
1 (define (install-rational-package)
2 (define (rational->integer r)
3 (make-integer (quotient (numer r) (denom r))))
4 (put-coercion 'rational 'integer rational->integer)
5 'done)
6 (define (install-real-package)
7 (define (real->rational r)
8 (make-rational (inexact->exact (numerator r))
9 (inexact->exact (denominator r))))
10 (put-coercion 'real 'rational real->rational)
11 'done)
12 (define (install-complex-package)
13 (define (complex->real z)
14 (make-real (complex-real-part z)))
15 (put-coercion 'complex 'real complex->real)
16 'done)
18 (define (apply-raise x types)
19 (cond ((null? types)
20 (error "Type not found in the tower-of-types"
21 (list (type-tag x) tower-of-types)))
22 ((eq? (type-tag x) (car types))
23 (if (null? (cdr types))
24 x
25 (let ((raiser (get-coercion (type-tag x) (cadr types))))
26 (if raiser
27 (raiser (contents x))
28 (error "No coercion procedure found for types"
29 (list (type-tag x) (cadr types)))))))
30 (else (apply-raise x (cdr types)))))
31 (define (raise x)
32 (apply-raise x tower-of-types))
33 (define (project x)
34 (apply-raise x (reverse tower-of-types)))
35 (define (project x)
36 (define (apply-project types)
37 (cond ((eq? (type-tag x) (car types)) x)
38 ((or (null? types) (null? (cdr types)))
39 (error "type not found in the tower-of-types"
40 (list (type-tag x) tower-of-types)))
41 ((eq? (type-tag x) (cadr types))
42 (let ((projector (get-coercion (type-tag x) (car types))))
43 (if projector
44 (projector (contents x))
45 (error "No coercion procedure found for types"
46 (list (car types) (type-tag x))))))
47 (else (apply-project (cdr types)))))
48 (apply-project tower-of-types))
51 (define (install-rational-package)
52 (define (rational->integer r)
53 (make-integer (round (/ (numer r) (denom r)))))
54 (put-coercion 'rational 'integer rational->integer)
55 'done)
57 (define (install-real-package)
58 (define (real->rational r)
59 (make-rational (inexact->exact (numerator r))
60 (inexact->exact (denominator r))))
61 (put-coercion 'real 'rational real->rational)
62 'done)
64 (define (install-complex-package)
65 (define (complex->real z)
66 (make-real (complex-real-part z)))
67 (put-coercion 'complex 'real complex->real)
68 'done)
70 (define (apply-raise x types)
71 (cond ((null? types)
72 (error "Type not found in the tower-of-types"
73 (list (type-tag x) tower-of-types)))
74 ((eq? (type-tag x) (car types))
75 (if (null? (cdr types))
76 x
77 (let ((raiser (get-coercion (type-tag x) (cadr types))))
78 (if raiser
79 (raiser (contents x))
80 (error "No coercion procedures found for types"
81 (list (type-tag x) (cadr types)))))))
82 (else (apply-raise x (cdr types)))))
84 (define (raise x)
85 (apply-raise x tower-of-types))
86 (define (project x)
87 (apply-raise x (reverse tower-of-types)))
89 (define (project x)
90 (define (apply-project types)
91 (cond ((eq? (type-tag x) (car types)) x)
92 ((or (null? types) (null? (cdr types)))
93 (error "type not found in the tower-of-types"
94 (list (type-tag x) tower-of-types)))