
1 version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20210102
3 author=jrmu
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=
6 ctime=1623401998
7 host=
8 name=Eggdrop.Install
9 rev=11
10 targets=Gnupg.Signature,Eggdrop.Simple,Openbsd.Tcltls
11 text=(:redirect eggdrop191.install:)%0a(:title Install Eggdrop 1.9.1:)%0a%0aTo install eggdrop:%0a%0a[@%0a$ cd ~%0a$ ftp]%0a%0a'''OPTIONAL''': Verify that your eggdrop was downloaded securely using [[gnupg/signature|GPG]]:%0a%0a[@%0a$ ftp$ ftp$ gpg --import$ gpg --verify eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz.asc eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz%0agpg: Signature made Mon May 31 23:45:58 2021 CST%0agpg: using RSA key E01C240484DE7DBE190FE141E7667DE1D1A39AFF%0agpg: Good signature from "Eggheads Development Group (Eggdrop Signing Key)>" [unknown]%0agpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!%0agpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.%0aPrimary key fingerprint: E01C 2404 84DE 7DBE 190F E141 E766 7DE1 D1A3 9AFF%0a@]%0a%0aYou should see a message similar to above, showing that there is a good signature. If it reports a bad signature, you should stop and repeat the steps above. If the problem continues, report the issue.%0a%0aExtract the tarball then compile.%0a%0a[@%0a$ tar xvzf eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz%0a$ cd eggdrop-1.9.1%0a$ ./configure --with-tcllib=/usr/local/lib/$ make config%0a$ make%0a@]%0a%0aIn the next step, you want to replace %3cbotname> with your bot's name. This will install eggdrop into that folder:%0a%0a[@%0a$ make install DEST=~/%3cbotname>%0a@]%0a%0aFor example, if your bot is examplebot, you might run:%0a%0a[@%0a$ make install DEST=~/examplebot%0a@]%0a%0a'''OPTIONAL''': Delete the tarball and source files:%0a%0a[@%0a$ cd ~%0a$ rm ~/eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz%0a$ rm ~/$ rm -r ~/eggdrop-1.9.1%0a@]%0a%0aReplace %3cbotname> with your bot's name:%0a%0a[@%0a$ cd ~/%3cbotname>%0a@]%0a%0aAfterwards, you will want to [[eggdrop/simple|configure eggdrop.conf]].%0a%0a!! Troubleshooting%0a%0aCheck logs/ for error messages.%0a%0a# [16:36:01] ^BRSS HTTP Error^B: (State: error)\\%0aThis is due to an obsolete [[openbsd/tcltls|tcltls]]. You'll need to compile the latest release from source.%0a%0aEdit eggdrop.conf or Create your own configuration file (.conf) using nano or vi then run it using:%0a[@%0a$ ./eggdrop -m %3cconfiguration filename>.conf%0a@]%0a%0aTo verify the signature:%0a%0a[@%0a$ gpg --keyserver --recv-key E01C240484DE7DBE190FE141E7667DE1D1A39AFF%0a@]%0a
12 time=1627881060
13 title=Install Eggdrop 1.9.1
14 author:1627881060=jrmu
15 diff:1627881060:1627827373:=1d0%0a%3c (:redirect eggdrop191.install:)%0a
16 host:1627881060=
17 author:1627827373=jrmu
18 diff:1627827373:1627803234:=64,75c64,341%0a%3c Afterwards, you will want to [[eggdrop/simple|configure eggdrop.conf]].%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Troubleshooting%0a%3c %0a%3c Check logs/ for error messages.%0a%3c %0a%3c # [16:36:01] ^BRSS HTTP Error^B: (State: error)\\%0a%3c This is due to an obsolete [[openbsd/tcltls|tcltls]]. You'll need to compile the latest release from source.