
1 version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:105.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0
3 author=fossdev
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=Edit
6 ctime=1612974683
7 host=2405:201:a40c:a132:4223:43ff:fec0:1a01
8 name=Ngircd.Install
9 rev=121
10 targets=Irc.Guide,IP.Myaddress,Ddos.Intro,Chroot.Intro,Netcat.Irc,Hopm.Install,Ngircd.Ssl,Password.Management,Dns.Vhost,Ngircd.Link,Syslogd.Configure,Openbsd.Rcctl,Anope.Install,Acopm.Install
11 text=(:title Ngircd Install Guide:)%0a%0aIn this guide, we'll setup [[|ngircd]], a free, portable, lightweight IRC server.%0a%0a!!Overview%0a%0angircd is an [[Irc/Guide|IRC]] server. It helps IRC clients send messages to one another.%0a%0aAdvantages:%0a%0a# The source code is written in modern, portable C.%0a# The code compiles easily on all BSDs, Linux, and other platforms.%0a# The code is easy to fork to add new features such as spam filters%0a# The server has a very simple, easy-to-understand configuration%0a# Documentation is short and easy to understand%0a# The server is a clean implementation which was written from scratch%0a# The lead developer po||ux actively hangs out on the IRC server on #ngircd%0a%0a!! Docs and references%0a%0aBefore installation, please consult:%0a%0a# The [[|Official ngIRCd documentation]] %0a# After installation, see also /usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/ for local documentation%0a# Consult the man pages:%0a # @@$ man 5 ngircd.conf@@%0a # @@$ man 8 ngircd@@%0a%0a!! Installation%0a%0a!!! Installing from OpenBSD packages%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add ngircd%0a@]%0a%0aCopy the sample configuration file:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas cp /usr/local/share/examples/ngircd/sample-ngircd.conf /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf%0a@]%0a%0angIRCd v26.1 provided by OpenBSD 7.1 ports does not have ident support. On a production server, ident support is essential, so we will need to compile from source (described below). You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d scripts are created automatically.%0a%0a!!! Building from source%0a%0a'''Note''': Before building from source, make sure you have ngircd package installed using the instructions from above.%0a%0aDownload the IRC server, extract the code, and build it:%0a%0a[@ %0a$ ftp$ tar xvzf ircnowd.tgz%0a$ cd ircnowd/%0a$ sh %0a@]%0a%0a!! Configuring ngircd%0a%0aEdit @@/etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf@@ as root:%0a%0a'''Note''': Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. You will need to remove # or ; to uncomment.%0a%0aTypically, ";" precedes a line of code that has been commented, while a "#" precedes an actual note that should not be uncommented.%0a%0a!!! Global Block%0a%0a[@%0a[Global]%0a Name = AdminInfo1 = Example Network%0a AdminInfo2 = Planet Earth%0a AdminEMail = HelpFile = /usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/Commands.txt%0a Info =]%0a%0a* Name: Use your server's domain name.%0a* Info: Use your server's domain name.%0a%0a[@%0a Listen =,::1,,2001:db8::%0a@]%0a%0aProvide every single IP address you want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost ( and ::1), and [[IP/Myaddress|our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses]]. Keep and ::1 untouched, but replace and 2001:db8:: with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily [[ddos/intro|DDoSed]] and using an unfiltered IP may get you nullrouted.%0a%0a'''Note''': if you do not uncomment this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a%0a[@%0a MotdFile = /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd%0a ;MotdPhrase = "Hello world!"%0a Network = ExampleNet%0a ;Password = abc%0a@]%0a%0a* Network: Your network name; this usually contains no periods.%0a%0aKeep the MotdPhrase and Password commented out. First, we will be using a MotdFile instead. Secondly, we do not want a global password for a public server.%0a%0a[@%0a PidFile = /var/run/ngircd/]%0a%0aThe Pid file is where ngircd writes its process ID.%0a%0a[@%0a Ports = 6660, 6661, 6662, 6663, 6664, 6665, 6666, 6667, 6668, 6669, 7000, 16667%0a ServerGID = _ngircd%0a ServerUID = _ngircd%0a@]%0a%0aIt's recommended to provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to bypass network firewalls. %0a%0a'''NOTE''': Make sure to set the ServerUID and ServerGID to _ngircd. Otherwise, it runs as the user nobody by default.%0a%0a!!! Limits Block%0a%0a[@%0a[Limits]%0a MaxConnectionsIP = 0%0a MaxJoins = 300%0a MaxNickLength = 16%0a MaxListSize = 3000%0a PingTimeout = 300%0a PongTimeout = 300%0a@]%0a%0aWe allow unlimited connections per IP and handle abuse with other techniques.%0a%0aMaxNickLength: '''must''' be identical for all servers on the network. On IRCNow, MaxNickLength is [@16@].%0a%0a!!! Options Block%0a%0a[@%0a[Options]%0a AllowRemoteOper = yes%0a ChrootDir = /var/ngircd%0a ;CloakHost = %25x%0a CloakHostModeX = %25x%0a CloakHostSalt = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%0a DefaultUserModes = ix%0a DNS = yes%0a Ident = yes%0a@]%0a%0aWe will turn on AllowRemoteOpers so that GLINEs function properly.%0a%0aWe want to [[Chroot.Intro|chroot]] to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. %0a%0aWe will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt. If not linking to another network, you can leave it commented to use a random salt each time it runs, or you can generate your own random salt.%0a%0aWe use CloakHostModeX so that users are cloaked when mode +x is set. Users can then turn off mode x in order to remove the cloak (to show a custom hostmask). If we had used CloakHost instead, uncloaking a user would not be possible.%0a%0aUser mode +i keeps the user invisible so that /whois does not show all channels a user has joined. This helps reduce stalking and harassment.%0a%0aWe want to perform DNS lookups when a client connects so that we can validate a user's hostmask. We also want to perform IDENT lookups.%0a%0a[@%0a NoticeBeforeRegistration = yes%0a OperCanUseMode = yes%0a OperChanPAutoOp = no %0a PAM = no%0a RequireAuthPing = yes%0a SyslogFacility = daemon%0a@]%0a%0aReceiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. It is also necessary for [[hopm/install|hopm]].%0a%0aOperCanUseMode will allow opers the ability to use mode commands when needed. '''Opers should use this power sparingly''', generally only if the channel owner is unable to moderate his channel.%0a%0aOperChanPAutoOp should be set to no so that opers are not automatically op'd in every channel they join. Opers should not interfere with normal channel operation.%0a%0aSet PAM to no because enabling PAM on OpenBSD causes issues.%0a%0aWe set RequireAuthPing to yes because it may help reduce spam.%0a%0aWe're going to log using syslog (see below) to log events.%0a%0a!!! SSL block%0a%0a[@ %0a;[SSL]%0a@]%0a%0a'''This entire block should be commented'''. When you are ready to set up [[ngircd/ssl|SSL/TLS encryption]], un-comment the entire block.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Do not send passwords or sensitive data over this server until SSL is set up.%0a%0a!!! Operator Block%0a%0aCreate one Operator block for each operator on the server:%0a%0a[@%0a[Operator]%0a Name = username%0a Password = password%0a ;Mask = *!]%0a%0aPlease use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a%0aIf you uncomment Mask, your hostmask must match the operator hostmask in order for the /OPER command to work. If the hostmask differs by even a single character, then your /OPER command will be rejected. It's best to leave Mask commented out until you are familiar with ngircd.%0a%0aOnce your configuration is tested and stable, you can uncomment Mask and have it match your [[dns/vhost|vhost]]. However, please be aware that this will make it impossible to become IRC Operator if you connect from a different IP address.%0a%0a!!! Server Block%0a%0a[@%0a;[Server]%0a@]%0a%0aThe server block is used to connect to other servers to form a network. You can have multiple server blocks. For now, leave it commented out until you are ready to [[ngircd/link|link ngircd]].%0a%0aYou are now finished editing ngircd.conf, so we turn to edit other files.%0a%0a!! MOTD file%0a%0aCreate the Message of the Day in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd. Here is a suggested template:%0a%0a[@%0aIRCNow - The Users' Network%0a%0aIRCNow is the network of the user, by the user, for the user.%0a%0a * No porn / illegal drugs / threats of violence%0a * No slander / libel / gambling%0a * No spam, illegal cracking, or DDoS%0a * No copyright infrigement%0a%0aYou must agree to our terms of service and our privacy policy %0ato use this network:%0a%0a 5 connections per IP address. If you need help, please speak with staff on #help.%0a@]%0a%0a!! Configuring [[syslogd/configure|syslog]]%0a%0aAll log messages from ngircd should go to [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @]. Insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in [@/etc/syslog.conf@]:%0a%0a[@%0a!!ngircd%0a*.* /var/log/ngircd.log%0a!*%0a@]%0a%0aThis directs all logs from ngircd to go straight to /var/log/ngircd.log.%0a%0aSyslogd expects all logfiles to already exist with the correct permissions. So, we will create the file /var/log/ngircd.log and restart syslogd:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas touch /var/log/ngircd.log%0a$ doas rcctl restart syslogd%0a@]%0a%0a!! Chroot%0a%0aWe need to set up the [[chroot/intro|chroot]] for ngircd. Let's copy the files into the chroot:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas mkdir /var/ngircd/etc/%0a$ doas cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/ngircd/etc/%0a$ doas cp -R /etc/ngircd /var/ngircd/etc/%0a$ doas chown -R _ngircd:_ngircd /var/ngircd/%0a$ doas rm -r /etc/ngircd%0a$ doas ln -s /var/ngircd/etc/ngircd /etc/ngircd%0a$ doas mkdir -p /var/ngircd/usr/local/share/doc/%0a$ doas cp -R /usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/ /var/ngircd/usr/local/share/doc/%0a$ doas chown -R _ngircd:_ngircd /var/ngircd/usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/%0a@]%0a%0aThis will create a symlink so that only one set of configuration files needs to be maintained inside and outside of the chroot. Otherwise, ngircd will require two sets of configuration files, one inside and the other outside of the chroot.%0a%0a!! Automation%0a%0aTo automatically restart ngIRCd if it was terminated unexpectedly, create a script in /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/[@%0a$ doas mkdir -p /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/%0a$ doas touch /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/$ doas chmod +x /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/]%0a%0aEdit @@/usr/local/libexec/ngircd/[@%0a#!/bin/sh%0a%0aSERVICE_NAME="ngircd"%0aSERVICE_USER="_ngircd"%0aSERVICE_PID="/var/ngircd/var/run/ngircd/"%0a%0aif ! pgrep -u $SERVICE_USER -x "$SERVICE_NAME" > /dev/null%0athen%0a if [ -f $SERVICE_PID ]; then%0a rm -f $SERVICE_PID%0a rcctl -d restart $SERVICE_NAME%0a fi%0afi%0a@]%0a%0aAdd this as a cronjob:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas crontab -e%0a%0a*/5 * * * * /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/ > /dev/null 2>&1%0a@]%0a%0aFor the solution to work, make sure you have enabled the use of pid files in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf:%0a%0a[@%0aPidFile = /var/run/ngircd/]%0a%0a!! Starting ngircd%0a%0aTo start ngircd via [[openbsd/rcctl|rcctl]]:%0a%0a[@%0adoas rcctl enable ngircd%0adoas rcctl start ngircd%0a@]%0a%0aNext, use your IRC client to connect to the server. Join a few channels and chat inside. You will need to invite your friends, since a new IRC server will have no other users on it.%0a%0a!! Troubleshooting%0a%0aIf you run into any errors, you can test to see if your configuration file has errors:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas ngircd -t%0a@]%0a%0aTo run ngircd in debug mode:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas ngircd -n%0a@]%0a%0aCheck [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @] to see if ngircd is listening on the correct IP addresses and ports. Connect to those ports using your IRC client to verify that the server is working as intended.%0a%0aRemember, if you are connecting using port 6667 without SSL, any eavesdropper can read all your text, including your passwords. '''Don't send any sensitive information until you have upgraded to [[ngircd/ssl|SSL]].'''%0a%0a!! Reloading and Restarting ngIRCd%0a%0aAfter you edit [@ /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] for a running ngircd server, you will need to reload the configuration file:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas rcctl reload ngircd%0a@]%0a%0aAlternatively, you can run:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas pkill -HUP ngircd%0a@]%0a%0a'''Reloading''' a configuration file will '''not''' disconnect any active connections. So, try to reload the configuration where possible '''instead of restarting the service'''.%0a%0aTo restart the ircd:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas rcctl restart ngircd%0a@]%0a%0a'''WARNING''': '''Restarting''' the ircd '''will''' disconnect all existing connections. So, try to restart ngircd only when absolutely necessary.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': ngircd appears to have a bug where the ircd will crash if you reload the configuration file while a message is being sent. Be careful to avoid reloading configuration files when many users are chatting.%0a%0a!! See Also%0a%0a# Configure [[ngircd/ssl|SSL]] for ngircd to ensure secure connections%0a# [[ngircd/link|Link your ngircd]] with another server to create a network%0a# Install [[anope/install|anope]] to provide services%0a# Configure [[hopm/install|hopm]], an open proxy monitor to stop spammers.%0a# Configure [[acopm/install|acopm]], a minimalist open proxy monitor to stop spammers.%0a
