commit 79a917f954bef8089967786bd3597a6e5ff5c336 from: Alexander Barton date: Sun May 03 01:15:38 2020 UTC Set the "last data" time to "last ping" time when updating the latter This is required because the PING can be received quite a bit earlier than it is actually handled, for example during "server burst" or other heavy operations: So the times won't match and PING-PONG logic would become garbled, because we test for "last ping > last data" to determine if a PING already was sent or not. commit - 42e8654d7b04197eb90ce1ccd8a055ffb6309c3d commit + 79a917f954bef8089967786bd3597a6e5ff5c336 blob - 72d38b8621ff559c9c93903989e7c091b018be79 blob + 4a2d32d6a70bcb270981da9b671acc99c6630df3 --- src/ngircd/conn-func.c +++ src/ngircd/conn-func.c @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ GLOBAL void Conn_UpdatePing(CONN_ID Idx) { assert(Idx > NONE); - My_Connections[Idx].lastping = time(NULL); + My_Connections[Idx].lastping = My_Connections[Idx].lastdata = time(NULL); } /*