
1 version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
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3 author=jrmu
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6 ctime=1596187693
7 host=
8 name=Ircnow.Constitution
9 rev=138
10 targets=
11 text=WE THE USERS, to form a more perfect network, establish Justice, promote open standards, and secure liberty to our users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a%0a!! Article I%0a%0a# All network policies will be created by Congress, which is made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives.%0a# Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 3 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0aRepresentatives and user fees for each server will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users on the official network, excluding users on non-free protocols, plus three-fifth all other users.\\%0aNew representatives can be elected to fill vacancies.\\%0aThe house shall choose their Speaker and other officers and have the sole power of impeachment.%0a# Each server will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years.\\%0aEach year, one-third of the senators will be elected. New senators can be elected to fill vacancies.\\%0aHe must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 6 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0aThe Vice President is president of the senate but has no votes except to break ties.\\%0aThe Senate chooses their other Officers and a President pro tempore, who in the Absence of the Vice President, becomes President.\\%0aThe Senate has the sole power to try impeachments. When the President is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside. No user shall be convicted without a two-thirds majority of those present.\\%0aImpeachment only removes and disqualifies from office. A convicted user, however, can still be subject to trial and punishment according to network policy.%0a# Each server manages its own elections, but Congress may regulate these elections.\\%0aCongress must meet at least once every six months.%0a# Each house judges its own elections and the qualifications of its members. A quorum is a simple majority. A smaller number may meet and compel attendance by penalizing absent members.\\%0aEach house determines its own proceedings and how to punish disorderly behavior. A two-thirds majority vote is needed to expel a member.\\%0aEach house shall publish an archive of its proceedings excluding parts that may require secrecy. Upon the request of one-fifth of the members, each members' vote can be recorded in the archive.%0a# Senators and representatives shall be compensated by the Network Treasury. Except for committing a real-world crime or network treason, they cannot be banned when Congress meets.\\%0aNo user may simultaneously hold another paid network office while also being paid as a senator or representative.%0a# All proposals for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other policies.\\%0aAll proposals must pass both House and Senate to become official network policy. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses. All votes must then be recorded in the archive.%0a# Congress has the power to:%0a # Charge user fees%0a # Charge fees for transaction that involve an external organization. All such fees must be uniform throughout the network%0a # Borrow money and pay debts%0a # Provide for the common network defense and welfare%0a # Regulate transactions among servers and with external networks and groups%0a # Establish a uniform policy for netizenship and bankruptcies%0a # Issue and regulate cryptocurrencies%0a # Punish cryptocoin fraud%0a # To establish network mail and chat services%0a # To promote creative works by securing authors exclusive rights for limited times%0a # To create courts inferior to the supreme Court;%0a # To punish software pirates, spammers, and ddosers%0a # To make deals with other networks, to boycott or to compete with them; and to offer bounties%0a # To recruit and pay for code forces, but any collection of money must be used within one year.%0a # To provide for organizing, disciplining, and equipping minutemin. The servers have the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a # To provide for and regulate outreach to users on foreign networks%0a # To call the minutemin to suppress user revolts and repel invasions%0a # To exclusively decide all policy for all cases for the server chosen as network headquarters,%0a # To make any policy needed to execute the above%0a# No user can be banned without a fair trial except during user revolts or external invasion if the network's safety requires it.\\%0aThe Congress is not allowed to ban users, and no one shall be punished for breaking a proposed policy before the policy is official.\\%0aCongress cannot charge user fees unless in direct proportion to user counts.\\%0aCongress cannot charge transaction fees for services that do not involve multiple servers or an external network.\\%0aNo commercial policy can prefer one server over another.\\%0aNo money can be taken from the Treasury except through policy by Congress; and a financial report shall be published periodically.\\%0aNo special social status shall be granted to any user; and no salaried officer is allowed to receive payments from competing networks without the approval of Congress.%0a# No server may may make a deal with another external network or organization; issue cryptocoins; borrow money; or grant any special social status.\\%0aNo server can, without Congress' approval, charge any transaction fees for trade between servers on the network except what is absolutely necessary to recover costs.%0a%0a!! Article II%0a# A president and vice president will be elected once every 2 years.\\%0aEach server will choose electors equal to its number of senators and representatives. These electors must not hold any other office.\\%0aThe electors will vote for two users and shall sign and certify their vote. The President of the Senate will count all the votes in the Congress. The user with the greatest number of votes shall be President if voted for by a majority of electors. If there is a tie, then the House shall vote and choose the President. If no user has the vote of a majority of electors, then from the five candidates with the most votes, the House will choose the President. In choosing the President, each server has one vote. A quorum is two-thirds of the servers. In every case, the user with the greatest number of votes after the President shall be the Vice President. If there are any remaining ties, the Senate will choose by ballot.\\%0aThe president must have been an active, registered user for at least 10 years.\\%0aIf the President is unable to fulfill his duties, the Vice President will become President.\\%0aThe President will receive a salary which cannot be increased or decreased during his term. He cannot receive any other income from the network.\\%0aHe must agree to faithfully execute the Office of President and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.%0a# The President will be the chief of the Code Force, minutemin, and external outreach when called into service. He will have power to grant network pardons, except in cases of impeachment.\\%0aHe has the power to make deals with external networks and organizations provided 2/3rds of the senate agree. He can nominate ambassadors, judges of the supreme Court, and other officers with the approval of the Senate.\\%0aThe president must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, the president cannot receive any gifts or income from competing businesses.%0a# He shall periodically inform Congress about the State of the Network. He shall execute the policies and appoint the officers of the network.%0a# The President, Vice President and all officers of the network can be removed if impeached and convicted of network treason, bribery, or other serious abuses.%0a%0a!! Article III%0a# There will be one supreme Court. Congress may appoint inferior courts. Judges will serve, under the condition of honorable behavior, for 10 years. Their salary cannot decrease during their time in office.%0a# The judges will decide cases involving disputes between servers, disputes involving an external organization, disputes between users of different servers, disputes between a user on one server and another server, and any dispute where the network is involved.%0a# Except for impeachment, all trials will be by Jury. It will be held in the server where the abuse was committed. If not committed on any server, the Trial will take place according to Congress' policy.%0a%0a!! Article IV%0a# Netizens of any server will have the same rights as netizens of other servers on the network.%0a# A user accused of abuse who flees to another server must be handed back to the server the abuse was committed on to be judged.%0a# New servers may be admitted by the congress into the network, but not as a result of a split without the server's permission.\\%0aCongress can create any necessary policies for new hardware that have not yet joined the network as official servers.%0a# Each server is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against external attacks.%0a%0a!! Article V%0a# Amendments to this constitution can be made if 3/4ths of all servers agree.%0a%0a!! Article VI%0a# This constitution, all policies and deals made under it, shall be the official policy of the network. Judges in every server must agree to follow it.%0a# All network officers must agree to support this constitution, but no religious test will ever be required for any office.%0a%0a!! Article VII%0a# This constitution will be in effect if 9 out of 13 servers approve it.%0a%0a!! [[#billofrights]]User Bill of Rights%0a# Congress shall not make any policy to establish an official religion or to stop the free exercise of religion; or to stop the freedom of speech or the freedom of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably gather to petition the staff.%0a# Free and open source software is necessary to the liberty of a free network, so the right of the users to the network's software shall not be restricted. Users have the right to use, modify, copy, and distribute any and all of the software used on the network, for any purpose and at any price without needing to ask for permission.%0a# No staff will be allowed, in time of peace, to log private data without the consent of the user. During an abuse investigation, such logging must be approved by policy.%0a# Users have a right to be secure from unreasonable searches of their personal information and data. Permission to search can be given only upon probable cause and where the data to be searched and seized are described.%0a# No user can be banned without a fair trial except during times of great danger; no user can be punished for the same reason twice; nor will a user be required to be a witness against himself; nor can a user be deprived of any money without a fair trial.%0a# Users accused of abuse shall get a fast trial by a fair jury. They have a right to be informed of accusations; to be confronted with witnesses against him; and to be able to defend himself.%0a# The right of trial by jury shall be preserved for financial disputes.%0a# Punishment must fit the abuse and must not be excessive or cruel.%0a# The rights listed in the Constitution must not be used to deny rights reserved to the users.%0a# Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers and users.%0a
12 time=1623340083
13 author:1623340083=jrmu
14 diff:1623340083:1623298879:=32c32%0a%3c # Establish a uniform policy for netizenship and bankruptcies%0a---%0a> # Establish a uniform policy for IRCitizenship and bankruptcies%0a76c76%0a%3c # Netizens of any server will have the same rights as netizens of other servers on the network.%0a---%0a> # IRCitizens of any server will have the same rights as IRCitizens of other servers on the network.%0a102c102%0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers and users.%0a---%0a> # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers and users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
15 host:1623340083=
16 author:1623298879=jrmu
17 diff:1623298879:1623298862:=7c7%0a%3c Representatives and user fees for each server will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users on the official network, excluding users on non-free protocols, plus three-fifth all other users.\\%0a---%0a> Representatives and user fees for each server will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users on the main network, excluding users on non-free protocols, plus three-fifth all other users.\\%0a
18 host:1623298879=
19 author:1623298862=jrmu
20 diff:1623298862:1618054593:=7c7%0a%3c Representatives and user fees for each server will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users on the main network, excluding users on non-free protocols, plus three-fifth all other users.\\%0a---%0a> Representatives and user fees for each server will be in proportion to the number of verified, active IRC users, excluding users on non-free protocols, plus three-fifth all other users.\\%0a
21 host:1623298862=
22 author:1618054593=jrmu
23 diff:1618054593:1614954048:=7c7%0a%3c Representatives and user fees for each server will be in proportion to the number of verified, active IRC users, excluding users on non-free protocols, plus three-fifth all other users.\\%0a---%0a> Representatives and user fees will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users.\\%0a
24 host:1618054593=
25 author:1614954048=jrmu
26 diff:1614954048:1614954028:=40c40%0a%3c # To recruit and pay for code forces, but any collection of money must be used within one year.%0a---%0a> # To recruit and pay for coders, but any collection of money must be used within one year.%0a
27 host:1614954048=
28 author:1614954028=jrmu
29 diff:1614954028:1614953887:=64c64%0a%3c # The President will be the chief of the Code Force, minutemin, and external outreach when called into service. He will have power to grant network pardons, except in cases of impeachment.\\%0a---%0a> # The President will be the chief of the coders, minutemin, and external outreach when called into service. He will have power to grant network pardons, except in cases of impeachment.\\%0a
30 host:1614954028=
31 author:1614953887=jrmu
32 diff:1614953887:1614225327:=
33 host:1614953887=
34 author:1614225327=jrmu
35 diff:1614225327:1614225162:=
36 host:1614225327=
37 author:1614225162=jrmu
38 diff:1614225162:1613617962:=5c5%0a%3c # All network policies will be created by Congress, which is made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives.%0a---%0a> # Network policies will be created by Congress, which is made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives.%0a
39 host:1614225162=
40 author:1613617962=jrmu
41 diff:1613617962:1613617652:=6c6%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 3 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a12c12%0a%3c He must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 6 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> He must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 8 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a60c60%0a%3c The president must have been an active, registered user for at least 10 years.\\%0a---%0a> The president must have been an active, registered user for at least 14 years.\\%0a
