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11 text=(:title Gry: Champion of Free Software:)%0a%0aA Linux User since 2010, she combines interest in libre real time communication and interactive education at home and on the Internet. Experienced with system administration of IRC servers, shell servers, wiki, and bouncer in volunteer capacity.
12 time=1631328571
13 title=Gry: Champion of Free Software
14 author:1631328571=jrmu
15 diff:1631328571:1614930837:=1c1,3%0a%3c (:title Gry: Champion of Free Software:)%0a---%0a> (:title Gry: Champion of Free Software and Due Process:)%0a> %0a> Attach:Marketing/libertyordeath.jpg%0a
16 host:1631328571=
17 author:1614930837=jrmu
18 diff:1614930837:1614930744:=1,2c1,2%0a%3c (:title Gry: Champion of Free Software and Due Process:)%0a%3c %0a---%0a> (:title Gry: Champion of Due Process:)%0a> %0a5c5%0a%3c A Linux User since 2010, she combines interest in libre real time communication and interactive education at home and on the Internet. Experienced with system administration of IRC servers, shell servers, wiki, and bouncer in volunteer capacity.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> Linux user since 2010 with interest in libre real time communication and interactive education at home and in the Internet. Experienced with system administration of IRC servers, shell servers, wiki, and bouncer in volunteer capacity.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
19 host:1614930837=
20 author:1614930744=jrmu
21 diff:1614930744:1613699637:=1,3c1%0a%3c (:title Gry: Champion of Due Process:)%0a%3c %0a%3c Attach:Marketing/libertyordeath.jpg%0a---%0a> (:title Gry:)%0a
22 host:1614930744=
23 author:1613699637=jrmu
24 diff:1613699637:1613699637:=1,3d0%0a%3c (:title Gry:)%0a%3c %0a%3c Linux user since 2010 with interest in libre real time communication and interactive education at home and in the Internet. Experienced with system administration of IRC servers, shell servers, wiki, and bouncer in volunteer capacity.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
25 host:1613699637=