Commit Diff

commit - 25404561744b2620ad0b24b6623825b6e43e2220
commit + 0fb1b9e96dbaef8d54f098996dc48630a2c04a13
blob - 4d89ae73181f7d421a08571ad1001ba1c01aa214
blob + f3c72dd4aeb0ded9107a7e45a3ae2865181a1f8b
--- botnow
+++ botnow
@@ -112,26 +112,32 @@ foreach my $mod (@modules) {
-my @bots;
+# Globals used from IRCNOW::IO::IRC;
+# XXX These need to become an object in IRCNOW::IO::IRC instead of globals
+my @bots = @IRCNOW::IO::IRC::bots;
+my $call = $IRCNOW::IO::IRC::call;
+my $localnet = $conf{localnet};
+$IRCNOW::IO::IRC::localnet = $localnet;
+my $staff = $conf{staff};
+$IRCNOW::IO::IRC::stafflist = [ split(/ /,$staff) ];
+$IRCNOW::IO::verbosity = $conf{verbose};
+my $verbosity = $conf{verbose};
 my @chans = split /[,\s]+/m, $conf{chans};
 my @teamchans;
 if (defined($conf{teamchans})) { @teamchans = split /[,\s]+/m, $conf{teamchans}; }
-my $call = $IRCNOW::IO::IRC::call;
 my $nick = $conf{nick};
 my $host = $conf{host};
 my $port = $conf{port};
 my $pass = $conf{pass};
-my $localnet = $conf{localnet};
-my $staff = $conf{staff};
-my @stafflist = split(/ /,$staff);
 my $expires = $conf{expires};
-our $verbosity = $conf{verbose};
 unveil("./", "r") or die "Unable to unveil $!";
 unveil("$confpath", "r") or die "Unable to unveil $!";