
1 version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
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3 author=suzerain
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=
6 ctime=1645957274
7 host=
8 name=Openbsd.IRCBridge
9 rev=13
10 targets=
11 text=!!Why is LilyWhiteBot?%0a - It's open.%0a - Support IRC, Telegram, Discord and Tencent QQ%0a!!Prerequisites%0a - Node.js 14%0a - Git%0a - Vi support UTF-8%0a%0a!!Configuration steps%0a $cd ~%0a $mkdir LilyWhiteBot%0a%0aIt will make a dir called LilyWhiteBot (I'm forking it to make it easily to config.) on your home dir.%0a%0a $cd ~/LilyWhiteBot%0a $git clone (I'm forking it to make it easily to config.)%0a%0aAfter you had download, change the bot config.%0a %0a $cd LilyWhiteBot%0a $vi config.example.yml%0a%0a!!! Branch - Telegram Bot API%0aSearch @BotFather on your Telegram APP, send /start before you did it. %0a%0aYou will recevie a message about how to use from BotFather. Send /newbot to create a new bot on Telegram.%0a%0a!!! Branch - Discord Bot API%0aVisit [[|Discord Dev]],after, click New Application.(Remember CLIENT ID) %0a%0aClick your New Application, click add bot. Get invite link from OAuth2. %0a%0aIf you readed the guide of API, please keep properly token.%0a%0a $doas vi config.example.yml%0a%0aAnd Change:%0a%0a Telegram:%0a Disable: false%0a%0a IRC:%0a Disable: false%0a%0aIt will able Telegram and IRC. Change the following content is taken from the source file:%0a%0aIRC:%0a bot:%0a server: nick: "SuzerainBot" %0a userName: "SuzerainBot"%0a realName: "SuzerainBot"%0a channels: ["#hi", "#ircnow"] %0a sasl: true %0a sasl_password: "Nickname Passwd"%0a%0aIt will set a bot nickname called SuzerainBot running on Libera and will auto join #hi,#ircnow channels use password Nickname Passwd for login.%0a%0aThe configuration methods for Telegram and Discord are also the same, but please be careful '''not''' to configure Telegram Proxy. And '''DO NOT''' change anything of QQ, you can't running true at now.%0a%0aExample:%0a Telegram:%0a disabled: false %0a bot:%0a name: "SuzerainBot" %0a token: "123456789:q234fipjfjaewkflASDFASjaslkdf" %0a timeout: 30 %0a limit: 100 %0a%0a Discord:%0a disabled: false %0a bot:%0a token: "ODk0NzYyNDU0NjkxNzc0NDY0.YVuueQ.t9xUJCw_tWs1iv82pCbaht8KFSY"%0a options:%0a nickStyle: nickname %0a useProxyURL: false %0a relayEmoji: false #for save system resources, not forward emoji pictures, only forward the corresponding emoji%0a%0a!!! Group Configuration %0aAfter setting the basic information of the robot correctly, we need specify which groups/channels the bot will work in.%0a%0aSearch groups: on config.yml.%0a%0aUsage:%0a irc/#Channel%0a telegram/-Group ID%0a discord/Channel ID '''NOT''' Server ID%0a%0aExample:%0a - ['irc/#hi', 'telegram/-12345678']%0a%0aIt will enable a bridge from irc channel #hi to a Telegram Group of id is 12345678.%0a%0a!! Running Bot%0awhen you've done all the work, please:%0a $cd ~%0a $cd ~/LilyWhiteBot/%0a $doas mv config.example.yml config.yml%0a $doas npm install%0a $doas node main.js%0a%0aBy now, it should have started working. Congratulate!
12 time=1646017184
13 author:1646017184=suzerain
14 diff:1646017184:1646017168:=97c97%0a%3c $cd ~/LilyWhiteBot/%0a---%0a> $cd ~/LilyWhitBot/%0a
15 host:1646017184=
16 author:1646017168=suzerain
17 diff:1646017168:1645970825:=1c1%0a%3c !!Why is LilyWhiteBot?%0a---%0a> !!Why is LiliwhiteBot?%0a98d97%0a%3c $doas mv config.example.yml config.yml%0a
18 host:1646017168=
19 author:1645970825=suzerain
20 diff:1645970825:1645969935:=59,101c59%0a%3c The configuration methods for Telegram and Discord are also the same, but please be careful '''not''' to configure Telegram Proxy. And '''DO NOT''' change anything of QQ, you can't running true at now.%0a%3c %0a%3c Example:%0a%3c Telegram:%0a%3c disabled: false %0a%3c bot:%0a%3c name: "SuzerainBot" %0a%3c token: "123456789:q234fipjfjaewkflASDFASjaslkdf" %0a%3c timeout: 30 %0a%3c limit: 100 %0a%3c %0a%3c Discord:%0a%3c disabled: false %0a%3c bot:%0a%3c token: "ODk0NzYyNDU0NjkxNzc0NDY0.YVuueQ.t9xUJCw_tWs1iv82pCbaht8KFSY"%0a%3c options:%0a%3c nickStyle: nickname %0a%3c useProxyURL: false %0a%3c relayEmoji: false #for save system resources, not forward emoji pictures, only forward the corresponding emoji%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Group Configuration %0a%3c After setting the basic information of the robot correctly, we need specify which groups/channels the bot will work in.%0a%3c %0a%3c Search groups: on config.yml.%0a%3c %0a%3c Usage:%0a%3c irc/#Channel%0a%3c telegram/-Group ID%0a%3c discord/Channel ID '''NOT''' Server ID%0a%3c %0a%3c Example:%0a%3c - ['irc/#hi', 'telegram/-12345678']%0a%3c %0a%3c It will enable a bridge from irc channel #hi to a Telegram Group of id is 12345678.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Running Bot%0a%3c when you've done all the work, please:%0a%3c $cd ~%0a%3c $cd ~/LilyWhitBot/%0a%3c $doas npm install%0a%3c $doas node main.js%0a%3c %0a%3c By now, it should have started working. Congratulate!%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> The configuration methods for Telegram and Discord are also the same, but please be careful '''not''' to configure Telegram Proxy. And '''DO NOT''' change anything of QQ, you can't running true at now.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
