
2 Down the Rabbit-Hole
5 onsole-results/blahblahblah/moreblah
9 Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting
10 by her sister on
11 the bank, and of having nothing to do:
12 once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister w
13 as reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use
14 of a book," thought Alice "without pictures or conversations?" So she was consid
15 ering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very
16 sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth
17 the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit
18 with pink eyes ran close by her.
19 There was nothing so _very_ rem
20 arkable in that; nor did Alice think it so _very_ much out of the way to hear th
21 e Rabbit say to itself, "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!" (when she thought i
22 t over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, b
23 ut at the time it all seemed quite natural);
24 but when the Rabbit actually _took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket_
25 , and looked at it, and then hurri
26 ed on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had ne
27 ver before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out
28 of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it,
29 and fortunately was just in time
30 to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.
31 In another moment down went Alice after it, never
32 once considering how in the world she was to get o
33 ut again. The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and
34 then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think abou
35 t stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well. Eith
36 er the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time a
37 s she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next. F
38 irst, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was
39 too dark to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed
40 that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she saw ma
41 ps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as s
42 he passed; it was labelled
43 "ORANGE MARMALADE", but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not li
44 ke to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody underneath, so managed to put
45 it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it. "Well!" thought Alice to hers
46 elf, "after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs!
47 How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, e
48 ven if I fell off the top of the house!" (Which was very likely true.) Down, dow
49 n, down. Would the fall _never_ come to an end? "I wonder how many miles I've fa
50 llen by this time?" she said aloud.
51 "I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that woul
52 d be four thousand miles down, I think-" (for, you see, Alice had learnt
53 several things of this sort in her lessons in the schoolroom, and though this wa
54 s not a _very_ good opportunity for showing off her knowledge, as there was no o
55 ne to listen to her, still it was good practice to say it over) "-yes, that's ab
56 out the right distance-but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?
57 " (Alice had no idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but thought they we
58 re nice grand words to say.) Presently she began again. "I wonder if I shall fal
59 l right _through_ the earth! How funny it'll seem to come out among the people t
60 hat walk with their heads downward!
61 The Antipathies, I think-" (she was rather glad there _was_ no one listening, th
62 is time, as it didn't sound at all the right word) "-but I shall have to ask the
63 m what the name of the country is, you know. Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand
64 or Australia?" (and she tried to curtsey as she spoke-fancy _curtseying_ as you'
65 re falling through the air! Do you think you could manage it?) "And what an igno
66 rant little girl she'll think me for asking! No, it'll never do to ask: perhaps
67 I shall see it written up somewhere." Down, down, down. There was nothing else t
68 o do, so Alice soon began talking again. "Dinah'll miss me very much to-night,
69 I should think!" (Dinah was the cat.)
70 "I hope they'll remember her saucer of milk at tea-time. Dinah my dear! I wish y
71 ou were down here with me! There are no mice in the air, I'm afraid, but you mig
72 ht catch a bat, and that's very like a mouse, you know. But do cats eat bats, I
73 wonder?" And here Alice began to get rather sleepy, and went on saying to hersel
74 f, in a dreamy sort of way, "Do cats eat bats? Do cats eat bats?" and
75 sometimes, "Do bats eat cats?" for, you see, as she couldn't answer either quest
76 ion, it didn't much matter which way she put it. She felt that she was dozing of
77 f, and had just begun to dream that she was walking hand in hand with Dinah,
78 and saying to her very earnestly, "Now, Dinah, tell me the truth: did you ever e
79 at a bat?" when suddenly, thump! thump! down she came upon a heap of sticks and
80 dry leaves, and the fall was over.
81 Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment: she look
82 ed up, but it was all dark overhead; before her was another long passage, and th
83 e White Rabbit was still in sight, hurrying down it. There was not a moment to b
84 e lost: away went Alice like the wind, and was just in time to hear it say, as i
85 t turned a corner, "Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!" She was clo
86 se behind it when she turned the corner, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen
87 : she found herself in a long, low hall, which was lit up by a row of lamps hang
88 ing from the roof. There were doors all round the hall, but they were all locke
89 d; and when Alice had been all the way down one side and up the other, trying ev
90 ery door, she walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get ou
91 t again.
92 Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass; the
93 re was nothing on it except a tiny golden key, and Alice's first thought was tha
94 t it might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but, alas! either the locks w
95 ere too large, or the key was too small, but at any rate it would not open any o
96 f them. However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had n
97 ot noticed before, and behind it was a little door about fifteen inches high: sh
98 e tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted!