42 host:1613617962=
43 author:1613617652=jrmu
44 diff:1613617652:1613616109:=1c1%0a%3c WE THE USERS, to form a more perfect network, establish Justice, promote open standards, and secure liberty to our users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a---%0a> WE THE USERS, to form a more perfect network, promote open standards, and secure liberty to our users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a
45 host:1613617652=
46 author:1613616109=jrmu
47 diff:1613616109:1613616095:=60c60%0a%3c The president must have been an active, registered user for at least 14 years.\\%0a---%0a> The president must have been an active, registered user for at least 14 years. He must be at least 30 years old.\\%0a
48 host:1613616109=
49 author:1613616095=jrmu
50 diff:1613616095:1613581165:=6c6%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. He must be of legal adult age in his country. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a12c12%0a%3c He must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 8 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> He must be at least 21 years old. He must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a60c60%0a%3c The president must have been an active, registered user for at least 14 years. He must be at least 30 years old.\\%0a---%0a> The president must have been an active, registered user for at least 7 years. He must be at least 30 years old.\\%0a
51 host:1613616095=
52 author:1613581165=jrmu
53 diff:1613581165:1613581095:=98,99c98,99%0a%3c # Users accused of abuse shall get a fast trial by a fair jury. They have a right to be informed of accusations; to be confronted with witnesses against him; and to be able to defend himself.%0a%3c # The right of trial by jury shall be preserved for financial disputes.%0a---%0a> # Accused users shall get a fast trial by a fair jury. They have a right to be informed of accusations; to be confronted with witnesses against him; and to be able to defend himself.%0a> # The right of trial by jury shall be preserved.%0a
54 host:1613581165=
55 author:1613581095=jrmu
56 diff:1613581095:1613580549:=
57 host:1613581095=
58 author:1613580549=jrmu
59 diff:1613580549:1613580384:=99c99%0a%3c # The right of trial by jury shall be preserved.%0a---%0a> #%0a
60 host:1613580549=
61 author:1613580384=jrmu
62 diff:1613580384:1613579338:=65c65%0a%3c He has the power to make deals with external networks and organizations provided 2/3rds of the senate agree. He can nominate ambassadors, judges of the supreme Court, and other officers with the approval of the Senate.\\%0a---%0a> He has the power to make deals with external networks and organizations provided 2/3rds of the senate agree. He can nominate ambassadors, judges, and other officers.\\%0a72,73c72,73%0a%3c # The judges will decide cases involving disputes between servers, disputes involving an external organization, disputes between users of different servers, disputes between a user on one server and another server, and any dispute where the network is involved.%0a%3c # Except for impeachment, all trials will be by Jury. It will be held in the server where the abuse was committed. If not committed on any server, the Trial will take place according to Congress' policy.%0a---%0a> # Justices will be appointed by the president, with the approval of the majority of the senate.%0a> # The judges will decide cases involving disputes between servers, and disputes between a server and an external organization.%0a
63 host:1613580384=
64 author:1613579338=jrmu
65 diff:1613579338:1613579130:=101c101%0a%3c # The rights listed in the Constitution must not be used to deny rights reserved to the users.%0a---%0a> #%0a
66 host:1613579338=
67 author:1613579130=jrmu
68 diff:1613579130:1613579005:=63c63%0a%3c He must agree to faithfully execute the Office of President and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.%0a---%0a> He must agree to faithfully execute the Office of President and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.\\%0a
69 host:1613579130=
70 author:1613579005=jrmu
71 diff:1613579005:1613578954:=41c41%0a%3c # To provide for organizing, disciplining, and equipping minutemin. The servers have the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a---%0a> # To provide for organizing, disciplining, and equipping sysadmins. The servers have the right to appoint and train sysadmins according to policies determined by Congress%0a43c43%0a%3c # To call the minutemin to suppress user revolts and repel invasions%0a---%0a> # To call the sysadmins to suppress user revolts and repel invasions%0a64c64%0a%3c # The President will be the chief of the coders, minutemin, and external outreach when called into service. He will have power to grant network pardons, except in cases of impeachment.\\%0a---%0a> # The President will be the chief of the coders, sysadmins, and external outreach when called into service. He will have power to grant network pardons, except in cases of impeachment.\\%0a
72 host:1613579005=
73 author:1613578954=jrmu
74 diff:1613578954:1613578837:=
75 host:1613578954=
76 author:1613578837=jrmu
77 diff:1613578837:1613578266:=64,69c64,67%0a%3c # The President will be the chief of the coders, sysadmins, and external outreach when called into service. He will have power to grant network pardons, except in cases of impeachment.\\%0a%3c He has the power to make deals with external networks and organizations provided 2/3rds of the senate agree. He can nominate ambassadors, judges, and other officers.\\%0a%3c The president must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, the president cannot receive any gifts or income from competing businesses.%0a%3c # He shall periodically inform Congress about the State of the Network. He shall execute the policies and appoint the officers of the network.%0a%3c # The President, Vice President and all officers of the network can be removed if impeached and convicted of network treason, bribery, or other serious abuses.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # The president must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, the president cannot receive any gifts or income from competing businesses.%0a> # The president's duty is to enforce the policies of the network. He has the power to make deals with competitors and other networks provided he has 2/3rds support of the senate.%0a> # If the president is unable to fulfill his duty, the vice president will take his place. If the vice president is unable, then the house will vote for the president.%0a> # The president has the right to pardon banned users. He also can appoint officers to help him with enforcing policies.%0a
78 host:1613578837=
79 author:1613578266=jrmu
80 diff:1613578266:1613573161:=61,63c61%0a%3c If the President is unable to fulfill his duties, the Vice President will become President.\\%0a%3c The President will receive a salary which cannot be increased or decreased during his term. He cannot receive any other income from the network.\\%0a%3c He must agree to faithfully execute the Office of President and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.\\%0a---%0a> If the President is unable to fulfill his duties, the Vice President will become President.%0a
81 host:1613578266=
82 author:1613573161=jrmu
83 diff:1613573161:1613572777:=91,92c91,92%0a%3c # No staff will be allowed, in time of peace, to log private data without the consent of the user. During an abuse investigation, such logging must be approved by policy.%0a%3c # Users have a right to be secure from unreasonable searches of their personal information and data. Permission to search can be given only upon probable cause and where the data to be searched and seized are described.%0a---%0a> # No staff will be allowed, in time of peace, to log private data without the consent of the users. During an abuse investigation, such logging must be approved by Congress.%0a> # Users have a right to be secure from unreasonable searches of their personal information and data. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the data to be searched and seized are described.%0a95d94%0a%3c #%0a97,98c96,98%0a%3c #%0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers and users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers and users.%0a> %0a> # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in congress%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
84 host:1613573161=
85 author:1613572777=jrmu
86 diff:1613572777:1613572541:=5,6c5,6%0a%3c # Network policies will be created by Congress, which is made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives.%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. He must be of legal adult age in his country. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> # Network policies will be created by Congress, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.%0a> # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No user may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age in his country. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a12c12%0a%3c He must be at least 21 years old. He must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> No user can be a senator unless he is at least 21 years old. He must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a
87 host:1613572777=
88 author:1613572541=jrmu
89 diff:1613572541:1613572031:=67,68c67%0a%3c # There will be one supreme Court. Congress may appoint inferior courts. Judges will serve, under the condition of honorable behavior, for 10 years. Their salary cannot decrease during their time in office.%0a%3c # Justices will be appointed by the president, with the approval of the majority of the senate.%0a---%0a> # Judges will serve, under the condition of honorable behavior, for 2 years and will be appointed by the president, with the approval of the majority of the senate.%0a70d68%0a%3c %0a
90 host:1613572541=
91 author:1613572031=jrmu
92 diff:1613572031:1613571860:=72,73c72%0a%3c # New servers may be admitted by the congress into the network, but not as a result of a split without the server's permission.\\%0a%3c Congress can create any necessary policies for new hardware that have not yet joined the network as official servers.%0a---%0a> # New servers may be admitted by the congress into the network, but not as a result of a split without the server's permission.%0a
93 host:1613572031=
94 author:1613571860=jrmu
95 diff:1613571860:1613571437:=70,71d69%0a%3c # IRCitizens of any server will have the same rights as IRCitizens of other servers on the network.%0a%3c # A user accused of abuse who flees to another server must be handed back to the server the abuse was committed on to be judged.%0a
96 host:1613571860=
97 author:1613571437=jrmu
98 diff:1613571437:1613570049:=77d76%0a%3c # This constitution, all policies and deals made under it, shall be the official policy of the network. Judges in every server must agree to follow it.%0a
99 host:1613571437=
100 author:1613570049=jrmu
101 diff:1613570049:1613569948:=77c77%0a%3c # All network officers must agree to support this constitution, but no religious test will ever be required for any office.%0a---%0a> # All network officers must agree to support this constitution, but no religious test will ever be required.%0a
102 host:1613570049=
103 author:1613569948=jrmu
104 diff:1613569948:1613569641:=75,80d74%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Article VI%0a%3c # All network officers must agree to support this constitution, but no religious test will ever be required.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Article VII%0a%3c # This constitution will be in effect if 9 out of 13 servers approve it.%0a
105 host:1613569948=
106 author:1613569641=jrmu
107 diff:1613569641:1613569518:=50c50%0a%3c No commercial policy can prefer one server over another.\\%0a---%0a> No policy can give a commercial preference to one server over another.\\%0a
108 host:1613569641=
109 author:1613569518=jrmu
110 diff:1613569518:1613569462:=49c49%0a%3c Congress cannot charge transaction fees for services that do not involve multiple servers or an external network.\\%0a---%0a> Congress cannot charge transaction fees on services that do not involve multiple servers or an external network.\\%0a
111 host:1613569518=
112 author:1613569462=jrmu
113 diff:1613569462:1613569324:=49c49%0a%3c Congress cannot charge transaction fees on services that do not involve multiple servers or an external network.\\%0a---%0a> No transaction fees can be charged for services sold from any server.\\%0a
114 host:1613569462=
115 author:1613569324=jrmu
116 diff:1613569324:1613569170:=48c48%0a%3c Congress cannot charge user fees unless in direct proportion to user counts.\\%0a---%0a> No user fees are allowed unless in direct proportion to user counts.\\%0a
117 host:1613569324=
118 author:1613569170=jrmu
119 diff:1613569170:1613568751:=38c38%0a%3c # To punish software pirates, spammers, and ddosers%0a---%0a> # To punish pirates, spammers, and ddosers%0a40,41c40,41%0a%3c # To recruit and pay for coders, but any collection of money must be used within one year.%0a%3c # To provide for organizing, disciplining, and equipping sysadmins. The servers have the right to appoint and train sysadmins according to policies determined by Congress%0a---%0a> # To raise and support coding forces, but any collection of money must be used within one year.%0a> # To provide for organizing, disciplining, and equipping minutemin. The servers have the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a
120 host:1613569170=
121 author:1613568751=jrmu
122 diff:1613568751:1613568680:=36c36%0a%3c # To promote creative works by securing authors exclusive rights for limited times%0a---%0a> # To promote the progress of science and art by securing their authors exclusive rights for limited times%0a
123 host:1613568751=
124 author:1613568680=jrmu
125 diff:1613568680:1613568214:=31c31%0a%3c # Regulate transactions among servers and with external networks and groups%0a---%0a> # Regulate trade among servers and with external networks and groups%0a
126 host:1613568680=
127 author:1613568214=jrmu
128 diff:1613568214:1613567969:=46,47c46,47%0a%3c # No user can be banned without a fair trial except during user revolts or external invasion if the network's safety requires it.\\%0a%3c The Congress is not allowed to ban users, and no one shall be punished for breaking a proposed policy before the policy is official.\\%0a---%0a> # No user can be banned without a fair trial except during user revolts or external invasion if the network's safety requires it.%0a> # The Congress is not allowed to ban users, and no one shall be punished for breaking a proposed policy before the policy is official.\\%0a
129 host:1613568214=
130 author:1613567969=jrmu