12 time=1667565713
13 title=Ngircd Install Guide
14 author:1667565713=fossdev
15 csum:1667565713=Edit
16 diff:1667565713:1659546979:=
17 host:1667565713=2405:201:a40c:a132:4223:43ff:fec0:1a01
18 author:1659546979=mkf
19 diff:1659546979:1659053857:=26,28c26,28%0a%3c # @@$ man 5 ngircd.conf@@%0a%3c # @@$ man 8 ngircd@@%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # $ man 5 ngircd.conf%0a> # $ man 8 ngircd%0a> %0a33,36c33,34%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add ngircd%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a---%0a> [@$ doas pkg_add ngircd @]%0a> %0a39,40c37%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas cp /usr/local/share/examples/ngircd/sample-ngircd.conf /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf%0a---%0a> [@$ doas cp /usr/local/share/examples/ngircd/sample-ngircd.conf /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf%0a43,44c40,41%0a%3c ngIRCd v26.1 provided by OpenBSD 7.1 ports does not have ident support. On a production server, ident support is essential, so we will need to compile from source (described below). You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d scripts are created automatically.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ngIRCd v26.1 provided by OpenBSD 7.0 ports does not have ident support. On a production server, ident support is essential, so we will need to compile from source (described below). You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d scripts are created automatically.%0a> %0a60c57%0a%3c Edit @@/etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf@@ as root:%0a---%0a> Edit [@ /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] as root:%0a
20 host:1659546979=
21 author:1659053857=tiramisu
22 diff:1659053857:1656939139:minor=57,58c57,58%0a%3c Edit [@ /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] as root:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Edit [@ /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @]:%0a> %0a323c323%0a%3c Next, use your IRC client to connect to the server. Join a few channels and chat inside. You will need to invite your friends, since a new IRC server will have no other users on it.%0a---%0a> Next, use your IRC client to connect to the server. Join a few channels and chat inside.%0a
23 host:1659053857=2607:fb90:b949:326f:fee6:ed30:3814:d501
24 author:1656939139=baytuch
25 diff:1656939139:1649316468:=295c295%0a%3c rcctl -d restart $SERVICE_NAME%0a---%0a> rcctl -d start $SERVICE_NAME%0a
26 host:1656939139=2001:bc8:1830:1533::2
27 author:1649316468=jrmu
28 diff:1649316468:1649315205:=312a313,314%0a> %0a> Make sure to configure [[hopm/install|hopm]].%0a
29 host:1649316468=
30 author:1649315205=jrmu
31 diff:1649315205:1649314785:=375a376%0a> # Install [[achurch/install|achurch]] to test achurch services%0a
32 host:1649315205=
33 author:1649314785=jrmu
34 diff:1649314785:1648181477:=271,314d270%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Automation%0a%3c %0a%3c To automatically restart ngIRCd if it was terminated unexpectedly, create a script in /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/ %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas mkdir -p /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/%0a%3c $ doas touch /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/ $ doas chmod +x /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/ @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Edit @@/usr/local/libexec/ngircd/ %0a%3c [@%0a%3c #!/bin/sh%0a%3c %0a%3c SERVICE_NAME="ngircd"%0a%3c SERVICE_USER="_ngircd"%0a%3c SERVICE_PID="/var/ngircd/var/run/ngircd/"%0a%3c %0a%3c if ! pgrep -u $SERVICE_USER -x "$SERVICE_NAME" > /dev/null%0a%3c then%0a%3c if [ -f $SERVICE_PID ]; then%0a%3c rm -f $SERVICE_PID%0a%3c rcctl -d start $SERVICE_NAME%0a%3c fi%0a%3c fi%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Add this as a cronjob:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas crontab -e%0a%3c %0a%3c */5 * * * * /usr/local/libexec/ngircd/ > /dev/null 2>&1%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c For the solution to work, make sure you have enabled the use of pid files in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c PidFile = /var/run/ngircd/ @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Make sure to configure [[hopm/install|hopm]].%0a
35 host:1649314785=
36 author:1648181477=jrmu
37 diff:1648181477:1648181362:=247c247%0a%3c Syslogd expects all logfiles to already exist with the correct permissions. So, we will create the file /var/log/ngircd.log and restart syslogd:%0a---%0a> Next, create the file /var/log/ngircd.log and restart syslogd:%0a
38 host:1648181477=
39 author:1648181362=jrmu
40 diff:1648181362:1648180006:=235c235%0a%3c !! Configuring [[syslogd/configure|syslog]]%0a---%0a> !! Configuring syslog%0a
41 host:1648181362=
42 author:1648180006=jrmu
43 diff:1648180006:1648141852:=7c7%0a%3c ngircd is an [[Irc/Guide|IRC]] server. It helps IRC clients send messages to one another.%0a---%0a> ngircd is an [[IRC/Guide|IRC]] server. It helps IRC clients send messages to one another.%0a
44 host:1648180006=
45 author:1648141852=jrmu
46 diff:1648141852:1648141818:=
47 host:1648141852=
48 author:1648141818=jrmu
49 diff:1648141818:1648141334:=204d203%0a%3c %0a206c205%0a%3c ;[Server]%0a---%0a> [Server]%0a209,213c208,213%0a%3c The server block is used to connect to other servers to form a network. You can have multiple server blocks. For now, leave it commented out until you are ready to [[ngircd/link|link ngircd]].%0a%3c %0a%3c You are now finished editing ngircd.conf, so we turn to edit other files.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! MOTD file%0a---%0a> The server block is used to connect to other servers to form a network. You can have multiple server blocks. See: [[ngircd/link|Link your ngircd]] %0a> %0a> %0a> You are finished editing ngircd.conf%0a> %0a> !!MOTD file%0a
50 host:1648141818=
51 author:1648141334=jrmu
52 diff:1648141334:1648141026:=188,189c188,189%0a%3c Create one Operator block for each operator on the server:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> You may have as many Operator Blocks as you like, one for each Operator.%0a> %0a194d193%0a%3c ;Mask = *!,201c198,200%0a%3c If you uncomment Mask, your hostmask must match the operator hostmask in order for the /OPER command to work. If the hostmask differs by even a single character, then your /OPER command will be rejected. It's best to leave Mask commented out until you are familiar with ngircd.%0a%3c %0a%3c Once your configuration is tested and stable, you can uncomment Mask and have it match your [[dns/vhost|vhost]]. However, please be aware that this will make it impossible to become IRC Operator if you connect from a different IP address.%0a---%0a> If you uncomment Mask, your hostmask must match the operator hostmask in order for the /OPER command to be accepted. If it differs at all, then your /OPER command will be rejected. If you don't want to check the hostmask, leave Mask commented out.%0a> %0a> For more security, you can uncomment Mask and have it match your vhost. However, please be aware that this will make it impossible to authenticate if you ever have to connect from a different IP address.%0a
53 host:1648141334=
54 author:1648141026=jrmu
55 diff:1648141026:1648140259:=151,152d150%0a%3c User mode +i keeps the user invisible so that /whois does not show all channels a user has joined. This helps reduce stalking and harassment.%0a%3c %0a159d156%0a%3c PAM = no%0a164,175c161,165%0a%3c Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. It is also necessary for [[hopm/install|hopm]].%0a%3c %0a%3c OperCanUseMode will allow opers the ability to use mode commands when needed. '''Opers should use this power sparingly''', generally only if the channel owner is unable to moderate his channel.%0a%3c %0a%3c OperChanPAutoOp should be set to no so that opers are not automatically op'd in every channel they join. Opers should not interfere with normal channel operation.%0a%3c %0a%3c Set PAM to no because enabling PAM on OpenBSD causes issues.%0a%3c %0a%3c We set RequireAuthPing to yes because it may help reduce spam.%0a%3c %0a%3c We're going to log using syslog (see below) to log events.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a> User mode +i keeps the user invisible so that /whois does not show all channels a user has joined. This helps reduce stalking and harassment.%0a> %0a> Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. It is necessary for [[hopm/install|hopm]]. We're going to log using syslog (see below).%0a> %0a182c172%0a%3c '''This entire block should be commented'''. When you are ready to set up [[ngircd/ssl|SSL/TLS encryption]], un-comment the entire block.%0a---%0a> This entire block should be commented. When you are ready to set up [[ngircd/ssl|SSL/TLS encryption]], un-comment the entire block.%0a
56 host:1648141026=
57 author:1648140259=jrmu
58 diff:1648140259:1648139583:=135,136c135,136%0a%3c ;CloakHost = %25x%0a%3c CloakHostModeX = %25x%0a---%0a> CloakHost = %25x%0a> ;CloakHostModeX = cloaked.user%0a138,140c138,143%0a%3c DefaultUserModes = ix%0a%3c DNS = yes%0a%3c Ident = yes%0a---%0a> DefaultUserModes = i%0a> ;DNS = no%0a> NoticeBeforeRegistration = yes%0a> OperChanPAutoOp = no %0a> RequireAuthPing = yes%0a> SyslogFacility = daemon%0a147,160c150%0a%3c We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt. If not linking to another network, you can leave it commented to use a random salt each time it runs, or you can generate your own random salt.%0a%3c %0a%3c We use CloakHostModeX so that users are cloaked when mode +x is set. Users can then turn off mode x in order to remove the cloak (to show a custom hostmask). If we had used CloakHost instead, uncloaking a user would not be possible.%0a%3c %0a%3c We want to perform DNS lookups when a client connects so that we can validate a user's hostmask. We also want to perform IDENT lookups.%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c NoticeBeforeRegistration = yes%0a%3c OperCanUseMode = yes%0a%3c OperChanPAutoOp = no %0a%3c RequireAuthPing = yes%0a%3c SyslogFacility = daemon%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a---%0a> We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt. If not linking to a network, you can leave it commented for a random salt each time it runs or you can provide your own random salt.%0a
59 host:1648140259=
60 author:1648139583=jrmu
61 diff:1648139583:1648138974:=88d87%0a%3c ;MotdPhrase = "Hello world!"%0a90d88%0a%3c ;Password = abc%0a93,96c91,93%0a%3c * Network: Your network name; this usually contains no periods.%0a%3c %0a%3c Keep the MotdPhrase and Password commented out. First, we will be using a MotdFile instead. Secondly, we do not want a global password for a public server.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> * Motdfile stands for "Message of the Day"; we will create this file later on.%0a> * Network: Your network name.%0a> %0a98c95,97%0a%3c PidFile = /var/run/ngircd/> Ports = 6660, 6661, 6662, 6663, 6664, 6665, 6666, 6667, 6668, 6669, 7000, 16667%0a> ServerGID = _ngircd%0a> ServerUID = _ngircd%0a101,108d99%0a%3c The Pid file is where ngircd writes its process ID.%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c Ports = 6660, 6661, 6662, 6663, 6664, 6665, 6666, 6667, 6668, 6669, 7000, 16667%0a%3c ServerGID = _ngircd%0a%3c ServerUID = _ngircd%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a125,127c116%0a%3c We allow unlimited connections per IP and handle abuse with other techniques.%0a%3c %0a%3c MaxNickLength: '''must''' be identical for all servers on the network. On IRCNow, MaxNickLength is [@16@].%0a---%0a> MaxNickLength: '''must''' be identical to all servers on the network. On IRCNow, MaxNickLength is [@16@].%0a
62 host:1648139583=
63 author:1648138974=jrmu
64 diff:1648138974:1648138103:=42,43c42,44%0a%3c !!! Building from source%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!! Installing from source%0a> %0a> %0a59,60c60,61%0a%3c '''Note''': Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. You will need to remove # or ; to uncomment.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> '''Note''': Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment%0a> %0a71d71%0a%3c HelpFile = /usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/Commands.txt%0a82c82%0a%3c Provide every single IP address you want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost ( and ::1), and [[IP/Myaddress|our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses]]. Keep and ::1 untouched, but replace and 2001:db8:: with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily [[ddos/intro|DDoSed]] and using an unfiltered IP may get you nullrouted.%0a---%0a> Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address you want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost ( and ::1), and [[IP/Myaddress|our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses]]. Keep and ::1 untouched, but replace and 2001:db8:: with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a
65 host:1648138974=
66 author:1648138103=jrmu
67 diff:1648138103:1648137933:=25,29c25,27%0a%3c # Consult the man pages:%0a%3c # $ man 5 ngircd.conf%0a%3c # $ man 8 ngircd%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Installation%0a---%0a> # Consult the man pages%0a> %0a> !!Installation%0a
68 host:1648138103=
69 author:1648137933=jrmu
