
1 version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
2 agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 author=izzyb
4 charset=UTF-8
5 csum=
6 ctime=1681848827
7 host=2001:56a:fa36:4500:407f:9f25:3788:935
8 name=WikiTips.WikiGroups-Draft
9 rev=8
10 targets=
11 text=%25define=note block bgcolor=lightblue color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%25define=info block bgcolor=lightgrey color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%25define=warn block bgcolor=yellow color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%25define=alert block bgcolor=lightpink color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%25define=commands block bgcolor=black color=white margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%25define=config block bgcolor=darkgrey color=white margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%25define=example block bgcolor=lightgrey color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a!! Summary%0a%0aThis page contains information about wikigroups in use on ircnow wiki. The wikigroup is the portion before the / or period in a wiki link. This document is in the WikiTips wikigroup. In addition to wikiGroups, pages can belong to one or more categories.%0a%0a!! Getting names of groups and pages.%0a%0apmWiki has a very simple naming convention for its pages. Its just a bunch of files in the form '''>'''. %0a %0aI generated a list of all the wiki pages from the ircnow pmwiki using this shell command:%0a%0a%25commands%25ircnow$ ls /var/www/htdocs/[[ | Here is a paste of it]] 1322 Pages%0a%0aYou can filter out the wikiGroups by piping it to uniq like this:%0a%0a%25commands%25ircnow$ ls /var/www/htdocs/ | perl -pe 's/(.*)\..*/$1/g' | uniq%0a%0a[[ | Here is a paste of it]] 293 wikiGroups%0a%0aYou can pipe each of those lines to wc -l to get a count of pages and wikiGroups. 1322 pages, and 293 wikiGroups.%0a%0aThink this is a good place to start with reordering the pages in the wiki. We should work on sorting through these pages and groups here before making drastic changes on the wiki. Think we should start by potting them into headings and giving them descriptions. I'll get started and poke through it as time permits, but others should join in. %0a%0aI propose using underscores to extend the format to There is no reason we couldn't add multiple of each this way, but think it'll get tedious so don't go overboard. For example, I think we should put the courses into a single group with subgroups for each of the courses. we'd have a structure like this:%0a%0a%25info%25[@%0acourse-unix100.unix101-page1%0acourse-unix100.unix102-page1%0a...%0acourse-perl100.perl101-page1%0acourse-perl100.perl102-page2%0a...%0a@]%0a%0a%25note%25NOTE: I found that ''underscores'' between group and page levels didn't work - they were being removed. Using Hyphen seems to works. I also enabled draft mode which adds a special -draft flag to the end of the page name so keep this in mind. Probably shouldn't use -draft at the end of any page name.%0a%0a%25info%25There are other naming conventions in use I've seen in some cookbooks. For example the [[ | PowerTools cookbook]] uses a convention of I'm not sure this is the right cookbook for us just providing info on it.%0a%0a!! Text Colour scheme%0a%0aI propose the following defines for line colouring this list as we work%0a%0a%25green%25No changes%0a%0a%25red%25Delete Group%0a%0a%25orange%25 Rename Group %25black%25-> %25purple%25To Group%0a%0a%25blue%25 New Group%0a%0aFeel free to change the colours above, as long as you also change them below. So best to do it soon :)%0a%0a----%0a%0a%0a%0a!! IRCNOW wikiGroups%0aThe following is a list of known groups and what their purpose is within the page organization hierarchy. These will be groups we are keeping as they are%0a%0a* %25green%25wikiTips %25black%25- Documents relating to how pmwiki is being used on this site.%0a* %25green%25Civics %25black%25- Documents relating to philosophy, policy, governments, and organization of ircnow.%0a* %25green%25Debait %25black%25- These are intended to be discussions on ideas/topics. Would be best if they were in a forum type structure.%0a* %25green%25Ircnow %25black%25- Documents related to IRCNOW Services.%0a* %25green%25Openbsd %25black%25- Documents relating to installing things on openbsd%0a* %0a%0aThe following groups Should be category tags not groups%0a* irc - This should be a category tag. %0a* shell - %0a* unix101 - This should be a category, but also a page collection under Training/courses/class.