131 diff:1613567969:1613567929:=46c46%0a%3c # No user can be banned without a fair trial except during user revolts or external invasion if the network's safety requires it.%0a---%0a> # No user can be banned without a fair trial except during user revolts or external invasion if the network's safety requires it.\\%0a
132 host:1613567969=
133 author:1613567929=jrmu
134 diff:1613567929:1613567543:=47c47%0a%3c # The Congress is not allowed to ban users, and no one shall be punished for breaking a proposed policy before the policy is official.\\%0a---%0a> The Congress is not allowed to ban users, and no one shall be punished for breaking a proposed policy before the policy is official.\\%0a53,54c53%0a%3c # No server may may make a deal with another external network or organization; issue cryptocoins; borrow money; or grant any special social status.\\%0a%3c No server can, without Congress' approval, charge any transaction fees for trade between servers on the network except what is absolutely necessary to recover costs.%0a---%0a> # No server may make a deal with another external network or organization or issue cryptocoins.%0a
135 host:1613567929=
136 author:1613567543=jrmu
137 diff:1613567543:1613561346:=28c28%0a%3c # Charge fees for transaction that involve an external organization. All such fees must be uniform throughout the network%0a---%0a> # Charge transaction fees that involve an external organization. All such fees must be uniform throughout the network%0a
138 host:1613567543=
139 author:1613561346=jrmu
140 diff:1613561346:1613549647:=24c24%0a%3c # All proposals for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other policies.\\%0a---%0a> # All rules for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other policies.\\%0a32c32%0a%3c # Establish a uniform policy for IRCitizenship and bankruptcies%0a---%0a> # Establish a uniform rule for IRCitizenship and bankruptcies%0a62c62%0a%3c # The president's duty is to enforce the policies of the network. He has the power to make deals with competitors and other networks provided he has 2/3rds support of the senate.%0a---%0a> # The president's duty is to enforce the rules of the network. He has the power to make deals with competitors and other networks provided he has 2/3rds support of the senate.%0a64c64%0a%3c # The president has the right to pardon banned users. He also can appoint officers to help him with enforcing policies.%0a---%0a> # The president has the right to pardon banned users. He also can appoint officers to help him with enforcing the rules.%0a76c76%0a%3c # Congress shall not make any policy to establish an official religion or to stop the free exercise of religion; or to stop the freedom of speech or the freedom of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably gather to petition the staff.%0a---%0a> # Congress shall not make any rules to establish an official religion or to stop the free exercise of religion; or to stop the freedom of speech or the freedom of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably gather to petition the staff.%0a
141 host:1613561346=
142 author:1613549647=jrmu
143 diff:1613549647:1613549011:=7c7%0a%3c Representatives and user fees will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users.\\%0a---%0a> Representatives and user taxes will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users.\\%0a27,28c27,28%0a%3c # Charge user fees%0a%3c # Charge transaction fees that involve an external organization. All such fees must be uniform throughout the network%0a---%0a> # Tax servers%0a> # Tax transactions that involve an external organization. All such taxes must be uniform throughout the network%0a48c48%0a%3c No user fees are allowed unless in direct proportion to user counts.\\%0a---%0a> No user taxes are allowed unless in direct proportion to user counts.\\%0a
144 host:1613549647=
145 author:1613549011=jrmu
146 diff:1613549011:1613495466:=6c6%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No user may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age in his country. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age in his country. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a12c12%0a%3c No user can be a senator unless he is at least 21 years old. He must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> No person can be a senator unless he is at least 21 years old. He must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a
147 host:1613549011=
148 author:1613495466=jrmu
149 diff:1613495466:1613494569:=58,60c58,60%0a%3c The electors will vote for two users and shall sign and certify their vote. The President of the Senate will count all the votes in the Congress. The user with the greatest number of votes shall be President if voted for by a majority of electors. If there is a tie, then the House shall vote and choose the President. If no user has the vote of a majority of electors, then from the five candidates with the most votes, the House will choose the President. In choosing the President, each server has one vote. A quorum is two-thirds of the servers. In every case, the user with the greatest number of votes after the President shall be the Vice President. If there are any remaining ties, the Senate will choose by ballot.\\%0a%3c The president must have been an active, registered user for at least 7 years. He must be at least 30 years old.\\%0a%3c If the President is unable to fulfill his duties, the Vice President will become President.%0a---%0a> The electors will vote for two users and shall sign and certify their vote. The President of the Senate will count all the votes in the Congress. The user with the greatest number of votes shall be President if voted for by a majority of electors. If there is a tie, then the House shall vote and choose the President. If no user has the vote of a majority of electors, then from the five candidates with the most votes, the House will choose the President. In choosing the President, each server has one vote. A quorum is two-thirds of the servers. In every case, the user with the greatest number of votes after the President shall be the Vice President. If there are any remaining ties, the Senate will choose by ballot.%0a> He must have been an active, registered user for at least 4 years. No religious test will be required. The president must agree to uphold the constitution.%0a> # The president will be elected by the servers. Each server gets votes equal to the number of its senators plus representatives.%0a
150 host:1613495466=
151 author:1613494569=jrmu
152 diff:1613494569:1613494377:=56,57c56,59%0a%3c # A president and vice president will be elected once every 2 years.\\%0a%3c Each server will choose electors equal to its number of senators and representatives. These electors must not hold any other office.\\%0a---%0a> # A president and vice president will be elected once every 2 years.%0a> %0a> Each server will choose electors equal to its number of senators and representatives. These electors must not hold any other office.%0a> %0a58a61%0a> %0a
153 host:1613494569=
154 author:1613494377=jrmu
155 diff:1613494377:1613493395:=60c60,62%0a%3c The electors will vote for two users and shall sign and certify their vote. The President of the Senate will count all the votes in the Congress. The user with the greatest number of votes shall be President if voted for by a majority of electors. If there is a tie, then the House shall vote and choose the President. If no user has the vote of a majority of electors, then from the five candidates with the most votes, the House will choose the President. In choosing the President, each server has one vote. A quorum is two-thirds of the servers. In every case, the user with the greatest number of votes after the President shall be the Vice President. If there are any remaining ties, the Senate will choose by ballot.%0a---%0a> The electors vote for both a President and Vice President which they shall sign and certify. The President of the Senate will count all the votes in the Congress. The candidates with a majority of votes will be elected. If no user has%0a> a majority, then the House shall choose from the candidates with five%0a> of the most votes. The votes will then be taken with one state receiving one vote. If there are any remaining ties, the Senate will choose by ballot.%0a
156 host:1613494377=
157 author:1613493395=jrmu
158 diff:1613493395:1613492269:=54c54,62%0a%3c %0a---%0a> No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of%0a> Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any%0a> Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or%0a> engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger%0a> as will not admit of delay.%0a> %0a> # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers.%0a> # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in congress%0a> %0a56,64c64%0a%3c # A president and vice president will be elected once every 2 years.%0a%3c %0a%3c Each server will choose electors equal to its number of senators and representatives. These electors must not hold any other office.%0a%3c %0a%3c The electors vote for both a President and Vice President which they shall sign and certify. The President of the Senate will count all the votes in the Congress. The candidates with a majority of votes will be elected. If no user has%0a%3c a majority, then the House shall choose from the candidates with five%0a%3c of the most votes. The votes will then be taken with one state receiving one vote. If there are any remaining ties, the Senate will choose by ballot.%0a%3c %0a%3c He must have been an active, registered user for at least 4 years. No religious test will be required. The president must agree to uphold the constitution.%0a---%0a> # A president will be elected once every 2 years. He must have been an active, registered user for at least 4 years. No religious test will be required. The president must agree to uphold the constitution.%0a88,90c88%0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers and users.%0a%3c %0a%3c # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in congress%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers and users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
159 host:1613493395=
160 author:1613492269=jrmu
161 diff:1613492269:1613491231:=50c50%0a%3c No policy can give a commercial preference to one server over another.\\%0a---%0a> No commercial preference can be given to one server over another.\\%0a
162 host:1613492269=
163 author:1613491231=jrmu
164 diff:1613491231:1613480502:=46c46,48%0a%3c # No user can be banned without a fair trial except during user revolts or external invasion if the network's safety requires it.\\%0a---%0a> # The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless%0a> when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.\\%0a> # No user can be banned without a fair trial except during user revolts or external invasion if the network's safety requires it.\\%0a52,60c54,55%0a%3c No special social status shall be granted to any user; and no salaried officer is allowed to receive payments from competing networks without the approval of Congress.%0a%3c # No server may make a deal with another external network or organization or issue cryptocoins.%0a%3c No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of%0a%3c Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any%0a%3c Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or%0a%3c engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger%0a%3c as will not admit of delay.%0a%3c %0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers.%0a---%0a> No special status shall be granted to any user; and no salaried officer is allowed to receive payments from competing networks without the approval of Congress.%0a> %0a61a57,59%0a> # A financial report of all revenues and expenses from the network must be published each year.%0a> # No server may make a deal with another network.%0a> # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers.%0a
165 host:1613491231=
166 author:1613480502=jrmu
167 diff:1613480502:1613479604:=53,54c53,55%0a%3c No money can be taken from the Treasury except through policy by Congress; and a financial report shall be published periodically.\\%0a%3c No special status shall be granted to any user; and no salaried officer is allowed to receive payments from competing networks without the approval of Congress.%0a---%0a> No money can be taken from the Treasury except through policy by Congress; and a financial report shall be published periodically.%0a> # All officers must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, no officer is allowed to receive any gifts or income from competing businesses without the approval of congress.%0a> # A majority in either the house or the senate forms a quorum.%0a
168 host:1613480502=
169 author:1613479604=jrmu
170 diff:1613479604:1613479016:=7c7%0a%3c Representatives and user taxes will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users.\\%0a---%0a> Representatives and direct taxes will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users.\\%0a49,53c49,63%0a%3c The Congress is not allowed to ban users, and no one shall be punished for breaking a proposed policy before the policy is official.\\%0a%3c No user taxes are allowed unless in direct proportion to user counts.\\%0a%3c No transaction fees can be charged for services sold from any server.\\%0a%3c No commercial preference can be given to one server over another.\\%0a%3c No money can be taken from the Treasury except through policy by Congress; and a financial report shall be published periodically.%0a---%0a> The Congress is not allowed to ban users, and no one shall be punished for breaking a proposed policy before the policy is official.%0a> No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion%0a> to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.%0a> %0a> No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.%0a> %0a> No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue%0a> to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to,%0a> or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.%0a> %0a> No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence%0a> of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account%0a> of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be%0a> published from time to time.%0a> %0a57c67%0a%3c # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in congress%0a---%0a> %0a
171 host:1613479604=
172 author:1613479016=jrmu
