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11 text=[01:29:57] %3cjrmu>[01:30:01] %3cjrmu> YouTube to Begin Removing Claims of Election Fraud%0a[01:30:12] %3cjrmu> Internet video site YouTube said Wednesday that it would begin to remove any uploaded content that suggested Joe Biden won or President Donald Trump lost November’s presidential election due to voter fraud, labeling it as “misleading.”%0a
12 time=1609037378
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14 diff:1609037378:1609037378:=1,4d0%0a%3c [01:29:57] %3cjrmu> /09/id/1000777/%0a%3c [01:30:01] %3cjrmu> YouTube to Begin Removing Claims of Election Fraud%0a%3c [01:30:12] %3cjrmu> Internet video site YouTube said Wednesday that it would begin to remove any uploaded content that suggested Joe Biden won or President Donald Trump lost November’s presidential election due to voter fraud, labeling it as “misleading.”%0a
15 host:1609037378=