
1 version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; Pixel 5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.91 Mobile Safari/537.36
3 author=Yonle
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=
6 ctime=1637719383
7 host=
8 name=Openbsd.Biboumi
9 rev=43
10 targets=Openbsd.Ddos,Prosody.Install
11 text=[[|Biboumi]] is an XMPP gateway to IRC. Its goal is to let XMPP users use their favorite client to participate in IRC discussions.%0a%0aFeatures:%0a* Unlimited number of XMPP users can connect to an unlimited number of IRC servers%0a* Persistent connections like an IRC bouncer%0a* Basic channel management features%0a* Private chats, notices, CTCP version and ping, IRC colors, and invitations%0a* Channel listing and automatic nickserv identification%0a* Supports TLS to IRC servers%0a* Embedded identd server%0a%0a! Installing with libuuid%0a%0aThis method requires compiling libuuid. however it doesn't require extra programs like git or e2fsprogs.%0aif you installed biboumi using pervious method there is '+no need+' to install it using this method%0a%0a!! Installing Dependencies%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add cmake botan2 sqlite3 udns%0a@]%0a%0a!! compiling%0a[@%0a$ ftp$ tar xvzf libuuid-1.0.3.tar.gz%0a$ cd libuuid-1.0.3%0a$ ./configure%0a$ make%0a$ doas make install%0a@]%0aand install biboumi%0a[@%0a$ ftp$ unxz biboumi-9.0.tar.xz%0a$ tar xvf biboumi-9.0.tar%0a$ cd biboumi-9.0%0a@]%0a%0aModify @@CMakeLists.txt@@ file to add @@-L/usr/lib@@ and @@-L/usr/local/lib@@ flags during linking.%0a%0a[@%0a$ sed -i 's/^target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}/target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} -L\/usr\/lib -L\/usr\/local\/lib/' CMakeLists.txt%0a@]%0a%0aThen continue configuring then compile biboumi%0a%0a[@%0a$ cmake . -DWITHOUT_{POSTGRESQL,SYSTEMD}=1 && make%0a$ ./biboumi%0a@]%0a%0a! Installing without libuuid%0a!! Installing Dependencies%0a%0aFirst we install the dependencies:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2 git%0a@]%0a%0a!! Building%0a%0aNext, we download, unzip, and extract the tarball; then we build biboumi:%0a%0a[@%0a$ ftp$ unxz biboumi-9.0.tar.xz%0a$ tar xvf biboumi-9.0.tar%0a$ cd biboumi-9.0%0a@]%0a%0aModify @@CMakeLists.txt@@ file to add @@-L/usr/lib@@ and @@-L/usr/local/lib@@ flags during linking.%0a%0a[@%0a$ sed -i 's/^target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}/target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} -L\/usr\/lib -L\/usr\/local\/lib/' CMakeLists.txt%0a@]%0a%0aThen continue configuring then compile biboumi%0a%0a[@%0a$ cmake . -DWITHOUT_{POSTGRESQL,SYSTEMD}=1 && make%0a@]%0a%0a!! Configuring Biboumi%0a%0aHere is a sample configuration:%0a%0a[]%0ayou can also make biboumi to connect to *only one* server, by adding:%0a[]%0a%0aMake sure to replace with your actual hostname, and replace with the admin's actual jid. Replace @@ with your public ([[openbsd/ddos|ddos-filtered]]) IP address.%0a%0asometimes setting @@policy.txt@@ is also required, otherwise you'll be getting errors about TLS:%0a%0a[Write the following as @@policy.txt@@ if needed]%0a[@%0arequire_cert_revocation_info = false%0ause_ecc_point_compression = true%0a@]%0a%0a!! Configuring XMPP Server%0a%0a!!! Prosody%0a%0aFor [[prosody/install]], you will need to update @@/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg@@:%0a%0a[@%0aComponent ""%0a component_secret = "PASSWORD"%0a@]%0a%0aReplace with the hostname above.%0a%0a!! Running Biboumi%0a%0a[@%0a$ mkdir -p ~/.config/biboumi%0a$ ./biboumi%0a@]%0a%0a%0a
12 time=1687860810
13 author:1687860810=Yonle
14 diff:1687860810:1674245485:=109d108%0a%3c [Write the following as @@policy.txt@@ if needed]%0a
15 host:1687860810=
16 author:1674245485=mkf
17 diff:1674245485:1672251989:=15c15%0a%3c if you installed biboumi using pervious method there is '+no need+' to install it using this method%0a---%0a> if you installed biboumbi using pervious method '+no need+' to install it using this method%0a
18 host:1674245485=
19 author:1672251989=mkf
20 diff:1672251989:1672239847:minor=19c19%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake botan2 sqlite3 udns%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake botan2 sqlite3 udns%0a
21 host:1672251989=
22 author:1672239847=Yonle
23 diff:1672239847:1672239512:=39,40c39,40%0a%3c Modify @@CMakeLists.txt@@ file to add @@-L/usr/lib@@ and @@-L/usr/local/lib@@ flags during linking.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Since we're on OpenBSD, You need to modify the @@CMakeLists.txt@@ to put @@-L/usr/lib@@ and @@-L/usr/local/lib@@ flag since @@ld@@ will not find a required static library at @@/usr/local/lib@@ by default.%0a> %0a72c72%0a%3c Modify @@CMakeLists.txt@@ file to add @@-L/usr/lib@@ and @@-L/usr/local/lib@@ flags during linking.%0a---%0a> Since we're on OpenBSD, You need to modify the @@CMakeLists.txt@@ to put @@-L/usr/lib@@ and @@-L/usr/local/lib@@ flag since @@ld@@ will not find a required static library at @@/usr/local/lib@@ by default.%0a
