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3 author=debiankaios
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0
6 ctime=1634830147
7 host=
8 name=Vmm.Devuan4Iso
9 rev=2
10 targets=
11 text=(:title Create Devuan ISO for VMM:)%0a%0aTo use VMM, the ISO image you provide must support the serial console. In this guide,%0awe download and modify the devuan ISO to boot from serial console.%0a%0a!! Download and verify ISO%0a%0a[@%0a$ ftp$ ftp$ ftp]%0a%0aIf gpg is not already installed:%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add gnupg%0a@]%0a%0a[@%0a$ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys E93D7167A4F5FA9E9FED497770285BA5CF280BA4%0agpg: key 70285BA5CF280BA4: public key "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)>" imported%0agpg: Total number processed: 1%0agpg: imported: 1%0a$ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc SHA256SUMS%0agpg: Signature made Fri Mar 26 17:50:56 2021 CDT%0agpg: using RSA key E93D7167A4F5FA9E9FED497770285BA5CF280BA4%0agpg: Good signature from "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)>" [unknown]%0agpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!%0agpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.%0aPrimary key fingerprint: E93D 7167 A4F5 FA9E 9FED 4977 7028 5BA5 CF28 0BA4%0a$ sha256 devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso%0aSHA256 (devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso) = 1723cbbeb1aee26a54e1370b688e7dc03921402348d2a60086c58c18cd9cf24b%0a$ grep devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso SHA256SUMS%0a1723cbbeb1aee26a54e1370b688e7dc03921402348d2a60086c58c18cd9cf24b devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a@]%0a%0aThe two checksums must match perfectly or else you should stop installation.%0a%0aWe run these steps as root:%0a%0a[@%0a# vnconfig vnd0 devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a# mkdir old new%0a# mount /dev/vnd0c old%0a# cp -R old/* new%0a# cp -R old/.disk new%0a# umount old%0a# vnconfig -u vnd0%0a@]%0a%0a!! Make Changes%0a%0aHere are the diffs of the changes we make:%0a%0a[@%0ajrmu# diff -ru {old,new}/isolinux/%0adiff -ru old/isolinux/isolinux.cfg new/isolinux/isolinux.cfg%0a--- old/isolinux/isolinux.cfg Mon Feb 1 11:57:37 2021%0a+++ new/isolinux/isolinux.cfg Sun Aug 22 00:34:12 2021%0a@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@%0a # D-I config version 2.0%0a # search path for the c32 support libraries (libcom32, libutil etc.)%0a+serial 0 115200%0a+console 0%0a path%0a include menu.cfg%0a default vesamenu.c32%0adiff -ru old/isolinux/txt.cfg new/isolinux/txt.cfg%0a--- old/isolinux/txt.cfg Mon Feb 1 11:57:37 2021%0a+++ new/isolinux/txt.cfg Sun Aug 22 00:35:37 2021%0a@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@%0a label live%0a menu label ^Install Ubuntu Server%0a kernel /casper/vmlinuz%0a- append initrd=/casper/initrd quiet ---%0a+ append vga=normal initrd=/casper/initrd --- console=ttyS0,115200n8%0a label hwe-live%0a menu label ^Install Ubuntu Server with the HWE kernel%0a kernel /casper/hwe-vmlinuz%0a- append initrd=/casper/hwe-initrd quiet ---%0a+ append vga=normal initrd=/casper/hwe-initrd --- console=ttyS0,115200n8%0a label memtest%0a menu label Test ^memory%0a kernel /install/mt86plus%0a@]%0a%0a!! Generate ISO%0a%0a[@%0a# pkg_add xorriso%0a# xorriso -as mkisofs -r -J -joliet-long -l -cache-inodes -partition_offset 16 -A "Ubuntu/VMM" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o devuan-chimaera-4.0.0-vmm.iso ./new%0a@]%0a%0a!! VMM%0a%0aIn /etc/vm.conf, we update the cdrom image:%0a%0a[@%0avm "username" {%0a owner username%0a memory 1024M%0a cdrom "/home/iso/devuan-chimaera-4.0.0-vmm.iso"%0a disk /home/username/username.qcow2%0a interface { %0a locked lladdr aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff%0a switch "switch0"%0a }%0a}%0a@]%0a%0a# Install%0a%0aInstall grub into /dev/vda%0a%0aIdeas taken from:
12 time=1634833741
13 title=Create Devuan ISO for VMM
14 author:1634833741=debiankaios
15 csum:1634833741=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0
16 diff:1634833741:1634830147:=9,11c9,11%0a%3c $ ftp $ ftp $ ftp> $ ftp> $ ftp> $ ftp,34c31,34%0a%3c $ sha256 devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a%3c SHA256 (devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso) = 1723cbbeb1aee26a54e1370b688e7dc03921402348d2a60086c58c18cd9cf24b%0a%3c $ grep devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso SHA256SUMS%0a%3c 1723cbbeb1aee26a54e1370b688e7dc03921402348d2a60086c58c18cd9cf24b devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a---%0a> $ sha256 devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a> SHA256 (devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso) = 1723cbbeb1aee26a54e1370b688e7dc03921402348d2a60086c58c18cd9cf24b%0a> $ grep devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso SHA256SUMS%0a> 1723cbbeb1aee26a54e1370b688e7dc03921402348d2a60086c58c18cd9cf24b devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a42c42%0a%3c # vnconfig vnd0 devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a---%0a> # vnconfig vnd0 devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a91c91%0a%3c # xorriso -as mkisofs -r -J -joliet-long -l -cache-inodes -partition_offset 16 -A "Ubuntu/VMM" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o devuan-chimaera-4.0.0-vmm.iso ./new%0a---%0a> # xorriso -as mkisofs -r -J -joliet-long -l -cache-inodes -partition_offset 16 -A "Ubuntu/VMM" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o devuan-beowulf-3.1.1-vmm.iso ./new%0a102c102%0a%3c cdrom "/home/iso/devuan-chimaera-4.0.0-vmm.iso"%0a---%0a> cdrom "/home/iso/devuan-beowulf-3.1.1-vmm.iso"%0a
