
1 version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 agent=Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.16
3 author=Naglfar
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=Add description
6 ctime=1635561980
7 host=
8 name=Gpg.Verify
9 rev=2
10 targets=
11 text=(:title Verify :)%0a%0aThe integrity of the file can be verified by comparing a computed hash value when the file was originally created.%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add gnupg%0a$ gpg2 --verify $FILE.sig $FILE%0a@]%0a
12 time=1641678523
13 title=Verify
14 author:1641678523=Naglfar
15 csum:1641678523=Add description
16 diff:1641678523:1635561980:=1,4d0%0a%3c (:title Verify :)%0a%3c %0a%3c The integrity of the file can be verified by comparing a computed hash value when the file was originally created.%0a%3c %0a
17 host:1641678523=
18 author:1635561980=jrmu
19 diff:1635561980:1635561980:=1,4d0%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add gnupg%0a%3c $ gpg2 --verify $FILE.sig $FILE%0a%3c @]%0a
20 host:1635561980=