70 diff:1648137933:1648137542:=19,26c19,22%0a%3c !! Docs and references%0a%3c %0a%3c Before installation, please consult:%0a%3c %0a%3c # The [[|Official ngIRCd documentation]] %0a%3c # After installation, see also /usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/ for local documentation%0a%3c # Consult the man pages%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!Docs and references%0a> %0a> # [[|Official ngIRCd documentation]] %0a> %0a58c54%0a%3c '''Note''': Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment%0a---%0a> '''Note''': Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment the line if that is desired.%0a
71 host:1648137933=
72 author:1648137542=jrmu
73 diff:1648137542:1644786667:=41c41%0a%3c Download the IRC server, extract the code, and build it:%0a---%0a> Pull the codebase from IRCNow's file servers, extract the code, and install it%0a
74 host:1648137542=
75 author:1644786667=jrmu
76 diff:1644786667:1644786645:=85,86c85,86%0a%3c * Motdfile stands for "Message of the Day"; we will create this file later on.%0a%3c * Network: Your network name.%0a---%0a> Motdfile stands for "Message of the Day"; we will create this file later on.%0a> Network: Your network name.%0a
77 host:1644786667=
78 author:1644786645=jrmu
79 diff:1644786645:1644786622:=78c78%0a%3c '''Note''': if you do not uncomment this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a---%0a> '''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a
80 host:1644786645=
81 author:1644786622=jrmu
82 diff:1644786622:1644786528:=76c76%0a%3c Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address you want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost ( and ::1), and [[IP/Myaddress|our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses]]. Keep and ::1 untouched, but replace and 2001:db8:: with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a---%0a> Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address you want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost ( and ::1), and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Keep and ::1 untouched, but replace and 2001:db8:: with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a
83 host:1644786622=
84 author:1644786528=jrmu
85 diff:1644786528:1644785351:=69,70c69,70%0a%3c * Name: Use your server's domain name.%0a%3c * Info: Use your server's domain name.%0a---%0a> *Name: Use your server's domain name.%0a> *Info: Use your server's domain name.%0a
86 host:1644786528=
87 author:1644785351=jrmu
88 diff:1644785351:1642657833:=34c34%0a%3c ngIRCd v26.1 provided by OpenBSD 7.0 ports does not have ident support. On a production server, ident support is essential, so we will need to compile from source (described below). You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d scripts are created automatically.%0a---%0a> ngIRCd v26.1 provided by OpenBSD 6.9 ports does not have ident support. On a production server, ident support is essential, so we will need to compile from source (described below). You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d scripts are created automatically.%0a
89 host:1644785351=
90 author:1642657833=jrmu
91 diff:1642657833:1639821547:=105c105%0a%3c MaxListSize = 3000%0a---%0a> MaxListSize = 1000%0a
92 host:1642657833=
93 author:1639821547=jrmu
94 diff:1639821547:1639821534:=122c122%0a%3c ;DNS = no%0a---%0a> ;DNS = yes%0a
95 host:1639821547=
96 author:1639821534=jrmu
97 diff:1639821534:1639817882:=119,126c119,124%0a%3c ;CloakHostModeX = cloaked.user%0a%3c CloakHostSalt = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%0a%3c DefaultUserModes = i%0a%3c ;DNS = yes%0a%3c NoticeBeforeRegistration = yes%0a%3c OperChanPAutoOp = no %0a%3c RequireAuthPing = yes%0a%3c SyslogFacility = daemon%0a---%0a> CloakHostSalt = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%0a> DefaultUserModes = i%0a> NoticeBeforeRegistration = yes%0a> OperChanPAutoOp = no %0a> RequireAuthPing = yes%0a> SyslogFacility = daemon%0a
98 host:1639821534=
99 author:1639817882=jrmu
100 diff:1639817882:1639817723:=44,46c44,46%0a%3c $ ftp $ tar xvzf ircnowd.tgz%0a%3c $ cd ircnowd/%0a---%0a> $ ftp> $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz%0a> $ cd ngircd-26.1/%0a
101 host:1639817882=
102 author:1639817723=jrmu
103 diff:1639817723:1638884657:=118a119%0a> CloakHostModeX = %25x%0a120c121%0a%3c DefaultUserModes = i%0a---%0a> DefaultUserModes = ix%0a133c134%0a%3c User mode +i keeps the user invisible so that /whois does not show all channels a user has joined. This helps reduce stalking and harassment.%0a---%0a> User mode +i keeps the user invisible so that /whois does not show all channels a user has joined. This helps reduce stalking and harassment. User mode +x cloaks the user by default.%0a
104 host:1639817723=
105 author:1638884657=jrmu
106 diff:1638884657:1638845897:=118d117%0a%3c CloakHost = %25x%0a
107 host:1638884657=
108 author:1638845897=jrmu
109 diff:1638845897:1638840723:=117a118%0a> CloakHost = %25x%0a
110 host:1638845897=
111 author:1638840723=jrmu
112 diff:1638840723:1637366855:=73c73%0a%3c Listen =,::1,,2001:db8::%0a---%0a> Listen =,,2001:db8::%0a76c76%0a%3c Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address you want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost ( and ::1), and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Keep and ::1 untouched, but replace and 2001:db8:: with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a---%0a> Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address you want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Keep but replace and 2001:db8:: with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a
113 host:1638840723=
114 author:1637366855=bugzbunny
115 diff:1637366855:1636462605:=37,39d36%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c '''Note''': Before building from source, make sure you have ngircd package installed using the instructions from above.%0a
116 host:1637366855=
117 author:1636462605=jrmu
118 diff:1636462605:1635167345:=116d115%0a%3c CloakHostModeX = %25x%0a118c117%0a%3c DefaultUserModes = ix%0a---%0a> DefaultUserModes = i%0a131c130%0a%3c User mode +i keeps the user invisible so that /whois does not show all channels a user has joined. This helps reduce stalking and harassment. User mode +x cloaks the user by default.%0a---%0a> User mode +i keeps the user invisible so that /whois does not show all channels a user has joined. This helps reduce stalking and harassment. %0a
119 host:1636462605=
120 author:1635167345=jrmu
121 diff:1635167345:1633228664:=113c113%0a%3c AllowRemoteOper = yes%0a---%0a> AllowRemoteOper = no%0a124,125c124,125%0a%3c We will turn on AllowRemoteOpers so that GLINEs function properly.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you might not trust an oper on another server.%0a> %0a
122 host:1635167345=
123 author:1633228664=jrmu
124 diff:1633228664:1631975364:=116c116%0a%3c CloakHostSalt = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%0a---%0a> CloakHostSalt = %3cabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz>%0a
125 host:1633228664=
126 author:1631975364=jrmu
127 diff:1631975364:1631964903:=222,224d221%0a%3c $ doas mkdir -p /var/ngircd/usr/local/share/doc/%0a%3c $ doas cp -R /usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/ /var/ngircd/usr/local/share/doc/%0a%3c $ doas chown -R _ngircd:_ngircd /var/ngircd/usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/%0a
128 host:1631975364=
129 author:1631964903=jrmu
130 diff:1631964903:1631956282:=73,76c73,74%0a%3c Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address you want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Keep but replace and 2001:db8:: with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a%3c %0a%3c '''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Listen: Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted. '''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a> %0a79c77%0a%3c Network = ExampleNet%0a---%0a> Network = IRCNow%0a82,84c80,83%0a%3c Motdfile stands for "Message of the Day"; we will create this file later on.%0a%3c Network: Your network name.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Motdfile: Stands for "Message of the Day", we will create this at that file location later on.%0a> %0a> Network: IRCNow, or your network (Liberachat, freenode, etc...)%0a> %0a91,94c90,95%0a%3c It's recommended to provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to bypass network firewalls. %0a%3c %0a%3c '''NOTE''': Make sure to set the ServerUID and ServerGID to _ngircd. Otherwise, it runs as the user nobody by default.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Ports: listed are the default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls (censorship). %0a> %0a> ServerGID: Uncomment, name (or number) of the Group to run as%0a> %0a> ServerUID: Uncomment, name (or number) of the User to run as%0a> %0a117c118%0a%3c DefaultUserModes = i%0a---%0a> DefaultUserModes = iC%0a124c125%0a%3c For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you might not trust an oper on another server.%0a---%0a> AllowRemoteOper: For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you may not necessarily trust an oper on another server.%0a126,133c127,134%0a%3c We want to [[Chroot.Intro|chroot]] to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. %0a%3c %0a%3c We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt. If not linking to a network, you can leave it commented for a random salt each time it runs or you can provide your own random salt.%0a%3c %0a%3c User mode +i keeps the user invisible so that /whois does not show all channels a user has joined. This helps reduce stalking and harassment. %0a%3c %0a%3c Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. It is necessary for [[hopm/install|hopm]]. We're going to log using syslog (see below).%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ChrootDir: We want to [[Chroot.Intro|chroot]] to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. %0a> %0a> CloakHostSalt: We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt. For a Practice VPS or if not linking to a network, you can leave it commented for a random Salt each time it runs or you can provide your own random Salt%0a> %0a> DefaultUserModes: UserMode +i keeps the user invisible, and +C means that only users that share channels can send a message. Both settings help reduce spam, stalking, and harassment. %0a> %0a> NoticeBeforeRegistration: Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. We're going to log using syslog (see section below).%0a> %0a140,143c141,142%0a%3c This entire block should be commented. When you are ready to set up [[ngircd/ssl|SSL/TLS encryption]], un-comment the entire block.%0a%3c %0a%3c '''WARNING''': Do not send passwords or sensitive data over this server until SSL is set up.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> This entire block is commented, when you are ready to set up [[ngircd/ssl|SSL/TLS encryption]], un-comment it and follow the instructions on the SSL page. '''Note''': do not send passwords/sensitive data over IRC to this server until SSL is set up %0a> %0a150,151c149,150%0a%3c Name = username%0a%3c Password = password%0a---%0a> Name = %3cusername>%0a> Password = %3cpassword>%0a154,155c153,156%0a%3c Please use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Name: your IRC username%0a> %0a> Password: Please use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a> %0a172,173c173,174%0a%3c Create the Message of the Day in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd. Here is a suggested template:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Paste your Message of the Day in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd. Here's a suggested template:%0a> %0a179c180%0a%3c * No porn / illegal drugs / threats of violence%0a---%0a> * No porn / illegal drugs / promotion of violence%0a191a193%0a> %0a194,195c196,197%0a%3c All log messages from ngircd should go to [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @]. Insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in [@/etc/syslog.conf@]:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> You want all the log messages from ngircd (Errors, system reports) to go to [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @] and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (from the top) in [@ /etc/syslog.conf @]:%0a> %0a202,203c204,205%0a%3c This directs all logs from ngircd to go straight to /var/log/ngircd.log.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> This directs all logs from ngircd to go straight to /var/log/ngircd.log and nowhere else.%0a> %0a213,214c215%0a%3c We need to set up the [[chroot/intro|chroot]] for ngircd. Let's copy the files into the chroot:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> We need to set up the [[openbsd/chroot|chroot]] for ngircd. Let's copy the files into the chroot:%0a235c236,237%0a%3c Next, use your IRC client to connect to the server. Join a few channels and chat inside.%0a---%0a> Next, use your IRC client to connect to the server, which may have the hostname [@ %3cuser>.%3cfruit> @]. %0a> Join a few channels and chat inside.%0a
131 host:1631964903=
132 author:1631956282=jrmu
133 diff:1631956282:1631956227:=66,67c66,67%0a%3c *Name: Use your server's domain name.%0a%3c *Info: Use your server's domain name.%0a---%0a> Name: Use your server's domain name.%0a> Info: Use your server's domain name%0a
134 host:1631956282=
135 author:1631956227=jrmu