24 host:1672239847=
25 author:1672239512=Yonle
26 diff:1672239512:1672239455:=39,40c39,40%0a%3c Since we're on OpenBSD, You need to modify the @@CMakeLists.txt@@ to put @@-L/usr/lib@@ and @@-L/usr/local/lib@@ flag since @@ld@@ will not find a required static library at @@/usr/local/lib@@ by default.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Since we're on OpenBSD, You need to modify the `CMakeLists.txt` to put `-L/usr/lib` and `-L/usr/local/lib` flag since `ld` will not find a required static library at `/usr/local/lib` by default.%0a> %0a72c72%0a%3c Since we're on OpenBSD, You need to modify the @@CMakeLists.txt@@ to put @@-L/usr/lib@@ and @@-L/usr/local/lib@@ flag since @@ld@@ will not find a required static library at @@/usr/local/lib@@ by default.%0a---%0a> Since we're on OpenBSD, You need to modify the `CMakeLists.txt` to put `-L/usr/lib` and `-L/usr/local/lib` flag since `ld` will not find a required static library at `/usr/local/lib` by default.%0a
27 host:1672239512=
28 author:1672239455=Yonle
29 csum:1672239455=Add a section to modify `CMakeLists.txt` file.
30 diff:1672239455:1672238482:=36a37,38%0a> $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_{POSTGRESQL,SYSTEMD}=1 && make%0a> $ ./biboumi%0a39,40c41,45%0a%3c Since we're on OpenBSD, You need to modify the `CMakeLists.txt` to put `-L/usr/lib` and `-L/usr/local/lib` flag since `ld` will not find a required static library at `/usr/local/lib` by default.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ! Installing without libuuid%0a> !! Installing Dependencies%0a> %0a> First we install the dependencies:%0a> %0a42c47%0a%3c $ sed -i 's/^target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}/target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} -L\/usr\/lib -L\/usr\/local\/lib/' CMakeLists.txt%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2 git%0a45,46c50,53%0a%3c Then continue configuring then compile biboumi%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Building%0a> %0a> Next, we download, unzip, and extract the tarball; then we build biboumi:%0a> %0a48,80c55,59%0a%3c $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_{POSTGRESQL,SYSTEMD}=1 && make%0a%3c $ ./biboumi%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c ! Installing without libuuid%0a%3c !! Installing Dependencies%0a%3c %0a%3c First we install the dependencies:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2 git%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Building%0a%3c %0a%3c Next, we download, unzip, and extract the tarball; then we build biboumi:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp $ unxz biboumi-9.0.tar.xz%0a%3c $ tar xvf biboumi-9.0.tar%0a%3c $ cd biboumi-9.0%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Since we're on OpenBSD, You need to modify the `CMakeLists.txt` to put `-L/usr/lib` and `-L/usr/local/lib` flag since `ld` will not find a required static library at `/usr/local/lib` by default.%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ sed -i 's/^target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}/target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} -L\/usr\/lib -L\/usr\/local\/lib/' CMakeLists.txt%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Then continue configuring then compile biboumi%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a---%0a> $ ftp> $ unxz biboumi-9.0.tar.xz%0a> $ tar xvf biboumi-9.0.tar%0a> $ cd biboumi-9.0%0a> $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_{POSTGRESQL,SYSTEMD}=1 && make%0a
31 host:1672239455=
32 author:1672238482=Yonle
33 diff:1672238482:1672237321:=24c24%0a%3c $ ftp> $ ftp $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_{POSTGRESQL,SYSTEMD}=1 && make%0a---%0a> $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_POSTGRESQL=1 && make%0a59c59%0a%3c $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_{POSTGRESQL,SYSTEMD}=1 && make%0a---%0a> $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_POSTGRESQL=1 && make%0a
34 host:1672238482=
35 author:1672237321=Yonle
36 diff:1672237321:1672235459:=47c47%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2 git%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2%0a
37 host:1672237321=
38 author:1672235459=Yonle
39 csum:1672235459=There's no `git` commands in this article at all
40 diff:1672235459:1672127923:=47c47%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2 git%0a
41 host:1672235459=
42 author:1672127923=Yonle
43 csum:1672127923=Fix installing segment
44 diff:1672127923:1672127695:=37c37%0a%3c $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_POSTGRESQL=1 && make%0a---%0a> $ cmake .. && make%0a
45 host:1672127923=
46 author:1672127695=Yonle
47 csum:1672127695=Extract the file first. So you can get into the folder.