%0a%3c %0a%3c Edit eggdrop.conf or Create your own configuration file (.conf) using nano or vi then run it using:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ./eggdrop -m %3cconfiguration filename>.conf%0a---%0a> Edit eggdrop.conf:%0a> %0a> [@%0a> set admin "ABC" %0a> set nick "Shooter" %0a> set altnick "Shooter_" %0a> set realname "Channel Bot"%0a> %0a> AN example of Set Server:%0a> %0a> set network "ircnow" %0a> set net-type "5"%0a> set init-server { putserv "mode Shooter i" }%0a> set default-port 6667%0a> set servers { } %0a> @]%0a> %0a> %0a> Here is a simple configuration file to use.%0a> Just make sure to change all in CAPITAL LETTERS with your preferred settings. As demonstrated in above example.%0a> Strings with # as prefix are comments. Edit & save this config with your botname.conf .%0a> %0a> %0a> [@%0a> ### Core Settings ### %0a> %0a> set admin "OWNERNICK" %0a> set nick "BOTNICK" %0a> set altnick "ALTBOTNICK" %0a> set realname "CHANNEL BOT"%0a> %0a> #### SERVER MODULE ####%0a> # What is your network?%0a> # Type = Network Name%0a> # 0 = EFnet%0a> # 1 = IRCnet%0a> # 2 = Undernet%0a> # 3 = DALnet%0a> # 4 = +e/+I/max-modes 20 Hybrid%0a> # 5 = Others%0a> %0a> set network "NETWORK NAME" %0a> set net-type "5" %0a> set init-server { putserv "mode BOTNICK i" } %0a> set default-port 6667 %0a> set servers {%0a> YOU.NEED.TO.CHANGE.THIS:6667%0a> ANOTHER.EXAMPLE.COM:7000:PASSWORDifANY%0a> SSL.EXAMPLE.NET:+6697%0a> }%0a> set timezone "GMT" %0a> set offset "0" %0a> set env(TZ) "$timezone $offset" %0a> set my-hostname "PUT YOUR SHELL'S IPV4 VHOST HERE OR LEAVE IT BLANK" %0a> set my-ip "PUT YOUR SHELL'S IPV4 HERE OR LEAVE IT BLANK" %0a> %0a> ### Logfile Settings ### %0a> %0a> set max-logs 5 %0a> set max-logsize 0 %0a> set quick-logs 0 %0a> set raw-log 0%0a> logfile mcobxs * "logs/BOTNICK.log"%0a> logfile jkp #CHANNELNAME "logs/#CHANNELNAME.log"%0a> set log-time 1 %0a> set keep-all-logs 1 %0a> set logfile-suffix ".%25d%25b%25Y"%0a> set switch-logfiles-at 300 %0a> set quiet-save 0 %0a> %0a> ### Console Settings ### %0a> %0a> set console "mkcobxs" %0a> %0a> ### File & Directory Settings ### %0a> # Replace "BOTNICK" below with your bot nick.%0a> %0a> set userfile "BOTNICK.user" %0a> set pidfile "pid.BOTNICK" %0a> set chanfile "BOTNICK.chan" %0a> set force-expire 0 %0a> set share-greet 0 %0a> set use-info 1 %0a> set sort-users 0 %0a> set help-path "help/" %0a> set text-path "text/" %0a> set temp-path "/tmp" %0a> set motd "text/motd" %0a> set telnet-banner "text/banner" %0a> set userfile-perm 0600 %0a> set mod-path "modules/" %0a> %0a> ##### BOTNET/DCC/TELNET #####%0a> # Replace "BOTNICK" below with your bot nick.%0a> %0a> set botnet-nick "BOTNICK" %0a> %0a> # If you wish to use only one port, use this format:%0a> # listen 3333 all%0a> # change the port number in order to open%0a> # the listen port. You should not keep this set to 3333.%0a> # Put your shell/server listening port below and uncomment it. (remove # )%0a> %0a> #listen 1337 all %0a> set remote-boots 0 %0a> set shareunlinks 0- %0a> set protect-telnet 1 %0a> set dcc-sanitycheck 1 %0a> set ident-timeout 0 %0a> set require-p 1 %0a> set open-telnets 1 %0a> set stealth-telnets 0 %0a> set use-telnet-banner 0 %0a> set connect-timeout 30 %0a> set dcc-flood-thr 3 %0a> set telnet-flood 5:60 %0a> set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 %0a> set resolve-timeout 15 %0a> %0a> ### Channel Settings ### %0a> %0a> loadmodule channels %0a> set default-flood-chan 15:60%0a> set default-flood-deop 3:10%0a> set default-flood-kick 3:10%0a> set default-flood-join 5:60%0a> set default-flood-ctcp 3:60%0a> set default-flood-nick 5:60%0a> set