12 time=1682132264
13 author:1682132264=izzyb
14 diff:1682132264:1682051007:=32,33c32,33%0a%3c I propose using underscores to extend the format to There is no reason we couldn't add multiple of each this way, but think it'll get tedious so don't go overboard. For example, I think we should put the courses into a single group with subgroups for each of the courses. we'd have a structure like this:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> I propose using underscores to extend the format to group_subgroup.page_subpage. There is no reason we couldn't add multiple of each this way, but think it'll get tedious so don't go overboard. For example, I think we should put the courses into a single group with subgroups for each of the courses. we'd have a structure like this:%0a> %0a43,47c43%0a%3c %25note%25NOTE: I found that ''underscores'' between group and page levels didn't work - they were being removed. Using Hyphen seems to works. I also enabled draft mode which adds a special -draft flag to the end of the page name so keep this in mind. Probably shouldn't use -draft at the end of any page name.%0a%3c %0a%3c %25info%25There are other naming conventions in use I've seen in some cookbooks. For example the [[ | PowerTools cookbook]] uses a convention of I'm not sure this is the right cookbook for us just providing info on it.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Text Colour scheme%0a---%0a> NOTE: I found that ''underscores'' between group and page levels didn't work - they were being removed. Using Hyphen seems to works. I also enabled draft mode which adds a special -draft flag to the end of the page name so keep this in mind. Probably shouldn't use -draft at the end of any page name.%0a
15 host:1682132264=2001:56a:fa36:4500:407f:9f25:3788:935
16 author:1682051007=izzyb
17 diff:1682051007:1681876170:=35,36c35,36%0a%3c course-unix100.unix101-page1%0a%3c course-unix100.unix102-page1%0a---%0a> course_unix100.unix101_page1%0a> course_unix100.unix102_page1%0a38,39c38,39%0a%3c course-perl100.perl101-page1%0a%3c course-perl100.perl102-page2%0a---%0a> course_perl100.perl101_page1%0a> course_perl100.perl102_page2%0a43c43%0a%3c NOTE: I found that ''underscores'' between group and page levels didn't work - they were being removed. Using Hyphen seems to works. I also enabled draft mode which adds a special -draft flag to the end of the page name so keep this in mind. Probably shouldn't use -draft at the end of any page name.%0a---%0a> NOTE: Hmm, The above may not work. I'll play with this some more later.%0a
18 host:1682051007=2001:56a:fa36:4500:1d0f:b42b:3db6:5819
19 author:1681876170=izzyb
20 csum:1681876170=fixed command to view wiki pages
21 diff:1681876170:1681875900:=18,20c18,20%0a%3c %25commands%25ircnow$ ls /var/www/htdocs/ %0a%3c [[ | Here is a paste of it]] 1322 Pages%0a---%0a> %25commands%25ircnow$ ls /var/www/htdocs/ | perl -pe 's/(.*)\..*/$1/g'%0a> %0a> [[ | Here is a paste of it]] 1322 Pages%0a
22 host:1681876170=2001:56a:fa36:4500:7071:7a41:fb4e:a460
23 author:1681875900=izzyb
24 diff:1681875900:1681875819:=20,21c20,21%0a%3c [[ | Here is a paste of it]] 1322 Pages%0a%3c %0a---%0a> [[ | Here is a paste of it]]%0a> %0a26c26%0a%3c [[ | Here is a paste of it]] 293 wikiGroups%0a---%0a> [[ | Here is a paste of it]]%0a
25 host:1681875900=2001:56a:fa36:4500:7071:7a41:fb4e:a460
26 author:1681875819=izzyb
27 diff:1681875819:1681875741:=64,68c64,68%0a%3c * %25green%25wikiTips %25black%25- Documents relating to how pmwiki is being used on this site.%0a%3c * %25green%25Civics %25black%25- Documents relating to philosophy, policy, governments, and organization of ircnow.%0a%3c * %25green%25Debait %25black%25- These are intended to be discussions on ideas/topics. Would be best if they were in a forum type structure.%0a%3c * %25green%25Ircnow %25black%25- Documents related to IRCNOW Services.%0a%3c * %25green%25Openbsd %25black%25- Documents relating to installing things on openbsd%0a---%0a> * %25blue%25wikiTips %25black%25- Documents relating to how pmwiki is being used on this site.%0a> * %25blue%25Civics %25black%25- Documents relating to philosophy, policy, governments, and organization of ircnow.%0a> * %25blue%25Debait %25black%25- These are intended to be discussions on ideas/topics. Would be best if they were in a forum type structure.%0a> * %25blue%25Ircnow %25black%25- Documents related to IRCNOW Services.%0a> * %25blue%25Openbsd %25black%25- Documents relating to installing things on openbsd%0a
28 host:1681875819=2001:56a:fa36:4500:7071:7a41:fb4e:a460
29 author:1681875741=izzyb
30 diff:1681875741:1681870193:=36c36%0a%3c course_unix100.unix102_page1%0a---%0a> course unix100.unix102.page1%0a38,39c38,39%0a%3c course_perl100.perl101_page1%0a%3c course_perl100.perl102_page2%0a---%0a> course perl100.perl101.page1%0a> course perl100.perl102.page2%0a43,45c43%0a%3c NOTE: Hmm, The above may not work. I'll play with this some more later.%0a%3c %0a%3c I propose the following defines for line colouring this list as we work%0a---%0a> also, I propose the following defines for line colouring this list as we work%0a
31 host:1681875741=2001:56a:fa36:4500:7071:7a41:fb4e:a460
32 author:1681870193=izzyb
33 csum:1681870193=Added some color and formatting and shell commands to generate list of pages/groups
