commit b71a0ddbd570f5163ede198d635c3b03abd3e27e from: Tom Ryder date: Fri Jun 26 04:21:54 2015 UTC Specify session context for OpenSSL clients Reconnecting to ngIRCd 22.1 built with OpenSSL with some OpenSSL clients, including Pidgin and stunnel 5.06, attempts to reuse a session and fails due to the absence of this line. The error message in syslog from ngIRCd is: > SSL protocol error: SSL_accept (error:140D9115:SSL > routines:SSL_GET_PREV_SESSION:session id context uninitialized) This patch appears to fix the problem for both Pidgin and stunnel; it may work for other OpenSSL clients that attempt to re-use sessions. * * * commit - f6b7764eb5d85692c9242d2d20cb53f091083139 commit + b71a0ddbd570f5163ede198d635c3b03abd3e27e blob - c9bbdd2497ee3f7f9742415ab5888fad4b1c7186 blob + be6ee0a8f9490be9dd5a15976d483ab0d9a850d0 --- src/ngircd/conn-ssl.c +++ src/ngircd/conn-ssl.c @@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ ConnSSL_InitLibrary( void ) goto out; } + SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(newctx, (unsigned char *)"ngircd", 6); SSL_CTX_set_options(newctx, SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE|SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2); SSL_CTX_set_mode(newctx, SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE); SSL_CTX_set_verify(newctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER|SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE,