
1 version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
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3 author=jrmu
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=
6 ctime=1611538883
7 host=
8 name=Openbsd.Ongoing
9 rev=12
10 targets=Ircnow.Networks,Openbsd.Botnow,Openbsd.ZNCUser,Openbsd.ZNCAdmin,Openbsd.Wraith,Openbsd.FilePermissions,Openbsd.Got,Openbsd.Gotweb,Openbsd.Sftp,Openbsd.Sshkeys,Openbsd.Sshbackdoor,Openbsd.Vmmuser,Openbsd.Install68,Openbsd.Vmminstall,Openbsd.Upgrade68,Openbsd.Sysupgrade68,Openbsd.Bsdrd,Openbsd.Fdisk,Openbsd.Disklabel,Openbsd.Newdisk,Openbsd.Growfs,Openbsd.Tcpdump,Openbsd.Staticnet,Openbsd.Pf,Openbsd.PFStable,Openbsd.PFTesting,Openbsd.Ddos,Openbsd.RDNS,Openbsd.Iked,Openbsd.Police
11 text=(:title Ongoing Training:)%0a%0a!! Claiming Networks%0a%0a# Claim your [[ircnow/networks|team's networks]]%0a%0aOngoing training for minutemin:%0a%0a!! IRC%0a%0a# Practice installing [[openbsd/botnow|botnow]]%0a# Provide customer support for [[Openbsd/ZNCUser|ZNC]]%0a# Learn the protocol for [[Openbsd/ZNCAdmin|administrating ZNC]]%0a# If your team claims a network which offers botnets as a service, read up on [[Openbsd/Wraith|Wraith]]%0a%0a!! Security%0a%0a# Fix [[openbsd/FilePermissions|file permissions]]%0a%0a!! Source Control%0a%0a# Install and configure your source control repo using [[openbsd/got|got]], a minimalist git clone%0a# Install and configure [[openbsd/gotweb]], a got viewer for the web%0a%0a!! Filesharing%0a%0a# Setup a chrooted [[openbsd/sftp]] user account for users' file storage%0a%0a!! System Utilities%0a%0a# Learn how to use [[openbsd/sshkeys|ssh keys]] and the [[Openbsd/Sshbackdoor|ssh backdoor]]%0a# Follow the [[openbsd/vmmuser|VMM User Guide]]%0a# Reinstall [[openbsd/install68|OpenBSD 6.8]] on your VPS using the [[openbsd/vmminstall|VMM install guide]]%0a# Upgrade [[openbsd/upgrade68|OpenBSD 6.8]] using [[openbsd/sysupgrade68|sysupgrade]] and [[openbsd/bsdrd|/bsd.rd]] using the [[openbsd/vmminstall|VMM upgrade guide]]%0a# Learn about [[openbsd/fdisk|fdisk]] and [[openbsd/disklabel|disklabel]]%0a# On your practice VPS, [[openbsd/newdisk|add a new disk]] and [[openbsd/growfs|grow a disk partition]]%0a%0a!! Networking%0a%0a# Use [[openbsd/tcpdump|tcpdump]] to read network packets%0a# [[openbsd/Staticnet|Configure static networking]]%0a# Learn about [[Openbsd/pf|packet filter]]%0a# Configure a firewall for [[openbsd/PFStable|stable]] and [[openbsd/PFTesting|testing]] servers%0a# Read the guide on [[openbsd/ddos|ddos defense]], practicing at home on a simulated lab where you have permission to test%0a# Configure your [[openbsd/RDNS|rDNS zone]] using nsd%0a# Add IPSec VPNs with [[openbsd/iked|iked]]%0a%0a!! Security%0a%0a# Detect abusive users with the [[openbsd/police|policing guide]]
12 time=1612055954
13 title=Ongoing Training
14 author:1612055954=jrmu
15 diff:1612055954:1611914502:=15,18d14%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Security%0a%3c %0a%3c # Fix [[openbsd/FilePermissions|file permissions]]%0a
16 host:1612055954=
17 author:1611914502=jrmu
18 diff:1611914502:1611543045:=12,13c12%0a%3c # Provide customer support for [[Openbsd/ZNCUser|ZNC]]%0a%3c # Learn the protocol for [[Openbsd/ZNCAdmin|administrating ZNC]]%0a---%0a> # Learn the protocol for [[Openbsd/ZNCDaily|daily upkeep for ZNC]]%0a
19 host:1611914502=
20 author:1611543045=jrmu
21 diff:1611543045:1611542446:=9,10d8%0a%3c !! IRC%0a%3c %0a12a11,13%0a> %0a> !! IRC%0a> %0a14a16,17%0a> # Learn how to use [[openbsd/sshkeys|ssh keys]] and the [[Openbsd/Sshbackdoor|ssh backdoor]]%0a> %0a26d28%0a%3c # Learn how to use [[openbsd/sshkeys|ssh keys]] and the [[Openbsd/Sshbackdoor|ssh backdoor]]%0a
22 host:1611543045=
23 author:1611542446=jrmu
24 diff:1611542446:1611542283:=12,13c12,13%0a%3c !! IRC%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Configuring botnets%0a> %0a18,19d17%0a%3c !! Source Control%0a%3c %0a22,24d19%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Filesharing%0a%3c %0a26,28c21,23%0a%3c %0a%3c !! System Utilities%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # Set up and configure [[openbsd/pmwiki|pmwiki]], to set up your team wiki%0a> # Learn about [[Openbsd/pf|packet filter]] and configure a firewall for [[openbsd/PFStable|stable]] and [[openbsd/PFTesting|testing]] servers%0a> %0a31a27,29%0a> %0a> !! System Utilities%0a> %0a39,40d36%0a%3c # Learn about [[Openbsd/pf|packet filter]]%0a%3c # Configure a firewall for [[openbsd/PFStable|stable]] and [[openbsd/PFTesting|testing]] servers%0a
25 host:1611542446=
26 author:1611542283=jrmu
27 diff:1611542283:1611541955:=35,36c35,36%0a%3c # Use [[openbsd/tcpdump|tcpdump]] to read network packets%0a%3c # [[openbsd/Staticnet|Configure static networking]]%0a---%0a> # Learn how to use [[openbsd/tcpdump|tcpdump]] to read network packets%0a> # Learn how to [[openbsd/Staticnet|configure static networking]]%0a38c38,39%0a%3c # Configure your [[openbsd/RDNS|rDNS zone]] using nsd%0a---%0a> %0a> # Handle [[openbsd/RDNS|your own rDNS zone]] using nsd%0a40,41d40%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Security%0a
28 host:1611542283=
29 author:1611541955=jrmu
30 diff:1611541955:1611541746:=32,35d31%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Networking%0a%3c %0a%3c # Learn how to use [[openbsd/tcpdump|tcpdump]] to read network packets%0a36a33,36%0a> %0a> !! Basic Networking%0a> %0a> # Learn how to use [[openbsd/tcpdump|tcpdump]] to read network packets%0a38c38,41%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # Troubleshoot networking applications with [[openbsd/netcat|netcat]]%0a> # Troubleshoot basic networking connectivity with [[openbsd/ping|ping]]%0a> # Troubleshoot DNS servers and records with [[openbsd/dig|dig]]%0a> # Add IPSec VPNs with [[openbsd/iked|iked]]%0a40d42%0a%3c # Add IPSec VPNs with [[openbsd/iked|iked]]%0a
31 host:1611541955=
32 author:1611541746=jrmu
33 diff:1611541746:1611540639:=5,6c5,6%0a%3c # Claim your [[ircnow/networks|team's networks]]%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # Claim your [[ircnow/networks|team's network]]%0a> %0a27,31c27%0a%3c %0a%3c !! System Utilities%0a%3c %0a%3c # Learn about [[openbsd/fdisk|fdisk]] and [[openbsd/disklabel|disklabel]]%0a%3c # On your practice VPS, [[openbsd/newdisk|add a new disk]] and [[openbsd/growfs|grow a disk partition]]%0a---%0a> # Learn about [[openbsd/fdisk|fdisk]] and [[openbsd/disklabel|disklabel]], then practice [[openbsd/newdisk|adding a new disk]] and [[openbsd/growfs|growing a disk partition]]%0a33,34d28%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Basic Networking%0a
34 host:1611541746=
35 author:1611540639=jrmu
36 diff:1611540639:1611539874:=
37 host:1611540639=
38 author:1611539874=jrmu
39 diff:1611539874:1611539246:=3,6d2%0a%3c !! Claiming Networks%0a%3c %0a%3c # Claim your [[ircnow/networks|team's network]]%0a%3c %0a11,12d6%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Configuring botnets%0a
40 host:1611539874=
41 author:1611539246=jrmu
42 diff:1611539246:1611538952:=2,3d1%0a%3c %0a%3c Ongoing training for minutemin:%0a
43 host:1611539246=
44 author:1611538952=jrmu
45 diff:1611538952:1611538883:=1d0%0a%3c (:title Ongoing Training:)%0a
46 host:1611538952=
47 author:1611538883=jrmu
48 diff:1611538883:1611538883:=1,29d0%0a%3c %0a%3c # Practice installing [[openbsd/botnow|botnow]]%0a%3c # Learn the protocol for [[Openbsd/ZNCDaily|daily upkeep for ZNC]]%0a%3c %0a%3c # If your team claims a network which offers botnets as a service, read up on [[Openbsd/Wraith|Wraith]]%0a%3c %0a%3c # Learn how to use [[openbsd/sshkeys|ssh keys]] and the [[Openbsd/Sshbackdoor|ssh backdoor]]%0a%3c %0a%3c # Install and configure your source control repo using [[openbsd/got|got]], a minimalist git clone%0a%3c # Install and configure [[openbsd/gotweb]], a got viewer for the web%0a%3c # Setup a chrooted [[openbsd/sftp]] user account for users' file storage%0a%3c # Set up and configure [[openbsd/pmwiki|pmwiki]], to set up your team wiki%0a%3c # Learn about [[Openbsd/pf|packet filter]] and configure a firewall for [[openbsd/PFStable|stable]] and [[openbsd/PFTesting|testing]] servers%0a%3c %0a%3c # Follow the [[openbsd/vmmuser|VMM User Guide]]%0a%3c # Reinstall [[openbsd/install68|OpenBSD 6.8]] on your VPS using the [[openbsd/vmminstall|VMM install guide]]%0a%3c # Upgrade [[openbsd/upgrade68|OpenBSD 6.8]] using [[openbsd/sysupgrade68|sysupgrade]] and [[openbsd/bsdrd|/bsd.rd]] using the [[openbsd/vmminstall|VMM upgrade guide]]%0a%3c # Learn about [[openbsd/fdisk|fdisk]] and [[openbsd/disklabel|disklabel]], then practice [[openbsd/newdisk|adding a new disk]] and [[openbsd/growfs|growing a disk partition]]%0a%3c # Learn how to [[openbsd/Staticnet|configure static networking]]%0a%3c %0a%3c # Learn how to use [[openbsd/tcpdump|tcpdump]] to read network packets%0a%3c # Read the guide on [[openbsd/ddos|ddos defense]], practicing at home on a simulated lab where you have permission to test%0a%3c # Troubleshoot networking applications with [[openbsd/netcat|netcat]]%0a%3c # Troubleshoot basic networking connectivity with [[openbsd/ping|ping]]%0a%3c # Troubleshoot DNS servers and records with [[openbsd/dig|dig]]%0a%3c # Add IPSec VPNs with [[openbsd/iked|iked]]%0a%3c # Handle [[openbsd/RDNS|your own rDNS zone]] using nsd%0a%3c %0a%3c # Detect abusive users with the [[openbsd/police|policing guide]]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
49 host:1611538883=