99 Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much large
100 r than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the lovelies
101 t garden you ever saw. How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander a
102 bout among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could
103 not even get her head through the doorway; "and even if my head would go through
104 ," thought poor Alice, "it would be of very little use without my shoulders.
105 Oh, how I wish I could shut up like a telescope! I think I could, if I only
106 knew how to begin." For, you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lat
107 ely, that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impos
108 sible. There seemed to be no use in waiting by the little door, so she went bac
109 k to the table, half hoping she might find another key on it, or at any rate a b
110 ook of rules for shutting people up like telescopes: this time she found a littl
111 e bottle on it, ("which certainly was not here before," said Alice,) and round t
112 he neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words "DRINK ME," beautifully
113 printed on it in large letters. It was all very well to say "Drink me," but
114 the wise little Alice was not going to do _that_ in a hurry. "No, I'll look firs
115 t," she said, "and see whether it's marked ‘_poison_' or not"; for she had rea
116 d several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up b
117 y wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they _would_ not
118 remember the simple rules their friends had taught them: such as, that a
119 red-hot poker will burn you if you hold it too long; and that if you cut your fi
120 nger _very_ deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds; and she had never forgotten
121 that, if you drink much from a bottle marked "poison," it is almost certain to d
122 isagree with you, sooner or later. However, this bottle was _not_ marked "poiso
123 n," so Alice ventured to taste it, and finding it very nice, (it had, in fact,
124 a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffe
125 e, and hot buttered toast,) she very soon finished it off. * * *
126 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
127 * * * * "What a curious feeling!" said Alice; "I must be shutti
128 ng up like a telescope." And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches
129 high, and her face brightened up at the thought that she was now the right size
130 for going through the little door into that lovely garden. First, however, she w
131 aited for a few minutes to see if she was going to shrink any further: she felt
132 a little nervous about this; "for it might end, you know," said Alice to herself
133 , "in my going out altogether, like a candle. I wonder what I should be like the
134 n?" And she tried to fancy what the flame of a candle is like after the candle i
135 s blown out, for she could not remember ever having seen such a thing. After a
136 while, finding that nothing more happened, she decided on going into the garden
137 at once; but, alas for poor Alice! when she got to the door, she found she had f
138 orgotten the little golden key, and when she went back to the table for it, she
139 found she could not possibly reach it: she could see it quite plainly through th
140 e glass, and she tried her best to climb up one of the legs of the table, but
141 it was too slippery; and when she had tired herself out with trying, the poor li
142 ttle thing sat down and cried. "Come, there's no use in crying like that!"
143 said Alice to herself, rather sharply; "I advise you to leave off this minute!"
144 She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it
145 ), and sometimes she scolded herself so severely as to bring tears into her eyes
146 ; and once she remembered trying to box her own ears for having cheated herself
147 in a game of croquet she was playing against herself, for this curious child
148 was very fond of pretending to be two people. "But it's no use now," thought po
149 or Alice, "to pretend to be two people! Why, there's hardly enough of me left
150 to make _one_ respectable person!" Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that
151 was lying under the table: she opened it, and found in it a very small cake, on
152 which the words "EAT ME" were beautifully marked in currants. "Well, I'll eat it
153 ," said Alice, "and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it m
154 akes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; so either way I'll get into th
155 e garden, and I don't care which happens!" She ate a little bit, and said anxiou
156 sly to herself, "Which way? Which way?", holding her hand on the top of her
157 head to feel which way it was growing, and she was quite surprised to find that
158 she remained the same size: to be sure, this generally happens when one eats cak
159 e, but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-wa
160 y things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in th
161 e common way. So she set to work, and very soon finished off the cake. *
162 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
163 * * * * * * CHAPTER II. The Pool of Tears "Curiouser
164 and curiouser!" cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she
165 quite forgot how to speak good English); "now I'm opening out like the largest t
166 elescope that ever was! Good-bye, feet!" (for when she looked down at her feet,
167 they seemed to be almost out of sight, they were getting so far off). "Oh, my po