default-aop-delay 0:00%0a> set default-idle-kick 0%0a> set default-chanmode "nt"%0a> set default-stopnethack-mode 0%0a> set default-revenge-mode 0%0a> set default-ban-type 3%0a> set default-ban-time 120%0a> set default-exempt-time 60%0a> set default-invite-time 60%0a> %0a> set default-chanset {%0a> -autoop -autovoice%0a> -bitch +cycle%0a> +dontkickops +dynamicbans%0a> +dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites%0a> -enforcebans +greet%0a> -inactive -nodesynch%0a> -protectfriends +protectops%0a> -revenge -revengebot%0a> -secret -seen%0a> +shared -statuslog%0a> +userbans +userexempts%0a> +userinvites -protecthalfops%0a> -autohalfop -static%0a> }%0a> %0a> # Replace your channel name with below-mentioned CHANNELNAME%0a> %0a> channel add #CHANNELNAME { %0a> chanmode "+tn" %0a> idle-kick 0 %0a> flood-chan 5:4 %0a> flood-join 5:10 %0a> flood-ctcp 3:60 %0a> flood-deop 0:0 %0a> flood-kick 0:0 } %0a> channel set #CHANNELNAME -enforcebans -dynamicbans -autoop -autovoice -protectops -protectfriends%0a> %0a> %0a> ### Advanced Settings ### %0a> %0a> set ignore-time 5 %0a> set hourly-updates 00 %0a> %0a> # Replace Your nick name with below mention “OWNERNICK”%0a> %0a> set owner "OWNERNICK" %0a> %0a> # Also replace below mention port no 1337 with your listening port no.%0a> %0a> set notify-newusers "1337" %0a> %0a> set default-flags "hp" %0a> set whois-fields "url birthday" %0a> set die-on-sighup 0 %0a> set die-on-sigterm 1%0a> %0a> %0a> # if you wish to disable the .tcl and .set commands.%0a> # Uncomment (Remove # ) from below these two lines. If you select your owners wisely, you should be okay enabling these%0a> %0a> #unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl %0a> #unbind dcc n set *dcc:set %0a> set muste-owner 1%0a> unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul %0a> set max-dcc 50 %0a> set enable-simul 1 %0a> set allow-dk-cmds 1 %0a> set dupwait-timeout 5 %0a> %0a> ### Module Settings ### %0a> loadmodule dns%0a> loadmodule transfer %0a> loadmodule share %0a> loadmodule server %0a> loadmodule ctcp %0a> loadmodule irc %0a> loadmodule notes %0a> loadmodule console %0a> loadmodule blowfish %0a> checkmodule blowfish %0a> loadmodule uptime %0a> loadmodule channels%0a> set keep-nick 1 %0a> set strict-host 0 %0a> set quiet-reject 1 %0a> set lowercase-ctcp 0 %0a> set answer-ctcp 3 %0a> set flood-msg 5:5 %0a> set flood-ctcp 3:60 %0a> set never-give-up 1 %0a> set strict-servernames 0 %0a> set server-cycle-wait 60 %0a> set server-timeout 60 %0a> set servlimit 0 %0a> set check-stoned 1 %0a> set use-console-r 0 %0a> set debug-output 0 %0a> set serverror-quit 1 %0a> set max-queue-msg 300 %0a> set trigger-on-ignore 0 %0a> set double-mode 0 %0a> set double-server 0 %0a> set double-help 0 %0a> set optimize-kicks 1 %0a> set stack-limit 4 %0a> set ctcp-mode 0 %0a> set bounce-bans 1 %0a> set bounce-modes 0 %0a> set max-bans 100 %0a> set max-modes 30 %0a> set kick-fun 0 %0a> set ban-fun 0 %0a> set learn-users 0 %0a> set wait-split 600 %0a> set wait-info 180 %0a> set mode-buf-length 200 %0a> bind msg - ident *msg:ident %0a> bind msg - addhost *msg:addhost %0a> set no-chanrec-info 0 %0a> set bounce-exempts 0 %0a> set bounce-invites 0 %0a> set max-exempts 20 %0a> set max-invites 20 %0a> set prevent-mixing 1 %0a> set max-dloads 3 %0a> set dcc-block 1024 %0a> set copy-to-tmp 1 %0a> set xfer-timeout 30 %0a> set share-compressed 1 %0a> set max-notes 50 %0a> set note-life 60 %0a> set allow-fwd 0 %0a> set notify-users 1 %0a> set notify-onjoin 1 %0a> set console-autosave 1 %0a> set force-channel 0 %0a> set info-party 0 %0a> %0a> ### Script Settings ### %0a> # For additional TCL scripts, addition can be made under Script Settings .