Commit Diff

commit - 78f398b415bd80084f52ea65a42a5939a6a21170
commit + bbe7450f1c3f51b4af333596228a3a4ea5d90615
blob - /dev/null
blob + 50b15d5c122b018822238980174cb26b842846e8 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ wiki.d/9.Authsrv,del-1702890704
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
+agent=NetSurf/3.11 (Plan9)
+text=wip.%0aTauth → factotum → auth_proxy?
+diff:1641358750:1641358750:=1,2d0%0a%3c wip.%0a%3c Tauth → factotum → auth_proxy?%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
blob - /dev/null
blob + 711b43a212ae3db3948d2b7b7edc9fe70e7a2927 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ wiki.d/Bouncer.Icechat,del-1702890586
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
+agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; OpenBSD amd64; rv:76.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0
+text=(:title Connecting with IceChat:)%0a%0a[[|IceChat]] v9 is an open-source IRC client for Windows.%0a%0a# At the bottom-left corner, click @@Add@@.%0a# Fill in the details:\\%0aAttach:icechat-newserverssl.png%0a  # @@Server@@: your bouncer server address (it should look like  # @@Display name@@: @@network-bnc@@, where network is the network you want to connect to. For example, if you want to connect to @@ircnow@@, fill in @@ircnow-bnc@@%0a  # @@Server Port@@: 31337%0a  # @@Nick@@: the bouncer username you registered%0a  # Check @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@%0a  # @@Server password@@: @@username/network:password@@. For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.\\%0a'''NOTE''': Some users report issues connecting with SSL. To connect without SSL, set @@Server port@@ to 1337 and uncheck @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@.\\%0aAttach:icechat-newservernossl.png%0a# Click on the @@Extra Settings@@ tab. Check @@Connect on startup@@.\\%0aAttach:icechat-settings.png%0a# If you see a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type @@/znc connect@@ -- wait a few minutes to connect. 
+title=Connecting with IceChat
+diff:1597644432:1597643715:=3,4d2%0a%3c [[|IceChat]] v9 is an open-source IRC client for Windows.%0a%3c %0a17,18c15%0a%3c Attach:icechat-settings.png%0a%3c # If you see a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type @@/znc connect@@ -- wait a few minutes to connect. %0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> Attach:icechat-settings.png%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
+diff:1597643715:1597391770:=3,11c3,5%0a%3c # At the bottom-left corner, click @@Add@@.%0a%3c # Fill in the details:\\%0a%3c Attach:icechat-newserverssl.png%0a%3c   # @@Server@@: your bouncer server address (it should look like   # @@Display name@@: @@network-bnc@@, where network is the network you want to connect to. For example, if you want to connect to @@ircnow@@, fill in @@ircnow-bnc@@%0a%3c   # @@Server Port@@: 31337%0a%3c   # @@Nick@@: the bouncer username you registered%0a%3c   # Check @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@%0a%3c   # @@Server password@@: @@username/network:password@@. For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.\\%0a---%0a> # At the bottom-left corner, click on @@Add@@.%0a> # For @@Server@@, fill in your bouncer server. It should look like For @@Display name@@, put in network-bnc, where network is the network you want to connect to. For @@Server Port@@, fill in 31337. For @@Nick@@, fill in the bouncer username you registered. Check @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@. For @@Server password@@, fill in @@username/network:password@@. For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.\\%0a> Attach:icechat-newserverssl.png\\%0a
+diff:1597391770:1597391750:=4c4%0a%3c # For @@Server@@, fill in your bouncer server. It should look like For @@Display name@@, put in network-bnc, where network is the network you want to connect to. For @@Server Port@@, fill in 31337. For @@Nick@@, fill in the bouncer username you registered. Check @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@. For @@Server password@@, fill in @@username/network:password@@. For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.\\%0a---%0a> # For @@Server@@, fill in your bouncer server. It should look like For @@Display name@@, put in network-bnc, where network is the network you want to connect to. For @@Server Port@@, fill in 31337. For @@Nick@@, fill in the bouncer username you registered. Check @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@. For @@Server password@@, fill in @@username/network:password@@. For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.\\%0a
+diff:1597391750:1597391673:=4c4%0a%3c # For @@Server@@, fill in your bouncer server. It should look like For @@Display name@@, put in network-bnc, where network is the network you want to connect to. For @@Server Port@@, fill in 31337. For @@Nick@@, fill in the bouncer username you registered. Check @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@. For @@Server password@@, fill in @@username/network:password@@. For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.\\%0a---%0a> # For @@Server@@, fill in your bouncer server. It should look like For @@Display name@@, put in network-bnc, where network is the network you want to connect to. For @@Server Port@@, fill in 31337. For @@Nick@@, fill in the bouncer username you registered. Check @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@. For @@Server password@@, fill in username/network:password. For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.\\%0a
+diff:1597391673:1597391665:=7c7%0a%3c Attach:icechat-newservernossl.png%0a---%0a> Attach:icechat-newservernossl.png\\%0a
+diff:1597391665:1597391665:=1,9d0%0a%3c (:title Connecting with IceChat:)%0a%3c %0a%3c # At the bottom-left corner, click on @@Add@@.%0a%3c # For @@Server@@, fill in your bouncer server. It should look like For @@Display name@@, put in network-bnc, where network is the network you want to connect to. For @@Server Port@@, fill in 31337. For @@Nick@@, fill in the bouncer username you registered. Check @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@. For @@Server password@@, fill in username/network:password. For example, if your username is @@john@@, the network you want to connect to is @@ircnow@@, and your password is @@abcde12345@@, fill in @@john/ircnow:abcde12345@@.\\%0a%3c Attach:icechat-newserverssl.png\\%0a%3c '''NOTE''': Some users report issues connecting with SSL. To connect without SSL, set @@Server port@@ to 1337 and uncheck @@Connect with SSL/TLS@@.\\%0a%3c Attach:icechat-newservernossl.png\\%0a%3c # Click on the @@Extra Settings@@ tab. Check @@Connect on startup@@.\\%0a%3c Attach:icechat-settings.png%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a