168 or little feet, I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, d
169 ears? I'm sure _I_ shan't be able! I shall be a great deal too far off to troubl
170 e myself about you: you must manage the best way you can;-but I must be kind to
171 them," thought Alice, "or perhaps they won't walk the way I want to go! Let me s
172 ee: I'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas." And she went on plannin
173 g to herself how she would manage it. "They must go by the carrier," she thought
174 ; "and how funny it'll seem, sending presents to one's own feet! And how odd
175 the directions will look! _Alice's Right Foot, Esq., Hearthrug, near the Fender
176 ,_ (_with Alice's love_). Oh dear, what nonsense I'm talking!" Just then her he
177 ad struck against the roof of the hall: in fact she was now more than nine feet
178 high, and she at once took up the little golden key and hurried off to the garde
179 n door. Poor Alice! It was as much as she could do, lying down on one side, to
180 look through into the garden with one eye; but to get through was more hopeless
181 than ever: she sat down and began to cry again. "You ought to be ashamed of you
182 rself," said Alice, "a great girl like you," (she might well say this), "to go o
183 n crying in this way! Stop this moment, I tell you!" But she went on all the sam
184 e, shedding gallons of tears, until there was a large pool all round her, about
185 four inches deep and reaching half down the hall. After a time she heard a litt
186 le pattering of feet in the distance, and she hastily dried her eyes to see
187 what was coming. It was the White Rabbit returning, splendidly dressed, with a p
188 air of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other: he came trotti
189 ng along in a great hurry, muttering to himself as he came, "Oh! the Duchess, th
190 e Duchess! Oh! won't she be savage if I've kept her waiting!" Alice felt so desp
191 erate that she was ready to ask help of any one; so, when the Rabbit came near h
192 er, she began, in a low, timid voice, "If you please, sir-" The Rabbit started v
193 iolently, dropped the white kid gloves and the fan, and skurried away into the d
194 arkness as hard as he could go. Alice took up the fan and gloves, and, as the h
195 all was very hot, she kept fanning herself all the time she went on talking: "De
196 ar, dear! How queer everything is to-day! And yesterday things went on just as u
197 sual. I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think: was I the same
198 when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little diffe
199 rent. But if I'm not the same, the next question is, Who in the world am I? Ah,
200 _that's_ the great puzzle!" And she began thinking over all the children she kne
201 w that were of the same age as herself, to see if she could have been changed fo
202 r any of them. "I'm sure I'm not Ada," she said, "for her hair goes in such lon
203 g ringlets, and mine doesn't go in ringlets at all; and I'm sure I can't be Mabe
204 l, for I know all sorts of things, and she, oh! she knows such a very little! Be
205 sides, _she's_ she, and _I'm_ I, and-oh dear, how puzzling it all is! I'll try i
206 f I know all the things I used to know. Let me see: four times five is twelve,
207 and four times six is thirteen, and four times seven is-oh dear! I shall never g
208 et to twenty at that rate! However, the Multiplication Table doesn't signify: le
209 t's try Geography. London is the capital of Paris, and Paris is the capital of R
210 ome, and Rome-no, _that's_ all wrong, I'm certain! I must have been changed for
211 Mabel! I'll try and say ‘_How doth the little_-'" and she crossed her hands
212 on her lap as if she were saying lessons, and began to repeat it, but her voice
213 sounded hoarse and strange, and the words did not come the same as they used to
214 do:- "How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail, And pour the water
215 s of the Nile On every golden scale! "How cheerfully he seems to grin, How neat
216 ly spread his claws, And welcome little fishes in With gently smiling jaws!" "I'
217 m sure those are not the right words," said poor Alice, and her eyes filled
218 with tears again as she went on, "I must be Mabel after all, and I shall have
219 to go and live in that poky little house, and have next to no toys to play
220 with, and oh! ever so many lessons to learn! No, I've made up my mind about it;
221 if I'm Mabel, I'll stay down here! It'll be no use their putting their heads dow
222 n and saying ‘Come up again, dear!' I shall only look up and say ‘Who am I t
223 hen? Tell me that first, and then, if I like being that person, I'll come up:
224 if not, I'll stay down here till I'm somebody else'-but, oh dear!" cried Alice,
225 with a sudden burst of tears, "I do wish they _would_ put their heads down! I
226 am so _very_ tired of being all alone here!" As she said this she looked down
227 at her hands, and was surprised to see that she had put on one of the Rabbit's l
228 ittle white kid gloves while she was talking. "How _can_ I have done that?" she
229 thought. "I must be growing small again." She got up and went to the table to me
230 asure herself by it, and found that, as nearly as she could guess, she was now a
231 bout two feet high, and was going on shrinking rapidly: she soon found out that
232 the cause of this was the fan she was holding, and she dropped it hastily, just
233 in time to avoid shrinking away altogether. "That _was_ a narrow escape!" said
234 Alice, a good deal frightened at the sudden change, but very glad to find hersel
