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3 author=mkf
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=added home page, removed "..."s
6 ctime=1620898707
7 host=
8 name=Bouncer.Vision
9 rev=2
10 targets=
11 text= [[|Vision]] is a open-source IRC client for BeOS and Haiku.%0a %0a# After Opening Vision select "Network setup".\\%0aAttach:vision-home.png%0a# On the top menu, select "Add new"%0aAttach:vision-add.png%0a# Replace Name with your prefered name%0aAttach:vision-nick.png%0a # On the "Personal details", check @@Use defaults@@ to disable it.%0a # click on @@+@@ and add your username which you have registered your bouncer.%0a# Then, select "Change servers" and "Add"%0a# Fill in the details:\\%0aAttach:vision-server.png%0a # @@Server@@: fill in the bouncer server address (it should look like # @@Port@@: 31337%0a # Check @@Secure port@@ to enable it.%0a # @@Use password@@: username/network:password -- For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, then fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.%0a # Set @@State@@ to Primary%0a# If you get a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type @@/quote znc@@ connect.
12 time=1620899264
13 author:1620899264=mkf
14 csum:1620899264=added home page, removed "..."s
15 diff:1620899264:1620898707:=1c1%0a%3c [[|Vision]] is a open-source IRC client for BeOS and Haiku.%0a---%0a> Vision is a open-source IRC client for BeOS and Haiku.%0a3c3%0a%3c # After Opening Vision select "Network setup".\\%0a---%0a> # After Opening Vision select "Network setup...".\\%0a5c5%0a%3c # On the top menu, select "Add new"%0a---%0a> # On the top menu, select "Add new..."%0a11c11%0a%3c # Then, select "Change servers" and "Add"%0a---%0a> # Then, select "Change Servers..." and "Add..."%0a
16 host:1620899264=
17 author:1620898707=mkf
18 csum:1620898707=created the page
19 diff:1620898707:1620898707:=1,19d0%0a%3c Vision is a open-source IRC client for BeOS and Haiku.%0a%3c %0a%3c # After Opening Vision select "Network setup...".\\%0a%3c Attach:vision-home.png%0a%3c # On the top menu, select "Add new..."%0a%3c Attach:vision-add.png%0a%3c # Replace Name with your prefered name%0a%3c Attach:vision-nick.png%0a%3c # On the "Personal details", check @@Use defaults@@ to disable it.%0a%3c # click on @@+@@ and add your username which you have registered your bouncer.%0a%3c # Then, select "Change Servers..." and "Add..."%0a%3c # Fill in the details:\\%0a%3c Attach:vision-server.png%0a%3c # @@Server@@: fill in the bouncer server address (it should look like # @@Port@@: 31337%0a%3c # Check @@Secure port@@ to enable it.%0a%3c # @@Use password@@: username/network:password -- For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, then fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.%0a%3c # Set @@State@@ to Primary%0a%3c # If you get a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type @@/quote znc@@ connect.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
20 host:1620898707=