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5 csum=writing
6 ctime=1668339800
7 host=2406:840:db7f:56a0:bf28:72ba:2ef0:431b
8 name=Debian.Install
9 rev=1
10 targets=
11 text='''NOTICE''':This guide is only a guide for quick installation of Debian system on VNM. You should understand the various aspects of the installation program and their functions before reading this guide. This guide will assume that you have already understood these contents and '''will not''' go into details in this article.%0a%0a!! Prerequisites%0a* Following the instructions in [[|Debian Iso Guide]]%0a* Good configuration files in VNM%0a%0a!! Start%0a'''NOTICE: Content in this area assumes that you have configured the ISO file for VNM.'''
12 time=1668339800
13 author:1668339800=suzerain
14 csum:1668339800=writing
15 diff:1668339800:1668339800:=1,8d0%0a%3c '''NOTICE''':This guide is only a guide for quick installation of Debian system on VNM. You should understand the various aspects of the installation program and their functions before reading this guide. This guide will assume that you have already understood these contents and '''will not''' go into details in this article.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Prerequisites%0a%3c * Following the instructions in [[|Debian Iso Guide]]%0a%3c * Good configuration files in VNM%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Start%0a%3c '''NOTICE: Content in this area assumes that you have configured the ISO file for VNM.'''%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
16 host:1668339800=2406:840:db7f:56a0:bf28:72ba:2ef0:431b