173 diff:1613479016:1613476846:=44,63c44,64%0a%3c # To exclusively decide all policy for all cases for the server chosen as network headquarters,%0a%3c # To make any policy needed to execute the above%0a%3c # The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless%0a%3c when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.\\%0a%3c # No user can be banned without a fair trial except during user revolts or external invasion if the network's safety requires it.\\%0a%3c The Congress is not allowed to ban users, and no one shall be punished for breaking a proposed policy before the policy is official.%0a%3c No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion%0a%3c to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.%0a%3c %0a%3c No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.%0a%3c %0a%3c No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue%0a%3c to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to,%0a%3c or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.%0a%3c %0a%3c No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence%0a%3c of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account%0a%3c of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be%0a%3c published from time to time.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # Admit new servers%0a> %0a> To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for%0a> governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the%0a> United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment%0a> of the Officers, and the Authority of training the militia according%0a> to the discipline prescribed by Congress;%0a> To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever,%0a> over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may,%0a> by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress,%0a> become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to%0a> exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent%0a> of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be,%0a> for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dockyards,%0a> and other needful Buildings;--And%0a> %0a> To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying%0a> into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested%0a> by this Constitution in the Government of the United States,%0a> or in any Department or Officer thereof.%0a> %0a67c68,69%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # The congress is not allowed to ban users, and rules cannot be used to punish crimes committed before the rules are passed%0a> # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in congress%0a
174 host:1613479016=
175 author:1613476846=jrmu
176 diff:1613476846:1613476479:=40,41c40,42%0a%3c # To raise and support coding forces, but any collection of money must be used within one year.%0a%3c # To provide for organizing, disciplining, and equipping minutemin. The servers have the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a---%0a> # To regulate, organize, discipline, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year. The servers have the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a> of the Officers, and the Authority of training the militia according%0a> to the discipline prescribed by Congress;%0a
177 host:1613476846=
178 author:1613476479=jrmu
179 diff:1613476479:1613476440:=40c40%0a%3c # To regulate, organize, discipline, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year. The servers have the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a---%0a> # To regulate, organize, train, discipline, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year. The servers have the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a
180 host:1613476479=
181 author:1613476440=jrmu
182 diff:1613476440:1613476225:=40c40%0a%3c # To regulate, organize, train, discipline, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year. The servers have the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a---%0a> # To regulate, organize, train, discipline, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year. The servers are reserved the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a
183 host:1613476440=
184 author:1613476225=jrmu
185 diff:1613476225:1613476029:=40,42c40%0a%3c # To regulate, organize, train, discipline, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year. The servers are reserved the right to appoint and train minutemin according to policies determined by Congress%0a%3c of the Officers, and the Authority of training the militia according%0a%3c to the discipline prescribed by Congress;%0a---%0a> # To regulate, organize, train, discipline, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year%0a
186 host:1613476225=
187 author:1613476029=jrmu
188 diff:1613476029:1613471251:=40c40%0a%3c # To regulate, organize, train, discipline, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year%0a---%0a> # To regulate, organize, train, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year%0a
189 host:1613476029=
190 author:1613471251=jrmu
191 diff:1613471251:1613469485:=41c41%0a%3c # To provide for and regulate outreach to users on foreign networks%0a---%0a> # To provide for and regulate outreach to users from foreign networks%0a
192 host:1613471251=
193 author:1613469485=jrmu
194 diff:1613469485:1613468462:=39c39%0a%3c # To make deals with other networks, to boycott or to compete with them; and to offer bounties%0a---%0a> # To make deals with other networks, to boycott or to compete with them, and to offer bounties%0a41d40%0a%3c # To provide for and regulate outreach to users from foreign networks%0a
195 host:1613469485=
196 author:1613468462=jrmu
197 diff:1613468462:1613467155:=39c39%0a%3c # To make deals with other networks, to boycott or to compete with them, and to offer bounties%0a---%0a> # To make deals with other networks, to boycott them, or to compete with them%0a
198 host:1613468462=
199 author:1613467155=jrmu
200 diff:1613467155:1613466914:=
201 host:1613467155=
202 author:1613466914=jrmu
203 diff:1613466914:1613466302:=26c26%0a%3c # Congress has the power to:%0a---%0a> # The congress has the power to:%0a28c28%0a%3c # Tax transactions that involve an external organization. All such taxes must be uniform throughout the network%0a---%0a> # Tax transactions that involve a foreign network. All such taxes must be uniform throughout the network%0a31c31%0a%3c # Regulate trade among servers and with external networks and groups%0a---%0a> # Regulate trade among servers and with foreign networks and groups%0a40c40,41%0a%3c # To regulate, organize, train, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within one year%0a---%0a> # To regulate, organize, train, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within two years%0a> # To regulate minutemin%0a81c82%0a%3c # The judges will decide cases involving disputes between servers, and disputes between a server and an external organization.%0a---%0a> # The judges will decide cases involving disputes between servers, and disputes between a server and foreign network.%0a84c85%0a%3c # Each server is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against external attacks.%0a---%0a> # Each server is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against foreign attacks.%0a
204 host:1613466914=
205 author:1613466302=jrmu
206 diff:1613466302:1613466258:=25c25%0a%3c All proposals must pass both House and Senate to become official network policy. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses. All votes must then be recorded in the archive.%0a---%0a> All policies must pass both House and Senate to become official network policy. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses. All votes must then be recorded in the archive.%0a
207 host:1613466302=
208 author:1613466258=jrmu
209 diff:1613466258:1613466181:=
210 host:1613466258=
211 author:1613466181=jrmu
212 diff:1613466181:1613399564:=5c5%0a%3c # Network policies will be created by Congress, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.%0a---%0a> # Network laws will be created by Congress, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.%0a16c16%0a%3c Impeachment only removes and disqualifies from office. A convicted user, however, can still be subject to trial and punishment according to network policy.%0a---%0a> Impeachment only removes and disqualifies from office. A convicted user, however, can still be subject to trial and punishment according to law.%0a24,25c24,25%0a%3c # All rules for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other policies.\\%0a%3c All policies must pass both House and Senate to become official network policy. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses. All votes must then be recorded in the archive.%0a---%0a> # All rules for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other bills.\\%0a> All bills must pass both House and Senate to become laws. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses. All votes must then be recorded in the archive.%0a
213 host:1613466181=
214 author:1613399564=jrmu
215 diff:1613399564:1613396567:=
216 host:1613399564=
217 author:1613396567=jrmu
218 diff:1613396567:1613396322:=40,41c40,41%0a%3c # To regulate, organize, train, equip, and support minutemin, but any collection of money must be used within two years%0a%3c # To regulate minutemin%0a---%0a> # To train and support coders and sysadmins, but any collection of money must be used within two years%0a> # To regulate coders and sysadmins%0a
219 host:1613396567=
220 author:1613396322=jrmu
221 diff:1613396322:1613396165:=
222 host:1613396322=
223 author:1613396165=jrmu
224 diff:1613396165:1613395266:=36,42c36,37%0a%3c # To promote the progress of science and art by securing their authors exclusive rights for limited times%0a%3c # To create courts inferior to the supreme Court;%0a%3c # To punish pirates, spammers, and ddosers%0a%3c # To make deals with other networks, to boycott them, or to compete with them%0a%3c # To train and support coders and sysadmins, but any collection of money must be used within two years%0a%3c # To regulate coders and sysadmins%0a%3c # To call the sysadmins to suppress user revolts and repel invasions%0a---%0a> # Decide upon protocols used across the network%0a> # Make deals with competitors and other networks%0a43a39,61%0a> # Punish abusers%0a> # %0a> To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing%0a> for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right%0a> to their respective Writings and Discoveries;%0a> %0a> To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;%0a> %0a> To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas,%0a> and Offenses against the Law of Nations;%0a> %0a> To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal,%0a> and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;%0a> %0a> To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use%0a> shall be for a longer term than two Years;%0a> %0a> To provide and maintain a Navy;%0a> %0a> To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;%0a> %0a> To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union,%0a> suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;%0a
225 host:1613396165=
226 author:1613395266=jrmu
227 diff:1613395266:1613393609:=32,35c32,35%0a%3c # Establish a uniform rule for IRCitizenship and bankruptcies%0a%3c # Issue and regulate cryptocurrencies%0a%3c # Punish cryptocoin fraud%0a%3c # To establish network mail and chat services%0a---%0a> # Establish a uniform rule for IRCitizenship%0a> # Regulate cryptocurrencies%0a> # Set terms of service and privacy policies%0a> # Write copyright licenses%0a40c40,51%0a%3c # %0a---%0a> %0a> To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws%0a> on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;%0a> %0a> To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,%0a> and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;%0a> %0a> To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities%0a> and current Coin of the United States;%0a> %0a> To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;%0a> %0a44d54%0a%3c %0a
228 host:1613395266=
229 author:1613393609=jrmu
230 diff:1613393609:1613393466:=
231 host:1613393609=
232 author:1613393466=jrmu
233 diff:1613393466:1613392562:=24,25c24,26%0a%3c # All rules for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other bills.\\%0a%3c All bills must pass both House and Senate to become laws. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses. All votes must then be recorded in the archive.%0a---%0a> # All rules for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other bills. All bills must pass both House and Senate to become laws. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses. All votes must then be recorded in the archive.%0a> # All officers must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, no officer is allowed to receive any gifts or income from competing businesses without the approval of congress.%0a> # A majority in either the house or the senate forms a quorum.%0a27,32c28,30%0a%3c # Tax servers%0a%3c # Tax transactions that involve a foreign network. All such taxes must be uniform throughout the network%0a%3c # Borrow money and pay debts%0a%3c # Provide for the common network defense and welfare%0a%3c # Regulate trade among servers and with foreign networks and groups%0a%3c # Establish a uniform rule for IRCitizenship%0a---%0a> # Charge fees for network-wide transactions%0a> # Collect fees from servers in proportion to user counts%0a> # Spend network funds%0a40,94d37%0a%3c %0a%3c To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws%0a%3c on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;%0a%3c %0a%3c To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,%0a%3c and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;%0a%3c %0a%3c To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities%0a%3c and current Coin of the United States;%0a%3c %0a%3c To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;%0a%3c %0a%3c To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing%0a%3c for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right%0a%3c to their respective Writings and Discoveries;%0a%3c To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;%0a%3c %0a%3c To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas,%0a%3c and Offenses against the Law of Nations;%0a%3c %0a%3c To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal,%0a%3c and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;%0a%3c %0a%3c To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use%0a%3c shall be for a longer term than two Years;%0a%3c %0a%3c To provide and maintain a Navy;%0a%3c %0a%3c To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;%0a%3c %0a%3c To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union,%0a%3c suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;%0a%3c %0a%3c To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for%0a%3c governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the%0a%3c United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment%0a%3c of the Officers, and the Authority of training the militia according%0a%3c to the discipline prescribed by Congress;%0a%3c To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever,%0a%3c over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may,%0a%3c by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress,%0a%3c become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to%0a%3c exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent%0a%3c of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be,%0a%3c for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dockyards,%0a%3c and other needful Buildings;--And%0a%3c %0a%3c To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying%0a%3c into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested%0a%3c by this Constitution in the Government of the United States,%0a%3c or in any Department or Officer thereof.%0a%3c %0a%3c # All officers must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, no officer is allowed to receive any gifts or income from competing businesses without the approval of congress.%0a%3c # A majority in either the house or the senate forms a quorum.%0a%3c %0a
234 host:1613393466=
235 author:1613392562=jrmu
236 diff:1613392562:1613382972:=
237 host:1613392562=
238 author:1613382972=jrmu
239 diff:1613382972:1613382283:=24c24%0a%3c # All rules for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other bills. All bills must pass both House and Senate to become laws. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses. All votes must then be recorded in the archive.%0a---%0a> # All rules for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other bills. All bills must pass both House and Senate to become laws. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses.%0a
240 host:1613382972=
241 author:1613382283=jrmu
242 diff:1613382283:1613380352:=23,24c23%0a%3c No user may simultaneously hold another paid network office while also being paid as a senator or representative.%0a%3c # All rules for raising money must begin in the House. The Senate may propose other bills. All bills must pass both House and Senate to become laws. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in both houses.%0a---%0a> No user may simultaneously hold another paid office while also being paid as a senator or representative.%0a25a25%0a> # All rules for raising money must begin in the house and later passed in the senate. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in the house and a two-thirds majority in the senate.%0a
243 host:1613382283=
244 author:1613380352=jrmu
245 diff:1613380352:1613379508:=22c22%0a%3c # Senators and representatives shall be compensated by the Network Treasury. Except for committing a real-world crime or network treason, they cannot be banned when Congress meets.\\%0a---%0a> # Senators and representatives shall be compensated by the Network Treasury. Except for committing a real-world crime or network treason, they cannot be banned on the way to, during, or returning from Congress.\\%0a
246 host:1613380352=
247 author:1613379508=jrmu
248 diff:1613379508:1613379477:=21a22,31%0a> %0a> Section 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation%0a> for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury%0a> of the United States. %0a> No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected,%0a> be appointed to any civil Office under the authority of the United States,%0a> which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been%0a> increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the%0a> United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance%0a> in Office.%0a
249 host:1613379508=
250 author:1613379477=jrmu
251 diff:1613379477:1613379469:=
252 host:1613379477=
253 author:1613379469=jrmu
254 diff:1613379469:1613379449:=32,33c32,35%0a%3c # Senators and representatives shall be compensated by the Network Treasury. Except for committing a real-world crime or network treason, they cannot be banned on the way to, during, or returning from Congress.\\%0a%3c No user may simultaneously hold another paid office while also being paid as a senator or representative.%0a---%0a> # Senators and representatives shall be compensated by the Network Treasury. Except for committing a real-world crime or network treason, they cannot be banned on the way to, during, or returning from Congress.%0a> (:if false:)%0a> No user may simultaneously hold another paid office while also being a senator or representative.%0a> (:endif:)%0a
255 host:1613379469=
256 author:1613379449=jrmu
257 diff:1613379449:1613377996:=22,35d21%0a%3c %0a%3c Section 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation%0a%3c for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury%0a%3c of the United States. %0a%3c No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected,%0a%3c be appointed to any civil Office under the authority of the United States,%0a%3c which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been%0a%3c increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the%0a%3c United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance%0a%3c in Office.%0a%3c # Senators and representatives shall be compensated by the Network Treasury. Except for committing a real-world crime or network treason, they cannot be banned on the way to, during, or returning from Congress.%0a%3c (:if false:)%0a%3c No user may simultaneously hold another paid office while also being a senator or representative.%0a%3c (:endif:)%0a
258 host:1613379449=
259 author:1613377996=jrmu
260 diff:1613377996:1613377630:=21c21%0a%3c Each house shall publish an archive of its proceedings excluding parts that may require secrecy. Upon the request of one-fifth of the members, each members' vote can be recorded in the archive.%0a---%0a> Each house shall publish a journal of its proceedings excluding parts that may require secrecy. Upon the request of one-fifth of the members, each members' vote can be recorded in the journal.%0a
261 host:1613377996=
262 author:1613377630=jrmu
263 diff:1613377630:1613377140:=17c17%0a%3c # Each server manages its own elections, but Congress may regulate these elections.\\%0a---%0a> # Each server manages its own elections, but Congress may alter or regulate these elections.\\%0a
264 host:1613377630=
265 author:1613377140=jrmu
266 diff:1613377140:1613377056:=6c6%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age in his country. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a
267 host:1613377140=
268 author:1613377056=jrmu
269 diff:1613377056:1613375705:=16,17c16,17%0a%3c Impeachment only removes and disqualifies from office. A convicted user, however, can still be subject to trial and punishment according to law.%0a%3c # Each server manages its own elections, but Congress may alter or regulate these elections.\\%0a---%0a> Impeachment only removes and disqualifies from office. A convicted user, however, can still be subject to trial and punishment according to law.\\%0a> Each server manages its own elections, but Congress may alter or regulate these elections.\\%0a
270 host:1613377056=
271 author:1613375705=jrmu
272 diff:1613375705:1613375563:=7c7%0a%3c Representatives and direct taxes will be in proportion to the number of verified, active users.\\%0a---%0a> Representatives and direct taxes will be based on the number of verified, active users among the servers on the network.\\%0a
273 host:1613375705=
274 author:1613375563=jrmu
275 diff:1613375563:1613375525:=5c5%0a%3c # Network laws will be created by Congress, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.%0a---%0a> # Network laws will be created by Congress, which shall consist of a senate and a house.%0a
276 host:1613375563=
277 author:1613375525=jrmu
278 diff:1613375525:1613375271:=
279 host:1613375525=
280 author:1613375271=jrmu
281 diff:1613375271:1613374773:=19,21d18%0a%3c # Each house judges its own elections and the qualifications of its members. A quorum is a simple majority. A smaller number may meet and compel attendance by penalizing absent members.\\%0a%3c Each house determines its own proceedings and how to punish disorderly behavior. A two-thirds majority vote is needed to expel a member.\\%0a%3c Each house shall publish a journal of its proceedings excluding parts that may require secrecy. Upon the request of one-fifth of the members, each members' vote can be recorded in the journal.%0a
282 host:1613375271=
283 author:1613374773=jrmu
284 diff:1613374773:1613373983:=13,18c13,17%0a%3c The Vice President is president of the senate but has no votes except to break ties.\\%0a%3c The Senate chooses their other Officers and a President pro tempore, who in the Absence of the Vice President, becomes President.\\%0a%3c The Senate has the sole power to try impeachments. When the President is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside. No user shall be convicted without a two-thirds majority of those present.\\%0a%3c Impeachment only removes and disqualifies from office. A convicted user, however, can still be subject to trial and punishment according to law.\\%0a%3c Each server manages its own elections, but Congress may alter or regulate these elections.\\%0a%3c Congress must meet at least once every six months.%0a---%0a> The Vice President shall be president of the senate but shall have no votes except to break ties.\\%0a> The Senate shall choose their other Officers and a President pro tempore, who in the Absence of the Vice President, shall exercise the Office of President.\\%0a> The Senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties.\\%0a> When the President is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside. No user shall be convicted without a two-thirds majority of those present.\\%0a> Impeachment shall not go further than removal from and disqualification from office. A convicted user however can still be subject to trial according to law.%0a
285 host:1613374773=
286 author:1613373983=jrmu
287 diff:1613373983:1613373132:=14c14%0a%3c The Senate shall choose their other Officers and a President pro tempore, who in the Absence of the Vice President, shall exercise the Office of President.\\%0a---%0a> The Senate shall choose their other Officers and a President pro tempore. In the Absence of the Vice President, he shall exercise the Office of President.\\%0a
288 host:1613373983=
289 author:1613373132=jrmu
290 diff:1613373132:1613372940:=
291 host:1613373132=
292 author:1613372940=jrmu
293 diff:1613372940:1613372128:=8c8%0a%3c New representatives can be elected to fill vacancies.\\%0a---%0a> New representatives can be elected in any server to fill vacancies.\\%0a11c11%0a%3c Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. New senators can be elected to fill vacancies.\\%0a---%0a> Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected.\\%0a
294 host:1613372940=
295 author:1613372128=jrmu
296 diff:1613372128:1613371386:=6c6%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a---%0a> # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using that server.\\%0a10,17c10,34%0a%3c # Each server will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years.\\%0a%3c Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected.\\%0a%3c No person can be a senator unless he is at least 21 years old. He must have been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using the server he represents.\\%0a%3c The Vice President shall be president of the senate but shall have no votes except to break ties.\\%0a%3c The Senate shall choose their other Officers and a President pro tempore. In the Absence of the Vice President, he shall exercise the Office of President.\\%0a%3c The Senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties.\\%0a%3c When the President is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside. No user shall be convicted without a two-thirds majority of those present.\\%0a%3c Impeachment shall not go further than removal from and disqualification from office. A convicted user however can still be subject to trial according to law.%0a---%0a> # Each server will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using that server. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties; a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate,%0a> but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.%0a> %0a> The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President%0a> pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall%0a> exercise the Office of President of the United States.%0a> %0a> The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.%0a> When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation.%0a> When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice%0a> shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence%0a> of two thirds of the Members present.%0a> %0a> Judgment in cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal%0a> from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor,%0a> Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall%0a> nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and%0a> Punishment, according to Law.%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a
297 host:1613372128=
298 author:1613371386=jrmu
299 diff:1613371386:1613371364:=
300 host:1613371386=
301 author:1613371364=jrmu
302 diff:1613371364:1613371003:=5,6c5,6%0a%3c # Network laws will be created by Congress, which shall consist of a senate and a house.%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age. He must have been an active, verified user for at least 2 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using that server.\\%0a---%0a> # Rules will be created by a congress, which shall consist of a senate and a house.%0a> # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age. He must have been an active, verified user on that server for at least 2 years.\\%0a10,34c10%0a%3c # Each server will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on the network for a minimum of 4 years. When elected and during his office, he must be using that server. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties; a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate,%0a%3c but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.%0a%3c %0a%3c The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President%0a%3c pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall%0a%3c exercise the Office of President of the United States.%0a%3c %0a%3c The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.%0a%3c When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation.%0a%3c When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice%0a%3c shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence%0a%3c of two thirds of the Members present.%0a%3c %0a%3c Judgment in cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal%0a%3c from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor,%0a%3c Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall%0a%3c nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and%0a%3c Punishment, according to Law.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> # Each server will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 3 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties; a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a
303 host:1613371364=
304 author:1613371003=jrmu
305 diff:1613371003:1613370581:=6,9c6%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age. He must have been an active, verified user on that server for at least 2 years.\\%0a%3c Representatives and direct taxes will be based on the number of verified, active users among the servers on the network.\\%0a%3c New representatives can be elected in any server to fill vacancies.\\%0a%3c The house shall choose their Speaker and other officers and have the sole power of impeachment.%0a---%0a> # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age. He must have been an active, verified user on that server for at least 2 years. Representatives and direct taxes will be based on the number of verified, active users among the servers on the network.%0a10a8%0a> # The house has the sole power to impeach any officer.%0a
306 host:1613371003=
307 author:1613370581=jrmu
308 diff:1613370581:1612614350:=5,8c5,7%0a%3c # Rules will be created by a congress, which shall consist of a senate and a house.%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house. No person may represent a server unless he has reached legal adult age. He must have been an active, verified user on that server for at least 2 years. Representatives and direct taxes will be based on the number of verified, active users among the servers on the network.%0a%3c # Each server will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 3 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties; a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a%3c # The house has the sole power to impeach any officer.%0a---%0a> # Rules will be created by a congress, which shall consist of a senate and a house. No religious test will be required.%0a> # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house based on the number of verified, active users in each server. No person may represent a server unless he has been an active, verified user on that server for at least 2 years. The house has the sole power to impeach any officer.%0a> # In the senate, each server will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 3 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties; a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a
309 host:1613370581=
310 author:1612614350=jrmu
311 diff:1612614350:1606885813:=52c52%0a%3c # Punishment must fit the abuse and must not be excessive or cruel.%0a---%0a> # Punishment must fit the crime and must not be excessive or cruel.%0a
312 host:1612614350=
313 author:1606885813=jrmu
314 diff:1606885813:1606885760:=1c1%0a%3c WE THE USERS, to form a more perfect network, promote open standards, and secure liberty to our users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a---%0a> We the users, to form a more perfect network, promote open standards, and secure liberty to our users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a
315 host:1606885813=
316 author:1606885760=jrmu
317 diff:1606885760:1606885368:=13c13%0a%3c # Collect fees from servers in proportion to user counts%0a---%0a> # Charge fees in proportion to user counts%0a
318 host:1606885760=
319 author:1606885368=jrmu
320 diff:1606885368:1606882945:=46c46%0a%3c # Congress shall not make any rules to establish an official religion or to stop the free exercise of religion; or to stop the freedom of speech or the freedom of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably gather to petition the staff.%0a---%0a> # Congress shall make no rules to establish an official religion or to prohibit the free exercise of religion; or to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably assemble to petition the staff.%0a48,51c48,51%0a%3c # No staff will be allowed, in time of peace, to log private data without the consent of the users. During an abuse investigation, such logging must be approved by Congress.%0a%3c # Users have a right to be secure from unreasonable searches of their personal information and data. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the data to be searched and seized are described.%0a%3c # No user can be banned without a fair trial except during times of great danger; no user can be punished for the same reason twice; nor will a user be required to be a witness against himself; nor can a user be deprived of any money without a fair trial.%0a%3c # Accused users shall get a fast trial by a fair jury. They have a right to be informed of accusations; to be confronted with witnesses against him; and to be able to defend himself.%0a---%0a> # No sysadmin shall, in time of peace, log private data without the consent of the users; and during a criminal investigation, only in a manner approved by Congress.%0a> # The right of users to be secure in their personal information and data against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the items to be searched and seized are described.%0a> # No user can be banned without a fair trial, except during times of great danger; no user can be punished for the same reason twice; nor will he be required to be a witness against himself; nor can he be deprived of any money without a fair trial.%0a> # Accused users shall get a fast trial by a fair jury.%0a
321 host:1606885368=
322 author:1606882945=jrmu
323 diff:1606882945:1606882130:=46,47c46,47%0a%3c # Congress shall make no rules to establish an official religion or to prohibit the free exercise of religion; or to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably assemble to petition the staff.%0a%3c # Free and open source software is necessary to the liberty of a free network, so the right of the users to the network's software shall not be restricted. Users have the right to use, modify, copy, and distribute any and all of the software used on the network, for any purpose and at any price without needing to ask for permission.%0a---%0a> # Congress shall make no law to establish a religious denomination or to prohibit the free exercise of religion; or to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably assemble to petition the staff.%0a> # Free and open source software, being necessary to the liberty of a free network, the right of the users to software used by the network shall not be infringed. Users have the right to use, modify, copy, and distribute any and all of the software used on the network, for any purpose and at any price without needing to ask for permission.%0a
324 host:1606882945=
325 author:1606882130=jrmu
326 diff:1606882130:1606881849:=21c21%0a%3c # Punish abusers%0a---%0a> # Punish abusers and criminals%0a25a26%0a> # Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all servers approve.%0a34c35%0a%3c # The president has the right to pardon banned users. He also can appoint officers to help him with enforcing the rules.%0a---%0a> # The president has the right to pardon banned abusers. He also can appoint officers to help him with enforcing the rules.%0a40,41c41%0a%3c # Each server is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against foreign attacks.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # Each server is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against foreign attacks%0a46c46%0a%3c # Congress shall make no law to establish a religious denomination or to prohibit the free exercise of religion; or to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably assemble to petition the staff.%0a---%0a> # Congress shall make no law to establish a religious denomination or to prohibit the free exercise of religion; or to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably assemble to petition the network.%0a52c52%0a%3c # Punishment must fit the crime and must not be excessive or cruel.%0a---%0a> # Punishment must fit the crime and must not be excessive or cruel%0a
327 host:1606882130=
328 author:1606881849=jrmu
329 diff:1606881849:1606881770:=6,7c6,7%0a%3c # Each year, each server will choose representatives for the house based on the number of verified, active users in each server. No person may represent a server unless he has been an active, verified user on that server for at least 2 years. The house has the sole power to impeach any officer.%0a%3c # In the senate, each server will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 3 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties; a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a---%0a> # Each year, each team will choose representatives for the house based on the number of verified, active users in each server. No person may represent a team unless he has been an active, verified user on that team for at least 2 years. The house has the sole power to impeach any officer.%0a> # In the senate, each team will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that team for a minimum of 3 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties; a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a20c20%0a%3c # Admit new servers%0a---%0a> # Admit new teams%0a25,28c25,28%0a%3c # No server may make a deal with another network.%0a%3c # Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all servers approve.%0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # No team may make a deal with another network.%0a> # Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all teams approve.%0a> # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the teams.%0a> %0a30c30%0a%3c # A president will be elected once every 2 years. He must have been an active, registered user for at least 4 years. No religious test will be required. The president must agree to uphold the constitution.%0a---%0a> # A president will be elected once every 2 years. He must have been an active, registered user for at least 8 years. No religious test will be required. The president must agree to uphold the constitution.%0a
330 host:1606881849=
331 author:1606881770=jrmu
332 diff:1606881770:1606881714:=23c23%0a%3c # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in congress%0a---%0a> # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in the network council%0a25,27c25,28%0a%3c # No team may make a deal with another network.%0a%3c # Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all teams approve.%0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the teams.%0a---%0a> # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in the network council%0a> # No server may make a deal with another network.%0a> # Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all servers approve.%0a> # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers.%0a
333 host:1606881770=
334 author:1606881714=jrmu
335 diff:1606881714:1606881625:=
336 host:1606881714=
337 author:1606881625=jrmu
338 diff:1606881625:1606881508:=20c20%0a%3c # Admit new teams%0a---%0a> # Train and admit new servers%0a
339 host:1606881625=
340 author:1606881508=jrmu
341 diff:1606881508:1606881138:=6,7c6,7%0a%3c # Each year, each team will choose representatives for the house based on the number of verified, active users in each server. No person may represent a team unless he has been an active, verified user on that team for at least 2 years. The house has the sole power to impeach any officer.%0a%3c # In the senate, each team will choose one senator. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that team for a minimum of 3 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties; a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a---%0a> # Each year, servers will choose representatives for the house in proportion to the number of verified, active users in each server. No person may represent a server unless he has been an active, verified user on that server for at least 3 years. The house has the sole power to impeach any officer.%0a> # In the senate, each server will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties, and a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a9c9%0a%3c # All rules for raising money must begin in the house and later passed in the senate. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in the house and a two-thirds majority in the senate.%0a---%0a> # All rules for raising money must begin in the house and later passed in the senate. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in the house and a two-third majority in the senate.%0a13c13%0a%3c # Charge fees in proportion to user counts%0a---%0a> # Tax active users%0a
342 host:1606881508=
343 author:1606881138=jrmu
344 diff:1606881138:1606877741:=1,2c1,2%0a%3c We the users, to form a more perfect network, promote open standards, and secure liberty to our users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> We the users of the free and open source community, in order to form a more perfect network, establish justice, ensure chat tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote open standards, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and future users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a> %0a5c5%0a%3c # Rules will be created by a congress, which shall consist of a senate and a house. No religious test will be required.%0a---%0a> # Rules will be created by a congress, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives. No religious test will be required.%0a
345 host:1606881138=
346 author:1606877741=jrmu
347 diff:1606877741:1602897835:=18c18%0a%3c # Decide upon protocols used across the network%0a---%0a> # Decide upon services, software, and protocols used across the network%0a
348 host:1606877741=
349 author:1602897835=jrmu
350 diff:1602897835:1602897597:=47c47%0a%3c # Congress shall make no law to establish a religious denomination or to prohibit the free exercise of religion; or to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the users to peaceably assemble to petition the network.%0a---%0a> # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to establish an official religious denomination; nor shall it prohibit the free exercise of religion as taught by the Bible; nor shall Congress abridge the freedom of speech on issues not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff for a redress of grievances.%0a
351 host:1602897835=
352 author:1602897597=jrmu
353 diff:1602897597:1602897581:=
354 host:1602897597=
355 author:1602897581=jrmu
356 diff:1602897581:1597046370:=38c38,39%0a%3c # Judges will serve, under the condition of honorable behavior, for 2 years and will be appointed by the president, with the approval of the majority of the senate.%0a---%0a> # Content censorship policy will only be determined by the 66 books of the Bible.%0a> # Judges will serve for 2 years and must fit the qualifications of an elder in the Bible. They will be appointed from among the community of believers and must receive the approval of both the President and the majority of the senate.%0a
357 host:1602897581=
358 author:1597046370=jrmu
359 diff:1597046370:1597044768:=50c50%0a%3c # No sysadmin shall, in time of peace, log private data without the consent of the users; and during a criminal investigation, only in a manner approved by Congress.%0a---%0a> # No sysadmin shall, in time of peace, log private data without the consent of the users; and during a crime, only in a manner approved by Congress.%0a
360 host:1597046370=
361 author:1597044768=jrmu
362 diff:1597044768:1596936992:=50d49%0a%3c # No sysadmin shall, in time of peace, log private data without the consent of the users; and during a crime, only in a manner approved by Congress.%0a
363 host:1597044768=
364 author:1596936992=jrmu
365 diff:1596936992:1596936753:=39c39%0a%3c # Judges will serve for 2 years and must fit the qualifications of an elder in the Bible. They will be appointed from among the community of believers and must receive the approval of both the President and the majority of the senate.%0a---%0a> # Judges must fit the qualifications of an elder in the Bible. They will be appointed from among the community of believers and must receive the approval of both the President and the majority of the senate.%0a