48 diff:1672127695:1662777280:=25,26c25%0a%3c $ tar xvzf libuuid-1.0.3.tar.gz%0a%3c $ cd libuuid-1.0.3%0a---%0a> $ cd libuuid%0a
49 host:1672127695=
50 author:1662777280=akoizumi
51 csum:1662777280=fix typos
52 diff:1662777280:1658219747:minor=30c30%0a%3c and install biboumi%0a---%0a> and install biboumbi%0a37c37%0a%3c $ ./biboumi%0a---%0a> $ ./biboumbi%0a77c77%0a%3c you can also make biboumi to connect to *only one* server, by adding:%0a---%0a> you can also make biboumbi to connect to *only one* server, by adding:%0a
53 host:1662777280=
54 author:1658219747=mkf
55 diff:1658219747:1651521600:=84c84%0a%3c sometimes setting @@policy.txt@@ is also required, otherwise you'll be getting errors about TLS:%0a---%0a> policy.txt:%0a
56 host:1658219747=
57 author:1651521600=mkf
58 diff:1651521600:1638189868:minor=110a111,136%0a> ! biboumbi with libuuid%0a> This method requires compiling libuuid. however it doesn't require extra programs git or e2fsprogs%0a> if you installed biboumbi using pervious method '+no need+' to install it using this methid%0a> %0a> !! Installing Dependencies%0a> [@%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake botan2 sqlite3 udns%0a> @]%0a> %0a> !! compiling%0a> [@%0a> $ ftp> $ cd libuuid%0a> $ ./configure%0a> $ make%0a> $ doas make install%0a> @]%0a> and install biboumbi%0a> [@%0a> $ ftp> $ unxz biboumi-9.0.tar.xz%0a> $ tar xvf biboumi-9.0.tar%0a> $ cd biboumi-9.0%0a> $ cmake .. && make%0a> $ ./biboumbi%0a> @]%0a
59 host:1651521600=
60 author:1638189868=mkf
61 diff:1638189868:1638189762:=12,40d11%0a%3c ! Installing with libuuid%0a%3c %0a%3c This method requires compiling libuuid. however it doesn't require extra programs like git or e2fsprogs.%0a%3c if you installed biboumbi using pervious method '+no need+' to install it using this method%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Installing Dependencies%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake botan2 sqlite3 udns%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! compiling%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp $ cd libuuid%0a%3c $ ./configure%0a%3c $ make%0a%3c $ doas make install%0a%3c @]%0a%3c and install biboumbi%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp $ unxz biboumi-9.0.tar.xz%0a%3c $ tar xvf biboumi-9.0.tar%0a%3c $ cd biboumi-9.0%0a%3c $ cmake .. && make%0a%3c $ ./biboumbi%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c ! Installing without libuuid%0a
62 host:1638189868=
63 author:1638189762=mkf
64 csum:1638189762=small changes
65 diff:1638189762:1637937266:=44c44%0a%3c log_file=/var/log/biboumi.log%0a---%0a> log_file=%0a47,50d46%0a%3c @]%0a%3c you can also make biboumbi to connect to *only one* server, by adding:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c
66 host:1638189762=
67 author:1637937266=jrmu
68 diff:1637937266:1637936531:=
69 host:1637937266=
70 author:1637936531=jrmu
71 diff:1637936531:1637935983:=65c65%0a%3c Component ""%0a---%0a> Component ""%0a68,69d67%0a%3c %0a%3c Replace with the hostname above.%0a
72 host:1637936531=
73 author:1637935983=jrmu
74 diff:1637935983:1637935858:=37c37%0a%3c>> Make sure to replace with your actual hostname, and replace with the admin's actual jid. Replace @@ with your public ([[openbsd/ddos|ddos-filtered]]) IP address.%0a---%0a> Replace @@ with your public ([[openbsd/ddos|ddos-filtered]]) IP address.%0a
75 host:1637935983=
76 author:1637935858=jrmu
77 diff:1637935858:1637934770:=50,56d49%0a%3c %0a%3c policy.txt:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c require_cert_revocation_info = false%0a%3c use_ecc_point_compression = true%0a%3c @]%0a
78 host:1637935858=
79 author:1637934770=jrmu