235 f still in existence; "and now for the garden!" and she ran with all speed back
236 to the little door: but, alas! the little door was shut again, and the little go
237 lden key was lying on the glass table as before, "and things are worse than ever
238 ," thought the poor child, "for I never was so small as this before, never! And
239 I declare it's too bad, that it is!" As she said these words her foot slipped, a
240 nd in another moment, splash! she was up to her chin in salt water. Her first id
241 ea was that she had somehow fallen into the sea, "and in that case I can go
242 back by railway," she said to herself. (Alice had been to the seaside once in he
243 r life, and had come to the general conclusion, that wherever you go to on the E
244 nglish coast you find a number of bathing machines in the sea, some children dig
245 ging in the sand with wooden spades, then a row of lodging houses, and behind th
246 em a railway station.) However, she soon made out that she was in the pool of te
247 ars which she had wept when she was nine feet high. "I wish I hadn't cried so m
248 uch!" said Alice, as she swam about, trying to find her way out. "I shall be pun
249 ished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears! That _will_ be a
250 queer thing, to be sure! However, everything is queer to-day." Just then she hea
251 rd something splashing about in the pool a little way off, and she swam nearer t
252 o make out what it was: at first she thought it must be a walrus or hippopotamus
253 , but then she remembered how small she was now, and she soon made out that it w
254 as only a mouse that had slipped in like herself. "Would it be of any use, now,
255 " thought Alice, "to speak to this mouse? Everything is so out-of-the-way down
256 here, that I should think very likely it can talk: at any rate, there's no harm
257 in trying." So she began: "O Mouse, do you know the way out of this pool? I am v
258 ery tired of swimming about here, O Mouse!" (Alice thought this must be the righ
259 t way of speaking to a mouse: she had never done such a thing before, but she re
260 membered having seen in her brother's Latin Grammar, "A mouse-of a mouse-to a mo
261 use-a mouse-O mouse!") The Mouse looked at her rather inquisitively, and seemed
262 to her to wink with one of its little eyes, but it said nothing. "Perhaps it do
263 esn't understand English," thought Alice; "I daresay it's a French mouse, come o
264 ver with William the Conqueror." (For, with all her knowledge of history, Alice
265 had no very clear notion how long ago anything had happened.) So she began again
266 : "Où est ma chatte?" which was the first sentence in her French lesson-book. T
267 he Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water, and seemed to quiver all over
268 with fright. "Oh, I beg your pardon!" cried Alice hastily, afraid that she had h
269 urt the poor animal's feelings. "I quite forgot you didn't like cats." "Not
270 like cats!" cried the Mouse, in a shrill, passionate voice. "Would _you_ like ca
271 ts if you were me?" "Well, perhaps not," said Alice in a soothing tone: "don't b
272 e angry about it. And yet I wish I could show you our cat Dinah: I think you'd t
273 ake a fancy to cats if you could only see her. She is such a dear quiet thing,"
274 Alice went on, half to herself, as she swam lazily about in the pool, "and she s
275 its purring so nicely by the fire, licking her paws and washing her face-and
276 she is such a nice soft thing to nurse-and she's such a capital one for
277 catching mice-oh, I beg your pardon!" cried Alice again, for this time the
278 Mouse was bristling all over, and she felt certain it must be really offended. "
279 We won't talk about her any more if you'd rather not." "We indeed!" cried the Mo
280 use, who was trembling down to the end of his tail. "As if _I_ would talk on suc
281 h a subject! Our family always _hated_ cats: nasty, low, vulgar things! Don't le
282 t me hear the name again!" "I won't indeed!" said Alice, in a great hurry to cha
283 nge the subject of conversation. "Are you-are you fond-of-of dogs?" The Mouse di
284 d not answer, so Alice went on eagerly: "There is such a nice little dog near ou
285 r house I should like to show you! A little bright-eyed terrier, you know, with
286 oh, such long curly brown hair! And it'll fetch things when you throw them, and
287 it'll sit up and beg for its dinner, and all sorts of things-I can't remember ha
288 lf of them-and it belongs to a farmer, you know, and he says it's so useful, it'
289 s worth a hundred pounds! He says it kills all the rats and-oh dear!" cried Alic
290 e in a sorrowful tone, "I'm afraid I've offended it again!" For the Mouse was sw
291 imming away from her as hard as it could go, and making quite a commotion in
292 the pool as it went. So she called softly after it, "Mouse dear! Do come back a
293 gain, and we won't talk about cats or dogs either, if you don't like them!"
294 When the Mouse heard this, it turned round and swam slowly back to her: its
295 face was quite pale (with passion, Alice thought), and it said in a low tremblin
296 g voice, "Let us get to the shore, and then I'll tell you my history, and
297 you'll understand why it is I hate cats and dogs." It was high time to go, for t
298 he pool was getting quite crowded with the birds and animals that had fallen int
299 o it: there were a Duck and a Dodo, a Lory and an Eaglet, and several other curi
300 ous creatures. Alice led the way, and the whole party swam to the shore. CHAPTE
301 R III. A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale