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11 text=(:title Partner Networks:)%0a%0a!Partner Options:%0a%0a!!Spam Partner%0a# You mark channels with adult content (NSFW)%0a# You report/log abuse%0a# We will help provide spam filters and support%0a# We share known abusers for banning%0a%0a!!User Partner%0a# You provide iline for IRCNow%0a# We auto-suggest your network to users on our bouncers and website%0a%0a!!Training Partner%0a# We will help provide training and wikis and tech support%0a
12 time=1609253551
13 title=Partner Networks
14 author:1609253551=jrmu
15 diff:1609253551:1609252722:=15a16%0a> # You treat our users with respect%0a
16 host:1609253551=
17 author:1609252722=searchsocial
18 diff:1609252722:1609252722:=1,17d0%0a%3c (:title Partner Networks:)%0a%3c %0a%3c !Partner Options:%0a%3c %0a%3c !!Spam Partner%0a%3c # You mark channels with adult content (NSFW)%0a%3c # You report/log abuse%0a%3c # We will help provide spam filters and support%0a%3c # We share known abusers for banning%0a%3c %0a%3c !!User Partner%0a%3c # You provide iline for IRCNow%0a%3c # We auto-suggest your network to users on our bouncers and website%0a%3c %0a%3c !!Training Partner%0a%3c # You treat our users with respect%0a%3c # We will help provide training and wikis and tech support%0a
19 host:1609252722=