%0a> # You can add any desire tcl script example.tcl file in scripits folder: /user/eggdrop/scripts %0a> # and then can add below line as source scripts/example.tcl%0a> # Resash the eggdrop after adding the scripts to work.%0a> %0a> source scripts/alltools.tcl %0a> source scripts/action.fix.tcl %0a> source scripts/cmd_resolve.tcl %0a> source scripts/compat.tcl%0a> @]%0a
19 host:1627827373=
20 author:1627803234=jrmu
21 diff:1627803234:1627802890:=54d53%0a%3c $ rm ~/,59d56%0a%3c Replace %3cbotname> with your bot's name:%0a%3c %0a64,65c61%0a%3c Edit eggdrop.conf:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Edit eggdrop.conf or Create your own configuration file (.conf) using nano or vi then run it using:%0a67,78c63%0a%3c set admin "ABC" %0a%3c set nick "Shooter" %0a%3c set altnick "Shooter_" %0a%3c set realname "Channel Bot"%0a%3c %0a%3c AN example of Set Server:%0a%3c %0a%3c set network "ircnow" %0a%3c set net-type "5"%0a%3c set init-server { putserv "mode Shooter i" }%0a%3c set default-port 6667%0a%3c set servers { } %0a---%0a> $ ./eggdrop -m %3cconfiguration filename>.conf%0a81,86c66,67%0a%3c %0a%3c Here is a simple configuration file to use.%0a%3c Just make sure to change all in CAPITAL LETTERS with your preferred settings. As demonstrated in above example.%0a%3c Strings with # as prefix are comments. Edit & save this config with your botname.conf .%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> To verify the signature:%0a> %0a87a69,98%0a> $ gpg --keyserver --recv-key E01C240484DE7DBE190FE141E7667DE1D1A39AFF%0a> @]%0a> %0a> %0a> An Example for below configuration file.%0a> %0a> [@%0a> Core Setting Example:%0a> %0a> set admin "ABC" %0a> set nick "Shooter" %0a> set altnick "Shooter_" %0a> set realname "Channel Bot"%0a> %0a> AN example of Set Server:%0a> %0a> set network "ircnow" %0a> set net-type "5"%0a> set init-server { putserv "mode Shooter i" }%0a> set default-port 6667%0a> set servers { } %0a> @]%0a> %0a> %0a> Here is a simple configuration file to use.%0a> Just make sure to change all in CAPITAL LETTERS with your preferred settings. As demonstrated in above example.%0a> Strings with # as prefix are comments. Edit & save this config with your botname.conf .%0a> %0a> %0a> [@%0a349,359d359%0a%3c %0a%3c Edit eggdrop.conf or Create your own configuration file (.conf) using nano or vi then run it using:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ./eggdrop -m %3cconfiguration filename>.conf%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c To verify the signature:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ gpg --keyserver --recv-key E01C240484DE7DBE190FE141E7667DE1D1A39AFF%0a%3c @]%0a
22 host:1627803234=
23 author:1627802890=jrmu
24 diff:1627802890:1627802337:=43,44c43,44%0a%3c For example, if your bot is examplebot, you might run:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> For example, you might run @@$ make install DEST=~/examplebot@@ if your bot is examplebot.%0a> %0a46c46,47%0a%3c $ make install DEST=~/examplebot%0a---%0a> $ cd ~%0a> $ cd eggdrop%0a49,50c50,51%0a%3c '''OPTIONAL''': Delete the tarball and source files:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> '''OPTIONAL''': Delete the tarball:%0a> %0a52,54c53%0a%3c $ cd ~%0a%3c $ rm ~/eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz%0a%3c $ rm -r ~/eggdrop-1.9.1%0a---%0a> $ rm eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz%0a56,60d54%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ cd ~/%3cbotname>%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a