366 host:1596936992=
367 author:1596936753=jrmu
368 diff:1596936753:1596935705:=38,40c38,39%0a%3c # Content censorship policy will only be determined by the 66 books of the Bible.%0a%3c # Judges must fit the qualifications of an elder in the Bible. They will be appointed from among the community of believers and must receive the approval of both the President and the majority of the senate.%0a%3c # The judges will decide cases involving disputes between servers, and disputes between a server and foreign network.%0a---%0a> # Judges must be Christians of good standing on the network. Content censorship policy will be determined by the 66 books of the Bible.%0a> # The judges will also decide cases involving disputes between servers, and disputes between a server and foreign network.%0a48c47%0a%3c # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to establish an official religious denomination; nor shall it prohibit the free exercise of religion as taught by the Bible; nor shall Congress abridge the freedom of speech on issues not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff for a redress of grievances.%0a---%0a> # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to establish any official religious denomination; nor shall it prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible; nor shall Congress abridge the freedom of speech on issues not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff for a redress of grievances.%0a
369 host:1596936753=
370 author:1596935705=jrmu
371 diff:1596935705:1596935479:=38c38%0a%3c # Judges must be Christians of good standing on the network. Content censorship policy will be determined by the 66 books of the Bible.%0a---%0a> # Judges must be Christians of good standing on the network. Content censorship policy must be determined by the Bible alone.%0a
372 host:1596935705=
373 author:1596935479=jrmu
374 diff:1596935479:1596935371:=38c38%0a%3c # Judges must be Christians of good standing on the network. Content censorship policy must be determined by the Bible alone.%0a---%0a> # Judges must be Christians of good standing on the network. Content censorship policy is determined by the Bible alone.%0a
375 host:1596935479=
376 author:1596935371=jrmu
377 diff:1596935371:1596935129:=
378 host:1596935371=
379 author:1596935129=jrmu
380 diff:1596935129:1596935106:=47c47%0a%3c # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to establish any official religious denomination; nor shall it prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible; nor shall Congress abridge the freedom of speech on issues not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff for a redress of grievances.%0a---%0a> # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to establish any official denomination; nor shall it prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible; nor shall Congress abridge the freedom of speech on issues not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff for a redress of grievances.%0a
381 host:1596935129=
382 author:1596935106=jrmu
383 diff:1596935106:1596934947:=47c47%0a%3c # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to establish any official denomination; nor shall it prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible; nor shall Congress abridge the freedom of speech on issues not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff for a redress of grievances.%0a---%0a> # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible; nor shall Congress abridge the freedom of speech on issues not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff for a redress of grievances.%0a
384 host:1596935106=
385 author:1596934947=jrmu
386 diff:1596934947:1596364105:=6,7c6,7%0a%3c # Each year, servers will choose representatives for the house in proportion to the number of verified, active users in each server. No person may represent a server unless he has been an active, verified user on that server for at least 3 years. The house has the sole power to impeach any officer.%0a%3c # In the senate, each server will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties, and a two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a---%0a> # Each year, servers will choose representatives for the house in proportion to the number of verified, active users in each server. No person may represent a server unless he has been an active, verified user on that server for at least 3 years. The house has the sole power to impeach the president.%0a> # In the senate, each server will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties. A two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a38c38,39%0a%3c # Judges must be Christians of good standing on the network. Content censorship policy is determined by the Bible alone.%0a---%0a> # Judges shall be appointed by the Christian users of the network according to their separate constitution.%0a> # The judges, who must be Christians of good standing, decide on content censorship policy in accordance with the Bible.%0a
387 host:1596934947=
388 author:1596364105=jrmu
389 diff:1596364105:1596340571:=50c50%0a%3c # The right of users to be secure in their personal information and data against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the items to be searched and seized are described.%0a---%0a> # The right of the people to privacy against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the items to be searched and seized are described.%0a
390 host:1596364105=
391 author:1596340571=jrmu
392 diff:1596340571:1596339817:=47c47%0a%3c !! [[#billofrights]]User Bill of Rights%0a---%0a> !! User Bill of Rights%0a
393 host:1596340571=
394 author:1596339817=jrmu
395 diff:1596339817:1596339711:=54c54%0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers and users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the subnets and users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
396 host:1596339817=
397 author:1596339711=jrmu
398 diff:1596339711:1596338701:=1c1%0a%3c We the users of the free and open source community, in order to form a more perfect network, establish justice, ensure chat tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote open standards, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and future users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a---%0a> We the users of the free and open source community, in order to form a more perfect network, establish justice, ensure chat tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote open source software, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and future users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a
399 host:1596339711=
400 author:1596338701=jrmu
401 diff:1596338701:1596338665:=12,21c12,21%0a%3c # Charge fees for network-wide transactions%0a%3c # Tax active users%0a%3c # Spend network funds%0a%3c # Regulate cryptocurrencies%0a%3c # Set terms of service and privacy policies%0a%3c # Write copyright licenses%0a%3c # Decide upon services, software, and protocols used across the network%0a%3c # Make deals with competitors and other networks%0a%3c # Train and admit new servers%0a%3c # Punish abusers and criminals%0a---%0a> # # Charge fees for network-wide transactions%0a> # # Tax active users%0a> # # Spend network funds%0a> # # Regulate cryptocurrencies%0a> # # Set terms of service and privacy policies%0a> # # Write copyright licenses%0a> # # Decide upon services, software, and protocols used across the network%0a> # # Make deals with competitors and other networks%0a> # # Train and admit new servers%0a> # # Punish abusers and criminals%0a
402 host:1596338701=
403 author:1596338665=jrmu
404 diff:1596338665:1596338533:=38c38%0a%3c # Judges shall be appointed by the Christian users of the network according to their separate constitution.%0a---%0a> # Judges shall be appointed by the Christian users of the network according to their constitution.%0a
405 host:1596338665=
406 author:1596338533=jrmu
407 diff:1596338533:1596338443:=7c7%0a%3c # In the senate, each server will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments for misconduct or not faithfully performing duties. A two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a---%0a> # In the senate, each server will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments. A two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a22a23%0a> # Each house has the power to ban its own members for misconduct or for not faithfully performing duties with a two-thirds majority vote.%0a
408 host:1596338533=
409 author:1596338443=jrmu
410 diff:1596338443:1596289357:=39c39%0a%3c # Judges shall be appointed by the Christian users of the network according to their constitution.%0a---%0a> # Judges shall be appointed by the Christian church.%0a
411 host:1596338443=
412 author:1596289357=jrmu
413 diff:1596289357:1596188485:=49c49%0a%3c # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible; nor shall Congress abridge the freedom of speech on issues not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff for a redress of grievances.%0a---%0a> # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible; or abridging the freedom to speak on topics not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff.%0a
414 host:1596289357=
415 author:1596188485=jrmu
416 diff:1596188485:1596188029:=6,7c6,7%0a%3c # Each year, servers will choose representatives for the house in proportion to the number of verified, active users in each server. No person may represent a server unless he has been an active, verified user on that server for at least 3 years. The house has the sole power to impeach the president.%0a%3c # In the senate, each server will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that server for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments. A two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a---%0a> # Each year, subnets will choose representatives for the house in proportion to the number of verified, active users in each subnet. No person may represent a subnet unless he has been an active, verified user on that subnet for at least 3 years. The house has the sole power to impeach the president.%0a> # In the senate, each subnet will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that subnet for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments. A two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a20c20%0a%3c # # Train and admit new servers%0a---%0a> # # Train and admit new subnets%0a27,30c27,30%0a%3c # No server may make a deal with another network.%0a%3c # Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all servers approve.%0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the servers.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # No subnet may make a deal with another network.%0a> # Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all subnets approve.%0a> # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the subnets.%0a> %0a33c33%0a%3c # The president will be elected by the servers. Each server gets votes equal to the number of its senators plus representatives.%0a---%0a> # The president will be elected by the subnets. Each subnet gets votes equal to the number of its senators plus representatives.%0a40,41c40,41%0a%3c # The judges, who must be Christians of good standing, decide on content censorship policy in accordance with the Bible.%0a%3c # The judges will also decide cases involving disputes between servers, and disputes between a server and foreign network.%0a---%0a> # The judges, who must be Christians of good standing, decide on content moderation policy in accordance with the Bible.%0a> # The judges will also decide cases involving disputes between subnets, and disputes between a subnet and foreign network.%0a43,44c43,44%0a%3c # New servers may be admitted by the congress into the network, but not as a result of a split without the server's permission.%0a%3c # Each server is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against foreign attacks%0a---%0a> # New subnets may be admitted by the congress into the network, but not as a result of a split without the subnet's permission.%0a> # Each subnet is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against foreign attacks%0a46,47c46,47%0a%3c # Amendments to this constitution can be made if 3/4ths of all servers agree.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # Amendments to this constitution can be made if 3/4ths of all subnets agree.%0a> %0a49c49%0a%3c # Congress and the servers shall make no rule to prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible; or abridging the freedom to speak on topics not forbidden by the Bible; or the right of the people to peaceably petition the staff.%0a---%0a> # Congress and the subnets shall make no rule to prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible.%0a
417 host:1596188485=
418 author:1596188029=jrmu
419 diff:1596188029:1596187935:=1c1%0a%3c We the users of the free and open source community, in order to form a more perfect network, establish justice, ensure chat tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote open source software, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and future users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a---%0a> We the users of the free and open source community, in order to form a more perfect network, establish justice, ensure chat tranquility, provide for our network defence, promote open source software, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and future users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a
420 host:1596188029=
421 author:1596187935=jrmu
