commit cafb5cc156a88210bf711220dc275ae3663aaf0e from: jrmu date: Sat Apr 15 04:00:25 2023 UTC Daily backup commit - e02cdac7b78f379538e25926bb53e8dbb6bd1f3d commit + cafb5cc156a88210bf711220dc275ae3663aaf0e blob - 226ef133c71927a08cdabe9c36c271ed848875b4 blob + ca6a1d39b6e405894d65583f559093a22bad3545 --- wiki.d/.pageindex +++ wiki.d/.pageindex @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +PmWiki.SecurityVariables:1681531028: PmWiki.SecurityVariables PmWiki.PasswordsAdmin PmWiki.AuthUser PmWiki.Functions PmWiki.AvailableActions Cookbook.FailedLoginFunction PmWiki.EditVariables PmWiki.UploadVariables PmWiki.Security PmWiki.PagelistVariables : enablepostattrclearsession settingsitewidepasswords multifactorauthfunction enablerobotcloakactions enablesessionpasswords enablepagelistprotect authldapbindpassword enablecookiehttponly enabledirectdownload failedloginsfunction failedloginfunction denyhtaccesscontent enablecookiesecure enablepublishattr setcookiefunction enablepagevarauth securityvariables authldapreferrals 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decoding existing encoding returned cookbook disabled disallow entering required requests identity contains getting ini_set encoded recipes regular headers mozilla strings further instead example usually perform reverse history binding whether follows editing reached defined refused browser summary without special allowed forgets entered changed created crucial nopass should pmwiki config custom longer editor server apache values switch causes groups robots reduce recent accept these loads lines which using level pages leave check order unset shown below https above given saved older never array under sites files still httpd links known agent cache false empty print this name view have docs keys html when diff time feed from will your flag side they true adds that read zero also past even send sets work core null near part note both made need same want rss web are can via any see was php may new run of by 22 23 24 dc 1 0 PmWiki.Images:1632736037: PmWiki.DocumentationIndex PmWiki.Links 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definitionlists basicvariables horizontalline wikistylesplus escapesequence administrators neutralisation changesummary automatically installations strikethrough bulletedlists editvariables preformatted markuptricks definitional apostrophes interpreted complicated information indentation currenttime parentheses exclamation proposition backslashes significant capitalized enablewspre wikisandbox references boundaries underscore unindented subsequent liststyles attributes terminated linebreaks neutralise experiment considered dispatched generating explicitly structures authorlink especially pagelists markupend beginning conceived sequences available asterisks preceding dedicated increases displayed arbitrary multiline monospace recognize inclusion continent indention strikeout mechanism optimized following currently including wikiwords indicated numbering specifies addresses otherwise enclosing cookbook provides inverted modified emphasis aligning starting combined patterns comments advanced previous complete continue headings multiple spanning behavior brackets optional anything possible pmichaud together trailing powerful centered elements floating toaster another version cooking placing example leading feature newline whether between restart numbers prepare include honored already escaped columns aligned neither replace defined authors control strings process message enables styling details enclose usually tripled italics doubled produce triples treated subitem several doubles created phrases targets anchors becomes precede needing without options enabled smaller filling fathers hyphens markups applied liberty hanging indents hidden pmwiki causes should except rframe please adding within lining tables beta41 forced engine search formed joined gopher nation border spaces quotes begins aligns simply normal single remote mailto around colons placed ending margin images deeper blocks middle strong config second insert delete larger arrows cannot across useful 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regexes suppose strings anchors handled setting getting looking whereas comment authors removed several editing whether details ongoing treated writing because between bracket without hosting parsing simpler recipes creates careful headers further footers prevent content returns started various require restart pmwiki inline strong before manner second unique wanted itself called should unlike phases needed always format causes latter longer latest answer output double simply result inside passed number reason recent deeper common chosen fourth module manual delete having either _blank target google engine making forced marked easier syntax _begin select during static links pages mykey slash steps along would using cases skins above green wants multi could block right those below after needs fixed php55 still class false about first short terms which being again there stuff third style means newer found since angle might split print value later allow pairs given point array built calls 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additional including audiences effective describes documents arbitrary something obstacles featurism structure authoring reasoning uploading upgrading utilities protected configure operation response contents features anything creeping maintain settings original material security requires avoiding existing specific elements browsers although presence authored password sections provides creation steroids required designed readers reasons upgrade writing attempt biggest replace follows engines complex support obvious version footers quickly clearer windows example headers someone because without finally general running created usually copying another nothtml summary linking written express authors welcome issues groups easier listed around server should speedy formed places source