25 host:1627802890=
26 author:1627802337=jrmu
27 diff:1627802337:1627802070:=27,28c27,28%0a%3c Extract the tarball then compile.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Extract the tarball then compile:%0a> %0a35,45c35,37%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c In the next step, you want to replace %3cbotname> with your bot's name. This will install eggdrop into that folder:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ make install DEST=~/%3cbotname>%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c For example, you might run @@$ make install DEST=~/examplebot@@ if your bot is examplebot.%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a---%0a> $ make install%0a> $ cd ~%0a> $ cd eggdrop%0a
28 host:1627802337=
29 author:1627802070=jrmu
30 diff:1627802070:1627801748:=25,28c25,28%0a%3c You should see a message similar to above, showing that there is a good signature. If it reports a bad signature, you should stop and repeat the steps above. If the problem continues, report the issue.%0a%3c %0a%3c Extract the tarball then compile:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> You should see a message similar to above, showing that there is a good signature.%0a> %0a> We then extract the tarball:%0a> %0a30,31c30,32%0a%3c $ tar xvzf eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz%0a%3c $ cd eggdrop-1.9.1%0a---%0a> $ tar xvzf eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz%0a> $ rm eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz%0a> $ cd eggdrop-1.8.4%0a40,44d40%0a%3c '''OPTIONAL''': Delete the tarball:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ rm eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz%0a%3c @]%0a
31 host:1627802070=
32 author:1627801748=jrmu
33 diff:1627801748:1627801572:=1,2d0%0a%3c (:title Install Eggdrop 1.9.1:)%0a%3c %0a
34 host:1627801748=
35 author:1627801572=jrmu
36 diff:1627801572:1627801517:=8c8%0a%3c '''OPTIONAL''': Verify that your eggdrop was downloaded securely using [[gnupg/signature|GPG]]:%0a---%0a> '''OPTIONAL''': Verify that your eggdrop was downloaded securely using [[gpg/signature|GPG]]:%0a
37 host:1627801572=
38 author:1627801517=jrmu
39 diff:1627801517:1627801451:=8c8%0a%3c '''OPTIONAL''': Verify that your eggdrop was downloaded securely using [[gpg/signature|GPG]]:%0a---%0a> '''OPTIONAL''': to verify that your eggdrop was downloaded securely:%0a
40 host:1627801517=
41 author:1627801451=jrmu
42 diff:1627801451:1623401998:=5c5,6%0a%3c $ ftp> $ ftp> $ sha256 eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz%0a8,25c9,10%0a%3c '''OPTIONAL''': to verify that your eggdrop was downloaded securely:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp $ ftp $ gpg --import $ gpg --verify eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz.asc eggdrop-1.9.1.tar.gz%0a%3c gpg: Signature made Mon May 31 23:45:58 2021 CST%0a%3c gpg: using RSA key E01C240484DE7DBE190FE141E7667DE1D1A39AFF%0a%3c gpg: Good signature from "Eggheads Development Group (Eggdrop Signing Key)>" [unknown]%0a%3c gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!