17 host:1634833741=
18 author:1634830147=jrmu
19 diff:1634830147:1634830147:=1,115d0%0a%3c (:title Create Devuan ISO for VMM:)%0a%3c %0a%3c To use VMM, the ISO image you provide must support the serial console. In this guide,%0a%3c we download and modify the devuan ISO to boot from serial console.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Download and verify ISO%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ ftp $ ftp $ ftp @]%0a%3c %0a%3c If gpg is not already installed:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ doas pkg_add gnupg%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys E93D7167A4F5FA9E9FED497770285BA5CF280BA4%0a%3c gpg: key 70285BA5CF280BA4: public key "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)>" imported%0a%3c gpg: Total number processed: 1%0a%3c gpg: imported: 1%0a%3c $ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc SHA256SUMS%0a%3c gpg: Signature made Fri Mar 26 17:50:56 2021 CDT%0a%3c gpg: using RSA key E93D7167A4F5FA9E9FED497770285BA5CF280BA4%0a%3c gpg: Good signature from "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)>" [unknown]%0a%3c gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!%0a%3c gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.%0a%3c Primary key fingerprint: E93D 7167 A4F5 FA9E 9FED 4977 7028 5BA5 CF28 0BA4%0a%3c $ sha256 devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a%3c SHA256 (devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso) = 1723cbbeb1aee26a54e1370b688e7dc03921402348d2a60086c58c18cd9cf24b%0a%3c $ grep devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso SHA256SUMS%0a%3c 1723cbbeb1aee26a54e1370b688e7dc03921402348d2a60086c58c18cd9cf24b devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c The two checksums must match perfectly or else you should stop installation.%0a%3c %0a%3c We run these steps as root:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c # vnconfig vnd0 devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_netinstall.iso%0a%3c # mkdir old new%0a%3c # mount /dev/vnd0c old%0a%3c # cp -R old/* new%0a%3c # cp -R old/.disk new%0a%3c # umount old%0a%3c # vnconfig -u vnd0%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Make Changes%0a%3c %0a%3c Here are the diffs of the changes we make:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c jrmu# diff -ru {old,new}/isolinux/%0a%3c diff -ru old/isolinux/isolinux.cfg new/isolinux/isolinux.cfg%0a%3c --- old/isolinux/isolinux.cfg Mon Feb 1 11:57:37 2021%0a%3c +++ new/isolinux/isolinux.cfg Sun Aug 22 00:34:12 2021%0a%3c @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@%0a%3c # D-I config version 2.0%0a%3c # search path for the c32 support libraries (libcom32, libutil etc.)%0a%3c +serial 0 115200%0a%3c +console 0%0a%3c path%0a%3c include menu.cfg%0a%3c default vesamenu.c32%0a%3c diff -ru old/isolinux/txt.cfg new/isolinux/txt.cfg%0a%3c --- old/isolinux/txt.cfg Mon Feb 1 11:57:37 2021%0a%3c +++ new/isolinux/txt.cfg Sun Aug 22 00:35:37 2021%0a%3c @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@%0a%3c label live%0a%3c menu label ^Install Ubuntu Server%0a%3c kernel /casper/vmlinuz%0a%3c - append initrd=/casper/initrd quiet ---%0a%3c + append vga=normal initrd=/casper/initrd --- console=ttyS0,115200n8%0a%3c label hwe-live%0a%3c menu label ^Install Ubuntu Server with the HWE kernel%0a%3c kernel /casper/hwe-vmlinuz%0a%3c - append initrd=/casper/hwe-initrd quiet ---%0a%3c + append vga=normal initrd=/casper/hwe-initrd --- console=ttyS0,115200n8%0a%3c label memtest%0a%3c menu label Test ^memory%0a%3c kernel /install/mt86plus%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Generate ISO%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c # pkg_add xorriso%0a%3c # xorriso -as mkisofs -r -J -joliet-long -l -cache-inodes -partition_offset 16 -A "Ubuntu/VMM" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o devuan-beowulf-3.1.1-vmm.iso ./new%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! VMM%0a%3c %0a%3c In /etc/vm.conf, we update the cdrom image:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c vm "username" {%0a%3c owner username%0a%3c memory 1024M%0a%3c cdrom "/home/iso/devuan-beowulf-3.1.1-vmm.iso"%0a%3c disk /home/username/username.qcow2%0a%3c interface { %0a%3c locked lladdr aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff%0a%3c switch "switch0"%0a%3c }%0a%3c }%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c # Install%0a%3c %0a%3c Install grub into /dev/vda%0a%3c %0a%3c Ideas taken from:
20 host:1634830147=