
1 version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20230121
3 author=jrmu
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=
6 ctime=1609235593
7 host=
8 name=Openbsd.Tcltls
9 rev=3
10 targets=
11 text=(:title tcl-tls:)%0a%0aIf you are running a shell provider, you will need to install tcl-tls for eggdrop.%0a%0aIt can be installed easily from openbsd packages:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add tcltls%0a@]%0a%0aYou could also try building tcl-tls from source:%0a%0a[@%0a$ ftp$ tar xvzf tcltls-1.7.22.tar.gz%0a$ cd tcltls-1.7.22/%0a$ ./configure%0a$ make%0a$ doas make install%0a@]%0a
12 time=1699301964
13 title=tcl-tls
14 author:1699301964=jrmu
15 diff:1699301964:1699301409:=5c5%0a%3c It can be installed easily from openbsd packages:%0a---%0a> There is now an openbsd port:%0a
16 host:1699301964=
17 author:1699301409=jrmu
18 diff:1699301409:1609235593:=3,11c3,4%0a%3c If you are running a shell provider, you will need to install tcl-tls for eggdrop.%0a%3c %0a%3c There is now an openbsd port:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add tcltls%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c You could also try building tcl-tls from source:%0a---%0a> If you are running a shell provider, you will need to build tcl-tls for eggdrop.%0a> %0a
19 host:1699301409=
20 author:1609235593=jrmu
21 diff:1609235593:1609235593:=1,12d0%0a%3c (:title tcl-tls:)%0a%3c %0a%3c If you are running a shell provider, you will need to build tcl-tls for eggdrop.%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp $ tar xvzf tcltls-1.7.22.tar.gz%0a%3c $ cd tcltls-1.7.22/%0a%3c $ ./configure%0a%3c $ make%0a%3c $ doas make install%0a%3c @]%0a
22 host:1609235593=