%0a%3c gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.%0a%3c Primary key fingerprint: E01C 2404 84DE 7DBE 190F E141 E766 7DE1 D1A3 9AFF%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c You should see a message similar to above, showing that there is a good signature.%0a%3c %0a%3c We then extract the tarball:%0a---%0a> The SHA256 Sum should be: 79644eb27a5568934422fa194ce3ec21cfb9a71f02069d39813e85d99cdebf9e%0a> %0a
43 host:1627801451=
44 author:1623401998=jrmu
45 diff:1623401998:1623401998:=1,321d0%0a%3c To install eggdrop:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ cd ~%0a%3c $ ftp $ sha256 eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c The SHA256 Sum should be: 79644eb27a5568934422fa194ce3ec21cfb9a71f02069d39813e85d99cdebf9e%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ tar xvzf eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz%0a%3c $ rm eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz%0a%3c $ cd eggdrop-1.8.4%0a%3c $ ./configure --with-tcllib=/usr/local/lib/ $ make config%0a%3c $ make%0a%3c $ make install%0a%3c $ cd ~%0a%3c $ cd eggdrop%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Edit eggdrop.conf or Create your own configuration file (.conf) using nano or vi then run it using:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ./eggdrop -m %3cconfiguration filename>.conf%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c To verify the signature:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ gpg --keyserver --recv-key E01C240484DE7DBE190FE141E7667DE1D1A39AFF%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c An Example for below configuration file.%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c Core Setting Example:%0a%3c %0a%3c set admin "ABC" %0a%3c set nick "Shooter" %0a%3c set altnick "Shooter_" %0a%3c set realname "Channel Bot"%0a%3c %0a%3c AN example of Set Server:%0a%3c %0a%3c set network "ircnow" %0a%3c set net-type "5"%0a%3c set init-server { putserv "mode Shooter i" }%0a%3c set default-port 6667%0a%3c set servers { } %0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Here is a simple configuration file to use.%0a%3c Just make sure to change all in CAPITAL LETTERS with your preferred settings. As demonstrated in above example.%0a%3c Strings with # as prefix are comments. Edit & save this config with your botname.conf .%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c ### Core Settings ### %0a%3c %0a%3c set admin "OWNERNICK" %0a%3c set nick "BOTNICK" %0a%3c set altnick "ALTBOTNICK" %0a%3c set realname "CHANNEL BOT"%0a%3c %0a%3c #### SERVER MODULE ####%0a%3c # What is your network?%0a%3c # Type = Network Name%0a%3c # 0 = EFnet%0a%3c # 1 = IRCnet%0a%3c # 2 = Undernet%0a%3c # 3 = DALnet%0a%3c # 4 = +e/+I/max-modes 20 Hybrid%0a%3c # 5 = Others%0a%3c %0a%3c set network "NETWORK NAME" %0a%3c set net-type "5" %0a%3c set init-server { putserv "mode BOTNICK i" } %0a%3c set default-port 6667 %0a%3c set servers {%0a%3c YOU.NEED.TO.CHANGE.THIS:6667%0a%3c ANOTHER.EXAMPLE.COM:7000:PASSWORDifANY%0a%3c SSL.EXAMPLE.NET:+6697%0a%3c }%0a%3c set timezone "GMT" %0a%3c set offset "0" %0a%3c set env(TZ) "$timezone $offset" %0a%3c set my-hostname "PUT YOUR SHELL'S IPV4 VHOST HERE OR LEAVE IT BLANK" %0a%3c set my-ip "PUT YOUR SHELL'S IPV4 HERE OR LEAVE IT BLANK" %0a%3c %0a%3c ### Logfile Settings ### %0a%3c %0a%3c set max-logs 5 %0a%3c set max-logsize 0 %0a%3c set quick-logs 0 %0a%3c set raw-log 0%0a%3c logfile mcobxs * "logs/BOTNICK.log"%0a%3c logfile jkp #CHANNELNAME "logs/#CHANNELNAME.log"%0a%3c set log-time 1 %0a%3c set keep-all-logs 1 %0a%3c set logfile-suffix ".