active sheets change pretty couple easily having allows better inside public update became losing people enough poorly admins system useful rather limits behind simple making intent stores matter latest resist 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directly resource keywords programs answered possible mailman focuses traffic created options address through request sending various subject finally helpful threads mailbox disable receive replies version logging because summary account several slipped digest google around pmwiki people recipe bottom button remind filter should remove urgent volume highly please before change single member french stands wonder server obtain action mailto method domain german either submit again match reply gmane users https email month about first great where field enter after those later might could there their doesn based input lista lower value week line from take also just html page mode soon post them this core such code 2012 text many lost your 2016 some feel will left comp nntp edit next body with back that both tips need down get via www may are php web can uri who don ask let way was two off if by 04 40 PmWiki.PagelistVariables:1632736037: PmWiki.PagelistVariables 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versions cookbook included fullname required excluded searched disables includes displays defaults controls ordering location writable indexing listing declare example section earlier removed caching workdir prevent summary reasons numbers general sorting compare strings browser checked because setting natural natsort action global points causes pmwiki became unless delete simple target create always itself exists format values relied github strval readme speeds appear sorted empty unset which where needs array html5 html4 valid https first found field write terms print latin sorts match setup until means also well used with same will when look have this from zero that does were text your skin must like keep word note kept how and raw xyz 116 any sdv 115 php see net has 13 by of 2 0 PmWiki.Upgrades:1632736037: PmWiki.PmWiki PmWiki.UpgradingFromPmWiki1 PmWiki.ReleaseNotes PmWiki.BackupAndRestore PmWiki.Download PmWiki.SiteAnalyzer PmWiki.LocalCustomizations PmWiki.Troubleshooting Site.Site SiteAdmin.SiteAdmin PmWiki.BasicVariables PmWiki.WikiWords PmWiki.EditVariables PmWiki.Links PmWiki.PageLists PmWiki.SkinTemplates PmWiki.AuthUser PmWiki.Upgrades PmWiki.ChangeLog PmWiki.PageVariables Site.PageActions Site.EditForm Site.PageNotFound PmWiki.LayoutVariables PmWiki.Version : enablerelativepagevars upgradingfrompmwiki1 localcustomizations specialreferences backupandrestore troubleshooting enablewikiwords layoutvariables basicvariables grouppagecount groupfooterfmt groupheaderfmt customisations administrators siteadmingroup authentication skintemplates linkwikiwords editvariables international pagevariables configuration automatically instructions releasenotes siteanalyzer environments approvedurls installation modification pagenotfound yourskinname include_once wikilibdirs pageactions established interactive overwriting replacement recommended rospatterns preparation significant fmtpagename comfortable especially commentout explicitly parameters simplified 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running handled accepts should number v21v22 stable recent option xlpage before latest longer revert refers relies switch needed wishes simply nopass either course passed inside appear always spaces commas f7f7f7 entire border please called copies around unless these where wikis above prior alias areas about loads links array their using tasks files there those since while knows sites could which black solid skins check other image point seems enter just that uses must okay them v220 what make have such good idea some will main ones they done work used when like more safe well this beta made xvzf easy most data tips base path want were lets any php txt etc was may new set 1px 5px old utf how faq pub css bin mac has but dpr rpv by cp my 10 27 35 8 4 PmWiki.UrlApprovals:1632736037: Category.Spam SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls PmWiki.IncludeOtherPages Site.AllRecentChanges PmWiki.LinkVariables PmWiki.Blocklist PmWiki.Security : unapprovedlinkcountmax approvedurlpagesfmt unapprovedlinkfmt includeotherpages allrecentchanges whiteurlpatterns administrators configuration automatically linkvariables occasionally approvesites approvedurls include_once urlapprovals permissions appropriate disapproval transcluded previewing urlapprove othergroup authorized preventing discourage googleblog urllinkfmt othername customize displayed siteadmin australia following mechanism including technical activated requiring whiteurls whitelist sometimes blocklist multiples separator attribute described external exceeded password requires handling sidebars apprlink whatever directly included existing limiting sections pagelist original normally spammers browsers probably nofollow linktext followed modified blogspot blocking postings security securing spamming category explains rankings displays internet allowing vertical because default current scripts initial engines example release without authors message defined comment creates created zealand content address setting editing general pageurl linkurl footers headers allowed tooltip totally usefull feature xes_url summary improve against purpose already number forbid search pmwiki beta20 hovers always combat please action adding cursor needed enable before should become reason linked hidden supply cannot links think local order class their which title about click saved large array needs write these works lists added farmd where visit setup after notes green using files based place first your href only were that must also http rare show them when want this omit blue like 2005 long html tips line help hide been they from wish will have code case next see php via try jan may has uuu won end say new org 30 by 01 nz