34 diff:1681870193:1681848827:=1,7d0%0a%3c %25define=note block bgcolor=lightblue color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%3c %25define=info block bgcolor=lightgrey color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%3c %25define=warn block bgcolor=yellow color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%3c %25define=alert block bgcolor=lightpink color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%3c %25define=commands block bgcolor=black color=white margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%3c %25define=config block bgcolor=darkgrey color=white margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a%3c %25define=example block bgcolor=lightgrey color=black margin-right=5em margin-left=5em padding=1em overflow=auto %25%0a9d1%0a%3c %0a12,58d3%0a%3c !! Getting names of groups and pages.%0a%3c %0a%3c pmWiki has a very simple naming convention for its pages. Its just a bunch of files in the form '''>'''. %0a%3c %0a%3c I generated a list of all the wiki pages from the ircnow pmwiki using this shell command:%0a%3c %0a%3c %25commands%25ircnow$ ls /var/www/htdocs/ | perl -pe 's/(.*)\..*/$1/g'%0a%3c %0a%3c [[ | Here is a paste of it]]%0a%3c %0a%3c You can filter out the wikiGroups by piping it to uniq like this:%0a%3c %0a%3c %25commands%25ircnow$ ls /var/www/htdocs/ | perl -pe 's/(.*)\..*/$1/g' | uniq%0a%3c %0a%3c [[ | Here is a paste of it]]%0a%3c %0a%3c You can pipe each of those lines to wc -l to get a count of pages and wikiGroups. 1322 pages, and 293 wikiGroups.%0a%3c %0a%3c Think this is a good place to start with reordering the pages in the wiki. We should work on sorting through these pages and groups here before making drastic changes on the wiki. Think we should start by potting them into headings and giving them descriptions. I'll get started and poke through it as time permits, but others should join in. %0a%3c %0a%3c I propose using underscores to extend the format to group_subgroup.page_subpage. There is no reason we couldn't add multiple of each this way, but think it'll get tedious so don't go overboard. For example, I think we should put the courses into a single group with subgroups for each of the courses. we'd have a structure like this:%0a%3c %0a%3c %25info%25[@%0a%3c course_unix100.unix101_page1%0a%3c course unix100.unix102.page1%0a%3c ...%0a%3c course perl100.perl101.page1%0a%3c course perl100.perl102.page2%0a%3c ...%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c also, I propose the following defines for line colouring this list as we work%0a%3c %0a%3c %25green%25No changes%0a%3c %0a%3c %25red%25Delete Group%0a%3c %0a%3c %25orange%25 Rename Group %25black%25-> %25purple%25To Group%0a%3c %0a%3c %25blue%25 New Group%0a%3c %0a%3c Feel free to change the colours above, as long as you also change them below. So best to do it soon :)%0a%3c %0a%3c ----%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a60,67c5,10%0a%3c The following is a list of known groups and what their purpose is within the page organization hierarchy. These will be groups we are keeping as they are%0a%3c %0a%3c * %25blue%25wikiTips %25black%25- Documents relating to how pmwiki is being used on this site.%0a%3c * %25blue%25Civics %25black%25- Documents relating to philosophy, policy, governments, and organization of ircnow.%0a%3c * %25blue%25Debait %25black%25- These are intended to be discussions on ideas/topics. Would be best if they were in a forum type structure.%0a%3c * %25blue%25Ircnow %25black%25- Documents related to IRCNOW Services.%0a%3c * %25blue%25Openbsd %25black%25- Documents relating to installing things on openbsd%0a%3c * %0a---%0a> The following is a list of known groups and what their purpose is within the page organization hierarchy. %0a> %0a> * wikiTips - Documents relating to how pmwiki is being used on this site.%0a> * Civics - Documents relating to philosophy, policy, governments, and organization of ircnow.%0a> * Debait - These are intended to be discussions on ideas/topics. Would be best if they were in a forum type structure. %0a> * Openbsd - Documents relating to installing things on openbsd%0a
35 host:1681870193=2001:56a:fa36:4500:7071:7a41:fb4e:a460
36 author:1681848827=izzyb
37 csum:1681848827=Initial work in progress
38 diff:1681848827:1681848827:=1,15d0%0a%3c !! Summary%0a%3c This page contains information about wikigroups in use on ircnow wiki. The wikigroup is the portion before the / or period in a wiki link. This document is in the WikiTips wikigroup. In addition to wikiGroups, pages can belong to one or more categories.%0a%3c %0a%3c !! IRCNOW wikiGroups%0a%3c The following is a list of known groups and what their purpose is within the page organization hierarchy. %0a%3c %0a%3c * wikiTips - Documents relating to how pmwiki is being used on this site.%0a%3c * Civics - Documents relating to philosophy, policy, governments, and organization of ircnow.%0a%3c * Debait - These are intended to be discussions on ideas/topics. Would be best if they were in a forum type structure. %0a%3c * Openbsd - Documents relating to installing things on openbsd%0a%3c %0a%3c The following groups Should be category tags not groups%0a%3c * irc - This should be a category tag. %0a%3c * shell - %0a%3c * unix101 - This should be a category, but also a page collection under Training/courses/class. %0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
39 host:1681848827=