136 diff:1631956227:1631955807:=54a55%0a> %0a59,63c60,64%0a%3c Name = AdminInfo1 = Example Network%0a%3c AdminInfo2 = Planet Earth%0a%3c AdminEMail = Info => Name =>%0a> AdminInfo1 = %3cExample Network>%0a> AdminInfo2 = %3cPlanet Earth>%0a> AdminEMail =>%0a> Info =>%0a66,68c67,76%0a%3c Name: Use your server's domain name.%0a%3c Info: Use your server's domain name%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a> %0a> AdminInfo1: provide a description of your IRC server.%0a> %0a> AdminInfo2: provide the location%0a> %0a> AdminEmail: your Email where bug reports and complaints may be sent%0a> %0a> Info: your server's domain name%0a> %0a70c78%0a%3c Listen =,,2001:db8::%0a---%0a> Listen =,%3c192.168.1.1>,%3c2001:db8::>%0a152a161%0a> %0a171a181%0a> %0a
137 host:1631956227=
138 author:1631955807=jrmu
139 diff:1631955807:1631253991:=3,4c3,10%0a%3c In this guide, we'll setup [[|ngircd]], a free, portable, lightweight IRC server.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> In this guide, we'll setup ngircd, a free, portable, lightweight IRC server.%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a7,13c13,21%0a%3c ngircd is an [[IRC/Guide|IRC]] server. It helps IRC clients send messages to one another.%0a%3c %0a%3c Advantages:%0a%3c %0a%3c # The source code is written in modern, portable C.%0a%3c # The code compiles easily on all BSDs, Linux, and other platforms.%0a%3c # The code is easy to fork to add new features such as spam filters%0a---%0a> %0a> ngircd is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server. It connects IRC clients (such as hexchat, irssi, etc) and transfers messages between them. In this article, we will set up ngircd so that irc clents can connect to it and communicate with each other.%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> There are many irc servers we could have used, but the advantages of using ngircd are:%0a> %0a> # The source code runs well on OpenBSD%0a15c23%0a%3c # Documentation is short and easy to understand%0a---%0a> # Fewer features means the manual pages are short%0a16a25,27%0a> # The source code is written in modern, portable C. It will be easy to fork to new features such as:%0a> # Customized censorship to block NSFW content%0a> # Spam filters%0a18a30,33%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a21,22c36,43%0a%3c # [[|Official ngIRCd documentation]] %0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a> #official [[|ngIRCd documentation]] %0a> %0a> #read the man pages%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a24a46,50%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a26a53,55%0a> %0a> Install ngircd%0a> %0a29,30c58,59%0a%3c Copy the sample configuration file:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Copy the sample configuration file%0a> %0a34,39c63,71%0a%3c ngIRCd v26.1 provided by OpenBSD 6.9 ports does not have ident support. On a production server, ident support is essential, so we will need to compile from source (described below). You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d scripts are created automatically.%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Installing from source%0a%3c %0a%3c Pull the codebase from IRCNow's file servers, extract the code, and install it%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a> %0a> ngIRCd v26.1 provided by OpenBSD 6.9 ports does not have ident support. We need to compile from source to get ident support, which is necessary on a production server. You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d tags are created properly. It is best to do this now.%0a> %0a> !!! Reinstalling from source%0a> %0a> %0a> Pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers, extract the code, and install it%0a> %0a41,43c73,75%0a%3c $ ftp $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz%0a%3c $ cd ngircd-26.1/%0a---%0a> $ ftp %0a> $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz %0a> $ cd ngircd-26.1/ %0a45,48c77,88%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Configuring ngircd%0a%3c %0a---%0a> @] %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> !!Configuring ngircd%0a> %0a> %0a> Now that you have ngircd installed, its time to set it up. When installing, you copied the sample configuration file. Now edit it to make it work for you.%0a> %0a51,52c91,96%0a%3c '''Note''': Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment the line if that is desired.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Note you may have to use the [[ | doas]] command to have write access to the file.%0a> %0a> '''When you see [@%3ctext>@] it indicates that you must replace the text with something that fits your unique situation; do not just copy it in.'''%0a> %0a> '''Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment the line if that is desired.'''%0a> %0a60,61c104,105%0a%3c Name =>%0a%3c AdminInfo1 = %3cExample Network>%0a---%0a> Name =>%0a> AdminInfo1 = %3cFruit Server on IRCNow>%0a63c107%0a%3c AdminEMail =>%0a---%0a> AdminEMail =>%0a66a111%0a> %0a76a122%0a> %0a115a162,163%0a> %0a> %0a205a254%0a> %0a222a272,274%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a224a277%0a> %0a238a292%0a> %0a245a300%0a> %0a250a306%0a> %0a267a324%0a> %0a
140 host:1631955807=
141 author:1631253991=mkf
142 diff:1631253991:1630332626:=65c65%0a%3c ngIRCd v26.1 provided by OpenBSD 6.9 ports does not have ident support. We need to compile from source to get ident support, which is necessary on a production server. You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d tags are created properly. It is best to do this now.%0a---%0a> ngIRCd v26 provided by OpenBSD 6.8 ports does not have ident support. We need to compile from source to get ident support, which is necessary on a production server. You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d tags are created properly. It is best to do this now.%0a
143 host:1631253991=
144 author:1630332626=jrmu
145 diff:1630332626:1627916713:=281d280%0a%3c $ doas cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/ngircd/etc/%0a357c356%0a%3c # Configure [[acopm/install|acopm]], a minimalist open proxy monitor to stop spammers.%0a---%0a> # Configure [[acopm/install|acopm]], a minimalist open proxy monitor to stop spammers.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
146 host:1630332626=
147 author:1627916713=mkf
148 diff:1627916713:1626787596:=292,293c292,293%0a%3c To start ngircd via [[openbsd/rcctl|rcctl]]:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> To start ngircd:%0a> %0a298a299%0a> [[rcctl/rcctl|rcctl]] controls how system daemons are run.%0a
149 host:1627916713=
150 author:1626787596=mistera
151 diff:1626787596:1625883365:=11c11%0a%3c !!Overview%0a---%0a> !!Theory%0a
152 host:1626787596=
153 author:1625883365=mistera
154 diff:1625883365:1625881706:=218,223d217%0a%3c !!! Server Block%0a%3c [@%0a%3c [Server]%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c The server block is used to connect to other servers to form a network. You can have multiple server blocks. See: [[ngircd/link|Link your ngircd]] %0a
155 host:1625883365=
156 author:1625881706=mistera
157 diff:1625881706:1625880174:=58,59c58,59%0a%3c Copy the sample configuration file%0a%3c %0a---%0a> copy the sample configuration file into the location where the program can read it (we will edit it to suit our needs)%0a> %0a89c89%0a%3c Edit [@ /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @]:%0a---%0a> Use your favorite text editor to edit [@ /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @]:%0a
158 host:1625881706=
159 author:1625880174=mistera
160 diff:1625880174:1625878603:=140,141d139%0a%3c ServerGID = _ngircd%0a%3c ServerUID = _ngircd%0a145,148d142%0a%3c %0a%3c ServerGID: Uncomment, name (or number) of the Group to run as%0a%3c %0a%3c ServerUID: Uncomment, name (or number) of the User to run as%0a
161 host:1625880174=
162 author:1625878603=mistera
163 diff:1625878603:1625878567:=205d204%0a%3c %0a
164 host:1625878603=
165 author:1625878567=mistera
166 diff:1625878567:1625878195:=194,195d193%0a%3c %0a%3c You may have as many Operator Blocks as you like, one for each Operator.%0a
167 host:1625878567=
168 author:1625878195=mistera
169 diff:1625878195:1625878071:=191c191%0a%3c This entire block is commented, when you are ready to set up [[ngircd/ssl|SSL/TLS encryption]], un-comment it and follow the instructions on the SSL page. '''Note''': do not send passwords/sensitive data over IRC to this server until SSL is set up %0a---%0a> This entire block is commented, when you are ready to set up [[ngircd/ssl|SSL]], un-comment it and follow the instructions on the SSL page.%0a
170 host:1625878195=
171 author:1625878071=mistera
172 diff:1625878071:1625877684:=185,191d184%0a%3c !!! SSL block%0a%3c %0a%3c [@ %0a%3c ;[SSL]%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c This entire block is commented, when you are ready to set up [[ngircd/ssl|SSL]], un-comment it and follow the instructions on the SSL page.%0a
173 host:1625878071=
174 author:1625877684=mistera
175 diff:1625877684:1625877095:=179c179%0a%3c CloakHostSalt: We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt. For a Practice VPS or if not linking to a network, you can leave it commented for a random Salt each time it runs or you can provide your own random Salt%0a---%0a> CloakHostSalt: We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt.%0a
176 host:1625877684=
177 author:1625877095=mistera
178 diff:1625877095:1625877023:=147d146%0a%3c [Limits]%0a
179 host:1625877095=
180 author:1625877023=mistera
181 diff:1625877023:1625869975:=139a140,145%0a> MaxConnectionsIP = 0%0a> MaxJoins = 300%0a> MaxNickLength = 16%0a> MaxListSize = 1000%0a> PingTimeout = 300%0a> PongTimeout = 300%0a143,155d148%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Limits Block%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c MaxConnectionsIP = 0%0a%3c MaxJoins = 300%0a%3c MaxNickLength = 16%0a%3c MaxListSize = 1000%0a%3c PingTimeout = 300%0a%3c PongTimeout = 300%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
182 host:1625877023=
183 author:1625869975=mistera
184 diff:1625869975:1625867210:=91c91%0a%3c Note you may have to use the [[ | doas]] command to have write access to the file.%0a---%0a> Note you may have to use the doas command to have write access to the file.%0a
185 host:1625869975=
186 author:1625867210=mistera
187 diff:1625867210:1625867173:=318c318%0a%3c '''WARNING''': ngircd appears to have a bug where the ircd will crash if you reload the configuration file while a message is being sent. Be careful to avoid reloading configuration files when many users are chatting.%0a---%0a> '''Warning''': ngircd appears to have a bug where the ircd will crash if you reload the configuration file while a message is being sent. Be careful to avoid reloading configuration files when many users are chatting.%0a
188 host:1625867210=
189 author:1625867173=mistera
190 diff:1625867173:1625867124:=308c308%0a%3c '''Reloading''' a configuration file will '''not''' disconnect any active connections. So, try to reload the configuration where possible '''instead of restarting the service'''.%0a---%0a> '''Reloading''' a configuration file will '''not''' disconnect any active connections. So, try to reload the configuration where possible.%0a
191 host:1625867173=
192 author:1625867124=mistera
193 diff:1625867124:1625867095:=296c296%0a%3c After you edit [@ /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] for a running ngircd server, you will need to reload the configuration file:%0a---%0a> After you edit /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf for a running ngircd server, you will need to reload the configuration file:%0a
194 host:1625867124=
195 author:1625867095=mistera
196 diff:1625867095:1625867078:=294d293%0a%3c %0a
197 host:1625867095=
198 author:1625867078=mistera
199 diff:1625867078:1625867029:=291c291%0a%3c Remember, if you are connecting using port 6667 without SSL, any eavesdropper can read all your text, including your passwords. '''Don't send any sensitive information until you have upgraded to [[ngircd/ssl|SSL]].'''%0a---%0a> Remember, if you are connecting using port 6667 without SSL, any eavesdropper can read all your text, including your passwords. Don't send any sensitive information until you have upgraded to [[ngircd/ssl|SSL]].%0a
200 host:1625867078=
201 author:1625867029=mistera
202 diff:1625867029:1625866998:=289c289%0a%3c Check [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @] to see if ngircd is listening on the correct IP addresses and ports. Connect to those ports using your IRC client to verify that the server is working as intended.%0a---%0a> Check /var/log/ngircd.log to see if ngircd is listening on the correct IP addresses and ports. Connect to those ports using your IRC client to verify that the server is working as intended.%0a
203 host:1625867029=
204 author:1625866998=mistera
205 diff:1625866998:1625866962:=275d274%0a%3c %0a
206 host:1625866998=
207 author:1625866962=mistera
208 diff:1625866962:1625866954:=271,272c271%0a%3c Next, use your IRC client to connect to the server, which may have the hostname [@ %3cuser>.%3cfruit> @]. %0a%3c Join a few channels and chat inside.%0a---%0a> Next, use your IRC client to connect to the server, which may have the hostname [@ %3cuser>.%3cfruit> @]. Join a few channels and chat inside.%0a
209 host:1625866962=
210 author:1625866954=mistera
211 diff:1625866954:1625866895:=271c271%0a%3c Next, use your IRC client to connect to the server, which may have the hostname [@ %3cuser>.%3cfruit> @]. Join a few channels and chat inside.%0a---%0a> Next, use your IRC client to connect to the server, which may have the hostname Join a few channels and chat inside.%0a
212 host:1625866954=
213 author:1625866895=mistera
214 diff:1625866895:1625866831:=260d259%0a%3c %0a
215 host:1625866895=
216 author:1625866831=mistera
217 diff:1625866831:1625866757:=247d246%0a%3c %0a248a248%0a> if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a
218 host:1625866831=
