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3 author=hydragyrum
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=
6 ctime=1635571741
7 host=
8 name=Almanack.Rewrite
9 rev=4
10 targets=Almanack.Almanack,CodeForce.Bootcamp,Minutemin.Code,Minutemin.Server,Minutemin.Progress,Medals.Intro,Openbsd.Team,Openbsd.Stable,Openbsd.Testing
11 text=[+rewrite of [[Almanack.Almanack]] to improve access to information and solve the other issues+]%0a%0a* Training%0a * [[CodeForce.Bootcamp|CodeForce Bootcamp]]%0a * [[minutemin/code|Code of Honor]]%0a * [[minutemin/server|My Server]]%0a * [[Minutemin/Progress|Progress]]%0a * [[medals/intro|Medals]]%0a * [[openbsd/team|Team]]%0a * [[openbsd/stable|Stable sysadmin]]%0a * [[openbsd/testing|Testing sysadmin]]%0a* Civics%0a* OpenBSD%0a* Networking%0a* Firewall%0a* Troubleshooting%0a* DNS%0a * Authoratative%0a * Caching%0a* Cryptography%0a * Signing%0a * VPNs%0a * Tor%0a * TLS%0a * SSH%0a* File Transfer%0a* Version Control%0a* Web%0a* IRC%0a * IRC Guides%0a * Bouncers%0a * Ident%0a * Clients%0a * Servers%0a * Services%0a * Relays%0a * Bots%0a* Languages%0a* Mail%0a* Sysadmin%0a* Security%0a* Games%0a* Desktop%0a* Plan 9%0a
12 time=1635719449
13 author:1635719449=hydragyrum
14 diff:1635719449:1635719403:=11a12%0a> %0a12a14%0a> %0a13a16%0a> %0a14a18%0a> %0a15a20%0a> %0a16a22%0a> %0a19a26%0a> %0a25a33%0a> %0a26a35%0a> %0a27a37%0a> %0a28a39%0a> %0a37a49%0a> %0a38a51%0a> %0a39a53%0a> %0a40a55%0a> %0a41a57%0a> %0a42a59%0a> %0a43a61%0a> %0a
15 host:1635719449=
16 author:1635719403=hydragyrum
17 csum:1635719403=Outline some basic structure
18 diff:1635719403:1635625578:=1,62c1%0a%3c [+rewrite of [[Almanack.Almanack]] to improve access to information and solve the other issues+]%0a%3c %0a%3c * Training%0a%3c * [[CodeForce.Bootcamp|CodeForce Bootcamp]]%0a%3c * [[minutemin/code|Code of Honor]]%0a%3c * [[minutemin/server|My Server]]%0a%3c * [[Minutemin/Progress|Progress]]%0a%3c * [[medals/intro|Medals]]%0a%3c * [[openbsd/team|Team]]%0a%3c * [[openbsd/stable|Stable sysadmin]]%0a%3c * [[openbsd/testing|Testing sysadmin]]%0a%3c %0a%3c * Civics%0a%3c %0a%3c * OpenBSD%0a%3c %0a%3c * Networking%0a%3c %0a%3c * Firewall%0a%3c %0a%3c * Troubleshooting%0a%3c %0a%3c * DNS%0a%3c * Authoratative%0a%3c * Caching%0a%3c %0a%3c * Cryptography%0a%3c * Signing%0a%3c * VPNs%0a%3c * Tor%0a%3c * TLS%0a%3c * SSH%0a%3c %0a%3c * File Transfer%0a%3c %0a%3c * Version Control%0a%3c %0a%3c * Web%0a%3c %0a%3c * IRC%0a%3c * IRC Guides%0a%3c * Bouncers%0a%3c * Ident%0a%3c * Clients%0a%3c * Servers%0a%3c * Services%0a%3c * Relays%0a%3c * Bots%0a%3c %0a%3c * Languages%0a%3c %0a%3c * Mail%0a%3c %0a%3c * Sysadmin%0a%3c %0a%3c * Security%0a%3c %0a%3c * Games%0a%3c %0a%3c * Desktop%0a%3c %0a%3c * Plan 9%0a---%0a> [+rewrite of [[Almanack.Almanack]] to improve access to information and solve the other issues+]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
19 host:1635719403=
20 author:1635625578=hydragyrum
21 diff:1635625578:1635571741:=1c1%0a%3c [+rewrite of [[Almanack.Almanack]] to improve access to information and solve the other issues+]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> [+rewrite of [Almanack.Almanack] to improve access to information and solve the other issues+]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
22 host:1635625578=
23 author:1635571741=hydragyrum
24 diff:1635571741:1635571741:=1d0%0a%3c [+rewrite of [Almanack.Almanack] to improve access to information and solve the other issues+]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
25 host:1635571741=