vio0
92 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu
93 71d1e250 2023-07-29 jrmu #Iked Config File
94 71d1e250 2023-07-29 jrmu #ikedconf = /etc/iked.conf
95 71d1e250 2023-07-29 jrmu
96 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #Verbosity: NONE, ERRORS, WARNINGS, ALL
97 84c190b6 2021-12-17 jrmu #verbose = ERRORS