219 author:1625866757=mistera
220 diff:1625866757:1625866748:=223d222%0a%3c %0a
221 host:1625866757=
222 author:1625866748=mistera
223 diff:1625866748:1625866700:=222,224c222,224%0a%3c !! Configuring syslog%0a%3c %0a%3c You want all the log messages from ngircd (Errors, system reports) to go to [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @] and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (from the top) in [@ /etc/syslog.conf @]:%0a---%0a> !!! Configuring syslog%0a> %0a> You want all the log messages from ngircd (Errors, system reports) to go to [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @] and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in [@ /etc/syslog.conf @]:%0a
224 host:1625866748=
225 author:1625866700=mistera
226 diff:1625866700:1625866675:=224c224%0a%3c You want all the log messages from ngircd (Errors, system reports) to go to [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @] and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in [@ /etc/syslog.conf @]:%0a---%0a> You want all the log messages from ngircd (Errors, system reports) to go to [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @] and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in /etc/syslog.conf:%0a
227 host:1625866700=
228 author:1625866675=mistera
229 diff:1625866675:1625866591:=224c224%0a%3c You want all the log messages from ngircd (Errors, system reports) to go to [@ /var/log/ngircd.log @] and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in /etc/syslog.conf:%0a---%0a> You want all the messages from ngircd to go to /var/log/ngircd.log and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in /etc/syslog.conf:%0a
230 host:1625866675=
231 author:1625866591=mistera
232 diff:1625866591:1625866542:=195,196d194%0a%3c %0a%3c You are finished editing ngircd.conf%0a
233 host:1625866591=
234 author:1625866542=mistera
235 diff:1625866542:1625866371:=196c196%0a%3c !!MOTD file%0a---%0a> !!!MOTD file%0a
236 host:1625866542=
237 author:1625866371=mistera
238 diff:1625866371:1625866117:=91,92c91,94%0a%3c Note you may have to use the doas command to have write access to the file.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> We use the doas command to have all privs to edit the file. You might not have permission to write to the file without doas.%0a> %0a> As you go through the configuration file, find the sections listed below, and change their contents to match the values listed here.%0a> %0a136,137c138,139%0a%3c Network: IRCNow, or your network (Liberachat, freenode, etc...)%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Network: IRCnow, or your network (Liberachat, freenode, etc...)%0a> %0a148c150%0a%3c Ports: listed are the default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls (censorship). %0a---%0a> Ports: listed are the default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls. %0a
239 host:1625866371=
240 author:1625866117=mistera
241 diff:1625866117:1625866092:=89c89%0a%3c Use your favorite text editor to edit [@ /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @]:%0a---%0a> Use your favorite text editor to edit /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf:%0a
242 host:1625866117=
243 author:1625866092=mistera
244 diff:1625866092:1625866084:=89c89%0a%3c Use your favorite text editor to edit /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf:%0a---%0a> use your favorite text editor to edit /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf:%0a
245 host:1625866092=
246 author:1625866084=mistera
247 diff:1625866084:1625866032:=89c89,95%0a%3c use your favorite text editor to edit /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf:%0a---%0a> Edit /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf:%0a> %0a> Use your favorite text editor; for example:%0a> to use vi, %0a> [@ $ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a> or to use vim,%0a> [@ $ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a
248 host:1625866084=
249 author:1625866032=mistera
250 diff:1625866032:1625233534:=87c87%0a%3c Now that you have ngircd installed, its time to set it up. When installing, you copied the sample configuration file. Now edit it to make it work for you.%0a---%0a> Now that we have ngircd installed, its time to set it up. When installing, we copied the sample configuration file. We will now edit it to make it work for us.%0a
251 host:1625866032=
252 author:1625233534=mistera
253 diff:1625233534:1625231673:=33c33,35%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ----%0a> %0a> %0a43a46,48%0a> %0a> ----%0a> %0a56,57c61,62%0a%3c [@$ doas pkg_add ngircd @]%0a%3c %0a---%0a> -> [@$ doas pkg_add ngircd @]%0a> %0a60c65%0a%3c [@$ doas cp /usr/local/share/examples/ngircd/sample-ngircd.conf /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf%0a---%0a> ->[@$ doas cp /usr/local/share/examples/ngircd/sample-ngircd.conf /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf%0a72c77%0a%3c [@ %0a---%0a> ->[@ %0a83a89,90%0a> ----%0a> %0a91,107c98,114%0a%3c Use your favorite text editor; for example:%0a%3c to use vi, %0a%3c [@ $ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a%3c or to use vim,%0a%3c [@ $ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a%3c %0a%3c We use the doas command to have all privs to edit the file. You might not have permission to write to the file without doas.%0a%3c %0a%3c As you go through the configuration file, find the sections listed below, and change their contents to match the values listed here.%0a%3c %0a%3c '''When you see [@%3ctext>@] it indicates that you must replace the text with something that fits your unique situation; do not just copy it in.'''%0a%3c %0a%3c '''Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment the line if that is desired.'''%0a%3c %0a%3c Typically, ";" precedes a line of code that has been commented, while a "#" precedes an actual note that should not be uncommented.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> ->Use your favorite text editor; for example:%0a> -->to use vi, %0a> --->[@ $ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a> -->or to use vim,%0a> --->[@ $ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a> %0a> ->We use the doas command to have all privs to edit the file. You might not have permission to write to the file without doas.%0a> %0a> ->As you go through the configuration file, find the sections listed below, and change their contents to match the values listed here.%0a> %0a> ->'''When you see [@%3ctext>@] it indicates that you must replace the text with something that fits your unique situation; do not just copy it in.'''%0a> %0a> ->'''Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment the line if that is desired.'''%0a> %0a> ->Typically, ";" precedes a line of code that has been commented, while a "#" precedes an actual note that should not be uncommented.%0a> %0a> %0a120,130c127,137%0a%3c Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a%3c %0a%3c AdminInfo1: provide a description of your IRC server.%0a%3c %0a%3c AdminInfo2: provide the location%0a%3c %0a%3c AdminEmail: your Email where bug reports and complaints may be sent%0a%3c %0a%3c Info: your server's domain name%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> --->Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a> %0a> --->AdminInfo1: provide a description of your IRC server.%0a> %0a> --->AdminInfo2: provide the location%0a> %0a> --->AdminEmail: your Email where bug reports and complaints may be sent%0a> %0a> --->Info: your server's domain name%0a> %0a> %0a135,136c142,143%0a%3c Listen: Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted. '''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> --->Listen: Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted. '''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a> %0a142,145c149,152%0a%3c Motdfile: Stands for "Message of the Day", we will create this at that file location later on.%0a%3c %0a%3c Network: IRCnow, or your network (Liberachat, freenode, etc...)%0a%3c %0a---%0a> --->Motdfile: Stands for "Message of the Day", we will create this at that file location later on.%0a> %0a> --->Network: IRCnow, or your network (Liberachat, freenode, etc...)%0a> %0a156,159c163,166%0a%3c Ports: listed are the default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls. %0a%3c %0a%3c MaxNickLength: '''must''' be identical to all servers on the network. On IRCNow, MaxNickLength is [@16@].%0a%3c %0a---%0a> --->Ports: listed are the default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls. %0a> %0a> --->MaxNickLength: '''must''' be identical to all servers on the network. On IRCNow, MaxNickLength is [@16@].%0a> %0a175c182%0a%3c AllowRemoteOper: For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you may not necessarily trust an oper on another server.%0a---%0a> --->AllowRemoteOper: For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you may not necessarily trust an oper on another server.%0a177,185c184,192%0a%3c ChrootDir: We want to [[Chroot.Intro|chroot]] to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. %0a%3c %0a%3c CloakHostSalt: We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt.%0a%3c %0a%3c DefaultUserModes: UserMode +i keeps the user invisible, and +C means that only users that share channels can send a message. Both settings help reduce spam, stalking, and harassment. %0a%3c %0a%3c NoticeBeforeRegistration: Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. We're going to log using syslog (see section below).%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> --->ChrootDir: We want to [[Chroot.Intro|chroot]] to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. %0a> %0a> --->CloakHostSalt: We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt.%0a> %0a> --->DefaultUserModes: UserMode +i keeps the user invisible, and +C means that only users that share channels can send a message. Both settings help reduce spam, stalking, and harassment. %0a> %0a> --->NoticeBeforeRegistration: Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. We're going to log using syslog (see section below).%0a> %0a> %0a195,196c202,203%0a%3c Name: your IRC username%0a%3c Password: Please use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a---%0a> --->Name: your IRC username%0a> --->Password: Please use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a
254 host:1625233534=
255 author:1625231673=mistera
256 diff:1625231673:1625230726:=11,13c11,13%0a%3c !!Theory%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!!Theory%0a> %0a> %0a36,38c36,38%0a%3c !!Docs and references%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!!Docs and references%0a> %0a> %0a49,58c49,58%0a%3c !!Installation%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Installing from OpenBSD packages%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!!Installation%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> !! Installing from OpenBSD packages%0a> %0a> %0a72,74c72,74%0a%3c !!! Reinstalling from source%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Reinstalling from source%0a> %0a> %0a91,93c91,93%0a%3c !!Configuring ngircd%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!!Configuring ngircd%0a> %0a> %0a115,116c115,116%0a%3c !!! Global Block%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Global Block%0a> %0a167,168c167,168%0a%3c !!! Options Block%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Options Block%0a> %0a193c193%0a%3c !!! Operator Block%0a---%0a> !! Operator Block%0a
257 host:1625231673=
258 author:1625230726=mistera
259 diff:1625230726:1625230483:=5,13c5,15%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c In this guide, we'll setup ngircd, a free, portable, lightweight IRC server.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c !!!Theory%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> ----%0a> %0a> %0a> %25center%25In this guide, we'll setup ngircd, a free, portable, lightweight IRC server.%0a> %0a> ----%0a> %0a> %0a> %25center%25'+'''Theory'''+'%0a> %0a> %0a36,38c38,40%0a%3c !!!Docs and references%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> %25center%25'+'''Docs and references'''+'%0a> %0a> %0a49,58c51,60%0a%3c !!!Installation%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c !! Installing from OpenBSD packages%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> %25center%25'+'''Installation'''+'%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> !!! Installing from OpenBSD packages%0a> %0a> %0a72,74c74,76%0a%3c !! Reinstalling from source%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!! Reinstalling from source%0a> %0a> %0a91,93c93,95%0a%3c !!!Configuring ngircd%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> %25center%25'+'''Configuring ngircd'''+'%0a> %0a> %0a115,116c117,118%0a%3c !! Global Block%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!! Global Block%0a> %0a167,168c169,170%0a%3c !! Options Block%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!! Options Block%0a> %0a193c195%0a%3c !! Operator Block%0a---%0a> !!! Operator Block%0a
260 host:1625230726=
261 author:1625230483=mistera
262 diff:1625230483:1625060991:=200c200%0a%3c Password = %3cpassword>%0a---%0a> Password = password%0a205c205,206%0a%3c --->Password: Please use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a---%0a> --->%0a> Please use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a
263 host:1625230483=
264 author:1625060991=mistera
265 diff:1625060991:1625060312:=43c43,48%0a%3c #read the man pages%0a---%0a> #read the man pages:%0a> %0a> ->[@ $ man ngircd @]%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a
266 host:1625060991=
267 author:1625060312=mistera