80 diff:1637934770:1637934697:=50,60d49%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Configuring XMPP Server%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Prosody%0a%3c %0a%3c For [[prosody/install]], you will need to update @@/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg@@:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c Component ""%0a%3c component_secret = "PASSWORD"%0a%3c @]%0a
81 host:1637934770=
82 author:1637934697=jrmu
83 diff:1637934697:1637933116:=
84 host:1637934697=
85 author:1637933116=jrmu
86 diff:1637933116:1637931964:=46c46%0a%3c outgoing_bind=> outgoing_bind=,49d47%0a%3c %0a%3c Replace @@ with your public ([[openbsd/ddos|ddos-filtered]]) IP address.%0a
87 host:1637933116=
88 author:1637931964=jrmu
89 diff:1637931964:1637910617:=5c5%0a%3c * Persistent connections like an IRC bouncer%0a---%0a> * Persistent connections, so it behave like an IRC bouncer%0a7c7%0a%3c * Private chats, notices, CTCP version and ping, IRC colors, and invitations%0a---%0a> * Private chats, notices, CTCP version and ping, IRC colors, invitations%0a14,15d13%0a%3c First we install the dependencies:%0a%3c %0a22,23d19%0a%3c Next, we download, unzip, and extract the tarball; then we build biboumi:%0a%3c %0a34,35c30,31%0a%3c Here is a sample configuration:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Running Biboumi%0a> %0a37,52c33,36%0a%3c password=PASSWORD%0a%3c xmpp_server_ip= port=5347%0a%3c realname_customization=true%0a%3c realname_from_jid=false%0a%3c log_file=%0a%3c ca_file=/etc/ssl/cert.pem%0a%3c outgoing_bind= @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Running Biboumi%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ mkdir -p ~/.config/biboumi%0a---%0a> $ doas mkdir /etc/ssl/certs/%0a> $ doas ln -s /etc/ssl/cert.pem /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt%0a> $ mkdir -p .config/biboumi%0a> $ ./biboumi%0a
90 host:1637931964=
91 author:1637910617=jrmu
92 diff:1637910617:1637909375:=33,34d32%0a%3c $ doas mkdir /etc/ssl/certs/%0a%3c $ doas ln -s /etc/ssl/cert.pem /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt%0a
93 host:1637910617=
94 author:1637909375=jrmu
95 diff:1637909375:1637756267:=33d32%0a%3c $ mkdir -p .config/biboumi%0a
96 host:1637909375=
97 author:1637756267=mkf
98 diff:1637756267:1637756049:=42c42%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake botan2 sqlite3 udns%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake botan2 %0a
99 host:1637756267=
100 author:1637756049=mkf
101 diff:1637756049:1637754910:=35,62d34%0a%3c %0a%3c ! biboumbi with libuuid%0a%3c This method requires compiling libuuid. however it doesn't require extra programs git or e2fsprogs%0a%3c if you installed biboumbi using pervious method '+no need+' to install it using this methid%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Installing Dependencies%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake botan2 %0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! compiling%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp $ cd libuuid%0a%3c $ ./configure%0a%3c $ make%0a%3c $ doas make install%0a%3c @]%0a%3c and install biboumbi%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp $ unxz biboumi-9.0.tar.xz%0a%3c $ tar xvf biboumi-9.0.tar%0a%3c $ cd biboumi-9.0%0a%3c $ cmake .. && make%0a%3c $ ./biboumbi%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a
102 host:1637756049=
103 author:1637754910=jrmu
104 diff:1637754910:1637754608:=25,33c25%0a%3c $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_POSTGRESQL=1 && make%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Configuring Biboumi%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Running Biboumi%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ./biboumi%0a---%0a> $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_POSTGRESQL=1 && make && ./biboumi%0a
105 host:1637754910=
106 author:1637754608=jrmu
107 diff:1637754608:1637754365:=25c25,27%0a%3c $ cmake . -DWITHOUT_POSTGRESQL=1 && make && ./biboumi%0a---%0a> $ mkdir build && cd build/%0a> $ cmake .. -DWITHOUT_POSTGRESQL=1%0a> $ make && ./biboumi%0a