422 diff:1596187935:1596187693:=3,55c3,53%0a%3c !! Article I%0a%3c %0a%3c # Rules will be created by a congress, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives. No religious test will be required.%0a%3c # Each year, subnets will choose representatives for the house in proportion to the number of verified, active users in each subnet. No person may represent a subnet unless he has been an active, verified user on that subnet for at least 3 years. The house has the sole power to impeach the president.%0a%3c # In the senate, each subnet will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that subnet for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments. A two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a%3c # All officers must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, no officer is allowed to receive any gifts or income from competing businesses without the approval of congress.%0a%3c # All rules for raising money must begin in the house and later passed in the senate. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in the house and a two-third majority in the senate.%0a%3c # A majority in either the house or the senate forms a quorum.%0a%3c # The congress has the power to:%0a%3c # # Charge fees for network-wide transactions%0a%3c # # Tax active users%0a%3c # # Spend network funds%0a%3c # # Regulate cryptocurrencies%0a%3c # # Set terms of service and privacy policies%0a%3c # # Write copyright licenses%0a%3c # # Decide upon services, software, and protocols used across the network%0a%3c # # Make deals with competitors and other networks%0a%3c # # Train and admit new subnets%0a%3c # # Punish abusers and criminals%0a%3c # The congress is not allowed to ban users, and rules cannot be used to punish crimes committed before the rules are passed%0a%3c # Each house has the power to ban its own members for misconduct or for not faithfully performing duties with a two-thirds majority vote.%0a%3c # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in the network council%0a%3c # A financial report of all revenues and expenses from the network must be published each year.%0a%3c # Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in the network council%0a%3c # No subnet may make a deal with another network.%0a%3c # Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all subnets approve.%0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the subnets.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Article II%0a%3c # A president will be elected once every 2 years. He must have been an active, registered user for at least 8 years. No religious test will be required. The president must agree to uphold the constitution.%0a%3c # The president will be elected by the subnets. Each subnet gets votes equal to the number of its senators plus representatives.%0a%3c # The president must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, the president cannot receive any gifts or income from competing businesses.%0a%3c # The president's duty is to enforce the rules of the network. He has the power to make deals with competitors and other networks provided he has 2/3rds support of the senate.%0a%3c # If the president is unable to fulfill his duty, the vice president will take his place. If the vice president is unable, then the house will vote for the president.%0a%3c # The president has the right to pardon banned abusers. He also can appoint officers to help him with enforcing the rules.%0a%3c !! Article III%0a%3c # Judges shall be appointed by the Christian church.%0a%3c # The judges, who must be Christians of good standing, decide on content moderation policy in accordance with the Bible.%0a%3c # The judges will also decide cases involving disputes between subnets, and disputes between a subnet and foreign network.%0a%3c !! Article IV%0a%3c # New subnets may be admitted by the congress into the network, but not as a result of a split without the subnet's permission.%0a%3c # Each subnet is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against foreign attacks%0a%3c !! Article V%0a%3c # Amendments to this constitution can be made if 3/4ths of all subnets agree.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! User Bill of Rights%0a%3c # Congress and the subnets shall make no rule to prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible.%0a%3c # Free and open source software, being necessary to the liberty of a free network, the right of the users to software used by the network shall not be infringed. Users have the right to use, modify, copy, and distribute any and all of the software used on the network, for any purpose and at any price without needing to ask for permission.%0a%3c # The right of the people to privacy against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the items to be searched and seized are described.%0a%3c # No user can be banned without a fair trial, except during times of great danger; no user can be punished for the same reason twice; nor will he be required to be a witness against himself; nor can he be deprived of any money without a fair trial.%0a%3c # Accused users shall get a fast trial by a fair jury.%0a%3c # Punishment must fit the crime and must not be excessive or cruel%0a%3c # Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the subnets and users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> === Article I ===%0a> - Rules will be created by a congress, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives. No religious test will be required.%0a> - Each year, subnets will choose representatives for the house in proportion to the number of verified, active users in each subnet. No person may represent a subnet unless he has been an active, verified user on that subnet for at least 3 years. The house has the sole power to impeach the president.%0a> - In the senate, each subnet will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that subnet for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments. A two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a> - All officers must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, no officer is allowed to receive any gifts or income from competing businesses without the approval of congress.%0a> - All rules for raising money must begin in the house and later passed in the senate. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in the house and a two-third majority in the senate.%0a> - A majority in either the house or the senate forms a quorum.%0a> - The congress has the power to:%0a> - Charge fees for network-wide transactions%0a> - Tax active users%0a> - Spend network funds%0a> - Regulate cryptocurrencies%0a> - Set terms of service and privacy policies%0a> - Write copyright licenses%0a> - Decide upon services, software, and protocols used across the network%0a> - Make deals with competitors and other networks%0a> - Train and admit new subnets%0a> - Punish abusers and criminals%0a> - The congress is not allowed to ban users, and rules cannot be used to punish crimes committed before the rules are passed%0a> - Each house has the power to ban its own members for misconduct or for not faithfully performing duties with a two-thirds majority vote.%0a> - Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in the network council%0a> - A financial report of all revenues and expenses from the network must be published each year.%0a> - Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in the network council%0a> - No subnet may make a deal with another network.%0a> - Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all subnets approve.%0a> - Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the subnets.%0a> === Article II ===%0a> - A president will be elected once every 2 years. He must have been an active, registered user for at least 8 years. No religious test will be required. The president must agree to uphold the constitution.%0a> - The president will be elected by the subnets. Each subnet gets votes equal to the number of its senators plus representatives.%0a> - The president must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, the president cannot receive any gifts or income from competing businesses.%0a> - The president's duty is to enforce the rules of the network. He has the power to make deals with competitors and other networks provided he has 2/3rds support of the senate.%0a> - If the president is unable to fulfill his duty, the vice president will take his place. If the vice president is unable, then the house will vote for the president.%0a> - The president has the right to pardon banned abusers. He also can appoint officers to help him with enforcing the rules.%0a> === Article III ===%0a> - Judges shall be appointed by the Christian church.%0a> - The judges, who must be Christians of good standing, decide on content moderation policy in accordance with the Bible.%0a> - The judges will also decide cases involving disputes between subnets, and disputes between a subnet and foreign network.%0a> === Article IV === %0a> - New subnets may be admitted by the congress into the network, but not as a result of a split without the subnet's permission.%0a> - Each subnet is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against foreign attacks%0a> === Article V === %0a> - Amendments to this constitution can be made if 3/4ths of all subnets agree.%0a> %0a> === User Bill of Rights ===%0a> - Congress and the subnets shall make no rule to prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible.%0a> - Free and open source software, being necessary to the liberty of a free network, the right of the users to software used by the network shall not be infringed. Users have the right to use, modify, copy, and distribute any and all of the software used on the network, for any purpose and at any price without needing to ask for permission.%0a> - The right of the people to privacy against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the items to be searched and seized are described.%0a> - No user can be banned without a fair trial, except during times of great danger; no user can be punished for the same reason twice; nor will he be required to be a witness against himself; nor can he be deprived of any money without a fair trial.%0a> - Accused users shall get a fast trial by a fair jury.%0a> - Punishment must fit the crime and must not be excessive or cruel%0a> - Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the subnets and users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
423 host:1596187935=
424 author:1596187693=jrmu
425 diff:1596187693:1596187693:=1,53d0%0a%3c We the users of the free and open source community, in order to form a more perfect network, establish justice, ensure chat tranquility, provide for our network defence, promote open source software, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and future users, establish this constitution for IRCNow.%0a%3c %0a%3c === Article I ===%0a%3c - Rules will be created by a congress, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives. No religious test will be required.%0a%3c - Each year, subnets will choose representatives for the house in proportion to the number of verified, active users in each subnet. No person may represent a subnet unless he has been an active, verified user on that subnet for at least 3 years. The house has the sole power to impeach the president.%0a%3c - In the senate, each subnet will choose two senators. Each senator gets one vote. Each senator serves for three years. Each year, one-third of the senators will be elected. No person can be a senator who has not been an active, verified user on that subnet for a minimum of 5 years. The vice president shall lead the senate. The senate has the sole power to try impeachments. A two-thirds majority in the senate is needed.%0a%3c - All officers must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, no officer is allowed to receive any gifts or income from competing businesses without the approval of congress.%0a%3c - All rules for raising money must begin in the house and later passed in the senate. The president has 10 days to veto it, but this can be overturned if there is a two-thirds majority in the house and a two-third majority in the senate.%0a%3c - A majority in either the house or the senate forms a quorum.%0a%3c - The congress has the power to:%0a%3c - Charge fees for network-wide transactions%0a%3c - Tax active users%0a%3c - Spend network funds%0a%3c - Regulate cryptocurrencies%0a%3c - Set terms of service and privacy policies%0a%3c - Write copyright licenses%0a%3c - Decide upon services, software, and protocols used across the network%0a%3c - Make deals with competitors and other networks%0a%3c - Train and admit new subnets%0a%3c - Punish abusers and criminals%0a%3c - The congress is not allowed to ban users, and rules cannot be used to punish crimes committed before the rules are passed%0a%3c - Each house has the power to ban its own members for misconduct or for not faithfully performing duties with a two-thirds majority vote.%0a%3c - Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in the network council%0a%3c - A financial report of all revenues and expenses from the network must be published each year.%0a%3c - Users who are banned or frozen have the right to appeal to a higher court except during times of emergencies as approved by vote in the network council%0a%3c - No subnet may make a deal with another network.%0a%3c - Amendments to this constitution can be passed if 3/4ths of all subnets approve.%0a%3c - Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the subnets.%0a%3c === Article II ===%0a%3c - A president will be elected once every 2 years. He must have been an active, registered user for at least 8 years. No religious test will be required. The president must agree to uphold the constitution.%0a%3c - The president will be elected by the subnets. Each subnet gets votes equal to the number of its senators plus representatives.%0a%3c - The president must report any gifts or income received from competing businesses. After the network begins paying salaries, the president cannot receive any gifts or income from competing businesses.%0a%3c - The president's duty is to enforce the rules of the network. He has the power to make deals with competitors and other networks provided he has 2/3rds support of the senate.%0a%3c - If the president is unable to fulfill his duty, the vice president will take his place. If the vice president is unable, then the house will vote for the president.%0a%3c - The president has the right to pardon banned abusers. He also can appoint officers to help him with enforcing the rules.%0a%3c === Article III ===%0a%3c - Judges shall be appointed by the Christian church.%0a%3c - The judges, who must be Christians of good standing, decide on content moderation policy in accordance with the Bible.%0a%3c - The judges will also decide cases involving disputes between subnets, and disputes between a subnet and foreign network.%0a%3c === Article IV === %0a%3c - New subnets may be admitted by the congress into the network, but not as a result of a split without the subnet's permission.%0a%3c - Each subnet is guaranteed a republican form of government, and the network shall protect each of them against foreign attacks%0a%3c === Article V === %0a%3c - Amendments to this constitution can be made if 3/4ths of all subnets agree.%0a%3c %0a%3c === User Bill of Rights ===%0a%3c - Congress and the subnets shall make no rule to prohibit the free exercise of the Christian religion as taught by the Bible.%0a%3c - Free and open source software, being necessary to the liberty of a free network, the right of the users to software used by the network shall not be infringed. Users have the right to use, modify, copy, and distribute any and all of the software used on the network, for any purpose and at any price without needing to ask for permission.%0a%3c - The right of the people to privacy against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the items to be searched and seized are described.%0a%3c - No user can be banned without a fair trial, except during times of great danger; no user can be punished for the same reason twice; nor will he be required to be a witness against himself; nor can he be deprived of any money without a fair trial.%0a%3c - Accused users shall get a fast trial by a fair jury.%0a%3c - Punishment must fit the crime and must not be excessive or cruel%0a%3c - Any other powers not mentioned here which are not forbidden are reserved to the subnets and users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
426 host:1596187693=