%25d%25b%25Y"%0a%3c set switch-logfiles-at 300 %0a%3c set quiet-save 0 %0a%3c %0a%3c ### Console Settings ### %0a%3c %0a%3c set console "mkcobxs" %0a%3c %0a%3c ### File & Directory Settings ### %0a%3c # Replace "BOTNICK" below with your bot nick.%0a%3c %0a%3c set userfile "BOTNICK.user" %0a%3c set pidfile "pid.BOTNICK" %0a%3c set chanfile "BOTNICK.chan" %0a%3c set force-expire 0 %0a%3c set share-greet 0 %0a%3c set use-info 1 %0a%3c set sort-users 0 %0a%3c set help-path "help/" %0a%3c set text-path "text/" %0a%3c set temp-path "/tmp" %0a%3c set motd "text/motd" %0a%3c set telnet-banner "text/banner" %0a%3c set userfile-perm 0600 %0a%3c set mod-path "modules/" %0a%3c %0a%3c ##### BOTNET/DCC/TELNET #####%0a%3c # Replace "BOTNICK" below with your bot nick.%0a%3c %0a%3c set botnet-nick "BOTNICK" %0a%3c %0a%3c # If you wish to use only one port, use this format:%0a%3c # listen 3333 all%0a%3c # change the port number in order to open%0a%3c # the listen port. You should not keep this set to 3333.%0a%3c # Put your shell/server listening port below and uncomment it. (remove # )%0a%3c %0a%3c #listen 1337 all %0a%3c set remote-boots 0 %0a%3c set shareunlinks 0- %0a%3c set protect-telnet 1 %0a%3c set dcc-sanitycheck 1 %0a%3c set ident-timeout 0 %0a%3c set require-p 1 %0a%3c set open-telnets 1 %0a%3c set stealth-telnets 0 %0a%3c set use-telnet-banner 0 %0a%3c set connect-timeout 30 %0a%3c set dcc-flood-thr 3 %0a%3c set telnet-flood 5:60 %0a%3c set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 %0a%3c set resolve-timeout 15 %0a%3c %0a%3c ### Channel Settings ### %0a%3c %0a%3c loadmodule channels %0a%3c set default-flood-chan 15:60%0a%3c set default-flood-deop 3:10%0a%3c set default-flood-kick 3:10%0a%3c set default-flood-join 5:60%0a%3c set default-flood-ctcp 3:60%0a%3c set default-flood-nick 5:60%0a%3c set default-aop-delay 0:00%0a%3c set default-idle-kick 0%0a%3c set default-chanmode "nt"%0a%3c set default-stopnethack-mode 0%0a%3c set default-revenge-mode 0%0a%3c set default-ban-type 3%0a%3c set default-ban-time 120%0a%3c set default-exempt-time 60%0a%3c set default-invite-time 60%0a%3c %0a%3c set default-chanset {%0a%3c -autoop -autovoice%0a%3c -bitch +cycle%0a%3c +dontkickops +dynamicbans%0a%3c +dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites%0a%3c -enforcebans +greet%0a%3c -inactive -nodesynch%0a%3c -protectfriends +protectops%0a%3c -revenge -revengebot%0a%3c -secret -seen%0a%3c +shared -statuslog%0a%3c +userbans +userexempts%0a%3c +userinvites -protecthalfops%0a%3c -autohalfop -static%0a%3c }%0a%3c %0a%3c # Replace your channel name with below-mentioned CHANNELNAME%0a%3c %0a%3c channel add #CHANNELNAME { %0a%3c chanmode "+tn" %0a%3c idle-kick 0 %0a%3c flood-chan 5:4 %0a%3c flood-join 5:10 %0a%3c flood-ctcp 3:60 %0a%3c flood-deop 0:0 %0a%3c flood-kick 0:0 } %0a%3c channel set #CHANNELNAME -enforcebans -dynamicbans -autoop -autovoice -protectops -protectfriends%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c ### Advanced Settings ### %0a%3c %0a%3c set ignore-time 5 %0a%3c set hourly-updates 00 %0a%3c %0a%3c # Replace Your nick name with below mention “OWNERNICK”%0a%3c %0a%3c set owner "OWNERNICK" %0a%3c %0a%3c # Also replace below mention port no 1337 with your listening port no.