# IRCNOW lib
* 1. [Logger](#Logger)
* 1.1. [Formating the logger](#Formatingthelogger)
* 1.2. [SUGAR vs JSON](#SUGARvsJSON)
* 1.3. [Loggin Verbosity](#LogginVerbosity)
## 1. <a name='Logger'></a>Logger
Example usage:
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib qw(./lib);
use IRCNOW::Logger;
my $logger = new IRCNOW::Logger(IRCNOW::Logger->INFO, IRCNOW::Logger->SUGAR);
#my $logger = new IRCNOW::Logger(IRCNOW::Logger->DEBUG, IRCNOW::Logger->SUGAR);
#my $logger = new Logger(IRCNOW::Logger->DEBUG, Logger->SUGAR, ":loglevel :timestamp :msg");
#my $logger = new Logger(IRCNOW::Logger->DEBUG, Logger->SUGAR, ":loglevel :invalid :timestamp :msg");
#my $logger = new Logger(IRCNOW::Logger->DEBUG, Logger->SUGAR, ":timestamp [:loglevel%2] :package%8 :file%10 :msg");
# output:
# 2023-07-02 19:22:03 [DEBUG] main test.pl:12 debug
# 2023-07-02 19:22:03 [INFO ] main test.pl:13 info
# 2023-07-02 19:22:03 [WARN ] main test.pl:14 warn
# 2023-07-02 19:22:03 [ERROR] main test.pl:15 error
Arguments are: `verbosity, printType, format`.
### 1.1. <a name='Formatingthelogger'></a>Formating the logger
Logger has these fields:
* timestamp
* loglevel
* package
* file
* fileline (file with line number)
* line
* msg
Prepend the field with a `:` and postfix the field with a `%` followed by a number. Add spaces in between.
`:timestamp [:loglevel%5] :package%8 :fileline%10 :msg`
Note: If your field value is longer than the specified length, it will print out the full value.
Format: `:timestamp [:loglevel%2] :package%8 :fileline%10 :msg`
2023-07-02 19:21:54 [DEBUG] main test.pl debug
2023-07-02 19:21:54 [INFO] main test.pl info
2023-07-02 19:21:54 [WARN] main test.pl warn
2023-07-02 19:21:54 [ERROR] main test.pl error
### 1.2. <a name='SUGARvsJSON'></a>SUGAR vs JSON
There are two options to print logs:
* sugar
JSON logging is meant for being picked up by services such as grafana or the elk stack.
Sugar logging is meant for human readable output to stdout.
Example of JSON:
{ "level": "DEBUG", "msg": "debug", "package": "main", "file": "test.pl:12" }
{ "level": "INFO", "msg": "info", "package": "main", "file": "test.pl:13" }
{ "level": "WARN", "msg": "warn", "package": "main", "file": "test.pl:14" }
{ "level": "ERROR", "msg": "error", "package": "main", "file": "test.pl:15" }
Example of Sugar:
2023-07-02 19:22:03 [DEBUG] main test.pl:12 debug
2023-07-02 19:22:03 [INFO ] main test.pl:13 info
2023-07-02 19:22:03 [WARN ] main test.pl:14 warn
2023-07-02 19:22:03 [ERROR] main test.pl:15 error
### 1.3. <a name='LogginVerbosity'></a>Logging Verbosity
There are verbosity levels:
* ERROR (backwards compatible)
* WARN (backwards compatible)
Each level is in order such that if the `INFO` level was chosen, you would see logs for `ERROR`, `WARN`, and `INFO`