268 diff:1625060312:1625060136:=40a41,43%0a> %0a> Getting to know the documentation is important! Before you begin, at least look over the documentation. It will begin to make sense as you use ngircd, and the man pages will eventually become your best friend when you run into errors. Don't understand it yet? Thats ok; Familiarity breeds understanding.%0a> %0a43c46,47%0a%3c #read the man pages:%0a---%0a> #read the man pages: in your terminal, after you install ngircd,%0a> %0a
269 host:1625060312=
270 author:1625060136=mistera
271 diff:1625060136:1625060108:=85,86c85%0a%3c %0a%3c Pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers, extract the code, and install it%0a---%0a> 1. pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers, extract the code, and install it%0a
272 host:1625060136=
273 author:1625060108=mistera
274 diff:1625060108:1625059326:=85,92c85,99%0a%3c 1. pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers, extract the code, and install it%0a%3c %0a%3c ->[@ %0a%3c $ ftp %0a%3c $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz %0a%3c $ cd ngircd-26.1/ %0a%3c $ sh %0a%3c @] %0a---%0a> 1. pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers%0a> %0a> ->[@ $ ftp @]%0a> %0a> 2. extract the code from the compressed tarball %0a> %0a> ->[@ $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz @] %0a> %0a> 3. change directory into the newly uncompressed folder %0a> %0a> ->[@ $ cd ngircd-26.1/ @] %0a> %0a> 4. run the shell script "" found there, which will reinstall from source %0a> %0a> ->[@ $ sh @] %0a
275 host:1625060108=
276 author:1625059326=mistera
277 diff:1625059326:1625056854:=16,20c16,20%0a%3c ngircd is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server. It connects IRC clients (such as hexchat, irssi, etc) and transfers messages between them. In this article, we will set up ngircd so that irc clents can connect to it and communicate with each other.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> ngircd is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server. Irc is comprised of a server-client model. The client (such as hexchat, irssi, etc) can receive messages from the server and send messages to the server, but the server connects all the clients and transfers messages between them. In this article, we will set up ngircd so that irc clents can connect to it and communicate with each other.%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> %0a220c220%0a%3c --->%0a---%0a> ----%0a
278 host:1625059326=
279 author:1625056854=mistera
280 diff:1625056854:1625056833:=159c159%0a%3c --->Listen: Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted. '''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a---%0a> --->Listen: Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.'''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a
281 host:1625056854=
282 author:1625056833=mistera
283 diff:1625056833:1625055431:=159,160c159,162%0a%3c --->Listen: Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.'''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> --->Listen: Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a> %0a> ---->'''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a> %0a214c216%0a%3c Name = %3cusername>%0a---%0a> Name = username%0a218,220d219%0a%3c %0a%3c --->Name: your IRC username%0a%3c ----%0a278c277%0a%3c if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a---%0a> %0a
284 host:1625056833=
285 author:1625055431=mistera
286 diff:1625055431:1625055293:=212,213c212,216%0a%3c !!! Operator Block%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!!MOTD file%0a> %0a> %0a> Paste your Message of the Day in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd. Here's a suggested template:%0a> %0a215,217c218,232%0a%3c [Operator]%0a%3c Name = username%0a%3c Password = password%0a---%0a> IRCNow - The Users' Network%0a> %0a> IRCNow is the network of the user, by the user, for the user.%0a> %0a> * No porn / illegal drugs / promotion of violence%0a> * No slander / libel / gambling%0a> * No spam, illegal cracking, or DDoS%0a> * No copyright infrigement%0a> %0a> You must agree to our terms of service and our privacy policy %0a> to use this network:%0a> %0a>> %0a> Only 5 connections per IP address. If you need help, please speak with staff on #help.%0a220,232c235,239%0a%3c Please use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a%3c %0a%3c If you uncomment Mask, your hostmask must match the operator hostmask in order for the /OPER command to be accepted. If it differs at all, then your /OPER command will be rejected. If you don't want to check the hostmask, leave Mask commented out.%0a%3c %0a%3c For more security, you can uncomment Mask and have it match your vhost. However, please be aware that this will make it impossible to authenticate if you ever have to connect from a different IP address.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c !!!MOTD file%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Paste your Message of the Day in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd. Here's a suggested template:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a> !!! Configuring syslog%0a> %0a> You want all the messages from ngircd to go to /var/log/ngircd.log and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in /etc/syslog.conf:%0a> %0a234,248c241,243%0a%3c IRCNow - The Users' Network%0a%3c %0a%3c IRCNow is the network of the user, by the user, for the user.%0a%3c %0a%3c * No porn / illegal drugs / promotion of violence%0a%3c * No slander / libel / gambling%0a%3c * No spam, illegal cracking, or DDoS%0a%3c * No copyright infrigement%0a%3c %0a%3c You must agree to our terms of service and our privacy policy %0a%3c to use this network:%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Only 5 connections per IP address. If you need help, please speak with staff on #help.%0a---%0a> !!ngircd%0a> *.* /var/log/ngircd.log%0a> !*%0a251,255c246,249%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Configuring syslog%0a%3c %0a%3c You want all the messages from ngircd to go to /var/log/ngircd.log and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in /etc/syslog.conf:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> This directs all logs from ngircd to go straight to /var/log/ngircd.log and nowhere else.%0a> %0a> Next, create the file /var/log/ngircd.log and restart syslogd:%0a> %0a257,259c251,252%0a%3c !!ngircd%0a%3c *.* /var/log/ngircd.log%0a%3c !*%0a---%0a> $ doas touch /var/log/ngircd.log%0a> $ doas rcctl restart syslogd%0a262,265c255,256%0a%3c This directs all logs from ngircd to go straight to /var/log/ngircd.log and nowhere else.%0a%3c %0a%3c Next, create the file /var/log/ngircd.log and restart syslogd:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!! Operator Block%0a> %0a267,268c258,260%0a%3c $ doas touch /var/log/ngircd.log%0a%3c $ doas rcctl restart syslogd%0a---%0a> [Operator]%0a> Name = username%0a> Password = password%0a270a263,267%0a> Please use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a> %0a> If you uncomment Mask, your hostmask must match the operator hostmask in order for the /OPER command to be accepted. If it differs at all, then your /OPER command will be rejected. If you don't want to check the hostmask, leave Mask commented out.%0a> %0a> For more security, you can uncomment Mask and have it match your vhost. However, please be aware that this will make it impossible to authenticate if you ever have to connect from a different IP address.%0a
287 host:1625055431=
288 author:1625055293=mistera
289 diff:1625055293:1625054364:=1,4c1,4%0a%3c (:title Ngircd Install Guide:)%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> %25center%25(:title Ngircd Install Guide:)%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a203,204c203%0a%3c --->ChrootDir: We want to [[Chroot.Intro|chroot]] to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. %0a%3c %0a---%0a> --->ChrootDir: We want to chroot to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. %0a207,209c206%0a%3c --->DefaultUserModes: UserMode +i keeps the user invisible, and +C means that only users that share channels can send a message. Both settings help reduce spam, stalking, and harassment. %0a%3c %0a%3c --->NoticeBeforeRegistration: Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. We're going to log using syslog (see section below).%0a---%0a> UserMode +i keeps the user invisible, and +C means that only users that share channels can send a message. Both settings help reduce spam, stalking, and harassment. Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. We're going to log using syslog (see section below).%0a
290 host:1625055293=
291 author:1625054364=mistera
292 diff:1625054364:1625054290:=203,204c203%0a%3c --->ChrootDir: We want to chroot to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. %0a%3c --->CloakHostSalt: We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt.%0a---%0a> --->ChrootDir: We want to chroot to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt.%0a
293 host:1625054364=
294 author:1625054290=mistera
295 diff:1625054290:1625054230:=193c193%0a%3c CloakHostSalt = %3cabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz>%0a---%0a> CloakHostSalt = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%0a
296 host:1625054290=
297 author:1625054230=mistera
298 diff:1625054230:1625054213:=201,202c201%0a%3c --->AllowRemoteOper: For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you may not necessarily trust an oper on another server.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> --->AllowRemoteOper: For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you may not necessarily trust an oper on another server. %0a
299 host:1625054230=
300 author:1625054213=mistera
301 diff:1625054213:1625053351:=201,202c201%0a%3c --->AllowRemoteOper: For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you may not necessarily trust an oper on another server. %0a%3c --->ChrootDir: We want to chroot to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt.%0a---%0a> For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you may not necessarily trust an oper on another server. We want to chroot to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt.%0a
302 host:1625054213=
303 author:1625053351=mistera
304 diff:1625053351:1625053318:=169d168%0a%3c %0a183d181%0a%3c %0a
305 host:1625053351=
306 author:1625053318=mistera
307 diff:1625053318:1625053282:=181c181%0a%3c --->Ports: listed are the default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls. %0a---%0a> --->Ports:listed are the default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls. %0a
308 host:1625053318=
309 author:1625053282=mistera
310 diff:1625053282:1625053102:=181,182c181%0a%3c --->Ports:listed are the default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls. %0a%3c --->MaxNickLength: '''must''' be identical to all servers on the network. On IRCNow, MaxNickLength is [@16@].%0a---%0a> The above are default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls. Note that the MaxNickLength must be identical to all servers on the network. On IRCNow, MaxNickLength is 16.%0a
311 host:1625053282=
312 author:1625053102=mistera
313 diff:1625053102:1625052936:=168,169d167%0a%3c --->Motdfile: Stands for "Message of the Day", we will create this at that file location later on.%0a%3c --->Network: IRCnow, or your network (Liberachat, freenode, etc...)%0a
314 host:1625053102=
315 author:1625052936=mistera
316 diff:1625052936:1625052913:=164,165c164,165%0a%3c MotdFile = /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd%0a%3c Network = IRCNow%0a---%0a> MotdFile = /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd%0a> Network = IRCNow%0a
317 host:1625052936=
318 author:1625052913=mistera
319 diff:1625052913:1625052885:=161c161%0a%3c ---->'''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a---%0a> '''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a
320 host:1625052913=
321 author:1625052885=mistera
322 diff:1625052885:1625052855:=159c159%0a%3c --->Listen: Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a---%0a> --->Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a
323 host:1625052885=
324 author:1625052855=mistera
325 diff:1625052855:1625052777:=159c159%0a%3c --->Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a---%0a> ->Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a
326 host:1625052855=
327 author:1625052777=mistera
328 diff:1625052777:1625052767:=144c144%0a%3c --->Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a---%0a> ---->Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a
329 host:1625052777=
330 author:1625052767=mistera
331 diff:1625052767:1625052738:=144c144%0a%3c ---->Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a---%0a> -->Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a
332 host:1625052767=
333 author:1625052738=mistera
334 diff:1625052738:1625052728:=146,152c146,152%0a%3c --->AdminInfo1: provide a description of your IRC server.%0a%3c %0a%3c --->AdminInfo2: provide the location%0a%3c %0a%3c --->AdminEmail: your Email where bug reports and complaints may be sent%0a%3c %0a%3c --->Info: your server's domain name%0a---%0a> -->AdminInfo1: provide a description of your IRC server.%0a> %0a> -->AdminInfo2: provide the location%0a> %0a> -->AdminEmail: your Email where bug reports and complaints may be sent%0a> %0a> -->Info: your server's domain name%0a
335 host:1625052738=
336 author:1625052728=mistera