108 host:1637754608=
109 author:1637754365=jrmu
110 diff:1637754365:1637754049:=15c15%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2 git%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2%0a
111 host:1637754365=
112 author:1637754049=jrmu
113 diff:1637754049:1637753659:=25,27c25%0a%3c $ mkdir build && cd build/%0a%3c $ cmake .. -DWITHOUT_POSTGRESQL=1%0a%3c $ make && ./biboumi%0a---%0a> $ cmake . && make && ./biboumi%0a
114 host:1637754049=
115 author:1637753659=jrmu
116 diff:1637753659:1637752539:=15c15%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan2%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan%0a
117 host:1637753659=
118 author:1637752539=jrmu
119 diff:1637752539:1637752491:=15c15%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn udns botan%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn botan%0a
120 host:1637752539=
121 author:1637752491=jrmu
122 diff:1637752491:1637752419:=15c15%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn botan%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn%0a
123 host:1637752491=
124 author:1637752419=jrmu
125 diff:1637752419:1637752351:=15c15%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3 libidn%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3%0a
126 host:1637752419=
127 author:1637752351=jrmu
128 diff:1637752351:1637751576:=15c15%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs sqlite3%0a---%0a> $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs%0a
129 host:1637752351=
130 author:1637751576=jrmu
131 diff:1637751576:1637751567:=12,13d11%0a%3c !! Installing Dependencies%0a%3c %0a15,20d12%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add cmake e2fsprogs%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Building%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a24,25d15%0a%3c $ cd biboumi-9.0%0a%3c $ cmake . && make && ./biboumi%0a
132 host:1637751576=
133 author:1637751567=jrmu
134 diff:1637751567:1637719770:=
135 host:1637751567=
136 author:1637719770=jrmu
137 diff:1637719770:1637719755:=4,10c4,10%0a%3c * Unlimited number of XMPP users can connect to an unlimited number of IRC servers%0a%3c * Persistent connections, so it behave like an IRC bouncer%0a%3c * Basic channel management features%0a%3c * Private chats, notices, CTCP version and ping, IRC colors, invitations%0a%3c * Channel listing and automatic nickserv identification%0a%3c * Supports TLS to IRC servers%0a%3c * Embedded identd server%0a---%0a> # Unlimited number of XMPP users can connect to an unlimited number of IRC servers%0a> # Persistent connections, so it behave like an IRC bouncer%0a> # Basic channel management features%0a> # Private chats, notices, CTCP version and ping, IRC colors, invitations%0a> # Channel listing and automatic nickserv identification%0a> # Supports TLS to IRC servers%0a> # Embedded identd server%0a
138 host:1637719770=
139 author:1637719755=jrmu
140 diff:1637719755:1637719457:=1,11d0%0a%3c [[|Biboumi]] is an XMPP gateway to IRC. Its goal is to let XMPP users use their favorite client to participate in IRC discussions.%0a%3c %0a%3c Features:%0a%3c # Unlimited number of XMPP users can connect to an unlimited number of IRC servers%0a%3c # Persistent connections, so it behave like an IRC bouncer%0a%3c # Basic channel management features%0a%3c # Private chats, notices, CTCP version and ping, IRC colors, invitations%0a%3c # Channel listing and automatic nickserv identification%0a%3c # Supports TLS to IRC servers%0a%3c # Embedded identd server%0a%3c %0a
141 host:1637719755=
142 author:1637719457=jrmu
143 diff:1637719457:1637719383:=3,4d2%0a%3c $ unxz biboumi-9.0.tar.xz%0a%3c $ tar xvf biboumi-9.0.tar%0a
144 host:1637719457=
145 author:1637719383=jrmu
146 diff:1637719383:1637719383:=1,3d0%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp @]%0a
147 host:1637719383=