21 host:1645970825=
22 author:1645969935=suzerain
23 diff:1645969935:1645969872:=59c59%0a%3c The configuration methods for Telegram and Discord are also the same, but please be careful '''not''' to configure Telegram Proxy. And '''DO NOT''' change anything of QQ, you can't running true at now.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> The configuration methods for Telegram and Discord are also the same, but please be careful '''not''' to configure Telegram Proxy. And '''DO NOT''' change any thing of QQ, you can't running true at now.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
24 host:1645969935=
25 author:1645969872=suzerain
26 diff:1645969872:1645968671:=33,34c33,34%0a%3c If you readed the guide of API, please keep properly token.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> If you readed the guide of API, please keep properly Key.%0a> %0a57,59c57%0a%3c It will set a bot nickname called SuzerainBot running on Libera and will auto join #hi,#ircnow channels use password Nickname Passwd for login.%0a%3c %0a%3c The configuration methods for Telegram and Discord are also the same, but please be careful '''not''' to configure Telegram Proxy. And '''DO NOT''' change any thing of QQ, you can't running true at now.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> It will set a bot nickname called SuzerainBot running on Libera and will auto join #hi,#ircnow channels use password Nickname Passwd for login.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
27 host:1645969872=
28 author:1645968671=suzerain
29 diff:1645968671:1645968628:=39a40%0a> %0a42a44%0a> %0a
30 host:1645968671=
31 author:1645968628=suzerain
32 diff:1645968628:1645968595:=29c29%0a%3c Visit [[|Discord Dev]],after, click New Application.(Remember CLIENT ID) %0a---%0a> Visit [[Discord Dev|]],after, click New Application.(Remember CLIENT ID) %0a
33 host:1645968628=
34 author:1645968595=suzerain
35 diff:1645968595:1645968183:=18c18%0a%3c After you had download, change the bot config.%0a---%0a> Before you had download, change the bot config.%0a
36 host:1645968595=
37 author:1645968183=suzerain
38 diff:1645968183:1645958445:=28,59d27%0a%3c !!! Branch - Discord Bot API%0a%3c Visit [[Discord Dev|]],after, click New Application.(Remember CLIENT ID) %0a%3c %0a%3c Click your New Application, click add bot. Get invite link from OAuth2. %0a%3c %0a%3c If you readed the guide of API, please keep properly Key.%0a%3c %0a%3c $doas vi config.example.yml%0a%3c %0a%3c And Change:%0a%3c %0a%3c Telegram:%0a%3c %0a%3c Disable: false%0a%3c %0a%3c IRC:%0a%3c %0a%3c Disable: false%0a%3c %0a%3c It will able Telegram and IRC. Change the following content is taken from the source file:%0a%3c %0a%3c IRC:%0a%3c bot:%0a%3c server: nick: "SuzerainBot" %0a%3c userName: "SuzerainBot"%0a%3c realName: "SuzerainBot"%0a%3c channels: ["#hi", "#ircnow"] %0a%3c sasl: true %0a%3c sasl_password: "Nickname Passwd"%0a%3c %0a%3c It will set a bot nickname called SuzerainBot running on Libera and will auto join #hi,#ircnow channels use password Nickname Passwd for login.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
39 host:1645968183=
40 author:1645958445=suzerain
41 diff:1645958445:1645958239:=24,26c24%0a%3c Search @BotFather on your Telegram APP, send /start before you did it. %0a%3c %0a%3c You will recevie a message about how to use from BotFather. Send /newbot to create a new bot on Telegram.%0a---%0a> Search @BotFather on your Telegram APP, %0a
42 host:1645958445=
43 author:1645958239=suzerain
44 diff:1645958239:1645957859:=13,14c13,14%0a%3c It will make a dir called LilyWhiteBot (I'm forking it to make it easily to config.) on your home dir.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> It will make a dir called LilyWhiteBot on your home dir.%0a> %0a16,17c16,17%0a%3c $git clone (I'm forking it to make it easily to config.)%0a%3c %0a---%0a> $git clone> %0a22,25d21%0a%3c %0a%3c !!! Branch - Telegram Bot API%0a%3c Search @BotFather on your Telegram APP, %0a%3c %0a
45 host:1645958239=
46 author:1645957859=suzerain
47 diff:1645957859:1645957274:=7,8c7%0a%3c - Vi support UTF-8%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a18,21d16%0a%3c Before you had download, change the bot config.%0a%3c %0a%3c $cd LilyWhiteBot%0a%3c $vi config.example.yml%0a
48 host:1645957859=
49 author:1645957274=suzerain
50 diff:1645957274:1645957274:=1,16d0%0a%3c !!Why is LiliwhiteBot?%0a%3c - It's open.%0a%3c - Support IRC, Telegram, Discord and Tencent QQ%0a%3c !!Prerequisites%0a%3c - Node.js 14%0a%3c - Git%0a%3c %0a%3c !!Configuration steps%0a%3c $cd ~%0a%3c $mkdir LilyWhiteBot%0a%3c %0a%3c It will make a dir called LilyWhiteBot on your home dir.%0a%3c %0a%3c $cd ~/LilyWhiteBot%0a%3c $git clone %0a
51 host:1645957274=