337 diff:1625052728:1625052654:=144,152c144,152%0a%3c -->Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a%3c %0a%3c -->AdminInfo1: provide a description of your IRC server.%0a%3c %0a%3c -->AdminInfo2: provide the location%0a%3c %0a%3c -->AdminEmail: your Email where bug reports and complaints may be sent%0a%3c %0a%3c -->Info: your server's domain name%0a---%0a> ->Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a> %0a> ->AdminInfo1: provide a description of your IRC server.%0a> %0a> ->AdminInfo2: provide the location%0a> %0a> ->AdminEmail: your Email where bug reports and complaints may be sent%0a> %0a> ->Info: your server's domain name%0a
338 host:1625052728=
339 author:1625052654=mistera
340 diff:1625052654:1625052551:=115,116c115,116%0a%3c ->Use your favorite text editor; for example:%0a%3c -->to use vi, %0a---%0a> ->Use your favorite text editor; %0a> -->to use vi, for example:%0a121,123c121,123%0a%3c ->We use the doas command to have all privs to edit the file. You might not have permission to write to the file without doas.%0a%3c %0a%3c ->As you go through the configuration file, find the sections listed below, and change their contents to match the values listed here.%0a---%0a> ->We use the doas command to have all privs to edit the file. ->You might not have permission to write to the file without ->doas.%0a> %0a> ->As you go through the configuration file, find the sections ->listed below, and change their contents to match the values ->listed here.%0a
341 host:1625052654=
342 author:1625052551=mistera
343 diff:1625052551:1625052534:=117c117%0a%3c --->[@ $ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a---%0a> --->[@ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a119c119%0a%3c --->[@ $ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a---%0a> --->[@ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a
344 host:1625052551=
345 author:1625052534=mistera
346 diff:1625052534:1625052505:=117,119c117,119%0a%3c --->[@ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a%3c -->or to use vim,%0a%3c --->[@ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a---%0a> ->[@ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a> ->or to use vim,%0a> ->[@ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a
347 host:1625052534=
348 author:1625052505=mistera
349 diff:1625052505:1625052489:=116c116%0a%3c -->to use vi, for example:%0a---%0a> ->to use vi, for example:%0a
350 host:1625052505=
351 author:1625052489=mistera
352 diff:1625052489:1625052381:=115,123c115,123%0a%3c ->Use your favorite text editor; %0a%3c ->to use vi, for example:%0a%3c ->[@ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a%3c ->or to use vim,%0a%3c ->[@ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a%3c %0a%3c ->We use the doas command to have all privs to edit the file. ->You might not have permission to write to the file without ->doas.%0a%3c %0a%3c ->As you go through the configuration file, find the sections ->listed below, and change their contents to match the values ->listed here.%0a---%0a> Use your favorite text editor; %0a> to use vi, for example:%0a> [@ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a> or to use vim,%0a> [@ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a> %0a> We use the doas command to have all privs to edit the file. You might not have permission to write to the file without doas.%0a> %0a> As you go through the configuration file, find the sections listed below, and change their contents to match the values listed here.%0a
353 host:1625052489=
354 author:1625052381=mistera
355 diff:1625052381:1625052351:=85,86c85,86%0a%3c 1. pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers%0a> %0a89,90c89,90%0a%3c 2. extract the code from the compressed tarball %0a%3c %0a---%0a> # extract the code from the compressed tarball %0a> %0a93,94c93,94%0a%3c 3. change directory into the newly uncompressed folder %0a%3c %0a---%0a> # change directory into the newly uncompressed folder %0a> %0a97c97%0a%3c 4. run the shell script "" found there, which will reinstall from source %0a---%0a> # run the shell script "" found there, which will reinstall from source %0a
356 host:1625052381=
357 author:1625052351=mistera
358 diff:1625052351:1625052301:=87,88c87,88%0a%3c ->[@ $ ftp @]%0a%3c %0a---%0a> [@ $ ftp @]%0a> %0a91,92c91,92%0a%3c ->[@ $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz @] %0a%3c %0a---%0a> [@ $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz @] %0a> %0a95,96c95,96%0a%3c ->[@ $ cd ngircd-26.1/ @] %0a%3c %0a---%0a> [@ $ cd ngircd-26.1/ @] %0a> %0a99c99%0a%3c ->[@ $ sh @] %0a---%0a> [@ $ sh @] %0a
359 host:1625052351=
360 author:1625052301=mistera
361 diff:1625052301:1624972917:=85,99c85,88%0a%3c # pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers%0a%3c %0a%3c [@ $ ftp @]%0a%3c %0a%3c # extract the code from the compressed tarball %0a%3c %0a%3c [@ $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz @] %0a%3c %0a%3c # change directory into the newly uncompressed folder %0a%3c %0a%3c [@ $ cd ngircd-26.1/ @] %0a%3c %0a%3c # run the shell script "" found there, which will reinstall from source %0a%3c %0a%3c [@ $ sh @] %0a---%0a> [@ $ ftp @] # pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers%0a> [@ $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz @] # extract the code from the compressed tarball%0a> [@ $ cd ngircd-26.1/ @] # change directory into the newly uncompressed folder%0a> [@ $ sh @] # run the shell script "" found there, which will reinstall from source%0a
362 host:1625052301=
363 author:1624972917=mistera
364 diff:1624972917:1624968302:=5,22c5,10%0a%3c ----%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %25center%25In this guide, we'll setup ngircd, a free, portable, lightweight IRC server.%0a%3c %0a%3c ----%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %25center%25'+'''Theory'''+'%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c ngircd is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server. Irc is comprised of a server-client model. The client (such as hexchat, irssi, etc) can receive messages from the server and send messages to the server, but the server connects all the clients and transfers messages between them. In this article, we will set up ngircd so that irc clents can connect to it and communicate with each other.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c There are many irc servers we could have used, but the advantages of using ngircd are:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> In this guide, we'll setup ngircd, a free, portable, lightweight IRC server.%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> Advantages:%0a> %0a32,76c20,28%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c ----%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %25center%25'+'''Docs and references'''+'%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Getting to know the documentation is important! Before you begin, at least look over the documentation. It will begin to make sense as you use ngircd, and the man pages will eventually become your best friend when you run into errors. Don't understand it yet? Thats ok; Familiarity breeds understanding.%0a%3c %0a%3c #official [[|ngIRCd documentation]] %0a%3c %0a%3c #read the man pages: in your terminal, after you install ngircd,%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c ->[@ $ man ngircd @]%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c ----%0a%3c %0a%3c %25center%25'+'''Installation'''+'%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Installing from OpenBSD packages%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Install ngircd%0a%3c %0a%3c -> [@$ doas pkg_add ngircd @]%0a%3c %0a%3c copy the sample configuration file into the location where the program can read it (we will edit it to suit our needs)%0a%3c %0a%3c ->[@$ doas cp /usr/local/share/examples/ngircd/sample-ngircd.conf /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf%0a---%0a> Before you begin, please read the official [[|ngIRCd documentation]] and its man pages.%0a> %0a> !! Installation%0a> %0a> !!! From packages%0a> %0a> [@%0a> $ doas pkg_add ngircd%0a> $ doas cp /usr/local/share/examples/ngircd/sample-ngircd.conf /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf%0a79,101c31,43%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c ngIRCd v26 provided by OpenBSD 6.8 ports does not have ident support. We need to compile from source to get ident support, which is necessary on a production server. You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d tags are created properly. It is best to do this now.%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Reinstalling from source%0a%3c %0a%3c [@ $ ftp @] # pull the codebase from IRCnow's file servers%0a%3c [@ $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz @] # extract the code from the compressed tarball%0a%3c [@ $ cd ngircd-26.1/ @] # change directory into the newly uncompressed folder%0a%3c [@ $ sh @] # run the shell script "" found there, which will reinstall from source%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c ----%0a%3c %0a%3c %25center%25'+'''Configuring ngircd'''+'%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Now that we have ngircd installed, its time to set it up. When installing, we copied the sample configuration file. We will now edit it to make it work for us.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ngIRCd v26 provided by OpenBSD 6.8 ports does not have ident support. You must eventually compile from source to get ident support, which is necessary on a production server. You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d tags are created properly.%0a> %0a> !!! From source%0a> %0a> [@%0a> $ ftp> $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz%0a> $ cd ngircd-26.1/%0a> $ sh> @]%0a> %0a> !! Configuration%0a> %0a104,120c46,47%0a%3c Use your favorite text editor; %0a%3c to use vi, for example:%0a%3c [@ doas vi /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a%3c or to use vim,%0a%3c [@ doas vim /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf @] %0a%3c %0a%3c We use the doas command to have all privs to edit the file. You might not have permission to write to the file without doas.%0a%3c %0a%3c As you go through the configuration file, find the sections listed below, and change their contents to match the values listed here.%0a%3c %0a%3c ->'''When you see [@%3ctext>@] it indicates that you must replace the text with something that fits your unique situation; do not just copy it in.'''%0a%3c %0a%3c ->'''Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment the line if that is desired.'''%0a%3c %0a%3c ->Typically, ";" precedes a line of code that has been commented, while a "#" precedes an actual note that should not be uncommented.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> '''Note''': Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment the line.%0a> %0a125,129c52,56%0a%3c Name =>%0a%3c AdminInfo1 = %3cFruit Server on IRCNow>%0a%3c AdminInfo2 = %3cPlanet Earth>%0a%3c AdminEMail =>%0a%3c Info =>%0a---%0a> Name => AdminInfo1 = Fruit Server on IRCNow%0a> AdminInfo2 = Planet Earth%0a> AdminEMail => Info =,143c59,60%0a%3c %0a%3c ->Name: use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. %0a%3c %0a%3c ->AdminInfo1: provide a description of your IRC server.%0a%3c %0a%3c ->AdminInfo2: provide the location%0a%3c %0a%3c ->AdminEmail: your Email where bug reports and complaints may be sent%0a%3c %0a%3c ->Info: your server's domain name%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> For Name, use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. For AdminInfo1, provide a description; for AdminInfo2, provide the location.%0a> %0a145c62%0a%3c Listen =,%3c192.168.1.1>,%3c2001:db8::>%0a---%0a> Listen =,,2001:db8::%0a148,149c65,66%0a%3c ->Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IPs. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IP. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a> %0a157c74,75%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Paste your Message of the Day in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd. Here's a suggested template:%0a> %0a158a77,94%0a> IRCNow - The Users' Network%0a> %0a> IRCNow is the network of the user, by the user, for the user.%0a> %0a> * No porn / illegal drugs / promotion of violence%0a> * No slander / libel / gambling%0a> * No spam, illegal cracking, or DDoS%0a> * No copyright infrigement%0a> %0a> You must agree to our terms of service and our privacy policy %0a> to use this network:%0a> %0a>> %0a> Only 5 connections per IP address. If you need help, please speak with staff on #help.%0a> @]%0a> %0a> [@%0a189,194c125,128%0a%3c %0a%3c !!!MOTD file%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Paste your Message of the Day in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd. Here's a suggested template:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!! Configuring syslog%0a> %0a> You want all the messages from ngircd to go to /var/log/ngircd.log and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in /etc/syslog.conf:%0a> %0a196,210c130,132%0a%3c IRCNow - The Users' Network%0a%3c %0a%3c IRCNow is the network of the user, by the user, for the user.%0a%3c %0a%3c * No porn / illegal drugs / promotion of violence%0a%3c * No slander / libel / gambling%0a%3c * No spam, illegal cracking, or DDoS%0a%3c * No copyright infrigement%0a%3c %0a%3c You must agree to our terms of service and our privacy policy %0a%3c to use this network:%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Only 5 connections per IP address. If you need help, please speak with staff on #help.%0a---%0a> !!ngircd%0a> *.* /var/log/ngircd.log%0a> !*%0a213,217c135,138%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Configuring syslog%0a%3c %0a%3c You want all the messages from ngircd to go to /var/log/ngircd.log and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in /etc/syslog.conf:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> This directs all logs from ngircd to go straight to /var/log/ngircd.log and nowhere else.%0a> %0a> Next, create the file /var/log/ngircd.log and restart syslogd:%0a> %0a219,221c140,141%0a%3c !!ngircd%0a%3c *.* /var/log/ngircd.log%0a%3c !*%0a---%0a> $ doas touch /var/log/ngircd.log%0a> $ doas rcctl restart syslogd%0a224,227c144,145%0a%3c This directs all logs from ngircd to go straight to /var/log/ngircd.log and nowhere else.%0a%3c %0a%3c Next, create the file /var/log/ngircd.log and restart syslogd:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !!! Operator Block%0a> %0a229,230c147,149%0a%3c $ doas touch /var/log/ngircd.log%0a%3c $ doas rcctl restart syslogd%0a---%0a> [Operator]%0a> Name = username%0a> Password = password%0a233,240d151%0a%3c !!! Operator Block%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c [Operator]%0a%3c Name = username%0a%3c Password = password%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a246,247d156%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