%0a%3c %0a%3c set notify-newusers "1337" %0a%3c %0a%3c set default-flags "hp" %0a%3c set whois-fields "url birthday" %0a%3c set die-on-sighup 0 %0a%3c set die-on-sigterm 1%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c # if you wish to disable the .tcl and .set commands.%0a%3c # Uncomment (Remove # ) from below these two lines. If you select your owners wisely, you should be okay enabling these%0a%3c %0a%3c #unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl %0a%3c #unbind dcc n set *dcc:set %0a%3c set muste-owner 1%0a%3c unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul %0a%3c set max-dcc 50 %0a%3c set enable-simul 1 %0a%3c set allow-dk-cmds 1 %0a%3c set dupwait-timeout 5 %0a%3c %0a%3c ### Module Settings ### %0a%3c loadmodule dns%0a%3c loadmodule transfer %0a%3c loadmodule share %0a%3c loadmodule server %0a%3c loadmodule ctcp %0a%3c loadmodule irc %0a%3c loadmodule notes %0a%3c loadmodule console %0a%3c loadmodule blowfish %0a%3c checkmodule blowfish %0a%3c loadmodule uptime %0a%3c loadmodule channels%0a%3c set keep-nick 1 %0a%3c set strict-host 0 %0a%3c set quiet-reject 1 %0a%3c set lowercase-ctcp 0 %0a%3c set answer-ctcp 3 %0a%3c set flood-msg 5:5 %0a%3c set flood-ctcp 3:60 %0a%3c set never-give-up 1 %0a%3c set strict-servernames 0 %0a%3c set server-cycle-wait 60 %0a%3c set server-timeout 60 %0a%3c set servlimit 0 %0a%3c set check-stoned 1 %0a%3c set use-console-r 0 %0a%3c set debug-output 0 %0a%3c set serverror-quit 1 %0a%3c set max-queue-msg 300 %0a%3c set trigger-on-ignore 0 %0a%3c set double-mode 0 %0a%3c set double-server 0 %0a%3c set double-help 0 %0a%3c set optimize-kicks 1 %0a%3c set stack-limit 4 %0a%3c set ctcp-mode 0 %0a%3c set bounce-bans 1 %0a%3c set bounce-modes 0 %0a%3c set max-bans 100 %0a%3c set max-modes 30 %0a%3c set kick-fun 0 %0a%3c set ban-fun 0 %0a%3c set learn-users 0 %0a%3c set wait-split 600 %0a%3c set wait-info 180 %0a%3c set mode-buf-length 200 %0a%3c bind msg - ident *msg:ident %0a%3c bind msg - addhost *msg:addhost %0a%3c set no-chanrec-info 0 %0a%3c set bounce-exempts 0 %0a%3c set bounce-invites 0 %0a%3c set max-exempts 20 %0a%3c set max-invites 20 %0a%3c set prevent-mixing 1 %0a%3c set max-dloads 3 %0a%3c set dcc-block 1024 %0a%3c set copy-to-tmp 1 %0a%3c set xfer-timeout 30 %0a%3c set share-compressed 1 %0a%3c set max-notes 50 %0a%3c set note-life 60 %0a%3c set allow-fwd 0 %0a%3c set notify-users 1 %0a%3c set notify-onjoin 1 %0a%3c set console-autosave 1 %0a%3c set force-channel 0 %0a%3c set info-party 0 %0a%3c %0a%3c ### Script Settings ### %0a%3c # For additional TCL scripts, addition can be made under Script Settings .%0a%3c # You can add any desire tcl script example.tcl file in scripits folder: /user/eggdrop/scripts %0a%3c # and then can add below line as source scripts/example.tcl%0a%3c # Resash the eggdrop after adding the scripts to work.%0a%3c %0a%3c source scripts/alltools.tcl %0a%3c source scripts/action.fix.tcl %0a%3c source scripts/cmd_resolve.tcl %0a%3c source scripts/compat.tcl%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Troubleshooting%0a%3c %0a%3c Check logs/ for error messages.%0a%3c %0a%3c # [16:36:01] ^BRSS HTTP Error^B: (State: error)\\%0a%3c This is due to an obsolete [[openbsd/tcltls|tcltls]]. You'll need to compile the latest release from source.%0a
46 host:1623401998=