
1 version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0 SeaMonkey/
3 author=mkf
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=
6 ctime=1626886577
7 host=
8 name=Irc.Chanop
9 rev=3
10 targets=
11 text=Setting ChanServ on your channels allow you to set modes and your rules to manage it, even after you got disconnected.%0afirst, join the channel you want to get chanserv on it. this usually done by%0a[@%0a/join #yourchannelname%0a@]%0aif it didn't worked, check your client manual.%0a%0athen, check if that channel is not registered by someone else, by msg-ing chanserv info #yourchannelname%0a[@%0a/msg chanserv info #yourchannelname%0a@]%0aif it has been taken by someone else, it will show something like this:%0a[@%0a-ChanServ( Information for channel #yourchannelname:%0a-ChanServ( Founder: me%0a-ChanServ( Description: yeah, that's my channel.%0a-ChanServ( Registered: Jul 20 06:34:21 2018 PDT (2 years ago)%0a-ChanServ( Last used: Jul 20 06:39:35 2022 PDT (now)%0a-ChanServ( Ban type: 2%0a-ChanServ( Mode lock: +nt%0a-ChanServ( Options: Peace, Security, Secure founder, Signed kicks, Topic retention%0a-ChanServ( Last topic: channel's last topic%0a-ChanServ( Topic set by: me%0a@]%0a%0ait says this channel has taken by someone with nick "me". in that case choose another name.%0aif it has not taken by someone else, it should show something like that:%0a[@%0a-ChanServ( Channel #yourchannelname isn't registered.%0a@]%0ain that case, you can take it. however, some networks doesn't allow some names for channels, ask admins of your network about that.%0afor registering your channel into chanserv, do the following:%0a[@%0a/msg chanserv register #yourchannelname this is my channel%0a@]%0ait registers [@#yourchannelname@], under your current nick and with description "this is my channel"%0a
12 time=1639457930
13 author:1639457930=mkf
14 diff:1639457930:1639457904:minor=26c26%0a%3c it says this channel has taken by someone with nick "me". in that case choose another name.%0a---%0a> it says this channel has taken by some guy with nick "me". in that case choose another name.%0a
15 host:1639457930=
16 author:1639457904=mkf
17 csum:1639457904=me
18 diff:1639457904:1626886577:=15c15%0a%3c -ChanServ( Founder: me%0a---%0a> -ChanServ( Founder: mkf%0a22,23c22,23%0a%3c -ChanServ( Last topic: channel's last topic%0a%3c -ChanServ( Topic set by: me%0a---%0a> -ChanServ( Last topic: no, choose another name. this is my channel :^)%0a> -ChanServ( Topic set by: mkf%0a26c26%0a%3c it says this channel has taken by some guy with nick "me". in that case choose another name.%0a---%0a> it says this channel has taken by some guy with nick "mkf". in that case choose another name.%0a
19 host:1639457904=
20 author:1626886577=mkf
21 csum:1626886577=first edit.
22 diff:1626886577:1626886577:=1,36d0%0a%3c Setting ChanServ on your channels allow you to set modes and your rules to manage it, even after you got disconnected.%0a%3c first, join the channel you want to get chanserv on it. this usually done by%0a%3c [@%0a%3c /join #yourchannelname%0a%3c @]%0a%3c if it didn't worked, check your client manual.%0a%3c %0a%3c then, check if that channel is not registered by someone else, by msg-ing chanserv info #yourchannelname%0a%3c [@%0a%3c /msg chanserv info #yourchannelname%0a%3c @]%0a%3c if it has been taken by someone else, it will show something like this:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c -ChanServ( Information for channel #yourchannelname:%0a%3c -ChanServ( Founder: mkf%0a%3c -ChanServ( Description: yeah, that's my channel.%0a%3c -ChanServ( Registered: Jul 20 06:34:21 2018 PDT (2 years ago)%0a%3c -ChanServ( Last used: Jul 20 06:39:35 2022 PDT (now)%0a%3c -ChanServ( Ban type: 2%0a%3c -ChanServ( Mode lock: +nt%0a%3c -ChanServ( Options: Peace, Security, Secure founder, Signed kicks, Topic retention%0a%3c -ChanServ( Last topic: no, choose another name. this is my channel :^)%0a%3c -ChanServ( Topic set by: mkf%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c it says this channel has taken by some guy with nick "mkf". in that case choose another name.%0a%3c if it has not taken by someone else, it should show something like that:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c -ChanServ( Channel #yourchannelname isn't registered.%0a%3c @]%0a%3c in that case, you can take it. however, some networks doesn't allow some names for channels, ask admins of your network about that.%0a%3c for registering your channel into chanserv, do the following:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c /msg chanserv register #yourchannelname this is my channel%0a%3c @]%0a%3c it registers [@#yourchannelname@], under your current nick and with description "this is my channel"%0a
23 host:1626886577=