365 host:1624972917=
366 author:1624968302=mistera
367 diff:1624968302:1620722004:=1,4c1,2%0a%3c %25center%25(:title Ngircd Install Guide:)%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> (:title Ngircd Install Guide:)%0a> %0a6,7d3%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
368 host:1624968302=
369 author:1620722004=jrmu
370 diff:1620722004:1614857898:=16,17c16,17%0a%3c Before you begin, please read the official [[|ngIRCd documentation]] and its man pages.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Before you begin, please read the official [[|ngIRCd documentation]].%0a> %0a27,28c27,28%0a%3c ngIRCd v26 provided by OpenBSD 6.8 ports does not have ident support. You must eventually compile from source to get ident support, which is necessary on a production server. You will want to do this after installing from packages, so that rc.d tags are created properly.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ngIRCd v26 provided by OpenBSD 6.8 ports does not have ident support. You must eventually compile from source to get ident support, which is necessary on a production server.%0a> %0a61,62c61,62%0a%3c Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Replace these with your real public IP. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a> %0a119c119%0a%3c UserMode +i keeps the user invisible, and +C means that only users that share channels can send a message. Both settings help reduce spam, stalking, and harassment. Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[netcat/irc|netcat]]. We're going to log using syslog (see section below).%0a---%0a> UserMode i keeps the user invisible, and C means that only users that share channels can send a message. Both settings help reduce spam, stalking, and harassment. Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[openbsd/netcat|netcat]]. We're going to log using syslog (see section below).%0a
371 host:1620722004=
372 author:1614857898=jrmu
373 diff:1614857898:1612974683:=108a109%0a> CloakHostModeX =
374 host:1614857898=
375 author:1612974683=jrmu
376 diff:1612974683:1612974683:=1,233d0%0a%3c (:title Ngircd Install Guide:)%0a%3c %0a%3c In this guide, we'll setup ngircd, a free, portable, lightweight IRC server.%0a%3c %0a%3c Advantages:%0a%3c %0a%3c # The source code runs well on OpenBSD%0a%3c # The server has a very simple, easy-to-understand configuration%0a%3c # Fewer features means the manual pages are short%0a%3c # The server is a clean implementation which was written from scratch%0a%3c # The source code is written in modern, portable C. It will be easy to fork to new features such as:%0a%3c # Customized censorship to block NSFW content%0a%3c # Spam filters%0a%3c # The lead developer po||ux actively hangs out on the IRC server on #ngircd%0a%3c %0a%3c Before you begin, please read the official [[|ngIRCd documentation]].%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Installation%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! From packages%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add ngircd%0a%3c $ doas cp /usr/local/share/examples/ngircd/sample-ngircd.conf /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c ngIRCd v26 provided by OpenBSD 6.8 ports does not have ident support. You must eventually compile from source to get ident support, which is necessary on a production server.%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! From source%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp $ tar xvzf ngircd.tgz%0a%3c $ cd ngircd-26.1/%0a%3c $ sh @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Configuration%0a%3c %0a%3c Edit /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf:%0a%3c %0a%3c '''Note''': Lines that begin with # or ; are comments and will be ignored. Remove # or ; to uncomment the line.%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Global Block%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c [Global]%0a%3c Name = AdminInfo1 = Fruit Server on IRCNow%0a%3c AdminInfo2 = Planet Earth%0a%3c AdminEMail = Info = @]%0a%3c %0a%3c For Name, use your hostname (like If you are on a team, use, replacing with your team's custom domain. For AdminInfo1, provide a description; for AdminInfo2, provide the location.%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c Listen =,,2001:db8::%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Uncomment this line and provide every single IP address we want ngircd to listen on. This includes localhost (, and our public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If you are hosting a public service and not on training, avoid listing IPs that are not DDoS-filtered. IRC servers are heavily DDoSed and using an unfiltered IP will get you nullrouted.%0a%3c %0a%3c '''Note''': if you do not uncomment on this line, you will listen to all IPs by default, which is probably a mistake.%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c MotdFile = /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd%0a%3c Network = IRCNow%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Paste your Message of the Day in /etc/ngircd/ngircd.motd. Here's a suggested template:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c IRCNow - The Users' Network%0a%3c %0a%3c IRCNow is the network of the user, by the user, for the user.%0a%3c %0a%3c * No porn / illegal drugs / promotion of violence%0a%3c * No slander / libel / gambling%0a%3c * No spam, illegal cracking, or DDoS%0a%3c * No copyright infrigement%0a%3c %0a%3c You must agree to our terms of service and our privacy policy %0a%3c to use this network:%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c Only 5 connections per IP address. If you need help, please speak with staff on #help.%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c Ports = 6660, 6661, 6662, 6663, 6664, 6665, 6666, 6667, 6668, 6669, 7000, 16667%0a%3c MaxConnectionsIP = 0%0a%3c MaxJoins = 300%0a%3c MaxNickLength = 16%0a%3c MaxListSize = 1000%0a%3c PingTimeout = 300%0a%3c PongTimeout = 300%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c The above are default plaintext ports we listen on; we provide ports besides the standard 6667 to allow users to evade their network firewalls. Note that the MaxNickLength must be identical to all servers on the network. On IRCNow, MaxNickLength is 16.%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Options Block%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c [Options]%0a%3c AllowRemoteOper = no%0a%3c ChrootDir = /var/ngircd%0a%3c CloakHost = %25x%0a%3c CloakHostModeX = CloakHostSalt = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%0a%3c DefaultUserModes = iC%0a%3c NoticeBeforeRegistration = yes%0a%3c OperChanPAutoOp = no %0a%3c RequireAuthPing = yes%0a%3c SyslogFacility = daemon%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c For security reasons, we do not want to allow remote opers. Each team appoints their own opers, so you may not necessarily trust an oper on another server. We want to chroot to /var/ngircd to prevent a security compromise. We will cloak the host using a unique salt; contact another sysadmin for the exact salt.%0a%3c %0a%3c UserMode i keeps the user invisible, and C means that only users that share channels can send a message. Both settings help reduce spam, stalking, and harassment. Receiving a notice before registration can help with debugging with [[openbsd/netcat|netcat]]. We're going to log using syslog (see section below).%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Configuring syslog%0a%3c %0a%3c You want all the messages from ngircd to go to /var/log/ngircd.log and not anywhere else, so we insert these three lines starting at line 3 (at the top) in /etc/syslog.conf:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c !!ngircd%0a%3c *.* /var/log/ngircd.log%0a%3c !*%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c This directs all logs from ngircd to go straight to /var/log/ngircd.log and nowhere else.%0a%3c %0a%3c Next, create the file /var/log/ngircd.log and restart syslogd:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas touch /var/log/ngircd.log%0a%3c $ doas rcctl restart syslogd%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Operator Block%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c [Operator]%0a%3c Name = username%0a%3c Password = password%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Please use a [[password/management|long, random string]] for your password.%0a%3c %0a%3c If you uncomment Mask, your hostmask must match the operator hostmask in order for the /OPER command to be accepted. If it differs at all, then your /OPER command will be rejected. If you don't want to check the hostmask, leave Mask commented out.%0a%3c %0a%3c For more security, you can uncomment Mask and have it match your vhost. However, please be aware that this will make it impossible to authenticate if you ever have to connect from a different IP address.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Chroot%0a%3c %0a%3c We need to set up the [[openbsd/chroot|chroot]] for ngircd. Let's copy the files into the chroot:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas mkdir /var/ngircd/etc/%0a%3c $ doas cp -R /etc/ngircd /var/ngircd/etc/%0a%3c $ doas chown -R _ngircd:_ngircd /var/ngircd/%0a%3c $ doas rm -r /etc/ngircd%0a%3c $ doas ln -s /var/ngircd/etc/ngircd /etc/ngircd%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c This will create a symlink so that only one set of configuration files needs to be maintained inside and outside of the chroot. Otherwise, ngircd will require two sets of configuration files, one inside and the other outside of the chroot.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Starting ngircd%0a%3c %0a%3c To start ngircd:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c doas rcctl enable ngircd%0a%3c doas rcctl start ngircd%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c [[rcctl/rcctl|rcctl]] controls how system daemons are run.%0a%3c %0a%3c Next, use your IRC client to connect to the server, which may have the hostname Join a few channels and chat inside.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Troubleshooting%0a%3c %0a%3c If you run into any errors, you can test to see if your configuration file has errors:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas ngircd -t%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c To run ngircd in debug mode:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas ngircd -n%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Check /var/log/ngircd.log to see if ngircd is listening on the correct IP addresses and ports. Connect to those ports using your IRC client to verify that the server is working as intended.%0a%3c %0a%3c Remember, if you are connecting using port 6667 without SSL, any eavesdropper can read all your text, including your passwords. Don't send any sensitive information until you have upgraded to [[ngircd/ssl|SSL]].%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Reloading and Restarting ngIRCd%0a%3c %0a%3c After you edit /etc/ngircd/ngircd.conf for a running ngircd server, you will need to reload the configuration file:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas rcctl reload ngircd%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Alternatively, you can run:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas pkill -HUP ngircd%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c '''Reloading''' a configuration file will '''not''' disconnect any active connections. So, try to reload the configuration where possible.%0a%3c %0a%3c To restart the ircd:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas rcctl restart ngircd%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c '''WARNING''': '''Restarting''' the ircd '''will''' disconnect all existing connections. So, try to restart ngircd only when absolutely necessary.%0a%3c %0a%3c '''Warning''': ngircd appears to have a bug where the ircd will crash if you reload the configuration file while a message is being sent. Be careful to avoid reloading configuration files when many users are chatting.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! See Also%0a%3c %0a%3c # Configure [[ngircd/ssl|SSL]] for ngircd to ensure secure connections%0a%3c # [[ngircd/link|Link your ngircd]] with another server to create a network%0a%3c # Install [[anope/install|anope]] to provide services%0a%3c # Install [[achurch/install|achurch]] to test achurch services%0a%3c # Configure [[hopm/install|hopm]], an open proxy monitor to stop spammers.%0a%3c # Configure [[acopm/install|acopm]], a minimalist open proxy monitor to stop spammers.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
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